558 research outputs found

    Changes in circle area after gravity compensation training in chronic stroke patients

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    After a stroke, many people experience difficulties to selectively activate muscles. As a result many patients move the affected arm in stereotypical patterns. Shoulder abduction is often accompanied by elbow flexion, reducing the ability to extend the elbow. This involuntary coupling reduces the patient's active range of motion. Gravity compensation reduces the activation level of shoulder abductors which limits the amount of coupled elbow flexion. As a result, stroke patients can instantaneously increase their active range of motion [1]. The objective of the present study is to examine whether training in a gravity compensated environment can also lead to an increased range of motion in an unsupported environment. Parts of this work have been presented at EMBC2009, Minneapolis, USA

    An Old Dog Learns Some New Tricks: Ready to Embrace Online Learning with Collaborate

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    Down-Conditioning of Soleus Reflex Activity using Mechanical Stimuli and EMG Biofeedback

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    Spasticity is a common syndrome caused by various brain and neural injuries, which can severely impair walking ability and functional independence. To improve functional independence, conditioning protocols are available aimed at reducing spasticity by facilitating spinal neuroplasticity. This down-conditioning can be performed using different types of stimuli, electrical or mechanical, and reflex activity measures, EMG or impedance, used as biofeedback variable. Still, current results on effectiveness of these conditioning protocols are incomplete, making comparisons difficult. We aimed to show the within-session task- dependent and across-session long-term adaptation of a conditioning protocol based on mechanical stimuli and EMG biofeedback. However, in contrast to literature, preliminary results show that subjects were unable to successfully obtain task-dependent modulation of their soleus short-latency stretch reflex magnitude

    Effect of position feedback during task-oriented upper-limb training after stroke: Five-case pilot study

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    Feedback is an important element in motor learning during rehabilitation therapy following stroke. The objective of this pilot study was to better understand the effect of position feedback during task-oriented reach training of the upper limb in people with chronic stroke. Five subjects participated in the training for 30 minutes three times a week for 6 weeks. During training, subjects performed reaching movements over a predefined path. When deviation from this path occurred, shoulder and elbow joints received position feedback using restraining forces. We recorded the amount of position feedback used by each subject. During pre- and posttraining assessments, we collected data from clinical scales, isometric strength, and workspace of the arm. All subjects showed improvement on one or several kinematic variables during a circular motion task after training. One subject showed improvement on all clinical scales. Subjects required position feedback between 7.4% and 14.7% of training time. Although augmented feedback use was limited, kinematic outcome measures and movement performance during training increased in all subjects, which was comparable with other studies. Emphasis on movement errors at the moment they occur may possibly stimulate motor learning when movement tasks with sufficiently high levels of difficulty are applied

    Non-linear stimulus-response behavior of the human stance control system is predicted by optimization of a system with sensory and motor noise

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    We developed a theory of human stance control that predicted (1) how subjects re-weight their utilization of proprioceptive and graviceptive orientation information in experiments where eyes closed stance was perturbed by surface-tilt stimuli with different amplitudes, (2) the experimentally observed increase in body sway variability (i.e. the “remnant” body sway that could not be attributed to the stimulus) with increasing surface-tilt amplitude, (3) neural controller feedback gains that determine the amount of corrective torque generated in relation to sensory cues signaling body orientation, and (4) the magnitude and structure of spontaneous body sway. Responses to surface-tilt perturbations with different amplitudes were interpreted using a feedback control model to determine control parameters and changes in these parameters with stimulus amplitude. Different combinations of internal sensory and/or motor noise sources were added to the model to identify the properties of noise sources that were able to account for the experimental remnant sway characteristics. Various behavioral criteria were investigated to determine if optimization of these criteria could predict the identified model parameters and amplitude-dependent parameter changes. Robust findings were that remnant sway characteristics were best predicted by models that included both sensory and motor noise, the graviceptive noise magnitude was about ten times larger than the proprioceptive noise, and noise sources with signal-dependent properties provided better explanations of remnant sway. Overall results indicate that humans dynamically weight sensory system contributions to stance control and tune their corrective responses to minimize the energetic effects of sensory noise and external stimuli

    Measuring sustainable employability:psychometric properties of the capability set for work questionnaire

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    BACKGROUND: The capability set for work questionnaire (CSWQ) is being used to measure the new model of sustainable employability building on the capability approach. However, previous studies on the psychometric properties of the instrument are limited and cross-sectional. This two-way study aimed to (1) evaluate the convergent validity of the CSWQ with the theoretically related constructs person-job fit, strengths use, and opportunity to craft and (2) test the predictive and incremental validity of the questionnaire for the well-established work outcomes, including work ability, work engagement, job satisfaction, and task performance. METHODS: A representative sample of 303 Dutch workers, chosen with probably random sampling, were surveyed using a one-month follow-up, cross-lagged design via the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences panel. The convergent validity was assessed by exploring the strength of associations between the capability set for work questionnaire and the theoretically related constructs using Pearson’s correlations. The predictive and incremental validity was evaluated by performing a series of linear hierarchical regression analyses. RESULTS: We found evidence of the convergent validity of the capability set score by moderate correlations with person-job fit, strengths use, and opportunity to craft (r = 0.51–0.52). A series of multiple regression analyses showed that Time 1 capability set score and its constituents (i.e., importance, ability, and enablement) generally had predictive and incremental validity for work ability, work engagement, job satisfaction, and task performance measured at Time 2. However, the incremental power of the CSWQ over and above conceptually related constructs was modest. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the convergent, predictive, and incremental validity of the capability set for work questionnaire with not previously investigated work constructs. This provided further evidence to support its utility for assessing a worker’s sustainable employability for future research and practical interventions

    Building on job immobility concepts: a conceptual model and future research agenda on “locked at the job”

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize job immobility concepts, e.g. staying in an unsatisfying job and perceiving limited opportunities to move and apply for another job. The existing literature on this situation of job immobility in which the employee is experiencing stuckness in the job is scattered across research domains, limited in scope and existing constructs are not clearly defined or operationalized. Design/methodology/approach: In this conceptual paper, the authors propose the construct “locked at the job,” by reviewing and building on the job immobility literature and the theory of control and self-regulation. Findings: This study defines the concept that consists of two dimensions as feeling dissatisfied in the current job and inactivity due to perceived limited job opportunities. This study proposes a conceptual model of antecedents and consequences of locked at the job, based on the person-environment fit theory. Practical implications: This conceptual paper allows value to be added in practice by the conceptualization of locked at the job, in addition to providing a preview with respect to conceptual causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Originality/value: Research on this job immobility phenomenon is scattered across different research domains, limited in scope and the concept has not been clearly defined or operationalized

    Comparison of three radiolabelled peptide analogues for CCK-2 receptor scintigraphy in medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Cholecystokinin 2 (CCK-2) receptor overexpression has been demonstrated in a high percentage of medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC). Analogous to somatostatin receptors, CCK-2 receptors might be viable targets for radionuclide scintigraphy and/or radionuclide therapy. Several CCK-2 receptor-binding radiopeptides have been developed, and some have been carried through into clinical studies. However, these studies are mostly limited and difficult to compare. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of three promising CCK-2 receptor-binding radiopeptides in patients with MTC. In-111-DOTA-(D)Asp-Tyr-Nle-Gly-Trp-Nle-Asp-Phe-NH2 (In-111-DOTA-CCK), a CCK analogue, and the gastrin-based ligands Tc-99m-N-4-Gly-(D)Glu-(Glu)(5)-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 (Tc-99m-demogastrin 2) and In-111-DOTA-(D)Glu-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 (In-111-DOTA-MG11) were each administered to the same group of six patients. Planar images made at 3-5, 7 and 24 h p.i. were used for comparison of tumour visualisation and renal uptake. Tc-99m-demogastrin 2 scintigraphy visualised all known lesions and new lesions in four of six patients. In-111-DOTA-CCK and In-111-DOTA-MG11 on the other hand missed several lesions; tumour uptake of these two radiopharmaceuticals was quite low. Comparison of retention of renal activity showed no major differences between the three radiopeptides. Tc-99m-demogastrin 2 scintigraphy appeared most promising as a diagnostic tool in patients with MTC. Further studies are required to evaluate its value in patient management. Direct comparisons of the compounds studied strongly suggests that In-111-DOTA-CCK and In-111-DOTA-MG11 have less potential as imaging agents than Tc-99m-demogastrin 2. These DOTA-linked compounds are considered unlikely to be useful for radionuclide therapy because of low tumour uptake
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