9 research outputs found

    Synchronous Primary Adenocarcinoma and Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in the Stomach

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GİST) ve adenokanserler farklı hücre tiplerinden köken alan birbirinden farklı neoplasm tipleridir. Midede GİST ve adenokanser birlikteliği oldukça nadirdir ve literatürde sadece olgu sunumları şeklindedir. Olgumuzda 76 yaşında senkron mide tümörü olan kadın hastayı sunduk ve senkron mide tümörlerini irdelemeyi amaçladık. (The Me­di­cal Bul­le­tin of Ha­se­ki 2014; 52: 50-2

    The Effect of Infliximab on Intestinal Anastomosis Healing in Rats

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    Intestinal anastomosis healing is a complex physiological process in which many local and systemic factors play a role. One of the significant cytokines in this process is TNF-α. Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody which binds to TNF-α with high affinity. Although this agent is used in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, intestinal surgery may be required in these patients. In this study it was aimed to determine whether or not there was any negative effect of preoperative single dose infliximab treatment on intestinal anastomosis healing. Two groups of 10 rats were formed. One of these groups was administered with a single dose of infliximab 8 mg/kg as a 20-minute intravenous infusion from the femoral vein. Four days after the infusion, a full layer incision was made to the colon and anastomosis was applied to all the rats. At 7 days after anastomosis, the subjects were sacrificed. The anastomosis segment was removed and the bursting pressure was measured. Tissue samples were taken from this segment for hydroxyproline concentration and histopathological examination. A blood sample was taken to measure TNF-α values. No statistically significant difference was determined between the groups in terms of bursting pressure, tissue hydroxyproline concentration or histopathological scoring. A single dose of 8 mg/kg infliximab administered 4 days preoperatively was not found to have any negative effect on intestinal anastomosis healing in rats

    Changes In The Frequencies Of Abdominal Wall Hernias And The Preferences For Their Repair: A Multicenter National Study From Turkey

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    Abdominal wall hernias are a common problem in the general population. A Western estimate reveals that the lifetime risk of developing a hernia is about 2%.– As a result, hernia repairs likely comprise the most frequent general surgery operations. More than 20 million hernias are estimated to be repaired every year around the world. Numerous repair techniques have been described to date however tension-free mesh repairs are widely used today because of their low hernia recurrence rates. Nevertheless, there are some ongoing debates regarding the ideal approach (open or laparoscopic),, the ideal anesthesia (general, local, or regional),, and the ideal mesh (standard polypropylene or newer meshes).,PubMedWoSScopu

    Comparative Evaluation of Adhesions to Intraperitoneally Placed Fixation Materials: A Laparoscopic Study in Rats: Adhesions to Fixation Materials

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    After laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, the nature of the adhesions to fixation materials or to mesh had not been clarified. We examined adhesion formation specific to the fixation material in rats. We designed an experimental laparoscopy setup, and placed four intraperitoneal fixation materials on the peritoneum of rats without a mesh graft. Another group of researchers documented the incidence and intensity of postoperative adhesion formation. The adhesion scores for the nickel-titanium anchor were significantly greater than those for polylactic acid (p = 0.004), a titanium tacker (p < 0.0001), and fibrin glue (p < 0.0001). No adhesions occurred in the fibrin glue group. Fibrin glue is the preferred fixation material because it produced no postoperative adhesions. The nickel-titanium anchor produced heavy adhesions but may be applicable for recurrent hernia cases and in patients with thin abdominal walls