385 research outputs found

    Possibilities of Lowering the Risk of Contagious Livestock Disease as a Result of Criminal Acts

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    Import 04/07/2011Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou snižování rizika nákazy hospodářských zvířat v důsledku kriminálních činů. Práce uvádí rešerší literatury, vymezení základních pojmů, vymezení kriminálního činu, biologická agens, dělení biologických agens, jejich rozdělení, analýzu rizika nákazy hospodářských zvířat, statistiky nákaz, návrh možných opatření pro snížení rizika nákazy, legislativu.The theasis Deals with the Problems of Lowering the Risk of Contagious Livestock as a Result of Criminal Acts. The work Presents the Literature Review, Definition of Basic Concepts, Definition of Crime, Biological Agents, Division of Biological Agents,, Risk Analysis Livestock Diseas, Disease Statistics, Design of Possible Measures to Reduce the Risk of Contagion and legislation.Prezenční050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvadobř

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationRay tracing is becoming more widely adopted in offline rendering systems due to its natural support for high quality lighting. Since quality is also a concern in most real time systems, we believe ray tracing would be a welcome change in the real time world, but is avoided due to insufficient performance. Since power consumption is one of the primary factors limiting the increase of processor performance, it must be addressed as a foremost concern in any future ray tracing system designs. This will require cooperating advances in both algorithms and architecture. In this dissertation I study ray tracing system designs from a data movement perspective, targeting the various memory resources that are the primary consumer of power on a modern processor. The result is high performance, low energy ray tracing architectures

    Senior Recital:Kristin A. Kopta, Horn

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    Kemp Recital Hall Saturday Evening April 18, 1998 7:30p.m

    Fast, effective BVH updates for dynamic ray-traced scenes using tree rotations

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    technical reportBounding volume hierarchies are a popular choice for ray tracing animated scenes due to the relative simplicity of refitting bounding volumes around moving geometry. However, the quality of such a refitted tree can degrade rapidly if objects in the scene deform or rearrange significantly as the animation progresses, resulting in dramatic increases in rendering times. Existing solutions involve occasional or heuristically triggered rebuilds of the BVH to reduce this effect. In this work, we describe how to efficiently extend refitting with local restructuring operations called tree rotations which can mitigate the effects that moving primitives have on BVH quality by rearranging nodes in the tree during each refit rather than triggering a full rebuild. The result is a fast, lightweight, incremental update algorithm that requires negligible memory, has minor update times and parallelizes easily, yet avoids significant degradation in tree quality or the need for rebuilding while maintaining fast rendering times. We show that our method approaches or exceeds the frame rates of other techniques and is consistently among the best options regardless of the animation scene

    Defining Early Positive Response to Psychotherapy: An Empirical Comparison Between Clinically Significant Change Criteria and Growth Mixture Modeling

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    Several different approaches have been applied to identify early positive change in response to psychotherapy so as to predict later treatment outcome and length as well as use this information for outcome monitoring and treatment planning. In this study, simple methods based on clinically significant change criteria and computationally demanding growth mixture modeling (GMM) are compared with regard to their overlap and uniqueness as well as their characteristics in terms of initial impairment, therapy outcome, and treatment length. The GMM approach identified a highly specific subgroup of early improving patients. These patients were characterized by higher average intake impairments and higher pre- to-posttreatment score differences. Although being more specific for the prediction of treatment success, GMM was much less sensitive than clinically significant and reliable change criteria. There were no differences between the groups with regard to treatment length. Because each of the approaches had specific advantages, results suggest a combination of both methods for practical use in routine outcome monitoring and treatment planning

    Low-energy excited states of 76^{76}As from the 76^{76}Ge(p,n)76^{76}As reaction

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    Spectra of gamma radiation and internal conversion electrons from several germanium targets bombarded with 2.9 MeV protons were measured. Eleven transitions between 76^{76}As states excited in the 76^{76}Ge(p,n)76^{76}As reaction were identified. The energies of these states were found to be 45.5, 87, 121, 166, 265, 302, 377, 515 and 550 keV. The possible values of the spin of the 87 and 121 keV levels have been confined 1+^{+}, 2+^{+} and 3+^{+}

    Ultra Low Power FM-UWB Transceiver for High-Density Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The WiseSkin project aims to provide a non-invasive solution for restoration of a natural sense of touch to persons using prosthetic limbs. By embedding sensor nodes into the silicone coating of the prosthesis, which acts as a sensory skin, WiseSkin targets to provide improved gripping, manipulation and mobility for amputees. Flexibility, freedom of movement and comfort demand unobtrusive, highly miniaturized, low-power sensing capabilities built into the artificial skin, which is then integrated with a sensory feedback system. Wireless communication between the sensor nodes provides more flexibility, better scalability and robustness compared to wired solution, and is therefore a preferred approach for WiseSkin. Design of an RF transceiver tailored for the specific needs of WiseSkin is the topic of this work. The properties of FM ultra-wide band (FM-UWB) modulation make it a good candidate for High-Density Wireless Sensor Networks (HD-WSN). The proposed FM-UWB receivers take advantage of short range to reduce power consumption, and exploit robustness of this wideband modulation scheme. The LNA, identified as the biggest consumer, is removed and signal is directly converted to dc, where amplification and demodulation are performed. Owing to 500 MHz bandwidth, frequency offset and phase noise can be tolerated, and a low-power, free-running ring oscillator can be used to generate the LO signal. The receiver is referred to as an approximate zero-IF receiver. Two receiver architectures are studied. The first one performs quadrature downconversion, and owing to the demodulator linearity, provides the multi-user capability. In the second receiver, quadrature demodulation is replaced by the single-ended one. Due to the nature of the demodulator, sensitivity degrades, and multiple FM-UWB signals cannot be resolved, but the consumption is almost halved compared to the first receiver. The proposed approach is verified through two integrations, both in a standard 65 nm bulk CMOS process. In the first run, a standalone quadrature receiver was integrated. Power consumption of 423 uW was measured, while achieving -70 dBm sensitivity. Good narrow-band interference rejection and multiuser capability with up to 4 FM-UWB channels could be achieved. In the second run, a full transceiver is integrated, with both quadrature and single-ended receivers and a transmitter, all sharing a single IO pad, without the need for any external passive components or switches. The quadrature receiver, with on-chip baseband processing and multi-user support, in this case consumes 550 uW, with a sesensitivity of -68 dBm. The low power receiver consumes 267 uW, and provides -57 dBm sensitivity, at a single FM-UWB channel. The implemented trantransmitter transmits a 100 kb/s FM-UWB signal at -11.4 dBm, while drawing 583 uW from the 1 V supply. The on-chip clock recovery allows reference frequency offset up to 8000 ppm. Since state of the art on-chip RC oscillators can provide below 2100 ppm across the temperature range of interest, the implemented transceiver demonstrates the feasibility of a fully integrated FM-UWB radio with no need for a quartz reference or any external components. In addition, the transceiver can tolerate up to 3 dBm narrow-band interferer at 2.4 GHz. Such a strong signal can be used to remotely power the sensor nodes inside the artificial skin and enable a truly wirelessWiseSkin solution

    Bioética de la conservación de los ecosistemas

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    Bioethics of Ecosystem Conservation Resumen Los impactos antrópicos sobre los entornos naturales han ido creciendo drásticamente en los últimos años. Ello implicó la pérdida de biodiversidad, y la consecuente necesidad de declarar áreas que protejan y preserven la biodiversidad origina. La confianza y organización de la ciudadanía pueden incidir en políticas públicas que provean cambios profundos. Para eso es menester estar atentos a las oportunidades y generar confianza, con lucidez y veracidad.Abstract The anthropic impacts on natural environments have been growing dramatically in recent years. This implied the loss of biodiversity, and the consequent need to declare areas that protect and preserve the original biodiversity. The trust and organization of citizens can influence public policies that provide profound changes. For that, it is necessary to be alert to opportunities and build trust, with clarity and truthfulness.Key Words: Land Use, Natural Environments, Deforestation, Public Participation, Public Policies

    The Current Stage of Greening Vegetation in Selected Wine-Regions of South Moravian Region (Czech Republic)

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    Viticulture, as a large part of the agriculture sector of the South Moravian Region, represents significant erosion-prone land use in which soils face various agronomic issues, such as poor organic carbon levels, erosion, and fertility loss. Service crops providing a so-called ecosystem service can reduce erosion and runoff, regulate pests and weeds and increase soil organic matter and fertility. However, these crops may generate some disservices, such as water and nutrient competition; and thus, it is important for winegrowers to find applicable options for service crops depending on local soil, climate conditions, and the expected service. Inter-row management in the South Moravian Region varies from bare soils to grass cover to different types of cover with herbaceous (flowering) species. A total of 113 vineyard sites were evaluated during the years 2016 and 2017. This study presents the actual state of inter-row management in vineyards and comparison within six wine-growing regions. A two-year evaluation shows significant differences in prevalent greening management between regions. Bare soil in vineyards, the most erosion-prone vineyard floor management, appear from 10% (e.g., Bzenec, Valtice) to 19% (e.g., Mikulov, V. Bílovice) of vineyard area within evaluated regions. Bare soil management is mostly used in new plantations to reduce water and nutrient competition; however, the erosion and the runoff rates are generally higher on this variant compared to other types of cover crop management, especially on slopes. Although, alternate greening is the most used type occurring from 50% to 74% of vineyards area in five of the six selected regions, the type of inter-row vegetation differs considerably. While in Bzenec and Mikulov there is a higher appearance of herbaceous cover with native species in later succession stages, in Velké Bílovice and Valtice grass cover and commercial plant mixtures are more frequent. Knowledge current stage can be useful for planning new plantation or anti-erosion measures.O