43 research outputs found

    Dens invagination and root dilaceration in double multilobed mesiodentes in 14-year-old patient with anorexia nervosa

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    This paper describes a rare case of erupted double supernumerary teeth with unusual morphology in a 14-year-old patient with an eating disorder. The coexistence of dental morphological anomalies: multilobed mesiodens, multiple dens in dente of different types and root dilaceration have not been previously reported. The paper highlights anatomical and radiological aspects of dental abnormalities and clinical implications of delayed treatment

    Copper deficit as a potential pathogenic factor of reduced bone mineral density and severe tooth wear

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    SUMMARY: The study evaluated if men and women with severe tooth wear were at increased risk of general bone loss. Enamel biopsies obtained from 50 subjects aged 47.5 ± 5 years showed decreased copper content, which was associated with reduced spine bone mineral density, suggesting deficits of this trace element contributing to bone demineralization, enamel attrition, and deteriorated quality of mineralized tissues. INTRODUCTION: The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess associations between enamel trace minerals and bone mineral density (BMD) in severe tooth wear. We hypothesized that similar factors contributed to both the excessive abrasion of dental enamel and reduced BMD in subjects with tooth wear. METHODS: Fifty patients aged 47.5 ± 5 years with severe tooth wear and 20 age-, sex-, and body mass index (BMI)-matched healthy volunteers with normal dental status were studied regarding dietary intakes of trace elements, serum and salivary copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and calcium (Ca) concentrations, and serum PTH, osteocalcin, and hydroxyvitamin D levels. Tooth wear was determined using clinical examination based on standard protocol according to Smith and Knight. In all subjects, acid biopsies of the maxillary central incisors were carried out to assess mineral composition of the enamel. Atomic absorption spectroscopy with an air/acetylene flame was used to measure Ca and Zn, and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy was used to analyze Cu content. BMD was examined using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: Tooth wear patients had reduced lumbar spine, but not femoral, BMD relative to controls (p < 0.001). No differences were found in enamel Ca concentration and Zn content was slightly higher in tooth wear patients than in controls whereas Cu content was significantly decreased in the patients: 19.59 ± 16.4 vs 36.86 ± 26.1 μg/l (p = 0.01) despite similar levels of Cu in serum and saliva. The differences were independent of serum 25-OH-D, osteocalcin concentrations or PTH either. CONCLUSION: Severe tooth wear is associated with reduced spinal BMD. Enamel in adult individuals with severe tooth wear is low in copper content. Therefore, further work is needed to determine whether copper plays a role in bone pathophysiology in these patients

    Vitamin D Status in Central Europe

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    Little published information is available regarding epidemiological data on vitamin D status in the large geographical region of Central Europe (CE). We searched the journal literature with regard to 25(OH)D concentrations among community-dwelling or healthy people living in CE. 25(OH)D concentrations varied by age, season, study sample size, and methodological approach [i.e., 25(OH)D assay used]. Concentrations of 25(OH)D in CE appeared lower than 30 ng/mL, and the magnitude of hypovitaminosis D was similar to that reported in Western Europe. While most of the studies reviewed were cross-sectional studies, a longitudinal study was also included to obtain information on seasonal variability. The longitudinal study reported wintertime 25(OH)D values close to 21-23 ng/mL for all studied age groups, with a significant increase of 25(OH)D in August reaching 42 ng/mL for those aged 0-9 years, but only 21 ng/mL for the elderly aged 80-89 years. The decrease in 25(OH)D with respect to age was attributed to decreased time spent in the sun and decreased vitamin D production efficiency. Based on the literature review on vitamin D status in the CE populations, it can be concluded that 25(OH)vitamin D levels are on average below the 30 ng/mL level

    Case report: A 10-year-old girl with primary hypoparathyroidism and systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Hypoparathyroidism is a rare disease in children that occurs as a result of autoimmune destruction of the parathyroid glands, a defect in parathyroid gland development or secondary to physical parathyroid gland disturbance. Typical symptoms of hypoparathyroidism present as hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphatemia due to decreased parathyroid hormone secretion and may lead to nerve and muscles disturbances resulting in clinical manifestation of tetany, arrhythmias and epilepsy. Currently, there is no conventional hormone replacement treatment for hypoparathyroidism and therapeutic approaches include normalising mineral levels using an oral calcium supplement and active forms of vitamin D. We present the case of a 10-year old girl with primary hypoparathyroidism who had no prior history of autoimmune disorders, but who subsequently developed systemic lupus erythematosus

    Możliwości eksploatacyjno-techniczne estrów metylowych kwasów tłuszczowych oleju rzepakowego jako paliwa silnikowego

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    Estry metylowe kwasów tłuszczowych oleju rzepakowego (FAME) mogą odgrywać istotną rolę w zakresie rozszerzenia bazy paliwowej oraz przyczynić się do ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Istotnym kryterium oceny ich jakości jako paliwa silnikowego jest określenie całkowitej zawartości gliceryny i zawartości wolnej gliceryny oraz mono-, di- i triagliceroli. Najistotniejsze czynniki pozwalające na użycie FAME jako paliwa silnikowego to stabilność w czasie magazynowania, odpowiednie właściwości niskotemperaturowe i podatność na rozkład mikrobiologiczny. Jednym z głównych problemów eksploatacyjnych silników spalinowych zasilanych FAME to zapewnienie właściwego rozruchu już w temperaturze -5°C