12 research outputs found

    Influence of different feature selection approaches on the performance of emotion recognition methods based on SVM

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    In this paper we evaluate performance of modern emotion recognition methods. Our task is to classify emotions as basic 8 categories: anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happy, sadness, surprise and neutral. CK+ dataset is used in all experiments. We apply Adaptive Boosting and Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction and Support Vector Machine for classification. Size of train dataset is increased by use of few frames of sequences instead of one and vertical mirroring of faces. All images were normalized with mean centering and standardizing. In total 4428 images were used in experiment. The proposed method can work in real time and achieved average accuracy higher than 95%

    Universal computer vision system for monitoring the main parameters of wind turbines

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    The article presents universal autonomous system of computer vision to monitor the operation of wind turbines. The proposed system allows to estimate the rotational speed and the relative position deviation of the wind turbine. We present a universal method for determining the rotation of wind turbines of various shapes and structures. All obtained data are saved in the database. The presented method was tested at the Territory of Non-traditional Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University Experimental wind turbines is produced by “Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A. Semikhatov”. Results show the efficiency of the proposed system and the ability to determine main parameters such as the rotational speed, accuracy and quickness of orientation. The proposed solution is to assume that, in most cases a rotating and central parts of the wind turbine can be allocated different color. The color change of wind blade should not affect the system performance

    Remote photoplethysmography application to the analysis of time-frequency changes of human heart rate variability

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    In this article we present the possibilities of using remote photoplethysmography (rPPG or imaging PPG) technology to estimate time-frequency changes of human heart rate variability. We propose improvements for algorithm presented in our recent study. Algorithm modification allows to exclude skin areas with highly variable levels of lighting, thus reducing noise level and increasing duration of signal suitable for processing. Twenty healthy volunteers (males and females) aged from 20 to 25 took part in this investigation. The blood volume pulse rate estimated from the rPPG rhythmogram and cardiac pulse rate estimated from the electrocardiogram are compared. The results showed that the very low frequency hemodynamic oscillations of blood volume pulse rate estimated from the rPPG rhythmogram in the [0.04-0.003] Hz frequency band can be used to monitor functional changes of a human

    Universal computer vision system for monitoring the main parameters of wind turbines

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    The article presents universal autonomous system of computer vision to monitor the operation of wind turbines. The proposed system allows to estimate the rotational speed and the relative position deviation of the wind turbine. We present a universal method for determining the rotation of wind turbines of various shapes and structures. All obtained data are saved in the database. The presented method was tested at the Territory of Non-traditional Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University Experimental wind turbines is produced by “Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A. Semikhatov”. Results show the efficiency of the proposed system and the ability to determine main parameters such as the rotational speed, accuracy and quickness of orientation. The proposed solution is to assume that, in most cases a rotating and central parts of the wind turbine can be allocated different color. The color change of wind blade should not affect the system performance

    Universal computer vision system for monitoring the main parameters of wind turbines

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    The article presents universal autonomous system of computer vision to monitor the operation of wind turbines. The proposed system allows to estimate the rotational speed and the relative position deviation of the wind turbine. We present a universal method for determining the rotation of wind turbines of various shapes and structures. All obtained data are saved in the database. The presented method was tested at the Territory of Non-traditional Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University Experimental wind turbines is produced by “Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A. Semikhatov”. Results show the efficiency of the proposed system and the ability to determine main parameters such as the rotational speed, accuracy and quickness of orientation. The proposed solution is to assume that, in most cases a rotating and central parts of the wind turbine can be allocated different color. The color change of wind blade should not affect the system performance

    Universal computer vision system for monitoring the main parameters of wind turbines

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    The article presents universal autonomous system of computer vision to monitor the operation of wind turbines. The proposed system allows to estimate the rotational speed and the relative position deviation of the wind turbine. We present a universal method for determining the rotation of wind turbines of various shapes and structures. All obtained data are saved in the database. The presented method was tested at the Territory of Non-traditional Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University Experimental wind turbines is produced by “Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A. Semikhatov”. Results show the efficiency of the proposed system and the ability to determine main parameters such as the rotational speed, accuracy and quickness of orientation. The proposed solution is to assume that, in most cases a rotating and central parts of the wind turbine can be allocated different color. The color change of wind blade should not affect the system performance

    Universal computer vision system for monitoring the main parameters of wind turbines

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    The article presents universal autonomous system of computer vision to monitor the operation of wind turbines. The proposed system allows to estimate the rotational speed and the relative position deviation of the wind turbine. We present a universal method for determining the rotation of wind turbines of various shapes and structures. All obtained data are saved in the database. The presented method was tested at the Territory of Non-traditional Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University Experimental wind turbines is produced by “Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A. Semikhatov”. Results show the efficiency of the proposed system and the ability to determine main parameters such as the rotational speed, accuracy and quickness of orientation. The proposed solution is to assume that, in most cases a rotating and central parts of the wind turbine can be allocated different color. The color change of wind blade should not affect the system performance

    Genetically encodable bioluminescent system from fungi

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    Bioluminescence is found across the entire tree of life, conferring a spectacular set of visually oriented functions from attracting mates to scaring off predators. Half a dozen different luciferins, molecules that emit light when enzymatically oxidized, are known. However, just one biochemical pathway for luciferin biosynthesis has been described in full, which is found only in bacteria. Here, we report identification of the fungal luciferase and three other key enzymes that together form the biosynthetic cycle of the fungal luciferin from caffeic acid, a simple and widespread metabolite. Introduction of the identified genes into the genome of the yeast Pichia pastoris along with caffeic acid biosynthesis genes resulted in a strain that is autoluminescent in standard media. We analyzed evolution of the enzymes of the luciferin biosynthesis cycle and found that fungal bioluminescence emerged through a series of events that included two independent gene duplications. The retention of the duplicated enzymes of the luciferin pathway in nonluminescent fungi shows that the gene duplication was followed by functional sequence divergence of enzymes of at least one gene in the biosynthetic pathway and suggests that the evolution of fungal bioluminescence proceeded through several closely related stepping stone nonluminescent biochemical reactions with adaptive roles. The availability of a complete eukaryotic luciferin biosynthesis pathway provides several applications in biomedicine and bioengineering.This research was supported by Planta LLC and Evrogen JSC. IVIS imaging and animal experiments were carried out using the equipment of the Center for Collective Usage “Medical Nanobiotechologies” located in the Russian National Research Medical University. Experiments were partially carried out using the equipment provided by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences Сore Facility (CKP IBCH; supported by Russian Ministry of Education and Science Grant RFMEFI62117X0018). T.G. and M.M.-H. acknowledge support from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant BFU2015-67107 cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund, European Research Council (ERC) Grant ERC-2012-StG-310325 under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642095. F.A.K. acknowledges the support of HHMI International Early Career Scientist Program 55007424, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) Grants BFU2012-31329 and BFU2015-68723-P, MINECO Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017 Grant SEV-2012-0208, Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat’s Agency for Management of University and Research Grants Program 2014 SGR 0974, the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and ERC Grant 335980_EinME under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013. H.E.W., A.G.O., and C.V.S. acknowledge support from São Paulo Research Foundation Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Grants 11/10507-0 (to H.E.W.), 10/11578-5 (to A.G.O.), and 13/16885-1 (to C.V.S.)