48 research outputs found

    Transitional annealed adaptive slice sampling for Gaussian process hyper-parameter estimation

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    Surrogate models have become ubiquitous in science and engineering for their capability of emulating expensive computer codes, necessary to model and investigate complex phenomena. Bayesian emulators based on Gaussian processes adequately quantify the uncertainty that results from the cost of the original simulator, and thus the inability to evaluate it on the whole input space. However, it is common in the literature that only a partial Bayesian analysis is carried out, whereby the underlying hyper-parameters are estimated via gradient-free optimization or genetic algorithms, to name a few methods. On the other hand, maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation could discard important regions of the hyper-parameter space. In this paper, we carry out a more complete Bayesian inference, that combines Slice Sampling with some recently developed sequential Monte Carlo samplers. The resulting algorithm improves the mixing in the sampling through the delayed-rejection nature of Slice Sampling, the inclusion of an annealing scheme akin to Asymptotically Independent Markov Sampling and parallelization via transitional Markov chain Monte Carlo. Examples related to the estimation of Gaussian process hyper-parameters are presented. For the purpose of reproducibility, further development, and use in other applications, the code to generate the examples in this paper is freely available for download at http://github.com/agarbuno/ta2s2_codes

    Asymptotically Independent Markov Sampling: A New Markov Chain Monte Carlo Scheme for Bayesian Interference

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    In Bayesian statistics, many problems can be expressed as the evaluation of the expectation of a quantity of interest with respect to the posterior distribution. Standard Monte Carlo method is often not applicable because the encountered posterior distributions cannot be sampled directly. In this case, the most popular strategies are the importance sampling method, Markov chain Monte Carlo, and annealing. In this paper, we introduce a new scheme for Bayesian inference, called Asymptotically Independent Markov Sampling (AIMS), which is based on the above methods. We derive important ergodic properties of AIMS. In particular, it is shown that, under certain conditions, the AIMS algorithm produces a uniformly ergodic Markov chain. The choice of the free parameters of the algorithm is discussed and recommendations are provided for this choice, both theoretically and heuristically based. The efficiency of AIMS is demonstrated with three numerical examples, which include both multimodal and higher-dimensional target posterior distributions

    Pricing discretely-monitored double barrier options with small probabilities of execution

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    In this paper, we propose a new stochastic simulation-based methodology for pricing discretely-monitored double barrier options and estimating the corresponding probabilities of execution. We develop our framework by employing a versatile tool for the estimation of rare event probabilities known as subset simulation algorithm. In this regard, considering plausible dynamics for the price evolution of the underlying asset, we are able to compare and demonstrate clearly that our treatment always outperforms the standard Monte Carlo approach and becomes substantially more efficient (measured in terms of the sample coefficient of variation) when the underlying asset has high volatility and the barriers are set close to the spot price of the underlying asset. In addition, we test and report that our approach performs better when it is compared to the multilevel Monte Carlo method for special cases of barrier options and underlying assets that make the pricing problem a rare event estimation. These theoretical findings are confirmed by numerous simulation results

    Pricing discretely-monitored double barrier options with small probabilities of execution

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    In this paper, we propose a new stochastic simulation-based methodology for pricing discretely-monitored double barrier options and estimating the corresponding probabilities of execution. We develop our framework by employing a versatile tool for the estimation of rare event probabilities known as subset simulation algorithm. In this regard, considering plausible dynamics for the price evolution of the underlying asset, we are able to compare and demonstrate clearly that our treatment always outperforms the standard Monte Carlo approach and becomes substantially more efficient (measured in terms of the sample coefficient of variation) when the underlying asset has high volatility and the barriers are set close to the spot price of the underlying asset. In addition, we test and report that our approach performs better when it is compared to the multilevel Monte Carlo method for special cases of barrier options and underlying assets that make the pricing problem a rare event estimation. These theoretical findings are confirmed by numerous simulation results

    Unveiling causal interactions in complex systems

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    Throughout time, operational laws and concepts from complex systems have been employed to quantitatively model important aspects and interactions in nature and society. Nevertheless, it remains enigmatic and challenging, yet inspiring, to predict the actual interdependencies that comprise the structure of such systems, particularly when the causal interactions observed in real-world phenomena might be persistently hidden. In this article, we propose a robust methodology for detecting the latent and elusive structure of dynamic complex systems. Our treatment utilizes short-term predictions from information embedded in reconstructed state space. In this regard, using a broad class of real-world applications from ecology, neurology, and finance, we explore and are able to demonstrate our method’s power and accuracy to reconstruct the fundamental structure of these complex systems, and simultaneously highlight their most fundamental operations

    Transitional annealed adaptive slice sampling for Gaussian process hyper-parameter estimation

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    Surrogate models have become ubiquitous in science and engineering for their capability of emulating expensive computer codes, necessary to model and investigate complex phenomena. Bayesian emulators based on Gaussian processes adequately quantify the uncertainty that results from the cost of the original simulator, and thus the inability to evaluate it on the whole input space. However, it is common in the literature that only a partial Bayesian analysis is carried out, whereby the underlying hyper-parameters are estimated via gradient-free optimization or genetic algorithms, to name a few methods. On the other hand, maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation could discard important regions of the hyper-parameter space. In this paper, we carry out a more complete Bayesian inference, that combines Slice Sampling with some recently developed sequential Monte Carlo samplers. The resulting algorithm improves the mixing in the sampling through the delayed-rejection nature of Slice Sampling, the inclusion of an annealing scheme akin to Asymptotically Independent Markov Sampling and parallelization via transitional Markov chain Monte Carlo. Examples related to the estimation of Gaussian process hyper-parameters are presented. For the purpose of reproducibility, further development, and use in other applications, the code to generate the examples in this paper is freely available for download at http://github.com/agarbuno/ta2s2_codes

    Hidden interactions in financial markets

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    The hidden nature of causality is a puzzling, yet critical notion for effective decision-making. Financial markets are characterized by fluctuating interdependencies which seldom give rise to emergent phenomena such as bubbles or crashes. In this paper, we propose a method based on symbolic dynamics, which probes beneath the surface of abstract causality and unveils the nature of causal interactions. Our method allows distinction between positive and negative interdependencies as well as a hybrid form that we refer to as “dark causality.” We propose an algorithm which is validated by models of a priori defined causal interaction. Then, we test our method on asset pairs and on a network of sovereign credit default swaps (CDS). Our findings suggest that dark causality dominates the sovereign CDS network, indicating interdependencies which require caution from an investor’s perspective