53 research outputs found

    Evaluation of mood disorder questionnaire positivity and associated factors in a population-based screening study

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    The Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ) is a 3-item scale that is frequently used in bipolar disorders (BD) screening and questions the symptoms of BD, its effect on functionality, and the coexistence of symptoms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of positive screening of the MDQ among general population and to investigate the associated risk factors. In this cross-sectional study, the sample was randomly selected from household data to represent the city population. A total of 432 participants were asked to fill in MDQ, CAGE (cutting down, annoyance by criticism, guilty feeling, and eye-openers) questionnaire, which consists of four clinical interview questions proven to aid in the diagnosis of alcoholism, and clinical and sociodemographic data form. The Cronbach’s alpha value of our current study was 0.813 for MDQ. The prevalence of MDQ positivity was found 7.6%. The estimated prevalence rate of bipolar disorders varied between 0.3 and 13.4% according to different cut-off values. Multivariate logistic regression models showed that the presence of possible alcohol addiction, shift work history, and body mass index (BMI) were statistically significant predictors of MDQ positivity. The prevalence of MDQ positivity found is similar to studies in literature. Keeping in mind that psychometric properties of the MDQ, positive screen results should be cautiously interpreted due to the presence of other risk factors and comorbidities

    Are antidepressants no better than placebo? Getting a true readings and interpretations on Kirsch's meta-analyses

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    Aforementioned study analysis included published and previously unpublished data submitted to the FDA by the manufacturers of the four drugs. Kirsch et al concluded that "efficacy reaches clinical significance only in trials involving the most extremely depressed patients, and that this pattern is due to a decrease in the response to placebo rather than an increase in the response to medication." Researchers imply that less severe patients who take antidepressants probably shouldn't be on them. However, readers of the article may be draw completely different conclusions that these results indicate that the efficacy of antidepressants and placebos are equal. Kirsch at al did not include all possible data from studies completed subsequent to FDA submissions. Nevertheless, in line with many previous analyses, the meta-analysis demonstrates that antidepressants are significantly better than placebo. Besides the facturers associations of psychiatry like American Psychiatric Association and Psychiatric Association of Turkey representatives express "disappointment" at how the study was being reported by the media, suggesting that news reports may have caused unnecessary alarm and concern for patients. Depression is a very serious and chronic disorder and evidence show that it can have fatal consequences. Patients should consult with their doctors to come up with the treatment that is best for them

    Suicide attempt with a very high dose of quetiapine

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    Although there are reports in the literature about quetiapine intoxication, information about very high dose quetiapine intoxication is limited. We present a case report about an extreme overdose of quetiapine (18,000 mg.) together with alcohol taken by a 21-year-old female as a suicide attempt. The symptoms associated with intoxication, including seizure and arrhythmia are discussed. Despite the very high dose of quetiapine, the patient recovered completely without residual symptoms

    Depression associated with valsartan, angiotensin II receptor antagonist: Case report and review of the literature

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    Bu yazıda anjiyotensin reseptör antagonisti valsartan kullanımıyla ilişkili, intihar düşüncelerinin de eşlik ettiği bir ağır depresyon olgusu bildirilmiştir. İki farklı gurup antidepresan ilaca olumlu yanıt vermeyen depresyon, çarpıcı bir şekilde valsartan kullanımının sonlandırılmasıyla gerilemiştir. Özellikle valsartan kullanımı ile olmak üzere, anjiyotensin reseptör antagonizmi sonucu ortaya çıkabilen duygudurum değişikliklerinin muhtemel mekanizmaları ve ilişkili durumlar tartışılmıştır. Klinisyenler nadir de olsa valsartan kullanımı ile ortaya çıkabilecek duygudurum değişiklikleri konusunda uyanık olmalıdır.Severe depression with suicidal ideation associated with the use of the valsartan , an angiotensin receptor antagonist, is reported. The patient, who was unresponsive to antidepressant medication with two different groups, dramatically recovered following discontinuation of valsartan. Possible mechanisms and related issues of mood changes which caused by angiotensin II receptor antagonists, especially with valsartan are discussed. Clinicians should be aware that valsartan may cause mood changes

    Relation of 2D : 4D ratio to aggression and anger

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between the digit length ratio and aggression in 377 individuals aged between 18-24 years. A digital compass was used for anthropometric measurements using standard methods. The StateTrait Anger Scale (STAS) and Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) were used to evaluate the aggression and anger in participants. All individuals were evaluated by SCL-90-R with respect to general psychopathology. Independent samples test, Pearson Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for statistical analyses. 2DAD ratio was found to be lower for males than females. There was a positive correlation between 2DAD ratio and physical aggression in males, but not in females. The relation between 2DAD ratio and physical aggression was observed to be weaker when possible psychopathology, which can be detected with SCL-90-R test, was excluded. The results suggest that 2D:4D digit ratio may be used as a method to assess the degree of aggression. However, the digit ratio may not be an ideal biological marker reflecting the brain development