7 research outputs found

    Rodent malaria parasites : genome organization & comparative genomics

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    The aim of the studies described in this thesis was to investigate the genome organization of rodent malaria parasites (RMPs) and compare the organization and gene content of the genomes of RMPs and the human malaria parasite P. falciparum. The release of the complete genome sequence of P. falciparum and partial genome sequences of three RMPs (Plasmodium yoelii - Chapter 3; Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium chabaudi - Chapter 4) enabled us to expand the analysis to a genome-wide survey. By aligning the RMP contigs against the P. falciparum genome, a composite RMP genome was constructed, which was subsequently compared in detail with the P. falciparum genome (Chapter 5). These comparative analyses showed high levels of conservation in both genome organization and gene content (~85%), supporting the use of RMPs as models for human malaria infection. P. falciparum-specific genes located in both subtelomeric and core regions of the chromosomes were also found and included many genes involved in host-parasite interactions, such as host cell invasion and evasion of the human immune response. Finally, reverse genetics approaches were used to study the function of certain genes that are conserved between the rodent and human malaria parasites (Chapters 6 & 7).UBL - phd migration 201

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging ‘omics’ approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the “minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment” (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems

    Phylogenetic profiles of all membrane transport proteins of the malaria parasite highlight new drug targets

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    In order to combat the on-going malaria epidemic, discovery of new drug targets remains vital. Proteins that are essential to survival and specific to malaria parasites are key candidates. To survive within host cells, the parasites need to acquire nutrients and dispose of waste products across multiple membranes. Additionally, like all eukaryotes, they must redistribute ions and organic molecules between their various internal membrane bound compartments. Membrane transport proteins mediate all of these processes and are considered important mediators of drug resistance as well as drug targets in their own right. Recently, using advanced experimental genetic approaches and streamlined life cycle profiling, we generated a large collection of Plasmodium berghei gene deletion mutants and assigned essential gene functions, highlighting potential targets for prophylactic, therapeutic, and transmission-blocking anti-malarial drugs. Here, we present a comprehensive orthology assignment of all Plasmodium falciparum putative membrane transport proteins and provide a detailed overview of the associated essential gene functions obtained through experimental genetics studies in human and murine model parasites. Furthermore, we discuss the phylogeny of selected potential drug targets identified in our functional screen. We extensively discuss the results in the context of the functional assignments obtained using gene targeting available to date

    Flow cytometry-assisted rapid isolation of recombinant Plasmodium berghei parasites exemplified by functional analysis of aquaglyceroporin

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    AbstractThe most critical bottleneck in the generation of recombinant Plasmodium berghei parasites is the mandatory in vivo cloning step following successful genetic manipulation. This study describes a new technique for rapid selection of recombinant P. berghei parasites. The method is based on flow cytometry to isolate isogenic parasite lines and represents a major advance for the field, in that it will speed the generation of recombinant parasites as well as cut down on animal use significantly. High expression of GFP during blood infection, a prerequisite for robust separation of transgenic lines by flow cytometry, was achieved. Isogenic recombinant parasite populations were isolated even in the presence of a 100-fold excess of wild-type (WT) parasites. Aquaglyceroporin (AQP) loss-of-function mutants and parasites expressing a tagged AQP were generated to validate this approach. aqp− parasites grow normally within the WT phenotypic range during blood infection of NMRI mice. Similarly, colonization of the insect vector and establishment of an infection after mosquito transmission were unaffected, indicating that AQP is dispensable for life cycle progression in vivo under physiological conditions, refuting its use as a suitable drug target. Tagged AQP localized to perinuclear structures and not the parasite plasma membrane. We suggest that flow-cytometric isolation of isogenic parasites overcomes the major roadblock towards a genome-scale repository of mutant and transgenic malaria parasite lines

    Correction: How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research

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    (Current Biology 30, R1014–R1018; September 21, 2020

    How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research

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