18 research outputs found


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    This community service was carried out on two topiks, there are a simple chemical practicum and the socialization of the risk of Plastik waste in Soe City, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This activity aims to increase the people's understanding of the chemical science which is considered dangerous for the organism. The mistake in understanding of chemical concept causes the chemistry science is to difficult to study, even though chemistry has comprehensive  benefits in life, such as in agriculture for fertilizer production, in pharmacy to synthesis the medicine, for culinary to nutrient content estimated, in the livestock sector to make vaccines, in the marine sector to manage the marine product and for environment to overcome the environmental pollution due to the waste. This activity was initiated by the students and lecturers in the Chemical Education Study Program, of Widya Mandira Catholic University with the target being Junior High School students in the Soe city. Simple practicum is done using natural materials around in order to create an easy chemistry lesson. In addition to practicum activities, there are also has a socialization activities about the risk  of Plastik waste, because Plastik waste is an environment problem in the future

    Pigmen Umbi Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Rimpang Kunyit: Indikator Ramah Lingkungan dan Murah untuk Eksperimen Titrasi Asam-Basa

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    [Pigments of Purple Sweet Potato and Turmeric Rhizome: Eco-Friendly and Cheap Indicators for Acid-Base Titration Experiment] Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji karakter pigmen umbi ubi jalar ungu (PUUJU) dan pigmen rimpang kunyit (PRK) pada larutan uji dan penggunaannya sebagai indikator titrasi asam basa dibandingkan dengan indikator fenolftalein. PRK diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol sedangkan PUUJU diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol dalam suasana asam. PUUJU dan PRK diuji karakter perubahan warnanya dan digunakan sebagai indikator titrasi HCl-NaOH dan CH3COOH-NaOH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PUUJU berwarna merah pada pH 1, pink pada pH 2-6, ungu pada pH 7, biru pada pH 8-9, hijau pada pH 10-11 dan kuning pada pH 12-14. PRK menunjukkan warna kuning pada pH 1-7, merah bata pudar pada pH 8 dan semakin pekat seiring naiknya nilai pH larutan. Kedua pigmen ini mampu menunjukkan perubahan warna yang jelas pada titik akhir titrasi layaknya indikator fenolftalien. Diperoleh konsentrasi HCl pada titrasi menggunakan indikator PP, PUUJU dan PRK berturut-turut adalah 0,1031 M, 0,1045 M dan 0,1025 M sedangkan konsentrasi CH3COOH berturut-turut adalah 0,0876 M, 0,0869 M dan 0,0853 M. Berdasarkan data-data ini, PUUJU dan PRK dapat digunakan sebagai indikator titrasi HCl-NaOH dan CH3COOOH-NaOH dalam praktikum kimia di kelas. Kata kunci/keyword: Volumetri, pigmen alami, ubi jalar ungu, kunyit, volumetry, natural pigment, purple sweet potato, turmeric rhizome


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    The increasing of Covid-19 spread is certainly a challenge for the community in incounter of COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of health protocols and public understanding about COVID-19 must to be improved. One form of health protocol is the hand sanitizers utillization. Hand sanitizer can be bought at by various prices. The availability of natural abundance is the basis reason for innovations to be produce the hand sanitizers. Educational activities for the hand sanitizers produce  made from betel leaf and aloe vera in the Liliba sub-district, of Kupang city using the video and YouTube as well as socialization to the community aims to provide information for the community to utiliize the natural ingredients to create the hand sanitizers. This is carried out to support the implementation of health protocols. The selection of video tutorial media is because the community can be widely access. In addition the other  activities socializing about the hand sanitizers produce and distributing the home made hand sanitizer products. The socialization involved the Liliba sub-district Covid-19 team. The hand sanitizers that have been produced by practical students of chemistry educational study program of Widya Mandira University are then distributed to the audience of the socialization. The hand sanitizer production brochure distributed to the public as a  simple way of academics contributing ideas to help the community on COVID-19 pandemic.Penyebaran Covid-19 yang semakin meningkat tentu menjadi tantangan bagi masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Protokol kesehatan ketat dan pemahaman masyarakat akan bahaya Covid-19 perlu ditingkatkan. Salah satu bentuk protokol kesehatan adalah penggunaan hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer dapat dibeli dengan harga yang bervariasi. Ketersediaan bahan alam menjadi dasar inovasi yang perlu dilakukan untuk memproduksi hand sanitizer. Kegiatan edukasi dan produksi hand sanitizer menggunakan daun sirih dan daun lidah buaya di kelurahan Liliba, kota Kupang memanfaatkan media video dan YouTube serta sosialisasi kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi bagi masyarakat guna memanfaatkan potensi di lingkungan sekitar untuk membuat hand sanitizer. Hal ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka menunjang penerapan protokol kesehatan. Pemilihan media video tutorial karena bisa diakses secara luas oleh masyarakat. Selain kegiatan edukasi melalui video tutorial, kegiatan lain yang dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan ketat diantaranya sosialisasi cara memproduksi hand sanitizer dan pendistribusian produk hand sanitizer. Sosialisasi melibatkan tim penanganan Covid-19 kelurahan Liliba. Hand sanitizer yang telah diproduksi oleh mahasiswa KKN-PPM kemudian dibagikan kepada warga saat sosialiasi berlangsung. Adapun brosur produksi hand sanitizer yang dibagikan merupakan bukti keterlibatan kaum akademisi dalam menyumbangkan ide untuk membantu masyarakat memerangi pandemi Covid-19

    Observations of the turbulence in the scrape-off-layer of Alcator C-Mod and comparisons with simulation

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    The intermittent turbulent transport in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) of Alcator C-Mod [I.H. Hutchinson, R. Boivin, P.T. Bonoli et al., Nucl. Fusion 41, 1391 (2001)] is studied experimentally by imaging with a very high density of spatial measurements. The two-dimensional structure and dynamics of emission from a localized gas puff are observed, and intermittent features (also sometimes called "filaments" or "blobs") are typically seen. The characteristics of the spatial structure of the turbulence and their relationship to the time-averaged SOL profiles are discussed and compared with those measured on the National Spherical Torus Experiment [M. Ono, S. M. Kaye, Y.-K. M. Pong et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000)]. The experimental observations are compared also with three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulations of edge turbulence. Radial profiles of the poloidal wave number spectra and the poloidal scale length from the simulations are in reasonable agreement with those obtained from the experimental images, once the response of the optical system is accounted for. The resistive ballooning mode is the dominant linear instability in the simulations. The ballooning character of the turbulence is also consistent with fluctuation measurements made at the inboard and outboard midplane, where normalized fluctuation levels are found to be about 10 times smaller on the inboard side. For discharges near the density limit, turbulent structures are seen on closed flux surfaces