636 research outputs found

    Coupling a single electron on superfluid helium to a superconducting resonator.

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    Electrons on helium form a unique two-dimensional system on the interface of liquid helium and vacuum. A small number of trapped electrons on helium exhibits strong interactions in the absence of disorder, and can be used as a qubit. Trapped electrons typically have orbital frequencies in the microwave regime and can therefore be integrated with circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED), which studies light-matter interactions using microwave photons. Here, we experimentally realize a cQED platform with the orbitals of single electrons on helium. We deterministically trap one to four electrons in a dot integrated with a microwave resonator, allowing us to study the electrons' response to microwaves. Furthermore, we find a single-electron-photon coupling strength of [Formula: see text] MHz, greatly exceeding the resonator linewidth [Formula: see text] MHz. These results pave the way towards microwave studies of Wigner molecules and coherent control of the orbital and spin state of a single electron on helium

    Ecologische effecten van de Hanzelijn op Vogelrichtlijngebieden; effectbepaling in het kader van de EU-Vogelrichtlijn; aanvullende rapportage Drontermeer

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    Mede naar aanleiding van de onderzoeksresultaten die zijn beschreven in Alterra-rapport 176 heeft Railinfrabeheer aanvullend akoestisch onderzoek laten doen om de te verwachten effecten van de Hanzelijn op het Drontermeer nauwkeuriger in beeld te krijgen. Tevens bestond er behoefte om inzichtelijk te maken wat het effect op de conclusies zou zijn als er een andere drempelwaarde als verstoringsmaat gebruikt zou worden. Dit onderzoek geeft antwoord op de vraag in hoeverre de conclusies uit Alterra-rapport 176 dienen te worden herzien of aangevuld naar aanleiding van de resultaten van het aanvullend akoestisch onderzoek

    Tracking turtles in the past:Zooarchaeological evidence for human-turtle interactions in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean

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    Turtles are important barometers of human impact on marine biodiversity. Very little, however, is known about the deep history of human-turtle interactions and whether this is reflected in the present-day vulnerability of Mediterranean turtle populations. Here, the authors critically assess the zooarchaeological evidence for the nature and intensity of past human interactions with green, loggerhead turtles and Nile soft-shell turtles in the Eastern Mediterranean. Species and sex identifications, estimates of relative abundance, and size reconstructions at five coastal archaeological sites demonstrate the variety in interactions, from turtle capture to processing, and allow informative comparisons with present-day distributions of these species across the region

    Fast Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques in MRI

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop fast reconstruction and acquisition techniques for MRI that can support clinical applications where time is a limiting factor. In general, fast acquisition techniques were realized by undersampling k-space, while fast reconstruction techniques were achieved by using efficient numerical algorithms. In particular, undersampled acquisitions were processed in a CS and MRF framework. Preconditioning techniques were used to accelerate CS reconstructions, and a number of challenges encountered in MRF were addressed using appropriate post-processing techniques. European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant (670629 NOMA MRI)LUMC / Geneeskund

    Toets natuurontwikkelingsplan en natuurbrug in Zanderij Crailo; nut en noodzaak van de ecologische verbinding, effectiviteit van de natuurbrug en toetsing herinrichting sportpark

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    Het doel van de natuurbrug Zanderij Crailo is het creëren van een ecologische en recreatieve verbinding tussen de Bussumer- en Westerheide en de aangrenzende Utrechtse Heuvelrug enerzijds en het Spanderswoud met aansluitend de westelijk daarvan gelegen landgoederenzone en de Vechtstreek anderzijds. Dit rapport beschrijft nut en noodzaak van de verbinding en de effectiviteit van een natuurbrug als ecologische en recreatieve verbinding. Tevens wordt de voor de aanleg van de natuurbrug noodzakelijke ingreep in het beschermd natuurmonument Bussumer- en Westerheide getoetst

    An example of a science communication evaluation study: Discovery07, a Dutch science party

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    This article presents an example of how a public science party was evaluated. The main goals of the science party, to increase the positive image of science and present an attractive science event, were evaluated in two ways. First, web surveys were used to determine the image of science before and after the event among paying visitors, invited guests, and a control group (N = 149). Second, during the event, visitors were interviewed about their experiences at the event (N = 124). The survey study showed that the image of science was very positive among all three groups of respondents. As no differences were found between pre- and post-tests, participation in the event did not lead to a more positive image of science. The results of the interviews suggested that visitors highly appreciated the event. In the Discussion, the evaluation study is analyzed and possibilities/limitations for future general use are discussed
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