7 research outputs found

    Dimensions and Levels of Mentoring: Empirical Findings of the First German Inventory and Implications for Future Practice

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    A lack of evidence-based quantitative research prevents further progress in mentoring research. In particular, standardized diagnostic instruments for exploration, evaluation and structured feedback for mentors and mentees are needed. The purpose of this study is to explore factors and levels which are crucial to the process of mentoring mentees.  The study has two objectives: The first is to expand the present empirical knowledge of basic dimensions and mentoring styles by developing the first German inventory. The second is to examine how the dimensions of the inventory are related to other qualities in the process of mentoring.Conducted at three universities of education in Austria, the data were collected during the school practice of advanced student-teachers who were guided by mentor teachers. 405 future teachers serving as mentees evaluated 206 mentors. In order to gather information on mentoring dimensions, a specially developed German questionnaire with 53 items was offered to the mentees in order to assess how often certain qualities in mentoring were experienced previously.  Concerning the results, five factors could be found while conducting an exploratory factor analysis: Professional support, collegiality, levels of work, efficiency and confidence. Some of these factors have been validated by independent variables. The inventory developed is a step to facilitate two objectives:  The first is theoretical by inspiring further research concerning the complexity of mentoring processes.  The second one is a practical one concerning a tool for collaborative reflection between mentor and mentee.  The results implicate that mentoring has to be conceptualized as a professional practice with the resources of professional training and professional contexts

    Mentoring als zukunftsweisendes Instrument der Personal-, Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung in der Berufseinstiegsphase von Lehrpersonen im österreichischen Bildungssystem

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    Mit der EinfĂŒhrung der neuen PĂ€dagoginnen- und PĂ€dagogenbildung in Österreich gehen Änderungen des Lehrer/ innendienstrechts einher. Eine Neuerung stellt die Umsetzung einer verpflichtenden Berufseinstiegsphase fĂŒr alle Lehrerinnen und Lehrer dar. Dieser Artikel prĂ€sentiert am Beispiel eines Modellprojekts im Bundesland Steiermark, das in drei Schulbezirken von 2012 bis 2014 durchgefĂŒhrt worden ist, Vorbereitungs- und Implementierungsstrategien von Mentoring im begleiteten Berufseinstieg. Am Beispiel der Primarstufe werden Gelingensbedingungenund relevante Faktoren von Mentoring und begleitenden Fortbildungsangeboten fĂŒr Schulleiter/ innen, Mentorinnen und Mentoren sowie Berufseinsteiger/ innen diskutiert. (Autorenreferat)Due to the development of a new teacher training program in Austria, changes in service law come now into effect. These include obligatory support for all teachers during their first steps into the new profession. This article exemplarily outlines a model project in Styria (2012–2014) that considers strategies for preparing and implementing mentoring. Furthermore, circumstances and factors for a successful application of mentoring are discussed for teachers at the beginning of their careers in primary schools. (author's abstract

    Modifizierung der Partizipativen Mehrebenen-Netzwerk-Analyse (PMNA) zur digitalen Erhebung von Governancestrukturen und Akteurskonstellationen inklusiver Bildung in Partnerregionen des internationalen Projekts Governance In(clusive) Education (GovInEd)

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    Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes GovInEd – Governance In(clusive) Education (2022–2024) – werden in einem internationalen und forschungsgeleiteten Diskurs der europĂ€ischen Regionen Katalonien (Spanien), Steiermark (Österreich), SĂŒdtirol (Italien) und Baden-WĂŒrttemberg (Deutschland) die aktuell praktizierten Governance-Modelle zur (Weiter-) Entwicklung inklusiver Bildungssysteme beschrieben. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Change-Management-Strategien, die Strukturen sowie Akteurskonstellationen in den jeweiligen Governance-Systemen und ihre Rolle(n) fĂŒr eine inklusive Bildungsreform erhoben und reflektiert. Ziel ist es, Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die Strukturen der Steuerung von inklusiver Bildung, zu den Akteursnetzwerken, den Interdependenzen im Netzwerk und der Koordination der verschiedenen Akteure im Mehrebenensystem der beteiligten Regionen zu gewinnen. Die Erfahrungen des vielfĂ€ltigen Methodeneinsatzes im Zuge der Erhebungseinheiten sowie der Analysestrategien – darunter insbesondere Interdependenz-Analysen im Multi-Ebenen-Netzwerk-System der Steuerung inklusiver Bildung und die Kartierung der Akteursnetzwerke – werden reflektiert und kritisch diskutiert. Der Beitrag möchte Chancen und Grenzen aufzeigen und zukunftsweisende Empfehlungen fĂŒr Interessierte bieten. Im Zentrum dieses Beitrags steht die Analyse der methodischen Perspektiven, die das Forscher*innenteam im Rahmen des Projektes verfolgt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Didattica e inclusione scolastica - Inklusion im Bildungsbereich

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    The inequalities in education, which have also been exposed by the pandemic, highlight the need for alternatives and new horizons. The seventh edition of the conference series "Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inclusion in Education", which was organized for the first time under the direction of the Competence Center for Inclusion in Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, offered a space to deal with the priorities of a just and inclusive education during this time. This volume opens up a dialogue on inclusive didactics, which builds a bridge between german- and Italian-speaking traditions through its multilingual and intercultural orientation. The twelve contributions open up from different perspectives theoretical references, methods and instruments for the development of an inclusive school with a special focus on didactics.Die Ungleichheiten im Bildungsbereich, die auch durch die Pandemie zutage getreten sind, verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit von Alternativen und neuen Horizonten. Die siebte Ausgabe der Tagungsreihe „Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich“, welche erstmals unter der Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums fĂŒr Inklusion im Bildungsbereich der Freien UniversitĂ€t Bozen veranstaltet wurde, bot einen Raum zur Auseinandersetzung mit den PrioritĂ€ten einer gerechten und inklusiven Bildung in dieser Zeit. Dieser Band eröffnet einen Dialog ĂŒber inklusive Didaktik, der durch seine mehrsprachige und interkulturelle Ausrichtung eine BrĂŒcke zwischen deutsch- und italienischsprachigen Traditionen schlĂ€gt. Die zwölf BeitrĂ€ge erschließen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln theoretische BezĂŒge, Methoden und Instrumente fĂŒr die Entwicklung einer inklusiven Schule mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Didaktik.Le disuguaglianze in ambito educativo, emerse anche a causa della pandemia, indicano la necessitĂ  di alternative e nuovi orizzonti. La settima edizione del Convegno “Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich”, organizzato per la prima volta dal Centro di Competenza per l’Inclusione Scolastica della Libera UniversitĂ  di Bolzano, ha voluto creare uno spazio per mettere a fuoco le prioritĂ  per un’educazione equa ed inclusiva in questo tempo. Con questo volume si dĂ  avvio ad un dialogo sulla didattica inclusiva che si fa plurilingue ed interculturale, creando un ponte fra le tradizioni di lingua italiana e tedesca. I dodici contributi presenti delineano, da prospettive diverse, riferimenti teorici, metodologie e strumenti per lo sviluppo della scuola inclusiva, con un’attenzione particolare alla dimensione didattica

    Dimensions and Levels of Mentoring: Empirical Findings of the First German Inventory and Implications for Future Practice

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    The lack of evidence-based quantitative studies prevents further progress in mentoring research. In particular, standardized diagnostic instruments facilitating the exploration, evaluation and production of structured feedback for mentors and mentees are urgently needed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors and levels that are crucial to the process of mentoring. The study has two objectives: First, to expand the present empirical knowledge of basic dimensions and mentoring styles by developing the first German-language inventory, and second, to examine how the dimensions of the inventory are related to other qualities in the mentoring process. The data were collected at three universities in Austria during and after the school practice periods (student teaching) of advanced student teachers who were under the guidance of mentor teachers. Over the course of the study, 405 mentees (future teachers) evaluated 205 mentors. In order to gather information on mentoring dimensions, a specially designed German-language questionnaire with 53 items was utilized to assess how often certain mentoring behaviors were experienced. Five factors, some of which were validated by independent variables, were identified through an exploratory factor analysis: “Professional Support”, “Collegiality”, “Working Levels”, “Directiveness” and “Confidence”. The resulting inventory promoted two objectives: a theory-focused goal to encourage further research on the complexity of mentoring processes; and a practical goal, the creation of a tool for collaborative reflection between mentor and mentee. The results indicated that mentoring must be conceptualized as a professional practice that should entail specific resources and guidelin

    Profilierung fĂŒr Inklusive PĂ€dagogik (IP) im Lehramt der Primar- und Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung

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    Gegenstand des Beitrags sind Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes ‚Profilierung fĂŒr Inklusive PĂ€dagogik im Lehramtsstudium‘, das unterstĂŒtzt vom Forschungsfonds der PĂ€dagogischen Hochschule Steiermark von 2017-2020 durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Nach einer Darstellung der Rahmenbedingungen werden die Eckpunkte der Begleitforschung erlĂ€utert. Ziel der Ergebnisdarstellung ist es, die Gelingensfaktoren fĂŒr die Profilierung fĂŒr Inklusive PĂ€dagogik im Lehramtsstudium zu identifizieren und strukturelle, inhaltliche, organisatorische und hochschuldidaktische Spannungsfelder aufzuzeigen, die sich in der Umsetzung der Curricula ergeben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Didattica e inclusione scolastica - Inklusion im Bildungsbereich

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    The inequalities in education, which have also been exposed by the pandemic, highlight the need for alternatives and new horizons. The seventh edition of the conference series "Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inclusion in Education", which was organized for the first time under the direction of the Competence Center for Inclusion in Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, offered a space to deal with the priorities of a just and inclusive education during this time. This volume opens up a dialogue on inclusive didactics, which builds a bridge between german- and Italian-speaking traditions through its multilingual and intercultural orientation. The twelve contributions open up from different perspectives theoretical references, methods and instruments for the development of an inclusive school with a special focus on didactics