17 research outputs found

    Linked candidate genes of different functions for white mold resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) are identified by multiple QTL mapping approaches

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    White mold (WM) is a major disease in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and its complex quantitative genetic control limits the development of WM resistant cultivars. WM2.2, one of the nine meta-QTL with a major effect on WM tolerance, explains up to 35% of the phenotypic variation and was previously mapped to a large genomic interval on Pv02. Our objective was to narrow the interval of this QTL using combined approach of classic QTL mapping and QTL-based bulk segregant analysis (BSA), and confirming those results with Khufu de novo QTL-seq. The phenotypic and genotypic data from two RIL populations, ‘Raven’/I9365-31 (R31) and ‘AN–37’/PS02–029C–20 (Z0726-9), were used to select resistant and susceptible lines to generate subpopulations for bulk DNA sequencing. The QTL physical interval was determined by considering overlapping interval of the identified QTL or peak region in both populations by three independent QTL mapping analyses. Our findings revealed that meta-QTL WM2.2 consists of three regions, WM2.2a (4.27-5.76 Mb; euchromatic), WM 2.2b (12.19 to 17.61 Mb; heterochromatic), and WM2.2c (23.01-25.74 Mb; heterochromatic) found in both populations. Gene models encoding for gibberellin 2-oxidase 8, pentatricopeptide repeat, and heat-shock proteins are the likely candidate genes associated with WM2.2a resistance. A TIR-NBS-LRR class of disease resistance protein (Phvul.002G09200) and LRR domain containing family proteins are potential candidate genes associated with WM2.2b resistance. Nine gene models encoding disease resistance protein [pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein and disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein etc] found within the WM2.2c QTL interval are putative candidate genes. WM2.2a region is most likely associated with avoidance mechanisms while WM2.2b and WM2.2c regions trigger physiological resistance based on putative candidate genes

    Gene disruption by structural mutations drives selection in US rice breeding over the last century.

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    The genetic basis of general plant vigor is of major interest to food producers, yet the trait is recalcitrant to genetic mapping because of the number of loci involved, their small effects, and linkage. Observations of heterosis in many crops suggests that recessive, malfunctioning versions of genes are a major cause of poor performance, yet we have little information on the mutational spectrum underlying these disruptions. To address this question, we generated a long-read assembly of a tropical japonica rice (Oryza sativa) variety, Carolina Gold, which allowed us to identify structural mutations (>50 bp) and orient them with respect to their ancestral state using the outgroup, Oryza glaberrima. Supporting prior work, we find substantial genome expansion in the sativa branch. While transposable elements (TEs) account for the largest share of size variation, the majority of events are not directly TE-mediated. Tandem duplications are the most common source of insertions and are highly enriched among 50-200bp mutations. To explore the relative impact of various mutational classes on crop fitness, we then track these structural events over the last century of US rice improvement using 101 resequenced varieties. Within this material, a pattern of temporary hybridization between medium and long-grain varieties was followed by recent divergence. During this long-term selection, structural mutations that impact gene exons have been removed at a greater rate than intronic indels and single-nucleotide mutations. These results support the use of ab initio estimates of mutational burden, based on structural data, as an orthogonal predictor in genomic selection

    Legacy genetics of Arachis cardenasii in the peanut crop shows the profound benefits of international seed exchange

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    A great challenge for humanity is feeding its growing population while minimizing ecosystem damage and climate change. Here, we uncover the global benefits arising from the introduction of one wild species accession to peanut-breeding programs decades ago. This work emphasizes the importance of biodiversity to crop improvement: peanut cultivars with genetics from this wild accession provided improved food security and reduced use of fungicide sprays. However, this study also highlights the perilous consequences of changes in legal frameworks and attitudes concerning biodiversity. These changes have greatly reduced the botanical collections, seed exchanges, and international collaborations which are essential for the continued diversification of crop genetics and, consequently, the long-term resilience of crops against evolving pests and pathogens and changing climate.The narrow genetics of most crops is a fundamental vulnerability to food security. This makes wild crop relatives a strategic resource of genetic diversity that can be used for crop improvement and adaptation to new agricultural challenges. Here, we uncover the contribution of one wild species accession, Arachis cardenasii GKP 10017, to the peanut crop (Arachis hypogaea) that was initiated by complex hybridizations in the 1960s and propagated by international seed exchange. However, until this study, the global scale of the dispersal of genetic contributions from this wild accession had been obscured by the multiple germplasm transfers, breeding cycles, and unrecorded genetic mixing between lineages that had occurred over the years. By genetic analysis and pedigree research, we identified A. cardenasii–enhanced, disease-resistant cultivars in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. These cultivars provide widespread improved food security and environmental and economic benefits. This study emphasizes the importance of wild species and collaborative networks of international expertise for crop improvement. However, it also highlights the consequences of the implementation of a patchwork of restrictive national laws and sea changes in attitudes regarding germplasm that followed in the wake of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Today, the botanical collections and multiple seed exchanges which enable benefits such as those revealed by this study are drastically reduced. The research reported here underscores the vital importance of ready access to germplasm in ensuring long-term world food security.Genome sequence, genotyping, pedigree information, and yield trial data have been deposited in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), PeanutBase, and USDA Data Repository (NCBI: JADQCP000000000) (14). Datasets S1–S6 are available at USDA Ag Data Commons: https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/data-legacy-genetics-arachis-cardenasii-peanut-crop-v2 (17). All other study data are included in the article and/or supporting information

    Machine Learning as an Effective Method for Identifying True Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Polyploid Plants

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have many advantages as molecular markers since they are ubiquitous and codominant. However, the discovery of true SNPs in polyploid species is difficult. Peanut ( L.) is an allopolyploid, which has a very low rate of true SNP calling. A large set of true and false SNPs identified from the Axiom_ 58k array was leveraged to train machine-learning models to enable identification of true SNPs directly from sequence data to reduce ascertainment bias. These models achieved accuracy rates above 80% using real peanut RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and whole-genome shotgun (WGS) resequencing data, which is higher than previously reported for polyploids and at least a twofold improvement for peanut. A 48K SNP array, Axiom_2, was designed using this approach resulting in 75% accuracy of calling SNPs from different tetraploid peanut genotypes. Using the method to simulate SNP variation in several polyploids, models achieved >98% accuracy in selecting true SNPs. Additionally, models built with simulated genotypes were able to select true SNPs at >80% accuracy using real peanut data. This work accomplished the objective to create an effective approach for calling highly reliable SNPs from polyploids using machine learning. A novel tool was developed for predicting true SNPs from sequence data, designated as SNP machine learning (SNP-ML), using the described models. The SNP-ML additionally provides functionality to train new models not included in this study for customized use, designated SNP machine learner (SNP-MLer). The SNP-ML is publicly available

    Haplotype-Based Genotyping in Polyploids

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    Accurate identification of polymorphisms from sequence data is crucial to unlocking the potential of high throughput sequencing for genomics. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are difficult to accurately identify in polyploid crops due to the duplicative nature of polyploid genomes leading to low confidence in the true alignment of short reads. Implementing a haplotype-based method in contrasting subgenome-specific sequences leads to higher accuracy of SNP identification in polyploids. To test this method, a large-scale 48K SNP array (Axiom Arachis2) was developed for Arachis hypogaea (peanut), an allotetraploid, in which 1,674 haplotype-based SNPs were included. Results of the array show that 74% of the haplotype-based SNP markers could be validated, which is considerably higher than previous methods used for peanut. The haplotype method has been implemented in a standalone program, HAPLOSWEEP, which takes as input bam files and a vcf file and identifies haplotype-based markers. Haplotype discovery can be made within single reads or span paired reads, and can leverage long read technology by targeting any length of haplotype. Haplotype-based genotyping is applicable in all allopolyploid genomes and provides confidence in marker identification and in silico-based genotyping for polyploid genomics

    Genotypic Regulation of Aflatoxin Accumulation but Not Aspergillus Fungal Growth upon Post-Harvest Infection of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Seeds

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    Aflatoxin contamination is a major economic and food safety concern for the peanut industry that largely could be mitigated by genetic resistance. To screen peanut for aflatoxin resistance, ten genotypes were infected with a green fluorescent protein (GFP)—expressing Aspergillus flavus strain. Percentages of fungal infected area and fungal GFP signal intensity were documented by visual ratings every 8 h for 72 h after inoculation. Significant genotypic differences in fungal growth rates were documented by repeated measures and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) analyses. SICIA (Seed Infection Coverage and Intensity Analyzer), an image processing software, was developed to digitize fungal GFP signals. Data from SICIA image analysis confirmed visual rating results validating its utility for quantifying fungal growth. Among the tested peanut genotypes, NC 3033 and GT-C20 supported the lowest and highest fungal growth on the surface of peanut seeds, respectively. Although differential fungal growth was observed on the surface of peanut seeds, total fungal growth in the seeds was not significantly different across genotypes based on a fluorometric GFP assay. Significant differences in aflatoxin B levels were detected across peanut genotypes. ICG 1471 had the lowest aflatoxin level whereas Florida-07 had the highest. Two-year aflatoxin tests under simulated late-season drought also showed that ICG 1471 had reduced aflatoxin production under pre-harvest field conditions. These results suggest that all peanut genotypes support A. flavus fungal growth yet differentially influence aflatoxin production

    Table_2_Haplotype-Based Genotyping in Polyploids.CSV

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    <p>Accurate identification of polymorphisms from sequence data is crucial to unlocking the potential of high throughput sequencing for genomics. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are difficult to accurately identify in polyploid crops due to the duplicative nature of polyploid genomes leading to low confidence in the true alignment of short reads. Implementing a haplotype-based method in contrasting subgenome-specific sequences leads to higher accuracy of SNP identification in polyploids. To test this method, a large-scale 48K SNP array (Axiom Arachis2) was developed for Arachis hypogaea (peanut), an allotetraploid, in which 1,674 haplotype-based SNPs were included. Results of the array show that 74% of the haplotype-based SNP markers could be validated, which is considerably higher than previous methods used for peanut. The haplotype method has been implemented in a standalone program, HAPLOSWEEP, which takes as input bam files and a vcf file and identifies haplotype-based markers. Haplotype discovery can be made within single reads or span paired reads, and can leverage long read technology by targeting any length of haplotype. Haplotype-based genotyping is applicable in all allopolyploid genomes and provides confidence in marker identification and in silico-based genotyping for polyploid genomics.</p

    Table_3_Haplotype-Based Genotyping in Polyploids.XLSX

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    <p>Accurate identification of polymorphisms from sequence data is crucial to unlocking the potential of high throughput sequencing for genomics. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are difficult to accurately identify in polyploid crops due to the duplicative nature of polyploid genomes leading to low confidence in the true alignment of short reads. Implementing a haplotype-based method in contrasting subgenome-specific sequences leads to higher accuracy of SNP identification in polyploids. To test this method, a large-scale 48K SNP array (Axiom Arachis2) was developed for Arachis hypogaea (peanut), an allotetraploid, in which 1,674 haplotype-based SNPs were included. Results of the array show that 74% of the haplotype-based SNP markers could be validated, which is considerably higher than previous methods used for peanut. The haplotype method has been implemented in a standalone program, HAPLOSWEEP, which takes as input bam files and a vcf file and identifies haplotype-based markers. Haplotype discovery can be made within single reads or span paired reads, and can leverage long read technology by targeting any length of haplotype. Haplotype-based genotyping is applicable in all allopolyploid genomes and provides confidence in marker identification and in silico-based genotyping for polyploid genomics.</p

    Supplemental Material for Korani et al., 2018

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    File S1.xlsx: z-scores of differentially expressed genes.<br>File S2.fasta: 2026 novel peanut transcripts.<br>File S3.txt: ICG 1471 co-expression network clusters. <br><br>Figure S1: sequence read integrity and mapping results.<br>Figure S2: SOM clusters of differentially expressed genes between genotypes.<br>Figure S3: KEGG pathway of alpha-linolenic acid metabolism.<br>Figure S4: KEGG pathway of protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum.<br>Figure S5: KEGG pathway of spliceosome.<br>Figure S6: KEGG pathway of carbon fixation.<br>Figure S7: KEGG pathway of carbon metabolism.<br>Figure S8: expression profile of the novel transcripts.<br>Figure S9: GO/KEGG enrichment analysis of differently expressed genes between peanut genotypes due to the infection vs control of the newly assembled transcripts.<br>Figure S10: SOM clusters groups of fungal differentially expressed genes.<br><br>Table S1: statistical models for differential expression analysis.<br><br