799 research outputs found

    On Distance-Regular Graphs with Smallest Eigenvalue at Least m-m

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    A non-complete geometric distance-regular graph is the point graph of a partial geometry in which the set of lines is a set of Delsarte cliques. In this paper, we prove that for fixed integer m2m\geq 2, there are only finitely many non-geometric distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue at least m-m, diameter at least three and intersection number c22c_2 \geq 2

    Spectral Characterization of the Hamming Graphs

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    We show that the Hamming graph H(3; q) with diameter three is uniquely determined by its spectrum for q ¸ 36. Moreover, we show that for given integer D ¸ 2, any graph cospectral with the Hamming graph H(D; q) is locally the disjoint union of D copies of the complete graph of size q ¡ 1, for q large enough.Hamming graphs;distance-regular graphs;eigenvalues of graphs

    Arithmetic completely regular codes

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    In this paper, we explore completely regular codes in the Hamming graphs and related graphs. Experimental evidence suggests that many completely regular codes have the property that the eigenvalues of the code are in arithmetic progression. In order to better understand these "arithmetic completely regular codes", we focus on cartesian products of completely regular codes and products of their corresponding coset graphs in the additive case. Employing earlier results, we are then able to prove a theorem which nearly classifies these codes in the case where the graph admits a completely regular partition into such codes (e.g, the cosets of some additive completely regular code). Connections to the theory of distance-regular graphs are explored and several open questions are posed.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    On geometric distance-regular graphs with diameter three

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    In this paper we study distance-regular graphs with intersection array {(t + 1)s. ts. (t - 1)(s + 1 - psi); 1, 2, (t + 1)psi} (1) where s. t. psi are integers satisfying t >= 2 and 1 = 2, there are only finitely many distance-regular graphs of order (s, t) with mallest eigenvalue -t -1, diameter D = 3 and intersection number c(2) = 2 except for Hamming graphs with diameter three. Moreover, we will show that if a distance-regular graph with intersection array (1) for t = 2 exists then (s, psi) = (15, 9). As Gavrilyuk and Makhnev (2013)[9] proved that the case (s, psi) = (15, 9) does not exist, this enables us to finish the classification of geometric distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue -3, diameter D >= 3 and c(2) >= 2 which was started by the first author (Bang, 2013)[1]. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.X1121Ysciescopu

    Spectral Characterization of the Hamming Graphs

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