15 research outputs found

    Towards Zero-Waste Furniture Design

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    In traditional design, shapes are first conceived, and then fabricated. While this decoupling simplifies the design process, it can result in inefficient material usage, especially where off-cut pieces are hard to reuse. The designer, in absence of explicit feedback on material usage remains helpless to effectively adapt the design -- even though design variabilities exist. In this paper, we investigate {\em waste minimizing furniture design} wherein based on the current design, the user is presented with design variations that result in more effective usage of materials. Technically, we dynamically analyze material space layout to determine {\em which} parts to change and {\em how}, while maintaining original design intent specified in the form of design constraints. We evaluate the approach on simple and complex furniture design scenarios, and demonstrate effective material usage that is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve without computational support

    3D Shape Variational Autoencoder Latent Disentanglement via Mini-Batch Feature Swapping for Bodies and Faces

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    Learning a disentangled, interpretable, and structured latent representation in 3D generative models of faces and bodies is still an open problem. The problem is particularly acute when control over identity features is required. In this paper, we propose an intuitive yet effective self-supervised approach to train a 3D shape variational autoencoder (VAE) which encourages a disentangled latent representation of identity features. Curating the mini-batch generation by swapping arbitrary features across different shapes allows to define a loss function leveraging known differences and similarities in the latent representations. Experimental results conducted on 3D meshes show that state-of-the-art methods for latent disentanglement are not able to disentangle identity features of faces and bodies. Our proposed method properly decouples the generation of such features while maintaining good representation and reconstruction capabilities

    Heterogeneous reconstruction of deformable atomic models in Cryo-EM

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    Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) provides a unique opportunity to study the structural heterogeneity of biomolecules. Being able to explain this heterogeneity with atomic models would help our understanding of their functional mechanisms but the size and ruggedness of the structural space (the space of atomic 3D cartesian coordinates) presents an immense challenge. Here, we describe a heterogeneous reconstruction method based on an atomistic representation whose deformation is reduced to a handful of collective motions through normal mode analysis. Our implementation uses an autoencoder. The encoder jointly estimates the amplitude of motion along the normal modes and the 2D shift between the center of the image and the center of the molecule . The physics-based decoder aggregates a representation of the heterogeneity readily interpretable at the atomic level. We illustrate our method on 3 synthetic datasets corresponding to different distributions along a simulated trajectory of adenylate kinase transitioning from its open to its closed structures. We show for each distribution that our approach is able to recapitulate the intermediate atomic models with atomic-level accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    The value of Augmented Reality in surgery — A usability study on laparoscopic liver surgery

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is considered to be a promising technology for the guidance of laparoscopic liver surgery. By overlaying pre-operative 3D information of the liver and internal blood vessels on the laparoscopic view, surgeons can better understand the location of critical structures. In an effort to enable AR, several authors have focused on the development of methods to obtain an accurate alignment between the laparoscopic video image and the pre-operative 3D data of the liver, without assessing the benefit that the resulting overlay can provide during surgery. In this paper, we present a study that aims to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the value of an AR overlay in laparoscopic surgery during a simulated surgical task on a phantom setup. We design a study where participants are asked to physically localise pre-operative tumours in a liver phantom using three image guidance conditions — a baseline condition without any image guidance, a condition where the 3D surfaces of the liver are aligned to the video and displayed on a black background, and a condition where video see-through AR is displayed on the laparoscopic video. Using data collected from a cohort of 24 participants which include 12 surgeons, we observe that compared to the baseline, AR decreases the median localisation error of surgeons on non-peripheral targets from 25.8 mm to 9.2 mm. Using subjective feedback, we also identify that AR introduces usability improvements in the surgical task and increases the perceived confidence of the users. Between the two tested displays, the majority of participants preferred to use the AR overlay instead of navigated view of the 3D surfaces on a separate screen. We conclude that AR has the potential to improve performance and decision making in laparoscopic surgery, and that improvements in overlay alignment accuracy and depth perception should be pursued in the future

    Deep hashing for global registration of untracked 2D laparoscopic ultrasound to CT

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    PURPOSE: The registration of Laparoscopic Ultrasound (LUS) to CT can enhance the safety of laparoscopic liver surgery by providing the surgeon with awareness on the relative positioning between critical vessels and a tumour. In an effort to provide a translatable solution for this poorly constrained problem, Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) based on vessel information has been suggested as a method for obtaining a global coarse registration without using tracking information. However, the performance of these frameworks is limited by the use of non-generalisable handcrafted vessel features. METHODS: We propose the use of a Deep Hashing (DH) network to directly convert vessel images from both LUS and CT into fixed size hash codes. During training, these codes are learnt from a patient-specific CT scan by supplying the network with triplets of vessel images which include both a registered and a mis-registered pair. Once hash codes have been learnt, they can be used to perform registration with CBIR methods. RESULTS: We test a CBIR pipeline on 11 sequences of untracked LUS distributed across 5 clinical cases. Compared to a handcrafted feature approach, our model improves the registration success rate significantly from 48% to 61%, considering a 20 mm error as the threshold for a successful coarse registration. CONCLUSIONS: We present the first DH framework for interventional multi-modal registration tasks. The presented approach is easily generalisable to other registration problems, does not require annotated data for training, and may promote the translation of these techniques

    Evaluation of a calibration rig for stereo laparoscopes

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate camera and hand-eye calibration are essential to ensure high quality results in image guided surgery applications. The process must also be able to be undertaken by a non-expert user in a surgical setting. PURPOSE: This work seeks to identify a suitable method for tracked stereo laparoscope calibration within theatre. METHODS: A custom calibration rig, to enable rapid calibration in a surgical setting, was designed. The rig was compared against freehand calibration. Stereo reprojection, stereo reconstruction, tracked stereo reprojection and tracked stereo reconstruction error metrics were used to evaluate calibration quality. RESULTS: Use of the calibration rig reduced mean errors: reprojection (1.47mm [SD 0.13] vs 3.14mm [SD 2.11], p-value 1e-8), reconstruction (1.37px [SD 0.10] vs 10.10px [SD 4.54], p-value 6e-7) and tracked reconstruction (1.38mm [SD 0.10] vs 12.64mm [SD 4.34], p-value 1e-6) compared with freehand calibration. The use of a ChArUco pattern yielded slightly lower reprojection errors, while a dot grid produced lower reconstruction errors and was more robust under strong global illumination. CONCLUSION: The use of the calibration rig results in a statistically significant decrease in calibration error metrics, versus freehand calibration, and represents the preferred approach for use in the operating theatre. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Latent Disentanglement in Mesh Variational Autoencoders Improves the Diagnosis of Craniofacial Syndromes and Aids Surgical Planning

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    The use of deep learning to undertake shape analysis of the complexities of the human head holds great promise. However, there have traditionally been a number of barriers to accurate modelling, especially when operating on both a global and local level. In this work, we will discuss the application of the Swap Disentangled Variational Autoencoder (SD-VAE) with relevance to Crouzon, Apert and Muenke syndromes. Although syndrome classification is performed on the entire mesh, it is also possible, for the first time, to analyse the influence of each region of the head on the syndromic phenotype. By manipulating specific parameters of the generative model, and producing procedure-specific new shapes, it is also possible to simulate the outcome of a range of craniofacial surgical procedures. This opens new avenues to advance diagnosis, aids surgical planning and allows for the objective evaluation of surgical outcomes

    Imagining the unseen: stability-based cuboid arrangements for scene understanding

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    Missing data due to occlusion is a key challenge in 3D acquisition, particularly in cluttered man-made scenes. Such partial information about the scenes limits our ability to analyze and understand them. In this work we abstract such environments as collections of cuboids and hallucinate geometry in the occluded regions by globally analyzing the physical stability of the resultant arrangements of the cuboids. Our algorithm extrapolates the cuboids into the un-seen regions to infer both their corresponding geometric attributes (e.g., size, orientation) and how the cuboids topologically interact with each other (e.g., touch or fixed). The resultant arrangement provides an abstraction for the underlying structure of the scene that can then be used for a range of common geometry processing tasks. We evaluate our algorithm on a large number of test scenes with varying complexity, validate the results on existing benchmark datasets, and demonstrate the use of the recovered cuboid-based structures towards object retrieval, scene completion, etc