58 research outputs found

    Pesticides, Environmental Pollution, and Health

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    In recent years, people have been exposed to several types of substances with broad spectrum due to the rapidly evolving technology. One of these chemical substance groups are pesticides. Pesticides have been an essential part of agriculture to protect crops and livestock from pest infestations and yield reduction for many decades. Despite their usefulness, pesticides could pose potential risks to food safety, the environment, and all living things. Concern about the environmental impact of repeated pesticide use has prompted research into the environmental fate of these agents, which can emigrate from treated fields to air, other land, and water bodies. The importance of agricultural pesticides for developing countries is undeniable. However, the issue of human health and environmental risks has emerged as a key problem for these countries in accordance to a number of studies. In the last five decades, pesticide usages increased the quantity and improved the quality of food. However, with the increasing amounts of their usage, concern about their adverse effects on nontarget organisms, including human beings, has also grown. The purpose of this publication is to explain the nature of pesticides and their history, classification, risks, and effects on health and the environment

    New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition and disorder causing psychological deterioration triggered by terrifying events or traumatic experiences either by experiencing or by witnessing it. Though many people have common feelings, PTSD symptoms vary from one person to another. So it is strongly recommended to focus on new diagnostic and therapeutic methods relying and structured on a neurobiological dimension by collecting and processing neuroimaging data. It is crucial to make a profound analysis of PTSD in terms of its ontological, biological, developmental, psychological, and sociological aspects. Both with the new treatment opportunities and involvement of in silico-based artificial intelligence applications, new psychotherapy techniques and new discourses in digital media will be possible. Within the scope of the study, ontological discussions are followed and juxtaposed by Neuro-Biological Perspectives on Genomics and Epigenomics as well as the clinical and neuro-imaginative perspectives and clinical overviews of PTSD. Besides, the neuro-developmental views in the context of children along with adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and their relation to PTSD are analyzed by emphasizing the significance of brain development. Sociological aspects of PTSD in the digital habitus are collocated to develop unique therapy approaches that embrace sociological perspectives of Information Society

    Diversity and Ecology of Myxomycetes from Kütahya and Konya (Turkey) with Four New Records

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    In this study, we examined myxomycetes that developed in moist chamber cultures of substrata material collected from Kütahya and Konya provinces in Turkey. We collected bark samples from living trees, plant litter from the ground, standing dead wood or stumps, and downed and decayed wood or bark and placed them in the moist chamber cultures. We identified 36 species belonging to 12 genera of myxomycetes. The species determined are listed, and four new records, Didymium balearicum Ing, Macbrideola oblonga Pando & Lado, Paradiacheopsis erythropodia (Ing) Nann–Bremek. and Perichaena pedata (Lister & G. Lister) G. Lister, are added to the mycoflora of Turkey

    New Record for East Black Sea Region and Trabzon (Turkey) Myxomycetes Flora : Collaria arcyrionema (Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado

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    Myxomycetes funguslara benzeyen protista aleminde yer alan organizmalardır, çoğunlukla gerçek cıvık mantarlar olarak bilinir. Bu grubun üyeleri yeryüzünde bitki örtüsünün yetişmesine izin veren şartların olduğu yerlerde geniş bir yayılım gösterir, ancak daha çok çürümüş yaprakların, döküntü odunların, ölü ya da çürümekte olan odunların bulunduğu ormanlık alanlarda özellikle yoğun olarak bulunurlar. Yaklaşık dünyada 1000 kadar türü tanımlanmış durumdadır. Türkiye’de 222 tür rapor edilmiştir. Colloria arcyrionema Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi ve Trabzon myxomycete florası için yeni kayıttır. C. arcyrionema Karadeniz Bölgesinden (Trabzon- Altındere Milli Parkı) yaklaşık 1000 metre yükseklikten ölü Picea orientalis L. odunu üzerinde arazi örneği olarak toplanmıştır.Myxomycetes are fungus like organisms within the Kingdom Protista, commonly known true slime molds. The members of group are widely distributed, occurring wherever conditions on the earth’s surface permit growth of vegetation, but are particularly abundant in forested areas, where they appear in great profusion on dead and decaying wood litter and on dead leaves. About 1000 species have been described. The number of myxomycetes taxa known in Turkey is 222. Colloria arcyrionema (Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado is new record for East Black Sea Region and Trabzon. C. arcyrionema is collected from Black Sea Region (Trabzon- Altındere Nationally Park) about 1000 m altitude on Picea orientalis L. as field collection


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    Genomic information obtained from robust analysis methods such as microarray and next generation sequencing reveals underlying disease mediating factors and potential diagnostic biomarkers. Data mining methods have been widely chosen for classification and regression studies of health sciences as well as other disciplines since the beginning. In the present study, public Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) genome wide expression dataset (ID: GSE12679) consisting of mRNA transcripts of post-mortem brain tissues in schizophrenic and normal patients were analyzed by using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP NN) algorithm. A set of most differentially expressed genetic features (p<0.001) were used for creating the classifier which can predict disease states in test set with ~82% accuracy. Differentially expressed genes used as classifying biomarkers gain utmost importance for revealing hidden underlying genetic factors associated with important psychiatric diseases. We could also suggest that such data mining tools might be applicable for developing genome-based diagnostic tool

    New Record for East Black Sea Region and Trabzon (Turkey) Myxomycetes Flora : Collaria arcyrionema (Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado

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    Myxomycetes funguslara benzeyen protista aleminde yer alan organizmalardır, çoğunlukla gerçek cıvık mantarlar olarak bilinir. Bu grubun üyeleri yeryüzünde bitki örtüsünün yetişmesine izin veren şartların olduğu yerlerde geniş bir yayılım gösterir, ancak daha çok çürümüş yaprakların, döküntü odunların, ölü ya da çürümekte olan odunların bulunduğu ormanlık alanlarda özellikle yoğun olarak bulunurlar. Yaklaşık dünyada 1000 kadar türü tanımlanmış durumdadır. Türkiye’de 222 tür rapor edilmiştir. Colloria arcyrionema Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi ve Trabzon myxomycete florası için yeni kayıttır. C. arcyrionema Karadeniz Bölgesinden (Trabzon- Altındere Milli Parkı) yaklaşık 1000 metre yükseklikten ölü Picea orientalis L. odunu üzerinde arazi örneği olarak toplanmıştır.Myxomycetes are fungus like organisms within the Kingdom Protista, commonly known true slime molds. The members of group are widely distributed, occurring wherever conditions on the earth’s surface permit growth of vegetation, but are particularly abundant in forested areas, where they appear in great profusion on dead and decaying wood litter and on dead leaves. About 1000 species have been described. The number of myxomycetes taxa known in Turkey is 222. Colloria arcyrionema (Rostaf.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado is new record for East Black Sea Region and Trabzon. C. arcyrionema is collected from Black Sea Region (Trabzon- Altındere Nationally Park) about 1000 m altitude on Picea orientalis L. as field collection

    Farklı su ve süt kaynaklarından izole edilen bacillus sp.'ların 16S-Its rDna Rflp profillerinin karşılaştırılması

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    The aim of this research was the isolation of thermophilic Bacillus sp. from different sources and grouping by 16S-ITS rDNA RFLP. Seventy-four thermophilic strains were isolated from various environmental samples. Since fifteen isolated strains were Gram (+), endospore forming rods, they were identified as Bacillus sp. These strains were screened for the existence of five extracellular enzyme activities. These were, lipases, amylases, proteases, xylanases, cellulases. 16S-ITS rDNA RFLP profiles were produced by using two restriction endonucleases Taq I and Hae III. The isolated strains were clustered into eigth groups by Taq I restriction profiles of 16S-ITS rDNA while seven groups were obtained by Hae III digestion profiles.Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı kaynaklardan izole edilen termofilik Bacillus sp.'ları 16S-ITS rDNA RFLP ile gruplandırmaktır. Çeşitli çevresel örneklerden yetmiş dört suş izole edilmiştir. Gram (+), endospor oluşturan, basil şeklindeki izolatlar Bacillus olarak identifiye edilmiştir Bu suşlar; lipaz, amilaz, proteaz, ksilinaz ve selulazdan oluşan ekstraselülar beş enzim aktivitesi açısından incelenmiştir. 16S-ITS rDNA RFLP profilleri TaqI ve HaeIII olmak üzere iki farklı restriksiyon enzimi kullanılarak çıkarılmıştır. İzolatlar TaqI ile sekiz, HaeIII ile yedi farklı restriksiyon grubu oluşturmuştur


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    Çimlenme, bitkilerin yaşam döngüsünde kritik bir evredir. Çimlenme hücre bölünmesi ve hücre uzamasını takiben radikulanm çıkışını kapsayan kompleks bir olaydır. Çimlenmede Faz I, su aliminin olduğu evredir. Faz II genellikle tohum kabuğundan radikula çıkışı ile son bulur. Faz III, çimlenmenin sonlanması ve fide büyümesinin başlangıcı ile ilişkilidir. Çimlenme tuzluluk, sıcaklık, ışık gibi birçok çevresel veya tohuma ait faktörlere bağlıdır. Bu derlemede, kritik bir büyüme evresi olan tohum çimlenmesi üzerinde bu abiyotik faktörlerin tek tek veya birlikte etkileri değerlendirilmiştir

    An ethnobotanical approach to MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>) in Western Anatolia: A case of Afyonkarahisar

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    35-43MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) has been recognized as an important pathogen leading to the problems in the hospitals worldwide. Currently, treatment options for MRSA infections are limited to both very few and expensive drugs such as Teicoplanin, Vancomycin and Linezolid. The difficult and expensive methods to combat the pathogens have led people to search the natural way of healing with medicinal plants. In this study, an ethno botanical approach to MRSA pathogens has been shown by using medicinal and aromatic plants. Field studies were carried out in the Inner Western Anatolia, and interviews were performed with 11 people, (8 males and 3 females) whose age ranged between 50 and 75, who have had an operation and were infected with MRSA. They have also been cured with medicinal plants as ethnobotanical practices or have been undergoing a cure during the study carried out. 21 plant species belonging to 16 families were identified and their ethnobotanical uses to MRSA were determined. Their Latin name, local name and usages were indicated. An ethnobotanical approach was exhibited to struggle with the pathogen MRSA. A different approach to cure MRSA is presented