1,507 research outputs found

    “I am your perfect online partner" analysis of dating profiles used in cybercrime

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    Internet Online Dating has become an influential mainstream social practice facilitating the finding of a partner. Unscrupulous operators have identified its potential and started to use this platform for identity theft in form of so called Online Romance Scams. Quickly, this cybercrime has become very successful and thus, an increasing threat in the social networking environment. So far, very little is known about its structure and the reason for its success, and this needs to be known in order to be able to fight it efficiently. This research tries to contribute to this knowledge, and argues that scammers use so-called ‘Love Stories’, which represent personal affinities related to romantic relationships, to their benefit when tailoring common narratives as part of fraudulent online profiles to attract their victims. We look at these different types of ‘Personal Love Stories’ and discuss how they can be used in this type of scam, followed by a qualitative analysis of fraudulent profiles from three different international websites to examine this assumptio

    Online Romance Scam: Expensive e-Living for romantic happiness

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    The Online Romance Scam is a very successful scam which causes considerable financial and emotional damage to its victims. It is based on building a relationship which establishes a deep trust that causes victims to voluntarily transfer funds to the scammer. The aim of this research is to explore online dating scams as a type of e-Living which initially creates happiness for the victim in a virtual romantic relationship, but tragically then causes the victim to be separated from his or her savings. Using narrative research methodology, this research will establish a model of the romance scam structure and its variations regarding human romantic attitudes, and will develop a theory which explains how the victim is moved through the phases of the scam. Findings of this research will contribute to the knowledge of the Online Romance Scam as e-Crime and provide information about the structure and the development of the modus operandi which can be used to identify an online relationship as a scam at an early phase in order to prevent significant harm to the victim

    Structural analysis of Online Romance Scams by applying the transtheoretical model in conjunction with the theory of personal love stories

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    The internet has become an important communications platform which people choose for personal interactions. One of the most popular manifestations is the creation and maintenance of social relationships using social and dating websites. Unscrupulous operators have identified its potential for reaching vulnerable people and have started using it as platform for their criminal activity in the form of so-called Online Romance Scams. Quickly, this cybercrime has become very successful and thus an increasing threat in the social networking environment. The Online Romance Scam causes considerable financial and emotional damage to the victims. In this research we introduce a theory which helps to explain the success of this scam. In a similar way to the “The Nigerian Letter”, we propose that the scam techniques appeal to strong emotions, which are clearly involved in Romantic relationships. We also assume that the same success factors of normal relationships contribute to the success of the Romance Scam. Previous research into normal relationships has identified personal “love stories” as an important factor for the development of relationships. We have suggested that these personal love stories will have a key role in fraudulent relationships. The aim of this research is to explore Online Romance Scams as a type of ‘virtual love’ which initially creates happiness for the victim in a virtual romantic relationship, but tragically then causes the victim to be separated from his or her savings. Using narrative research methodology, this research will establish a model of the Romance Scam structure and its variations regarding human romantic attitudes. During the research program, the analysis of publicly available data from the internet were used, and as a consequence of this, appropriate ethical usage of research data is discussed. Findings of this research will contribute to the knowledge of the Online Romance Scam as significant crime, and provide information about the structure and the development of the modus operandi which can be used to identify an online relationship as a scam at an early phase in order to prevent significant harm to the victim.Doctor of Philosoph

    Implicit-Explicit Time Integration for the Immersed Wave Equation

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    Immersed boundary methods simplify mesh generation by embedding the domain of interest into an extended domain that is easy to mesh, introducing the challenge of dealing with cells that intersect the domain boundary. Combined with explicit time integration schemes, the finite cell method introduces a lower bound for the critical time step size. Explicit transient analyses commonly use the spectral element method due to its natural way of obtaining diagonal mass matrices through nodal lumping. Its combination with the finite cell method is called the spectral cell method. Unfortunately, a direct application of nodal lumping in the spectral cell method is impossible due to the special quadrature necessary to treat the discontinuous integrand inside the cut cells. We analyze an implicit-explicit (IMEX) time integration method to exploit the advantages of the nodal lumping scheme for uncut cells on one side and the unconditional stability of implicit time integration schemes for cut cells on the other. In this hybrid, immersed Newmark IMEX approach, we use explicit second-order central differences to integrate the uncut degrees of freedom that lead to a diagonal block in the mass matrix and an implicit trapezoidal Newmark method to integrate the remaining degrees of freedom (those supported by at least one cut cell). The immersed Newmark IMEX approach preserves the high-order convergence rates and the geometric flexibility of the finite cell method. We analyze a simple system of spring-coupled masses to highlight some of the essential characteristics of Newmark IMEX time integration. We then solve the scalar wave equation on two- and three-dimensional examples with significant geometric complexity to show that our approach is more efficient than state-of-the-art time integration schemes when comparing accuracy and runtime

    Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses

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    International audiencePredation is a major factor driving evolution, and organisms have evolved adaptations increasing their survival chances. However, most defenses incur trade-offs between benefits and costs. Many organisms save costs by employing inducible defenses as responses to fluctuating predation risk. The level of defense often increases with predator densities. However, individual predation risk should not only depend on predator density but also on the density of conspecifics. If the predator has a saturating functional response one would predict a negative correlation between prey density and individual predation risk and hence defense expression. Here, we tested this hypothesis using six model systems, covering a taxonomic range from protozoa to rotifers and crustaceans. In all six systems, we found that the level of defense expression increased with predator density but decreased with prey density. In one of our systems, i.e. in Daphnia, we further show that the response to prey density is triggered by a chemical cue released by conspecifics and congeners. Our results indicate that organisms adjust the degree of defense to the acute predation risk, rather than merely to predators’ densities. Our study suggests that density-dependent defense expression reflects accurate predation-risk assessment and is a general principle in many inducible-defense systems

    Module 4.4 Smart Drying/Möglichkeiten zur Überwachung der ProduktqualitĂ€t und Anpassung der Trocknungsbedingungen /Monitorare la qualitĂ  di un prodotto durante la disidratazione

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    Smart Drying solutions in terms of product controlled drying strategies can improve sustainability of drying processes and increse the quality of the final product

    Crustal structure of the central Sunda margin at the onset of oblique subduction

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    The convergent margin of the central Sunda Arc in Indonesia was the target of a reflection and refraction seismic survey conducted in 1998 and 1999. Along two seismic lines across the subduction complex off southern Sumatra and off Sunda Strait, coincident multichannel and wide-angle data were collected, complemented by two refraction strike-lines in the forearc basin off Sumatra. The combined analysis of the acquired data allows us to present a detailed model of the subduction zone where initiation of strain partitioning occurs due to the onset of oblique subduction. The dip of the subducted plate is well defined along both dip-lines and a lateral increase from 5° to 7° from beneath the outer high off Sumatra to Sunda Strait is supported by complementary gravity modelling. The downgoing slab is traced to a depth of more than 30km. On both reflection dip-lines, a clearly developed backstop structure underlying a trench slope break defines the landward termination of the active accretionary prism and separates it from the outer high. Active subduction accretion is supported by laterally increasing velocities between the deformation front and the active backstop structure. Seismic velocities of the outer high are moderate along both lines (<5.8kms−1 at 20km depth), suggesting a sedimentary composition. Reduced reflectivity beneath a rugged top basement traced along the outer high of both dip-lines supports a high degree of deformation and material compaction. Several kilometres of sediment has accumulated in the forearc domain, although a distinct morphological basin is only recognized off southern Sumatra and is not developed off Sunda Strait. The bathymetric elevation of the Java shelf that is encountered in the southern Sunda Strait corresponds to increased velocities of a basement high there and is connected to extensional structures of the Sunda Strait transtensional basin. Differences observed in the morphology of the forearc domain are also reflected in the lower crustal structure. Off southern Sumatra, the velocity–depth model clearly indicates a continental-type crust underlying the forearc basin, whereas lower velocities are found beneath the Sunda Strait forearc domain. Off Sumatra, some 3-D constraint on the upper plate structure is gained from the refraction strike-lines, which in addition is supported by synthetic data modelling
