10 research outputs found

    Rak dojke u mladih žena: patoloŔka i imunohistokemijska obilježja

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    A young woman with breast cancer is considered to be a woman younger than 40. According to the literature, breast cancer in the population of young women usually is of a higher histologic grade, unfavorable hormonal status, and overall higher mortality rate when compared with breast cancer occurring in older population. We compared pathologic and immunohistochemical features of breast carcinoma in women under 40 years of age with the respective features in women over 60 years of age. The following parameters were observed in these two groups: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2/neu status, and histologic type of the tumor. Early onset breast carcinoma was found to have a higher frequency of tumor grade 3 (29% vs. 17%) and estrogen receptor negativity (45% vs. 23%). In the group of young women, breast carcinoma was mostly multicentric (23% vs. 5%), triple-negative (32% vs. 10%), and was found to have higher proliferation index Ki-67 (25% vs. 10%). Our results confirmed differences between the young and older groups of patients. In the group of young women, we found predominantly unfavorable prognostic parameters of the disease.Mladom ženom s rakom dojke smatra se žena mlađa od 40 godina. Prema literaturi rak dojke u populaciji mladih žena ima obično viÅ”i histoloÅ”ki stupanj i nepovoljan hormonski status. Puno je veći postotak smrtnosti u mladoj populaciji nego kada se karcinom javlja u starijoj životnoj dobi. Usporedili smo patoloÅ”ka i imunohistokemijska obilježja karcinoma dojke kod žena ispod 40 godina s odgovarajućim obilježjima među ženama iznad 60 godina. Sljedeći parametri su promatrani kod ove dvije skupine: veličina tumora, stanje limfnih čvorova, histoloÅ”ki gradus, status hormonskih receptora, prognostički indeks Ki-67, status Her2/neu i histoloÅ”ki tip tumora. Za karcinom dojke kod mladih žena utvrđeno je da ima veću učestalost tumora histoloÅ”kog gradusa 3 (29% prema 17%) i negativnog statusa estrogenskih receptora (45% prema 23%). U skupini mladih žena rak dojke je uglavnom multicentričan (23% prema 5%), trostruko negativan (32% prema 10%) i ustanovljeno je da ima veći proliferacijski indeks Ki-67 (25% prema 10%). NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju razlike između mlade i starije skupine bolesnica. U skupini mladih žena utvrđeni su pretežito nepovoljni prognostički parametri bolesti

    Biomechanical Analysis of the Gracilis and Superficial Third of the Quadriceps Tendons Concerning MPFL Biomechanics

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    The primary goal of this research is the analysis of the biomechanical performances of most common transplants (distal tendon of m.gracilis and upper third of m.quadriceps femoris) used for the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL). The secondary goal is the comparison of the data obtained from the research with the data available in the literature.The research was conducted on 16 samples of the human tendon, of which there are 8 gracilis tendons and 8 quadriceps tendons. Tensile strength is significantly higher in gracilis tendon (26 MPa - 92 MPa) than in quadriceps tendon (30 MPa - 44 MPa). The extensibility is significantly higher in the quadriceps tendon (10% - 15%) than in the gracilis tendon (13% - 17%). Regarding stiffness (N/mm) there are no significant differences between the groups of gracilis and quadriceps tendons. The module of elasticity is significantly higher in gracilis tendon (235 MPa - 855 MPa) in comparison to quadriceps tendon (239 MPa - 361 MPa).The biomechanical characteristics of the distal surface third of the quadriceps tendon are more favourable than the distal tendon of the gracilis which could prove applicable in operative techniques of reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament when choosing a transplant

    Neovisni čimbenici za loŔu prognozu kod mladih bolesnica s rakom dojke I.-III. stadija

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the population of women under 40 years of age. Young age is an independent factor for poor prognosis. In this research, we tried to establish other factors for poor prognosis in stage I-III breast cancer. The following parameters were observed: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2 neu status, histologic type of the tumor, local recurrence and metastases. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the effect of specific factors on the probability of lethal outcome and development of distant metastases. Our patients showed a predominance of T1 tumor (49.4%), had positive lymph nodes (62%) and most of them were pN1 (61.2%). Up to one-third of patients had triple negative status. Ki-67 proliferation index was high (25%). Multicentric tumor was detected in 23% of patients. There was no difference in overall survival between the two types of surgical procedures. Patients with pN0 status had better overall survival. Breast cancer in the population of young women has a more aggressive nature. Study results indicated positive lymph node status as an independent factor for poor prognosis of stage I-III breast cancer.Rak dojke je najčeŔći zloćudni tumor u populaciji žena u dobi ispod 40 godina. Mlada dob je neovisan čimbenik za loÅ”u prognozu. Željeli smo utvrditi i druge čimbenike loÅ”e prognoze kod raka dojke I.-III. stadija kod mlade populacije žena. Uzeli smo u obzir sljedeće parametre: veličinu tumora, stanje limfnih čvorova, histoloÅ”ki stupanj, status hormonskih receptora, Ki-67 prognostički indeks, HER 2 neu status, histoloÅ”ki tip tumora, lokalni recidiv i razvoj udaljenih metastaza. Logistička regresija koriÅ”tena je za procjenu utjecaja čimbenika na vjerojatnost smrtnog ishoda i razvoja udaljenih metastaza. NaÅ”e bolesnice imale su većinom tumor T1 (49,4%), pozitivne limfne čvorove (62%), a većina njih bile su pN1 (61,2%). Do jedne trećine bolesnica imale su trostruko negativan hormonski status. Ki-67 indeks proliferacije bio je visokih 25%. NaÅ”li smo učestalost multicentričnog tumora kod 23% bolesnice. Nije bilo razlike u preživljenju između dviju vrsta kirurÅ”kog zahvata. Bolesnice sa statusom limfnih čvorova pN0 imale su bolje preživljenje. Rak dojke kod mlade populacije žena ima agresivniju prirodu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su na pozitivan status limfnih čvorova kao nezavisan čimbenik za loÅ”u prognozu raka dojke I.-III. stadija

    KirurŔko liječenje prijeloma potkoljenice

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    Podaci prikazani u radu dobiveni su retrospektivnom analizom medicinske dokumentacije Odjela za traumatologiju Klinike za kirurgiju KBC-a Osijek, u razdoblju od 1.1.2010. do 31.12.2010. Rad obuhvaća 130 pacijenata (72 muÅ”ka i 58 ženskih) u dobi od 4 do 83 godine. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su prijelomi potkoljenice zastupljeni sa 130 od 658 prijeloma dugih kostiju (20%). NajčeŔći tip prijeloma je prijelom donje trećine potkoljenice (43,08%). NajčeŔća metoda liječenja je operacijska sa 125 zahvata u odnosu na 5 pacijenata liječenih konzervativno. Prema metodi osteosinteze najčeŔće su upotrebljavani vijci i pločice

    Razina leptina u serumu kod raka dojke

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    Leptin is a polypeptide which is mostly produced in white fat tissue and is an important proinflammatory, proangiogenic, proinvasive and mitotic factor. There is ever more evidence suggesting the key role of leptin in the occurrence of breast cancer. The aim of the study was to investigate serum leptin levels in patients with benign breast tumors, as well as in various breast cancer phenotypes, taking into account leptin levels connected to menopausal status and body mass index (BMI). The study included 97 patients having their breast tumor surgically removed. Serum leptin level was determined by ELISA method in all study patients. Study results showed that significantly more women, regardless of having malignant or benign tumors, were postmenopausal and had a significantly higher level of leptin compared to the premenopausal group. The highest level of leptin was recorded in the group of postmenopausal obese women compared to other postmenopausal women but also compared to premenopausal women. According to BMI alone, obese women had a significantly higher level of leptin regardless of the type of tumor. The most significant differences in leptin levels observed through BMI were found in the Luminal B1 group. In conclusion, serum leptin level was shown to be a good diagnostic parameter suggesting a higher possibility of breast cancer development.Leptin je polipeptid koji se uglavnom proizvodi u bijelom masnom tkivu te predstavlja važan proupalni, proangiogeni, proinvazivni i mitotički čimbenik. Sve je viÅ”e dokaza koji ukazuju na ključnu ulogu leptina u nastanku tumora dojke. Istraživali smo serumsku razinu leptina u bolesnica s benignim tumorima dojke, kao i kod različitih fenotipova malignih tumora dojke te ovisnost razine leptina o reproduktivnom statusu i indeksu tjelesne mase (ITM). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 97 bolesnica kojima je tumor uklonjen kirurÅ”kim zahvatom. Serumska koncentracija leptina utvrđena je metodom ELISA u svih bolesnica uključenih u istraživanje. Znatno viÅ”e žena, bez obzira na to jesu li imale zloćudni ili dobroćudni tumor, bilo je u postmenopauzi te su imale značajno viÅ”e razine leptina u usporedbi s premenopauzalnim skupinama. NajviÅ”a razina leptina utvrđena je kod pretilih žena u postmenopauzi u usporedbi s drugim ženama u postmenopauzi, ali i u usporedbi sa ženama u premenopauzi. Prema ITM, pretile ispitanice su imale značajno viÅ”e razine leptina bez obzira na vrstu tumora. Najznačajnije razlike u razinama leptina, promatrane kroz ITM, utvrđene se u skupini Luminal B1. Razina leptina u serumu je dobar dijagnostički parametar koji govori u prilog većoj predispoziciji za nastanak karcinoma dojke

    Prijelomi distalnog okrajka nadlaktične kosti kod djece

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    Rezultati istraživanja dobiveni na temelju podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije Odjela dječje kirurgije KBC-a Osijek uglavnom se ne razlikuju od podataka iz literature. Od ukupno 43 pacijenta sa suprakondilarnim prijelomom humerusa, starosti do 15 godina, 24 pacijenta bila su muÅ”kog spola, a 19 pacijenata bilo je ženskog spola. Prijelomi su najčeŔći u dobi od 6 do 11 godina (25 pacijenata). NajčeŔće su nastali tijekom pada u igri, s bicikla, kreveta i sl. Dominantna strana za nastanak prijeloma bila je lijeva (26 pacijenata). U liječenju suprakondilarnih prijeloma dominira repozicija uz imobilizaciju (30 pacijenata), potom repozicija s vanjskom fiksacijom (10 pacijenata), a otvorena repozicija i unutarnja fiksacija primijenjene su tek kod 3 pacijenta

    Prijelomi distalnog okrajka nadlaktične kosti kod djece

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    Rezultati istraživanja dobiveni na temelju podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije Odjela dječje kirurgije KBC-a Osijek uglavnom se ne razlikuju od podataka iz literature. Od ukupno 43 pacijenta sa suprakondilarnim prijelomom humerusa, starosti do 15 godina, 24 pacijenta bila su muÅ”kog spola, a 19 pacijenata bilo je ženskog spola. Prijelomi su najčeŔći u dobi od 6 do 11 godina (25 pacijenata). NajčeŔće su nastali tijekom pada u igri, s bicikla, kreveta i sl. Dominantna strana za nastanak prijeloma bila je lijeva (26 pacijenata). U liječenju suprakondilarnih prijeloma dominira repozicija uz imobilizaciju (30 pacijenata), potom repozicija s vanjskom fiksacijom (10 pacijenata), a otvorena repozicija i unutarnja fiksacija primijenjene su tek kod 3 pacijenta

    Izražaj TFF gena i proteina u tumorima dojke

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    The objective of this study was to determine diff erential expression of TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3 genes and proteins in breast tumor subtypes. In addition, we investigated the correlation between TFF genes within tumor subgroups, and TFF genes with clinical and pathologic characteristics of the tumor. Study group included 122 patients with surgically removed breast tumors. Samples were investigated using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. TFF1 and TFF3 genes and proteins were expressed in breast tumors, while the levels of TFF2 gene and protein expression were very low or undetectable. TFF1 was signifi cantly more expressed in benign tumors, while TFF3 was more expressed in malignant tumors. Gene and protein expression of both TFF1 and TFF3 was greater in lymph node-negative tumors, hormone positive tumors, tumors with moderate levels of Ki67 expression, and in grade II tumors. A strong positive correlation was found between TFF1 and TFF3 genes, and the expression of both negatively correlated with Ki67 and the level of tumor histologic diff erentiation. Our results suggest that TFF1 and TFF3, but not TFF2, may have a role in breast tumor pathogenesis and could be used in the assessment of tumor diff erentiation and malignancy.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u izražaju gena i proteina TFF1, TFF2 i TFF3 u različitim vrstama tumora dojke te ispitati korelacije između gena TFF i vrsta tumora te gena TFF i kliničko-patoloÅ”kih karakteristika tumora. U studiju su bile uključene 122 ispitanice kojima je kirurÅ”ki odstranjen tumor dojke. Uzorci su obrađeni metodom qRT-PCR i metodom imunohistokemije. Geni i proteini TFF1 i TFF3 bili su izraženi u tumorima dojke, dok izražaj gena i proteina TFF2 nije otkriven u tumorskom tkivu. TFF1 je bio izraženiji kod dobroćudnih tumora, dok je TFF3 bio izraženiji kod zloćudnih tumora. TFF1 i TFF3 su bili izraženiji u hormonski ovisnim tumorima, tumorima bez metastaza u limfnim čvorovima, tumorima s umjereno visokim izražajem Ki67 i umjereno diferenciranim tumorima. Jaka pozitivna korelacija uočena je između gena TFF1 i TFF3, a oba su negativno korelirala s faktorom Ki67 i stupnjem diferenciranosti tumora. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako bi TFF1 i TFF3 mogli imati ulogu u patogenezi tumora dojke te bi se potencijalno mogli rabiti za određivanje tumorskog statusa i procjenu malignosti tumora

    Breast Cancer in Young Women: Pathologic and Immunohistochemical Features

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    A young woman with breast cancer is considered to be a woman younger than 40. According to the literature, breast cancer in the population of young women usually is of a higher histologic grade, unfavorable hormonal status, and overall higher mortality rate when compared with breast cancer occurring in older population. We compared pathologic and immunohistochemical features of breast carcinoma in women under 40 years of age with the respective features in women over 60 years of age. The following parameters were observed in these two groups: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2/neu status, and histologic type of the tumor. Early onset breast carcinoma was found to have a higher frequency of tumor grade 3 (29% vs. 17%) and estrogen receptor negativity (45% vs. 23%). In the group of young women, breast carcinoma was mostly multicentric (23% vs. 5%), triple-negative (32% vs. 10%), and was found to have higher proliferation index Ki-67 (25% vs. 10%). Our results confirmed differences between the young and older groups of patients. In the group of young women, we found predominantly unfavorable prognostic parameters of the disease

    Differential Expression of TFF Genes and Proteins in Breast Tumors

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    The objective of this study was to determine diff erential expression of TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3 genes and proteins in breast tumor subtypes. In addition, we investigated the correlation between TFF genes within tumor subgroups, and TFF genes with clinical and pathologic characteristics of the tumor. Study group included 122 patients with surgically removed breast tumors. Samples were investigated using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. TFF1 and TFF3 genes and proteins were expressed in breast tumors, while the levels of TFF2 gene and protein expression were very low or undetectable. TFF1 was signifi cantly more expressed in benign tumors, while TFF3 was more expressed in malignant tumors. Gene and protein expression of both TFF1 and TFF3 was greater in lymph node-negative tumors, hormone positive tumors, tumors with moderate levels of Ki67 expression, and in grade II tumors. A strong positive correlation was found between TFF1 and TFF3 genes, and the expression of both negatively correlated with Ki67 and the level of tumor histologic diff erentiation. Our results suggest that TFF1 and TFF3, but not TFF2, may have a role in breast tumor pathogenesis and could be used in the assessment of tumor diff erentiation and malignancy