772 research outputs found

    Beschäftigungs- und Lohnperspektiven nach einer Berufslehre

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    Eine Berufslehre erleichtert den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt. Wir analysieren, ob der sich daraus ergebende kurzfristige Vorteil auch im weiteren Lebenslauf erhalten bleibt. Eine Lehre bereitet Jugendliche gut auf den Beginn ihres Berufslaufbahn vor. Doch vor dem 20 Altersjahr erworbene, mit einem bestimmten Beruf verbundene Kompetenzen können sich bei einem 45jährigen als obsolet erweisen. Wir vergleichen deshalb die Entwicklung der Erwerbsbeteilung und der Löhne nach einer Berufslehre mit derjenigen nach einer Matura. Unsere Ergebnisse beruhen auf der Schweizerischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung 1991-2014 und zeigen, dass Personen mit einer Berufslehre nicht vom technologischen Wandel überrollt werden. In allen Altersgruppen sind die Arbeitslosenquote und der Anteil der Nichterwerbstätigen unter den Personen mit einem Lehrabschluss niedrig. Weniger rosig sieht die Bilanz jedoch bei den Löhnen aus. Zwar erleichtert eine Lehre den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt, aber eine Matura führt zu einem deutlich stärkeren Lohnanstieg im Lauf des Erwerbskarriere. Vom 30. Altersjahr an verdienen Beschäftigte, die nur über eine Matura - und somit über keine tertiäre Ausbildung - verfügen, höhere Jahreslöhne als diejenigen, welche eine Berufslehre absolviert haben. Dieser Lohnvorteil für die Maturität zeigt sich besonders stark bei Frauen

    Quelles perspectives d'emploi et de salaire après un apprentissage

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    Nous analysons si les avantages d'un apprentissage à court terme, dus à une bonne intégration dans le marché du travail, se maintiennent au long du parcours de vie. Un apprentissage prépare bien les jeunes pour le début de leur carrière. Cependant, les compétences liées à un métier spécifique, apprises avant l'âge de 20 ans, peuvent se révéler obsolètes à l'âge de 45 ans. Nous comparons ainsi l'évolution de l'emploi et des salaires pour un apprentissage avec celle pour une maturité. Nos résultats se basent sur l'Enquête suisse sur la population active 1991-2014 et montrent que les travailleurs au bénéfice d'un apprentissage ne sont pas pris de vitesse par le changement technologique. Pour tous les âges, les taux de chômage et d'inactivité sont bas parmi les personnes avec un apprentissage - et leur taux d'emploi reste élevé au-delà de l'âge de 50 ans. Le bilan est toutefois moins rose au niveau des salaires. Si un apprentissage facilite le départ sur le marché du travail, une maturité donne lieu à une progression salariale au long du parcours de vie nettement supérieure. A partir de l'âge de 30 ans, les travailleurs n'ayant qu'une maturité - et donc pas de formation tertiaire - gagnent des salaires annuels plus élevés que ceux ayant effectué un apprentissage. L'avantage salarial en faveur de la maturité est particulièrement marqué pour les femmes

    Extreme N-emitters at high-redshift: signatures of supermassive stars and globular cluster or black hole formation in action?

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    [Abridged] Using the JWST/NIRSpec observations from CEERS we found an extreme N-emitter, CEERS-1019 at z=8.6782 showing intense NIV and NIII emission. From the observed rest-UV and optical lines we conclude that it is compatible with photoionization from stars and we determine accurate abundances for C, N, O, and Ne, relative to H, finding a highly supersolar ratio log(N/O) = -0.18+/-0.11, and normal log(C/O) = -0.75+/-0.11 and log(Ne/O) = -0.63+/-0.07, for its low metallicity, 12+log(O/H)= 7.70+/-0.18. We also analyze other N-emitters from the literature. All show strongly enhanced N/O ratios and two of them normal C/O. Massive star ejecta from WR stars are needed to explain the galaxies with enhanced C/O (Lynx arc and Mrk 996). On the other hand, supermassive stars (>1000 Msun, SMS) in the ``conveyer-belt model'' put forward to explain globular clusters (GCs), predict a high N/O and small changes in C/O, compatible with CEERS-1019, the Sunburst cluster, SMACS2031, and GN-z11. Based on the chemical abundances, possible enrichment scenarios, compactness, and high ISM density, we suggest that CEERS-1019, SMACS2031, and the Sunburst cluster could contain proto-GCs. Finally, we propose that some N-emitters enriched by SMS could also have formed intermediate-mass black holes, and we suggest that this might be the case for GN-z11. Our observations and analysis reinforce the suggested link between some N-emitters and proto-GC formation, which is supported both by empirical evidence and quantitative models. Furthermore, the observations provide possible evidence for the presence of supermassive stars in the early Universe (z>8) and at z~2-3. Our analysis also suggests that the origin and nature of the N-emitters is diverse, including also objects like GN-z11 which possibly host an AGN.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 19 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    HIV Types, Groups, Subtypes and Recombinant Forms: Errors in Replication, Selection Pressure and Quasispecies

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    HIV-1 is a chimpanzee virus which was transmitted to humans by several zoonotic events resulting in infection with HIV-1 groups M P, and in parallel transmission events from sooty mangabey monkey viruses leading to infections with HIV-2 groups A H. Both viruses have circulated in the human population for about 80 years. In the infected patient, HIV mutates, and by elimination of some of the viruses by the action of the immune system individual quasispecies are formed. Along with the selection of the fittest viruses, mutation and recombination after superinfection with HIV from different groups or subtypes have resulted in the diversity of their patterns of geographic distribution. Despite the high variability observed, some essential parts of the HIV genome are highly conserved. Viral diversity is further facilitated in some parts of the HIV genome by drug selection pressure and may also be enhanced by different genetic factors, including HLA in patients from different regions of the world. Viral and human genetic factors influence pathogenesis. Viral genetic factors are proteins such as Tat, Vif and Rev. Human genetic factors associated with a better clinical outcome are proteins such as APOBEC, langerin, tetherin and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and HLA B27, B57, DRB1{*}1303, KIR and PARD3B. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Selection at a single locus leads to widespread expansion of toxoplasma gondii lineages that are virulent in mice

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    The determinants of virulence are rarely defined for eukaryotic parasites such as T. gondii, a widespread parasite of mammals that also infects humans, sometimes with serious consequences. Recent laboratory studies have established that variation in a single secreted protein, a serine/threonine kinase known as ROPO18, controls whether or not mice survive infection. Here, we establish the extent and nature of variation in ROP18among a collection of parasite strains from geographically diverse regions. Compared to other genes, ROP18 showed extremely high levels of diversification and changes in expression level, which correlated with severity of infection in mice. Comparison with an out-group demonstrated that changes in the upstream region that regulates expression of ROP18 led to an historical increase in the expression and exposed the protein to diversifying selective pressure. Surprisingly, only three atypically distinct protein variants exist despite marked genetic divergence elsewhere in the genome. These three forms of ROP18 are likely adaptations for different niches in nature, and they confer markedly different virulence to mice. The widespread distribution of a single mouse-virulent allele among geographically and genetically disparate parasites may have consequences for transmission and disease in other hosts, including humans

    Effect of Fermentation on the Protein Digestibility and Levels of Non-Nutritive Compounds of Pea Protein Concentrate

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    Radi utvrđivanja utjecaja fermentacije na kakvoću proteina u koncentratu proteina graška ispitani su sljedeći parametri: udjel ukupnih fenola i tanina, aktivnost inhibitora proteaze, sastav aminokiselina i probavljivost proteina in vitro nakon 11 sati fermentacije s pomoću bakterije Lactobacillus plantarum. Maseni se udjel fenola u koncentratu proteina graška, izražen kao ekvivalent katehina, povećao na bazi suhe tvari s 2,5 pri 0 h na 4,9 mg/g nakon 11 sati fermentacije. Udjel tanina se povećao s 0,14 pri 0 h na maksimalnih 0,96 mg/g koncentrata nakon 5 h fermentacije, a zatim se smanjio na 0,79 mg/g nakon 11 h fermentacije. Nakon 9 h fermentacije smanjila se aktivnost inhibitora tripsina, međutim, pri svim ostalim vremenima fermentacije dobivene su vrijednosti slične onima pri 0 h. Aktivnost se inhibitora kimotripsina smanjila s 3,7 na 1,1 jedinicu inhibicije kimotripsina po mg nakon 11 sati fermentacije. Probavljivost je proteina dosegla maksimalnu vrijednost od 87,4 % nakon 5 sati fermentacije, međutim vrijednost aminokiselina koje sadržavaju sumpor smanjila se s 0,84 pri 0 h na 0,66 nakon 11 h fermentacije. Smanjenjem udjela sumpora promijenila se vrijednost aminokiselina korigirana probavljivošću proteina in vitro s 67,0 pri 0 h na 54,6 % nakon 11 h fermentacije. Dobiveni podaci potvrđuju da je, iako je fermentacija valjana metoda za smanjenje udjela nekih nenutritivnih sastojaka u koncentratu proteina graška, potrebno odabrati odgovarajuće bakterije koje nemaju izraženu sposobnost razgradnje aminokiselina što sadržavaju sumpor.In order to determine the impact of fermentation on protein quality, pea protein concentrate (PPC) was fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum for 11 h and total phenol and tannin contents, protease inhibitor activity, amino acid composition and in vitro protein digestibility were analyzed. Phenol levels, expressed as catechin equivalents (CE), increased on dry mass basis from 2.5 at 0 h to 4.9 mg CE per 1 g of PPC at 11 h. Tannin content rose from 0.14 at 0 h to a maximum of 0.96 mg CE per 1 g of PPC after 5 h, and thereafter declined to 0.79 mg/g after 11 h. After 9 h of fermentation trypsin inhibitor activity decreased, however, at all other fermentation times similar levels to the PPC at time 0 h were produced. Chymotrypsin inhibitor activity decreased from 3.7 to 1.1 chymotrypsin inhibitory units (CIU) per mg following 11 h of fermentation. Protein digestibility reached a maximum (87.4 %) after 5 h of fermentation, however, the sulfur amino acid score was reduced from 0.84 at 0 h to 0.66 at 11 h. This reduction in sulfur content altered the in vitro protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score from 67.0 % at 0 h to 54.6 % at 11 h. These data suggest that while fermentation is a viable method of reducing certain non-nutritive compounds in pea protein concentrate, selection of an alternative bacterium which metabolises sulfur amino acids to a lesser extent than L. plantarum should be considered

    Phylodynamics of HIV-1 from a Phase-III AIDS Vaccine Trial in North America

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    In 2003, a phase III placebo-controlled trial (VAX004) of a candidate HIV-1 vaccine (AIDSVAX B/B) was completed in 5,403 volunteers at high risk for HIV-1 infection from North America and the Netherlands. A total of 368 individuals became infected with HIV-1 during the trial. The envelope glycoprotein gene (gp120) from the HIV-1 subtype B viruses infecting 349 patients was sequenced from clinical samples taken as close as possible to the time of diagnosis, rendering a final data set of 1,047 sequences (1,032 from North America and 15 from the Netherlands). Here, we used these data in combination with other sequences available in public databases to assess HIV-1 variation as a function of vaccination treatment, geographic region, race, risk behavior, and viral load. Viral samples did not show any phylogenetic structure for any of these factors, but individuals with different viral loads showed significant differences (P = 0.009) in genetic diversity. The estimated time of emergence of HIV-1 subtype B was 1966–1970. Despite the fact that the number of AIDS cases has decreased in North America since the early 90s, HIV-1 genetic diversity seems to have remained almost constant over time. This study represents one of the largest molecular epidemiologic surveys of viruses responsible for new HIV-1 infections in North America and could help the selection of epidemiologically representative vaccine antigens to include in the next generation of candidate HIV-1 vaccines