225 research outputs found

    Increasing the economic sustainability of the company JSC "Novoazovskoe"

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    Mestrado APNORIncreasing of economic sustainability of an enterprise is one of the most important problems in current global economic and political conditions. For agricultural companies this issue is important in higher grade. One of the ways of economic sustainability increasing is to improve the quality of harvested feed for animals, namely - haylage. In this Master thesis it was considered the meaning of “Economic sustainability” and ways of its increasing. Also in theoretical part it was presented main features of economic sustainability in agricultural enterprises and ways of its increasing. As one of the ways of economic sustainability increasing was considered the modifying of harvesting system. As the considered enterprise it was used Joint Stock Company “Novoazovskoe” of Azovsky German National district of Omsk region of Russian Federation. According to the topic of Master Thesis it was implemented the general analysis of legal, managerial, financial and productive information of considered enterprise. To identify the most prospective ways of increasing an economic sustainability in terms of harvesting system, it was implemented the analysis of existing haylage harvesting system. In final chapter of Master thesis, it was proposed the modern system of haylage harvesting, offered the purchasing of required agricultural machineries for implementing of new system, and presented the economic results received after implementation of new haylage harvesting system. The main results show that after implementation of new haylage harvesting system the total volume of good haylage increased up to 88% of total remained mass and 93% of initial harvested mass. Accumulated gross profit for 5 years received from realization of the surplus of a good haylage was more than 29 million rubles.O aumento da sustentabilidade económica de uma empresa é um dos problemas mais importantes nas atuais condições económicas e políticas globais. Para as empresas agrícolas, esta questão torna-se ainda mais importante. Uma das formas de aumento da sustentabilidade económica assenta em melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos colhidos para animais, nomeadamente - o cultivo de animais. No presente trabalho foi considerado o significado de "sustentabilidade económica" e algumas formas de aumentar a mesma. Também na parte teórica foram apresentadas as principais características da sustentabilidade económica nas empresas agrícolas e formas de aumentar. Como uma das formas de aumento da sustentabilidade econômica será considerada a modificação do sistema de colheita. Como a empresa considerada será usada Joint Stock Company "Novoazovskoe" do distrito nacional alemão Azovsky da região de Omsk da Federação Russa. De acordo com o tema da dissertação de Mestrado foi implementada a análise geral de informações legais, de gestão, financeiras e produtivas da empresa considerada. Para identificar as formas mais potenciais de aumentar a sustentabilidade económica em termos de sistema, foi implementada a análise do sistema existente de colheita de palha. No capítulo final da disertação de mestrado será proposto o sistema moderno de colheita de palha, ofereceu a compra de máquinas agrícolas necessárias para implantação do novo sistema e apresentou os resultados económicos obtidos após a implantação do novo sistema de colheita de palha. Os resultados permitem concluir que, após a implementação do novo sistema de colheita de feno, o volume total aumentou até 88% do total e 93% da colheita inicial. O lucro bruto acumulado por 5 anos recebido da realização do superávit de um bom stock foi mais de 29 milhões de rublos.Повышения экономической устойчивости предприятия является одной из наиболее важных проблем в глобальных политической и экономических условиях. На сельскохозяйственных предприятиях эти условия отражаются значительно сильнее. Одним из путей повышения экономической устойчивости компании является повышение качества заготавливаемых кормов, а именно сенажа. В данной Магистерской работе будет рассмотрено понятие «Экономическая устойчивость» и пути её повышения. В теоретической части данной работы так же будут представлены основные характеристики экономической устойчивости сельскохозяйственных предприятий, а также приведены пути её повышения. В качестве одного из путей повышения экономической устойчивости будет рассмотрено изменения действующей системы кормозаготовки. В качестве рассматриваемого предприятия будет использовано Акционерное Общество «Новоазовское» Азовского Немецкого Национального Района Омской области Российской Федерации. В соответствии с основной темой Магистерской работы будет проведён анализ юридической, управленческой, финансовой и производственной информации рассматриваемого предприятия. Для определения наиболее перспективных путей повышения экономической устойчивости в сфере кормозаготовки, будет проведён анализ действующей системы заготовки сенажа на корм. В заключительной части Магистерской работы будет предложена современная система заготовки сенажа на корм, предложено приобретение необходимой сельскохозяйственной техники для внедрения новой системы, и представлены экономические результаты, полученный от внедрения новой системы заготовки сенажа на корм. Основные результаты, полученные от реализации новой системы заготовки сенажа на корм, показывают, что количество качественного сенажа возросло до 88% от общего оставшегося сенажа и до 93% от первоначально заготовленной массы. Валовая прибыль накопленным итогом за 5 лет реализации проекта и, как результат, продажи излишков качественного сенажа, составит более 29 миллионов рублей

    Main directions digitalization in the higher education in the world and Russia (based on the example of physical culture and sports)

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    On the basis of the analysis of scientific research, we have made an attempt to determine the main directions of the development of digitalization in the system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia for the next decade. In our opinion, four main areas of use of modern digitalization in physical culture and sports can be distinguished: in the educational process; in the process of sports training; in the process of competition; in health improving physical cultur

    Issues of regulating childrens motor activity in modern preschool education

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    The objective of the research is to determine the volume and intensity of motor activity of children aged 5-6 years, identify existing problems of motor activity at this age and compare the results with age norm

    A influência de determinantes sociopedagógicos na atividade motora de crianças menores

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    The study aims to determine the influence of social and pedagogical determinants on the optimization of motor activity of 9-10 age children. The study engaged students of secondary schools in Belgorod. During the academic year, experimental work was carried out from September 2020 to May 2021. The methodology is to study and analyze scientific and methodological literature on the problem by domestic and foreign scholars; pedometry, methods of mathematical statistics. In 86% of junior school students, it has been found that the average daily volume of motor activity is below the age norm. At the same time, 3% of children involved in the study show hyperactivity. The analysis of the indicators of the average daily pedometer measurements indicates that the volume of motor activity in children of 9-10 years old in the experimental group is significantly higher than in children in the control groups.El estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de los determinantes sociales y pedagógicos en la optimización de la actividad motora de niños de 9 a 10 años. El estudio involucró a estudiantes de escuelas secundarias en Belgorod. Durante el curso académico se realizó un trabajo experimental desde septiembre de 2020 hasta mayo de 2021. La metodología es estudiar y analizar la literatura científica y metodológica sobre el problema por parte de académicos nacionales y extranjeros; pedometría, métodos de estadística matemática. En el 86% de los estudiantes de la escuela primaria, se ha encontrado que el volumen promedio diario de actividad motora está por debajo de la norma de edad. Al mismo tiempo, el 3% de los niños involucrados en el estudio muestran hiperactividad. El análisis de los indicadores de las mediciones diarias promedio del podómetro indica que el volumen de actividad motora en niños de 9 a 10 años en el grupo experimental es significativamente mayor que en los niños de los grupos de control.O estudo visa determinar a influência dos determinantes sociais e pedagógicos na otimização da atividade motora de crianças de 9 a 10 anos de idade. O estudo envolveu alunos de escolas secundárias em Belgorod. Durante o ano letivo, foi realizado um trabalho experimental de setembro de 2020 a maio de 2021. A metodologia visa estudar e analisar a produção científica e metodológica sobre o problema por acadêmicos nacionais e estrangeiros; pedometria, métodos de estatística matemática. Em 86% dos alunos do ensino fundamental, verificou-se que o volume médio diário de atividade motora está abaixo do recomendado para a idade. Ao mesmo tempo, 3% das crianças envolvidas no estudo apresentam hiperatividade. A análise dos indicadores das medidas médias diárias do pedômetro indica que o volume de atividade motora em crianças de 9 a 10 anos do grupo experimental é significativamente maior do que nas crianças do grupo controle

    Combination of aerobic and anaerobic means in physical culture classes

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    The aim of research is to support the usefulness of using combination of aerobic and anaerobic means in educational-training classes on physical culture. The study involved 186 students of Belgorod National Research University and Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and La

    Correction of the state of cardiovascular system of undergraduates by means of dosed constitutional walking and jogging

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    The study is dedicated to the issue of educational process improving of physical education of undergraduates who has abnormalities in the state of cardiovascular system. Influence of researchers technique of dosed constitutional walking and jogging for functional state of cardiovascular system of undergraduates of special medical groups has been justified and experimentally verified in the studyyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Physical and recreational preventing measure technology of disturbances in the cordial and vascular system of students

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    Our aim is to prove scientifically and to check experimentally physical and recreational technology dosages of motive loads of the students, who have disturbances in cardiovascular system. The carried out researches demonstrate the general positive influence of the developed sport improving technology of dispensing of motive loads of the students, who have changes in cardiovascular system and its influence on somatic healt

    A orientação sobre a identidade do aluno e sua influência no tamanho e na natureza da atividade física

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    This article is a relevance of new methods search of the classes organization in physical culture and ways of influence which would provide formation of positive orientation of the identity of the student on systematic occupations with physical culture and sport. Results of large-scale research on studying of orientation of the students’ identity and its influence on size and the nature of physical activity are presented in the article. As a result of research, it is proved that the personality orientation exerts direct impact on size and the nature of physical activity and incidence of students.Este artículo es una relevancia de los nuevos métodos de búsqueda de la organización de las clases en la cultura física y las formas de influencia que proporcionarían la formación de una orientación positiva de la identidad del estudiante en las ocupaciones sistemáticas con la cultura física y el deporte. Los resultados de la investigación a gran escala sobre el estudio de la orientación de la identidad de los estudiantes y su influencia en el tamaño y la naturaleza de la actividad física se presentan en el artículo. Como resultado de la investigación, se demuestra que la orientación de la personalidad ejerce un impacto directo en el tamaño y la naturaleza de la actividad física y la incidencia de los estudiantes.Este artigo é uma relevância dos novos métodos de busca da organização das aulas na cultura física e as formas de influência que proporcionariam a formação de uma orientação positiva da identidade do aluno nas ocupações sistemáticas com a cultura física e o esporte. Os resultados da pesquisa em larga escala sobre o estudo da orientação da identidade do estudante e sua influência no tamanho e na natureza da atividade física são apresentados no artigo. Como resultado da pesquisa, mostra-se que a orientação da personalidade tem um impacto direto no tamanho e na natureza da atividade física e na incidência de estudantes

    Respiratory gymnastics for students with cardiological diseases

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    Purpose: to give scientific justification to the technique of performing breathing exercises by students with cardiological diseases. It is confirmed the expediency of systematic application of the breathing exercises with a full breath and interval hypoxia. Conclusions: It is expedient to perform breathing exercises on the classes of the subject "Physical culture" with the students suffer from cardiological disease

    Effect of motor activity on physical readiness indicators of preschoolers with visual impairment

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    To evaluate the effectiveness of game programs and technologies that ensure the variability of physical education system of preschoolers with amblyopia and strabismus, according to the criteria of their influence on the optimization of motor activity and the level of physical readiness of childre