3 research outputs found

    Randomised multicentre effectiveness trial of rapid syndromic testing by panel assay in children presenting to European emergency departments with acute respiratory infections-trial protocol for the ADEQUATE Paediatric trial

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    Κλινικοί φαινότυποι της κοινής ποικίλης ανοσοανεπάρκειας σε Έλληνες ασθενείς με έναρξη νόσου κατά την παιδική και εφηβική ηλικία

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    Οι πρωτοπαθείς ανοσοανεπάρκειες (ΠΑΑ) είναι σπάνια γενετικά νοσήματα, ο αριθμός των οποίων έχει αυξηθεί εκθετικά κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία. Τα νοσήματα αυτά προδιαθέτουν σε βαριές ή υποτροπιάζουσες λοιμώξεις, αυτοάνοσες ή φλεγμονώδεις εκδηλώσεις, κακοήθειες, λεμφοϋπερπλασία και άλλα συμπτώματα που συνδέονται αιτιοπαθογενετικά με την υποκείμενη ανοσολογική διαταραχή. Οι αντισωματικές ανεπάρκειες και ειδικότερα οι υπογαμμασφαιριναιμίες αποτελούν την συχνότερη οντότητα, αντιπροσωπεύοντας το 50% και πλέον των διαγνώσεων των ΠΑΑ, με την Κοινή Ποικίλη Ανοσοανεπάρκεια (Common Variable Immunodeficiency, CVID), να αποτελεί τη συχνότερη ανοσοανεπάρκεια με κλινική σημασία και αυξημένη ανάγκη ιατρικής φροντίδας. Η CVID παρουσιάζει μεγάλη ετερογένεια ως προς την παθογένεση και τη γενετική, την ηλικία έναρξης των εκδηλώσεων, την κλινική έκφραση και τους κλινικούς φαινοτύπους, τις ανοσολογικές διαταραχές και την πρόγνωση. Τα γενετικά ελλείμματα και η μοριακή βάση των περισσότερων περιπτώσεων είναι άγνωστα και η διάγνωσή της βασίζεται σε διαγνωστικά κριτήρια και στον αποκλεισμό άλλων γνωστών αιτίων υπογαμμασφαιριναιμίας. Συμπερασματικά, κρίνεται αναγκαία η καταγραφή των επιδημιολογικών χαρακτηριστικών και των κλινικών φαινοτύπων ασθενών με CVID, καθώς δεν υπάρχουν βιβλιογραφικά δεδομένα και συμπεράσματα σε εθνικό επίπεδο, που αποτελεί και τον στόχο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας.Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) are rare genetic diseases, the number of which has increased exponentially over the last decade. These diseases predispose to severe or recurrent infections, autoimmune or inflammatory manifestations, malignancies, lymphoid hyperplasia and other symptoms that are etiologically associated with the underlying immune disorder. Antibody deficiencies, especially hypogammaglobulinemia, are the most common entity, responsible for more than 50% of PID diagnoses, with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) being the most common type of clinically significant immunodeficiency with increased need for medical care. CVID is highly heterogeneous in terms of pathogenesis, genetics, age of onset, clinical expression, clinical phenotypes, immune disorders, and prognosis. The genetic deficiencies and the molecular basis in most cases are unknown and its diagnosis is based on diagnostic criteria and the exclusion of other known causes of hypogammaglobulinemia. In conclusion, it is necessary to record the epidemiological characteristics and clinical phenotypes of patients with CVID, as there is no registered data and guidelines in a national level, which is the aim of this dissertation

    The Ongoing Epidemic of West Nile Virus in Greece: The Contribution of Biological Vectors and Reservoirs and the Importance of Climate and Socioeconomic Factors Revisited

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    Emerging infectious diseases have inflicted a significant health and socioeconomic burden upon the global population and governments worldwide. West Nile virus, a zoonotic, mosquito-borne flavivirus, was originally isolated in 1937 from a febrile patient in the West Nile Province of Uganda. It remained confined mainly to Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe and Australia until 1999, circulating in an enzootic mosquito-bird transmission cycle. Since the beginning of the 21st century, a new, neurotropic, more virulent strain was isolated from human outbreaks initially occurring in North America and later expanding to South and South-eastern Europe. Since 2010, when the first epidemic was recorded in Greece, annual incidence has fluctuated significantly. A variety of environmental, biological and socioeconomic factors have been globally addressed as potential regulators of the anticipated intensity of the annual incidence rate; circulation within the zoonotic reservoirs, recruitment and adaptation of new potent arthropod vectors, average winter and summer temperatures, precipitation during the early summer months, and socioeconomic factors, such as the emergence and progression of urbanization and the development of densely populated areas in association with insufficient health policy measures. This paper presents a review of the biological and socioenvironmental factors influencing the dynamics of the epidemics of West Nile virus (WNV) cases in Greece, one of the highest-ranked European countries in terms of annual incidence. To date, WNV remains an unpredictable opponent as is also the case with other emerging infectious diseases, forcing the National Health systems to develop response strategies, control the number of infections, and shorten the duration of the epidemics, thus minimizing the impact on human and material resources