1,382 research outputs found

    Numerical study of axisymmetric vortex breakdowns

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    Axisymmetric flow of rotating stream analyzed to determine conditions allowing isolated vortex breakdown to develo

    Photon strength distributions in stable even-even molybdenum isotopes

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    Electromagnetic dipole-strength distributions up to the particle separation energies are studied for the stable even-even nuclides 92,94,96,98,100^{92,94,96,98,100}Mo in photon scattering experiments at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The influence of inelastic transitions to low-lying excited states has been corrected by a simulation of γ\gamma cascades using a statistical model. After corrections for branching ratios of ground-state transitions, the photon-scattering cross-sections smoothly connect to data obtained from (γ,n)(\gamma,n)-reactions. With the newly determined electromagnetic dipole response of nuclei well below the particle separation energies the parametrisation of the isovector giant-dipole resonance is done with improved precision.Comment: Proceedings Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 3, March 2007, Dresden Journal of Physics G, IOP Publishin

    Pygmy dipole strength close to particle-separation energies - the case of the Mo isotopes

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    The distribution of electromagnetic dipole strength in 92, 98, 100 Mo has been investigated by photon scattering using bremsstrahlung from the new ELBE facility. The experimental data for well separated nuclear resonances indicate a transition from a regular to a chaotic behaviour above 4 MeV of excitation energy. As the strength distributions follow a Porter-Thomas distribution much of the dipole strength is found in weak and in unresolved resonances appearing as fluctuating cross section. An analysis of this quasi-continuum - here applied to nuclear resonance fluorescence in a novel way - delivers dipole strength functions, which are combining smoothly to those obtained from (g,n)-data. Enhancements at 6.5 MeV and at ~9 MeV are linked to the pygmy dipole resonances postulated to occur in heavy nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, proceedings Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics II, May 16-20, Debrecen, Hungary. The original publication is available at www.eurphysj.or

    Neutron charge radius and the Dirac equation

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    We consider the Dirac equation for a finite-size neutron in an external electric field. We explicitly incorporate Dirac-Pauli form factors into the Dirac equation. After a non-relativistic reduction, the Darwin-Foldy term is cancelled by a contribution from the Dirac form factor, so that the only coefficient of the external field charge density is e/6rEn2e/6 r^2_{En}, i. e. the root mean square radius associated with the electric Sachs form factor . Our result is similar to a recent result of Isgur, and reconciles two apparently conflicting viewpoints about the use of the Dirac equation for the description of nucleons.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Baryon Charge Radii and Quadrupole Moments in the 1/N_c Expansion: The 3-Flavor Case

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    We develop a straightforward method to compute charge radii and quadrupole moments for baryons both with and without strangeness, when the number of QCD color charges is N_c. The minimal assumption of the single-photon exchange ansatz implies that only two operators are required to describe these baryon observables. Our results are presented so that SU(3) flavor and isospin symmetry breaking can be introduced according to any desired specification, although we also present results obtained from two patterns suggested by the quark model with gluon exchange interactions. The method also permits to extract a number of model-independent relations; a sample is r^2_Lambda / r_n^2 = 3/(N_c+3), independent of SU(3) symmetry breaking.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, REVTeX

    Higher-Order Nuclear-Polarizability Corrections in Atomic Hydrogen

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    Nuclear-polarizability corrections that go beyond unretarded-dipole approximation are calculated analytically for hydrogenic (atomic) S-states. These retardation corrections are evaluated numerically for deuterium and contribute -0.68 kHz, for a total polarization correction of 18.58(7) kHz. Our results are in agreement with one previous numerical calculation, and the retardation corrections completely account for the difference between two previous calculations. The uncertainty in the deuterium polarizability correction is substantially reduced. At the level of 0.01 kHz for deuterium, only three primary nuclear observables contribute: the electric polarizability, αE\alpha_E, the paramagnetic susceptibility, βM\beta_M, and the third Zemach moment, (2)_{(2)}. Cartesian multipole decomposition of the virtual Compton amplitude and its concomitant gauge sum rules are used in the analysis.Comment: 26 pages, latex, 1 figure -- Submitted to Phys. Rev. C -- epsfig.sty require

    Nuclear Sizes and the Isotope Shift

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    Darwin-Foldy nuclear-size corrections in electronic atoms and nuclear radii are discussed from the nuclear-physics perspective. Interpretation of precise isotope-shift measurements is formalism dependent, and care must be exercised in interpreting these results and those obtained from relativistic electron scattering from nuclei. We strongly advocate that the entire nuclear-charge operator be used in calculating nuclear-size corrections in atoms, rather than relegating portions of it to the non-radiative recoil corrections. A preliminary examination of the intrinsic deuteron radius obtained from isotope-shift measurements suggests the presence of small meson-exchange currents (exotic binding contributions of relativistic order) in the nuclear charge operator, which contribute approximately 1/2%.Comment: 17 pages, latex, 1 figure -- Submitted to Phys. Rev. A -- epsfig.sty require

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radiation-Induced Activation in a Fast-Neutron and Gamma- Based Cargo Inspection System

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    An air cargo inspection system combining two nuclear reaction based techniques, namely Fast-Neutron Resonance Radiography and Dual-Discrete-Energy Gamma Radiography is currently being developed. This system is expected to allow detection of standard and improvised explosives as well as special nuclear materials. An important aspect for the applicability of nuclear techniques in an airport inspection facility is the inventory and lifetimes of radioactive isotopes produced by the neutron and gamma radiation inside the cargo, as well as the dose delivered by these isotopes to people in contact with the cargo during and following the interrogation procedure. Using MCNPX and CINDER90 we have calculated the activation levels for several typical inspection scenarios. One example is the activation of various metal samples embedded in a cotton-filled container. To validate the simulation results, a benchmark experiment was performed, in which metal samples were activated by fast-neutrons in a water-filled glass jar. The induced activity was determined by analyzing the gamma spectra. Based on the calculated radioactive inventory in the container, the dose levels due to the induced gamma radiation were calculated at several distances from the container and in relevant time windows after the irradiation, in order to evaluate the radiation exposure of the cargo handling staff, air crew and passengers during flight. The possibility of remanent long-lived radioactive inventory after cargo is delivered to the client is also of concern and was evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Neutron electric dipole moment: Constituent-dressing and compositeness

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    Contributions to the neutron's EDM, are calculated using a well-constrained Ansatz for the nucleon's Poincare' covariant Fadde'ev amplitude. The momentum-dependent quark dressing amplifies the contribution from the current-quarks' EDMs; and dressed-quark confinement and binding make distinguishable the effect of the two CP and T violating interactions: i gamma_5 sigma_{mu nu} (p_1-p_2)_nu and gamma_5 (p_1+p_2)_mu, where p_{1,2} are the current-quarks' momenta. The value of |d_n| obtained using the current-quark EDMs generated by a minimal three Higgs doublet model of spontaneous CP violation is close to the current experimental upper bound.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e. Errors in Table 1 corrected; five references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on new interactions from neutron scattering experiments

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    Constraints for the constants of hypothetical Yukawa-type corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential are obtained from analysis of neutron scattering experiments. Restrictions are obtained for the interaction range between 10^{-12} and 10^{-7} cm, where Casimir force experiments and atomic force microscopy are not sensitive. Experimental limits are obtained also for non-electromagnetic inverse power law neutron-nucleus potential. Some possibilities are discussed to strengthen these constraints.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure