7 research outputs found

    Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. VIII. An intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study of NGC 5548

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    We present the data and initial results from a combined HST/IUE/ground-based spectroscopic monitoring campaign on the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 5548 that was undertaken in order to address questions that require both higher temporal resolution and higher signal-to-noise ratios than were obtained in our previous multiwavelength monitoring of this galaxy in 1988-1989. IUE spectra were obtained once every 2 days for a period of 74 days beginning on 1993 March 14. During the last 39 days of this campaign, spectroscopic observations were also made with the HST Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) on a daily basis. Ground-based observations, consisting of 165 optical spectra and 77 photometric observations (both eco imaging and aperture photometry), are reported for the period 1992 October-1993 September, although many of the data are concentrated around the time of the satellite-based program. These data constitute a fifth year of intensive optical monitoring of this galaxy. In this contribution we describe the acquisition and reduction of ali of the satellite and ground-based data obtained in this program. We describe in detail various photometric problems with the FOS and explain how we identified and corrected for various anomalies. During the HST portion of the monitoring campaign, the 1350 Å continuum flux is found to have varied by nearly a factor of 2. In other wave bands, the continuum shows nearly identical behavior, except that the amplitude of variability is larger at shorter wavelengths, and the continuum light curves appear to show more short­ timescale variability at shorter wavelengths. The broad emission lines also vary in flux, with amplitudes that are slightly smaller than the UV continuum variations and with a small time delay relative to the UV continuum. On the basis of simple time-series analysis of the UV and optical continuum and emission-line light curves, we find (1) that the ultraviolet and optical continuum variations are virtually simultaneous, with any lag between the 1350 Å continuum and the 5100 Å continuum amounting to less than about 1 day; (2) that the variations in the highest ionization lines observed, He II λ1640 and N v λ1240, lag behind the continuum variations by somewhat less than 2 days; and (3) that the velocity field of the C IV-emitting region is not dominated by radial motion. The results on the C IV velocity field are pretiminary and quite uncertain, but there are some weak indications that the emission-line wings (|Δv|≥ 3000 km s-ˡ) respond to continuum variations slightly more rapidly than does the core. The optical observations show that the variations in the broad Hβ line flux follow the continuum variations with time lag of around 2 weeks, about twice the lag for Lyα and C IV, as in our previous monitoring campaign on this same galaxy. However, the lags measured for Lyα, C IV, and Hβ are each slightly smaller than previous determmations. We confirm two trends reported eartier, namely, (1) that the UV /optical continuum becomes "harder" as it gets brighter and (2) that the highest ionization emission lines have the shortest lags, thus indicating radial ionization stratification of a broad-line region that spans over an order of magnitude range in radius

    Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galatic nuclei. 8: an intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study of NGC 5548

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    Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. VIII. An intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study of NGC 5548

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    We present the data and initial results from a combined HST/IUE/ground-based spectroscopic monitoring campaign on the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 5548 that was undertaken in order to address questions that require both higher temporal resolution and higher signal-to-noise ratios than were obtained in our previous multiwavelength monitoring of this galaxy in 1988-1989. IUE spectra were obtained once every 2 days for a period of 74 days beginning on 1993 March 14. During the last 39 days of this campaign, spectroscopic observations were also made with the HST Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) on a daily basis. Ground-based observations, consisting of 165 optical spectra and 77 photometric observations (both eco imaging and aperture photometry), are reported for the period 1992 October-1993 September, although many of the data are concentrated around the time of the satellite-based program. These data constitute a fifth year of intensive optical monitoring of this galaxy. In this contribution we describe the acquisition and reduction of ali of the satellite and ground-based data obtained in this program. We describe in detail various photometric problems with the FOS and explain how we identified and corrected for various anomalies. During the HST portion of the monitoring campaign, the 1350 Å continuum flux is found to have varied by nearly a factor of 2. In other wave bands, the continuum shows nearly identical behavior, except that the amplitude of variability is larger at shorter wavelengths, and the continuum light curves appear to show more short­ timescale variability at shorter wavelengths. The broad emission lines also vary in flux, with amplitudes that are slightly smaller than the UV continuum variations and with a small time delay relative to the UV continuum. On the basis of simple time-series analysis of the UV and optical continuum and emission-line light curves, we find (1) that the ultraviolet and optical continuum variations are virtually simultaneous, with any lag between the 1350 Å continuum and the 5100 Å continuum amounting to less than about 1 day; (2) that the variations in the highest ionization lines observed, He II λ1640 and N v λ1240, lag behind the continuum variations by somewhat less than 2 days; and (3) that the velocity field of the C IV-emitting region is not dominated by radial motion. The results on the C IV velocity field are pretiminary and quite uncertain, but there are some weak indications that the emission-line wings (|Δv|≥ 3000 km s-ˡ) respond to continuum variations slightly more rapidly than does the core. The optical observations show that the variations in the broad Hβ line flux follow the continuum variations with time lag of around 2 weeks, about twice the lag for Lyα and C IV, as in our previous monitoring campaign on this same galaxy. However, the lags measured for Lyα, C IV, and Hβ are each slightly smaller than previous determmations. We confirm two trends reported eartier, namely, (1) that the UV /optical continuum becomes "harder" as it gets brighter and (2) that the highest ionization emission lines have the shortest lags, thus indicating radial ionization stratification of a broad-line region that spans over an order of magnitude range in radius

    A review of morphing aircraft

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    Aircraft wings are a compromise that allows the aircraft to fly at a range of flight conditions, but the performance at each condition is sub-optimal. The ability of a wing surface to change its geometry during flight has interested researchers and designers over the years as this reduces the design compromises required. Morphing is short for metamorphose: however, there is neither an exact definition nor an agreement between the researchers about the type or the extent of the geometrical changes necessary to qualify an aircraft for the title “shape morphing”. Geometrical parameters that can be affected by morphing solutions can be categorized into: planform alteration (span, sweep and chord), out-of-plane transformation (twist, dihedral/gull, spanwise bending) and airfoil adjustment (camber and thickness).Changing the wing shape or geometry is not new. Historically, morphing solutions always led to penalties in terms of cost, complexity or weight, although in certain circumstances these were overcome by system level benefits. The current trend for highly efficient and “green” aircraft makes such compromises less acceptable, calling for innovative morphing designs able to provide more benefits and fewer drawbacks. Recent developments in “smart” materials may overcome the limitations and enhance the benefits from existing design solutions. The challenge is to design a structure that is capable of withstanding the prescribed loads, but is also able to change its shape: ideally there should be no distinction between the structure and the actuation system. The blending of morphing and smart structures in an integrated approach requires multi-disciplinary thinking from the early development, which significantly increases the overall complexity, even at the preliminary design stage. Morphing is a promising enabling technology for future, next generation aircraft. However, manufacturers and end users are still too skeptical of the benefits to adopt morphing in the near future. Many developed concepts have a technology readiness level that is still very low. The recent explosive growth of satellite services means that UAVs are the technology of choice for many investigations on wing morphing.This paper presents a review of the state of the art on morphing aircraft and focuses on structural, shape changing morphing concepts for both fixed and rotary wings, with particular reference to active systems. Inflatable solutions have been not considered, and skin issues and challenges are not discussed in detail. Although many interesting concepts have been synthesized, few have progressed to wing tunnel testing, and even fewer have flown. Furthermore, any successful wing morphing system must overcome the weight penalty due to the additional actuation systems.<br/

    A Review of Morphing Aircraft

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