25 research outputs found

    Impact of herbicides on soil biology and function

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    There is a growing awareness among farmers about the importance of soil for sustaining crop production and providing beneficial ecosystem services. Over the last 2 decades, global herbicide use has increased as farmers have shifted to more sustainable conservation tillage practices and have adopted herbicide-tolerant crop cultivars. The implications of increased herbicide use for soil biology are being questioned, but a comprehensive review on this topic is lacking. In this chapter we outline the chemistry and use of the major herbicide classes, and review the soil functions relevant to crop production. We then collate and critically evaluate the evidence for herbicide effects on soil biota and activity. In general, most studies suggest that the impacts of herbicide application on soil function are only minor and/or temporary. However, there are some instances where findings consistently suggest effects that could significantly alter soil function. These include disruptions to earthworm ecology in soils exposed to glyphosate and atrazine; inhibition of soil N-cycling (including biological N2-fixation, mineralization and nitrification) by sulfonylurea herbicides in alkaline or low organic matter soils; and site-specific increases in disease resulting from the application of a variety of herbicides. Issues with extrapolating these findings to broadacre farming include the lack of a consistent framework for assessing herbicide risk to soil biology, the relevance of the magnitude of herbicide impacts compared with the impacts of other soil management practices such as tillage or crop rotation, the complexity of herbicide formulations and mixtures, and the limited number of long-term field studies.Michael T. Rose, Timothy R. Cavagnaro, Craig A. Scanlan, Terry J. Rose, Tony Vancov, Stephen Kimber, Ivan R. Kennedy, Rai S. Kookana, Lukas Van Zwiete

    Potential ecological footprints of active pharmaceutical ingredients: An examination of risk factors in low-, middle- and high-income countries

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    Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can enter the natural environment during manufacture, use and/or disposal, and consequently public concern about their potential adverse impacts in the environment is growing. Despite the bulk of the human population living in Asia and Africa (mostly in low- or middle-income countries), limited work relating to research, development and regulations on APIs in the environment have so far been conducted in these regions. Also, the API manufacturing sector is gradually shifting to countries with lower production costs. This paper focuses mainly on APIs for human consumption and highlights key differences between the low-, middle- and high-income countries, covering factors such as population and demographics, manufacture, prescriptions, treatment, disposal and reuse of waste and wastewater. The striking differences in populations (both human and animal), urbanization, sewer connectivity and other factors have revealed that the environmental compartments receiving the bulk of API residues differ markedly between low- and high-income countries. High sewer connectivity in developed countries allows capture and treatment of the waste stream (point-source). However, in many low- or middle-income countries, sewerage connectivity is generally low and in some areas waste is collected predominantly in septic systems. Consequently, the diffuse-source impact, such as on groundwater from leaking septic systems or on land due to disposal of raw sewage or septage, may be of greater concern. A screening level assessment of potential burdens of APIs in urban and rural environments of countries representing low- and middle-income as well as high-income has been made. Implications for ecological risks of APIs used by humans in lower income countries are discussed.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Urbanisation and emerging economies: issues and potential solutions for water and food security

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    Urbanisation will be one of the 21st century's most transformative trends. By 2050, it will increase from 55% to 68%, more than doubling the urban population in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Urbanisation has multifarious (positive as well as negative) impacts on the wellbeing of humans and the environment. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the blueprint to achieve a sustainable future for all. Clean Water and Sanitation is a specific goal (SDG 6) within the suite of 17 interconnected goals. Here we provide an overview of some of the challenges that urbanisation poses in relation to SDG 6, especially in developing economies. Worldwide, several cities are on the verge of water crisis. Water distribution to informal settlements or slums in megacities (e.g. N50% population in the megacities of India) is essentially non-existent and limits access to adequate safe water supply. Besides due to poor sewer connectivity in the emerging economies, there is a heavy reliance on septic tanks, and other on-site sanitation (OSS) system and by 2030, 4.9 billion people are expected to rely on OSS. About 62–93% of the urban population in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Indonesia rely on septic tanks, where septage treatment is rare. Globally, over 80% of wastewater is released to the environment without adequate treatment. About 11% of all irrigated croplands is irrigated with such untreated or poorly treated wastewater. In addition to acute and chronic health effects, this also results in significant pollution of often-limited surface and groundwater resources in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Direct and indirect water reuse plays a key role in global water and food security. Here we offer several suggestions to mitigate water and food insecurity in emerging economies

    Impact of (nano)formulations on the distribution and wash-off of copper pesticides and fertilisers applied on citrus leaves

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    Environmental context: There are great concerns around current wide usage of copper-based agrochemicals. We compare the fate of nano- and conventional forms of copper, in particular their resistance to wash-off by rain (rainfastness), following their application to citrus leaves. Results showing large differences between the formulations in the amount and forms of copper washed from the leaves provide essential information to optimise agrochemical efficacy while minimising the environmental impact. Abstract: This study compares the rainfastness of nine forms of Cu, including nano and conventional Cu-based fungicide formulations, as well as their salt or bulk equivalents. Rainfastness is the ability to resist wash-off; it is a key property for improving pesticide formulations and for assessing the potential transfer of pesticides to the soil. A new protocol was developed to characterise losses of Cu from treated leaves. It consisted of dipping the leaves in rainwater and then in an acid/ethanol mixture followed by size fractionation. The proportion of Cu lost by wash-off from citrus leaves ranged from 74 %). Two Cu formulations (one commercial formulation and the formulation with graphene oxide) also showed wash off in significant proportions of Cu (~17 %) in the nano-sized fraction. This study provides essential information on the amounts and forms of Cu that may reach the soil after the application of Cu-based agrochemicals. The great diversity in behaviour across the range of formulations considered highlights the need for more systematic research to fully exploit the potential improvements of current agrochemicals through (nano)formulation technologies.Melanie Kah, Divina Navarro, Rai S. Kookana, Jason K. Kirby, Swadeshmukul Santra, Ali Ozcan and Shervin Kabir

    Physical and chemical properties of carbon-based sorbents that affect the removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from solution and soil

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    Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from water or their immobilization in soil using carbon-based sorbents is one of the cost-effective techniques. Considering the variety of carbon-based sorbents, identifying the key sorbent properties responsible for PFASs removal from solution or immobilization in the soil can assist in the selection of the best sorbents for management of contaminated sites. This study evaluated the performance of 28 carbon-based sorbents including granular and powdered activated carbon (GAC and PAC), mixed mode carbon mineral material, biochars, and graphene-based materials (GNBs). The sorbents were characterized for a range of physical and chemical properties. PFASs' sorption from an AFFF-spiked solution was examined via a batch experiment, while their ability to immobilize PFASs in soil was tested following mixing, incubation and extraction using the Australian Standard Leaching Procedure. Both soil and solution were treated with 1 % w/w sorbents. Comparing different carbon-based materials, PAC, mixed mode carbon mineral material and GAC were the most effective in sorbing PFASs in both solution and soil.Among the different physical characteristics measured, the sorption of long-chain and more hydrophobic PFASs in both soil and solution was best correlated with sorbent surface area measured using methylene blue, which highlights the importance of mesopores in PFASs sorption. Iodine number was found to be a better indicator of the sorption of short-chain and more hydrophilic PFASs from solution but was found to be poorly correlated with PFASs immobilization in soil for activated carbons. Sorbents with a net positive charge performed better than those with a net negative charge, or no net charge. This study showed that surface area measured by methylene blue and surface charge are the best indicators of sorbent performance with respect to sorption/reducing leaching of PFASs. These properties may be helpful in selecting sorbents for PFASs remediation of soils/waters.Shervin Kabiri, Divina A. Navarro, Suhair Ahmed Hamad, Charles Grimison, Christopher P. Higgins, Jochen F. Mueller, Rai S. Kookana, Michael J. McLaughli

    Role of oxygen-containing functional groups in forest fire-generated and pyrolytic chars for immobilization of copper and nickel

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    Available online 9 November 2016Abstract not availableMaryam Esfandbod, Christopher R. Merritt, Mehran Rezaei Rashti, Balwant Singh, Sue E. Boyd, Prashant Srivastava, Christopher L. Brown, Orpheus M. Butler, Rai S. Kookana, Chengrong Che

    Context and importance of biochar research

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    In the context of global warming, major changes are expected in the worldwide energy matrix in the near future. Biomass, a renewable source, as a raw material for energy production, is fundamental in this process. By definition, biochar is any source of biomass previously heated in the absence or at low concentrations of oxygen with the purpose of application to the soil (Maia et al., 2011). The production of biomass for energy (biofuels) requires, above all, soil resources, in terms of occupied land and soil productivity. There are different ways of producing energy from biomass, and the resulting biochar may vary in its physical and chemical composition depending on the kind of biomass and on the conditions of pyrolysis. The technologies that produce biochar as the main product or byproduct of a pyrolysis process are the only ones, among the available biofuel technologies, that may contribute to the improvement or maintenance of soil properties, and, therefore, to the sustainable production of energy and food.In the context of global warming, major changes are expected in the worldwide energy matrix in the near future. Biomass, a renewable source, as a raw material for energy production, is fundamental in this process. By definition, biochar is any source of biomass previously heated in the absence or at low concentrations of oxygen with the purpose of application to the soil (Maia et al., 2011). The production of biomass for energy (biofuels) requires, above all, soil resources, in terms of occupied land and soil productivity. There are different ways of producing energy from biomass, and the resulting biochar may vary in its physical and chemical composition depending on the kind of biomass and on the conditions of pyrolysis. The technologies that produce biochar as the main product or byproduct of a pyrolysis process are the only ones, among the available biofuel technologies, that may contribute to the improvement or maintenance of soil properties, and, therefore, to the sustainable production of energy and food