148 research outputs found

    Selektivno određivanje Fe(III) u uzorcima Fe(II) UV-spektrofotometrijom pomoću kvercetina i morina

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    Selective UV-spectrophotometric methods for determination of iron(III) in iron(II) samples have been developed. The methods are based on the interaction of Fe(III) with quercetin and morin, compounds of the flavonoid group. Redox reactions occurring between Fe(III) ions and the reagents used make the basis for the detection. Iron(II) does not react with quercetin and morin under the conditions applied [aqueous-methanolic (3 : 2) solutions, 0.3 mol L1 HCl, and 1.2 × 10-4 mol L1 quercetin (morin)] and does not interfere with the determination of Fe(III). Iron(III) can be determined up to 15 μg mL1 using both the examined systems. The detection limits are 0.06 and 0.38 μg mL1 when using quercetin or morin, respectively. The method with quercetin was applied to the determination of Fe(III) (ca. 0.2%) in a Fe(II) pharmaceutical product.U radu je opisan razvoj selektivnih UV-spektrofotometrijskih metoda za određivanje željeza(III) u uzorku željeza(II). Metode se temelje na redoks reakciji Fe(III) sa spojevima iz skupine flavonoida kvercetinom i morinom u reakcijskim uvjetima u kojima željezo(II) ne reagira (vodeno/metanolna otopina 3:2, 0,3 mol L1 HCl, 1,2 x 104 mol L1 kvercetin ili morin). Najniža koncentracija željeza(III) koja se može odrediti je 15 μg mL1 u oba ispitivana sustava. Granice detekcije su 0,06 i 0,38 μg mL1 ako se koristi kvercetin, odnosno morfin. Metoda s kvercetinom primijenjena je za određivanje Fe(III (približno 0,2%) u farmaceutskom produktu Fe(II)

    A simplified curcumin targets the membrane of Bacillus subtilis

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    Abstract Curcumin is the main constituent of turmeric, a seasoning popularized around the world with Indian cuisine. Among the benefits attributed to curcumin are anti‐inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumoral, and chemopreventive effects. Besides, curcumin inhibits the growth of the gram‐positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The anti‐B. subtilis action happens by interference with the division protein FtsZ, an ancestral tubulin widespread in Bacteria. FtsZ forms protofilaments in a GTP‐dependent manner, with the concomitant recruitment of essential factors to operate cell division. By stimulating the GTPase activity of FtsZ, curcumin destabilizes its function. Recently, curcumin was shown to promote membrane permeabilization in B. subtilis. Here, we used molecular simplification to dissect the functionalities of curcumin. A simplified form, in which a monocarbonyl group substituted the β‐diketone moiety, showed antibacterial action against gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria of clinical interest. The simplified curcumin also disrupted the divisional septum of B. subtilis; however, subsequent biochemical analysis did not support a direct action on FtsZ. Our results suggest that the simplified curcumin exerted its function mainly through membrane permeabilization, with disruption of the membrane potential necessary for FtsZ intra‐cellular localization. Finally, we show here experimental evidence for the requirement of the β‐diketone group of curcumin for its interaction with FtsZ

    Source Attribution and Interannual Variability of Arctic Pollution in Spring Constrained by Aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and Satellite (AIRS) Observations of Carbon Monoxide

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    We use aircraft observations of carbon monoxide (CO) from the NASA ARCTAS and NOAA ARCPAC campaigns in April 2008 together with multiyear (2003-2008) CO satellite data from the AIRS instrument and a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) to better understand the sources, transport, and interannual variability of pollution in the Arctic in spring. Model simulation of the aircraft data gives best estimates of CO emissions in April 2008 of 26 Tg month-1 for Asian anthropogenic, 9.1 for European anthropogenic, 4.2 for North American anthropogenic, 9.3 for Russian biomass burning (anomalously large that year), and 21 for Southeast Asian biomass burning. We find that Asian anthropogenic emissions are the dominant source of Arctic CO pollution everywhere except in surface air where European anthropogenic emissions are of similar importance. Synoptic pollution influences in the Arctic free troposphere include contributions of comparable magnitude from Russian biomass burning and from North American, European, and Asian anthropogenic sources. European pollution dominates synoptic variability near the surface. Analysis of two pollution events sampled by the aircraft demonstrates that AIRS is capable of observing pollution transport to the Arctic in the mid-troposphere. The 2003-2008 record of CO from AIRS shows that interannual variability averaged over the Arctic cap is very small. AIRS CO columns over Alaska are highly correlated with the Ocean Nino Index, suggesting a link between El Nino and northward pollution transport. AIRS shows lower-than-average CO columns over Alaska during April 2008, despite the Russian fires, due to a weakened Aleutian Low hindering transport from Asia and associated with the moderate 2007-2008 La Nina. This suggests that Asian pollution influence over the Arctic may be particularly large under strong El Nino conditions

    Wild vascular plants gathered for consumption in the Polish countryside: a review

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    BACKGROUND: This paper is an ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants gathered for consumption from the end of the 18(th )century to the present day, within the present borders of Poland. METHODS: 42 ethnographic and botanical sources documenting the culinary use of wild plants were analyzed. RESULTS: The use of 112 species (3.7% of the flora) has been recorded. Only half of them have been used since the 1960s. Three species: Cirsium rivulare, Euphorbia peplus and Scirpus sylvaticus have never before been reported as edible by ethnobotanical literature. The list of wild edible plants which are still commonly gathered includes only two green vegetables (Rumex acetosa leaves for soups and Oxalis acetosella as children's snack), 15 folk species of fruits and seeds (Crataegus spp., Corylus avellana, Fagus sylvatica, Fragaria vesca, Malus domestica, Prunus spinosa, Pyrus spp., Rosa canina, Rubus idaeus, Rubus sect. Rubus, Sambucus nigra, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. oxycoccos, V. uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea) and four taxa used for seasoning or as preservatives (Armoracia rusticana root and leaves, Carum carvi seeds, Juniperus communis pseudo-fruits and Quercus spp. leaves). The use of other species is either forgotten or very rare. In the past, several species were used for food in times of scarcity, most commonly Chenopodium album, Urtica dioica, U. urens, Elymus repens, Oxalis acetosella and Cirsium spp., but now the use of wild plants is mainly restricted to raw consumption or making juices, jams, wines and other preserves. The history of the gradual disappearance of the original barszcz, Heracleum sphondylium soup, from Polish cuisine has been researched in detail and two, previously unpublished, instances of its use in the 20(th )century have been found in the Carpathians. An increase in the culinary use of some wild plants due to media publications can be observed. CONCLUSION: Poland can be characterized as a country where the traditions of culinary use of wild plants became impoverished very early, compared to some parts of southern Europe. The present use of wild plants, even among the oldest generation, has been almost entirely restricted to fruits

    At the coalface and the cutting edge: general practitioners’ accounts of the rewards of engaging with HIV medicine

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    The interviews we conducted with GPs suggest that an engagement with HIV medicine enables clinicians to develop strong and long-term relationships with and expertise about the care needs of people living with HIV ‘at the coalface’, while also feeling connected with a broader network of medical practitioners and other professionals concerned with and contributing to the ever-changing world of science: ‘the cutting edge’. The general practice HIV prescriber is being modelled here as the interface between these two worlds, offering a rewarding opportunity for general practitioners to feel intimately connected to both community needs and scientific change

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma fonte DC de alta tensão para utilização em sistema de deposição de filmes finos por pulverização catódica

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    RESUMO O trabalho em questão está relacionado ao projeto e construção de uma fonte de alta tensão em corrente contínua utilizando materiais e dispositivos adquiridos no comércio local visando sua aplicação no processo de pulverização catódica. Essa técnica permite a deposição de filmes finos de metais, óxidos e nitretos sobre substratos sólidos. Como teste de funcionamento e aplicação da fonte DC, com a mesma instalada em canhão de pulverização em alto vácuo, filmes finos de diferentes espessuras de cobre, aço inoxidável 304 e tungstênio foram depositados e estudados. Análise de espessura, morfologia, e resistência elétrica e resistividade foram conduzidas. Filmes com resistividade elétrica dependente das espessuras foram obtidos. A fonte DC se mostrou confiável em operação e permite a deposição de uma infinidade de materiais nas mais diferentes espessuras sobre vários tipos de substratos