13 research outputs found

    Гендерные особенности распространенности поведенческих факторов риска у жителей Санкт-Петербурга

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    Background: In developed countries there are significant gender differences in lifetime expectancy that can be explained by behavioral risk factors (RF).Objective: The aim of our study was to estimate gender features of behavioral RF in general population of Saint-Petersburg, Russia.Methods: As a part of all-Russian epidemiology survey ESSE-RF a random sampling of 1600 Saint-Petersburg inhabitants (25-64 y.o.) stratified by age and sex was performed. All participants filled in the questionnaire. Anthropometry (weight, height, body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC)) and fasting blood-tests (lipids, glucose by Abbott Architect 8000 (USA)) were performed.Results: There were examined 573 (36%) men and 1027 (64%) women. No gender differences in obesity were found according to BMI criteria — in 178 (31.2%) women and 352 (35.1%) men. Obesity was more often detected in females according to WC criteria: АТРIII — 44.1 vs 30.3%; IDF 51.2 vs 66.4% (p 0.001 for both). Linear regression analysis was performed and age was associated with BMI — 1.6 kg/m2/decade, WC in women — 5,2 cm/decade and WC in men — 2.8 cm/decade, р 0.001 for all anthropometric parameters. Optimal level of physical activity was equally documented in both genders — 540 (61.2%) women and 286 (58.9%) men. Daily intake of sweets was lower in men — 228 (39.8%) vs 539 (52.5%) in women (p 0.001). 810 (50,6%) of trial subjects were non-smokers, 395 (24,7%) were former smokers, and 395 (24,7%) were smokers at the moment of trial. The higher number of female smokers was observed — 194 (19.1%).Conclusion: A high prevalence of obesity is observed in sample of Saint-Petersburg inhabitants — it is higher among women according to WC criteria regardless of menopause, possibly due to bigger sweets consumption. Males smoke more often and consume less fresh fruits and vegetables which is accompanied by a higher prevalence of hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia.В развитых странах отмечаются гендерные различия в ожидаемой продолжительности жизни, что может быть объяснено профилем поведенческих факторов риска.Цель исследования: изучить гендерные особенности профиля поведенческих факторов сердечно-сосудистого риска в популяции жителей Санкт-Петербурга. Методы: в рамках многоцентрового эпидемиологического наблюдательного исследования ЭССЕ-РФ была сформирована случайная выборка из жителей Санкт-Петербурга, стратифицированная по полу и возрасту. Участники заполнили стандартный опросник, была выполнена антропометрия: рост, вес, индекс массы тела (ИМТ), окружность талии (ОТ). Натощак определен липидный спектр, уровень гликемии.Результаты: обследованы 1600 человек, из них мужчин 573 (35,9%), женщин 1027 (64,1%). Ожирение у мужчин и женщин встречалось в 31–66% случаев (по критерию ИМТ — у 31,2% мужчин и 35,1% женщин; по критерию метаболического синдрома (АТРIII) — у 30,3 и 44,1%; по критерию IDF — у 51,2 и 66,4%, соответственно; по обоим критериям ОТ значимо чаще встречалась у женщин, (p 0,001). Линейный регрессионный анализ позволил установить ассоциацию возраста с ИМТ (1,6 кг/м2 на 1 декаду), с ОТ у женщин (5,2 см/декада) и у мужчин (2,8 см/декада; для всех показателей р 0,001). Оптимальный уровень двигательной активности не различался у мужчин (286; 58,9%) и женщин (540; 61,2%). Ежедневное потребление сладостей значимо реже отмечено у мужчин (228; 39,8%) по сравнению с женщинами (539; 52,5%; р 0,001). Не курили 810 (50,6%), 395 (24,7%) курили в прошлом и 395 (24,7%) курили в момент опроса; наблюдалось большое число курящих женщин — 194 (19,1%).Заключение: среди жителей Санкт-Петербурга регистрируется высокая распространенность ожирения (значимо чаще среди женщин, согласно критерию ОТ, вне зависимости от наличия менопаузы, возможно, за счет большего потребления сладких продуктов). Мужчины значимо больше курят и реже потребляют свежие овощи и фрукты, что сопровождается большей распространенностью гипергликемии и гипертриглицеридемии

    Angiotensin II and COVID-19. Secrets of interactions

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    The article describes current data on the relationship of renin-angiotensin system and related drugs with the risk of COVID-19 infection and its outcomes. Analysis of the latest publications did not reveal association of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers with any risk of an unfavorable out-comes, and there was no data for withdrawal of these drugs. © 2020, Silicea-Poligraf. All rights reserved

    Epidemiology of cardiovascular risk factors in two population-based studies

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    We aimed to compare cardiovascular risk factors prevalence in Italy and Russia through cross-sectional database analysis. The study has been based on data from ESSE-RF and from baseline of PLIC study, two population-based epidemiological studies aimed to investigate prevalence of risk factors and evaluating contribution of traditional and new risk factors into morbidity and cardiovascular mortality. A total of 2203 patients with left and right intima-media thickness (IMT) measurements constituted the source population (1205 from PLIC study and 998 from ESSE-RF study). Sample of ESSE-RF study had slightly more diabetic and hypertensive individuals, while the percentage of subjects with high cholesterol value was lower than in the other sample (67.1% vs 79.9%). The median LDL-C value was higher among individuals not treated with statins in the PLIC sample (p < 0.001), while was comparable among subjects receiving statin therapy. On the other hand, the percentage of individuals with positive cardiovascular history was higher in ESSE-RF sample. This could also explain the higher mean IMT value (0.71 \ub1 0.17 vs 0.63 \ub1 0.13) in the whole sample, and among patients without past cardiovascular events (regardless of statin treatment), despite some differences in major risk factors. Despite Russian and Italian populations are culturally and geographically different, they are not so different based on characteristics analyzed

    Consensus of Russian experts on the evaluation of arterial stiffness in clinical practice

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    Recently, there was plenty studies published on the arterial stiffness assessment, and importance of this was proved as an independent prediction parameter, together with standard cardiovascular risk factors. In current document, we collect and structure the available clinical and scientific data from abroad and Russian studies. The aim of current publication is the need to bring a reader the importance of demanded in clinical practice ways of arterial wall stiffness assessment, information about conditions when it is important to the assessment, and available restrictions, as the issues remaining unresolved

    Consensus of Russian experts on the evaluation of arterial stiffness in clinical practice [Согласованное мнение российских экспертов по оценке артериальной жесткости в клинической практике]

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    Recently, there was plenty studies published on the arterial stiffness assessment, and importance of this was proved as an independent prediction parameter, together with standard cardiovascular risk factors. In current document, we collect and structure the available clinical and scientific data from abroad and Russian studies. The aim of current publication is the need to bring a reader the importance of demanded in clinical practice ways of arterial wall stiffness assessment, information about conditions when it is important to the assessment, and available restrictions, as the issues remaining unresolved. © 2016 Vserossiiskoe Obshchestvo Kardiologov. All rights reserved

    Consensus of Russian experts on the evaluation of arterial stiffness in clinical practice

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    Recently, there was plenty studies published on the arterial stiffness assessment, and importance of this was proved as an independent prediction parameter, together with standard cardiovascular risk factors. In current document, we collect and structure the available clinical and scientific data from abroad and Russian studies. The aim of current publication is the need to bring a reader the importance of demanded in clinical practice ways of arterial wall stiffness assessment, information about conditions when it is important to the assessment, and available restrictions, as the issues remaining unresolved