481 research outputs found

    Schreiben Englisch

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    Das DESI-Modul semikreatives Schreiben dient der Erfassung der Fähigkeit des task-orientierten Schreibens in der Fremdsprache (vgl. Harsch/Lehmann/Neuma/Schröder 2007). Dabei sollen den Schülerinnen und Schülern bei gleichzeitiger Lenkung möglichst große kommunikative Freiräume geboten werden. Das Testkonstrukt Schreiben Englisch ist in Analogie zum Konstrukt der Textproduktion Deutsch dreifach verortet in der linguistischen Text- und Schreibprozessforschung sowie in der didaktischen Forschung zur Schreibentwicklung, in der Analyse der relevanten Curricula aller Schularten und Bundesländer und in der empirischen Forschung zur Aufsatzbewertung. (DIPF/Orig.

    Quantitative CT analysis in patients with pulmonary emphysema: is lung function influenced by concomitant unspecific pulmonary fibrosis?

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    Purpose: Quantitative analysis of CT scans has proven to be a reproducible technique, which might help to understand the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. The aim of this retrospective study was to find out if the lung function of patients with COPD with Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stages III or IV and pulmonary emphysema is measurably influenced by high attenuation areas as a correlate of concomitant unspecific fibrotic changes of lung parenchyma. Patients and methods: Eighty-eight patients with COPD GOLD stage III or IV underwent CT and pulmonary function tests. Quantitative CT analysis was performed to determine low attenuation volume (LAV) and high attenuation volume (HAV), which are considered to be equivalents of fibrotic (HAV) and emphysematous (LAV) changes of lung parenchyma. Both parameters were determined for the whole lung, as well as peripheral and central lung areas only. Multivariate regression analysis was used to correlate HAV with different parameters of lung function. Results: Unlike LAV, HAV did not show significant correlation with parameters of lung function. Even in patients with a relatively high HAVof more than 10%, in contrast to HAV (p=0.786) only LAV showed a significantly negative correlation with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (r=−0.309, R2=0.096, p=0.003). A severe decrease of DLCO% was associated with both larger HAV (p=0.045) and larger LAV (p=0.001). Residual volume and FVC were not influenced by LAV or HAV. Conclusion: In patients with COPD GOLD stage III-IV, emphysematous changes of lung parenchyma seem to have such a strong influence on lung function, which is a possible effect of concomitant unspecific fibrosis is overwhelmed

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in characterization of inconclusive cervical lymph nodes: a meta-analysis and systematic review

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    Lymph node metastases are common in malignant neoplasms of head and neck. Since cervical lymph nodes (cLN) are localized superficially, ultrasound (US) represents the primary imaging modality. The aim of the study is to report the value of US and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and their diagnostic confidence in the characterization of inconclusive cLN. A systematic review was performed using the literature data base PubMed. Results were filtered (published in a peer-reviewed journal, full-text available, published within the last ten years, species human, English or German full-text) and inclusion criteria were clearly defined (cohort with lymphadenopathy or malignancy in head and neck >= 50 patients, histological confirmation of malignant imaging findings, performance of CEUS as outcome variable). The results were quantified in a meta-analysis using a random-effects model. Overall, five studies were included in qualitative and quantitative analysis. The combination of non-enhanced US and CEUS enlarges the diagnostic confidence in the characterization of lymph nodes of unclear dignity. The pooled values for sensitivity and specificity in the characterization of a malignant cervical lymph node using US are 76% (95%-CI 66-83%, I-2 = 63%, p < 0.01) and 80% (95%-CI 45-95%, I-2 = 92%, p < 0.01), compared to 92% (95%-CI 89-95%, I-2 = 0%, p = 0.65) and 91% (95%-CI 87-94%, I-2 = 0%, p = 0.40) for the combination of US and CEUS, respectively. Consistent results of the included studies show improved diagnostic performance by additional CEUS. Nevertheless, more prospective studies are needed to implement CEUS in the diagnostic pathway of cLN

    Violent Behavior During Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment in a German Prison Hospital

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    Violent behavior in correctional facilities is common and differs substantially in type, target, implication, and trigger. Research on frequency and characteristics of violent behavior in correctional facilities and psychiatric hospitals is limited. Results from recent research suggest that comorbidity of severe mental disorder, personality disorder, and diagnosis of substance abuse is related to a higher risk of violent behavior. In the Berlin prison hospital, a database was created to collect data from all violent incidences (n=210) between 1997 and 2006 and between 2010 and 2016. In a retrospective, case-control study, we analyzed specific socioeconomic data and psychiatric diagnosis and compared the group of prisoners with violent behavior with randomly selected prisoners of the same department without violent behavior (n = 210). Diagnosis of schizophrenia, non-German nationality, no use of an interpreter, no children, and no previous sentence remained significantly associated with the dependent variable violent behavior. There were no significant differences regarding age and legal statuses. Practical implications for clinical work are discussed

    Relevance of dietary protein concentration and quality as risk factors for the formation of calcium oxalate stones in cats

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    The role of dietary protein for the development of feline calcium oxalate (CaOx) uroliths has not been conclusively clarified. The present study evaluated the effects of a varying dietary protein concentration and quality on critical indices for the formation of CaOx uroliths. Three diets with a high protein quality (10–11 % greaves meal/diet) and a varying crude protein (CP) concentration (35, 44 and 57 % in DM) were compared. Additionally, the 57 % CP diet was compared with a fourth diet that had a similar CP concentration (55 % in DM), but a lower protein quality (34 % greaves meal/diet). The Ca and oxalate (Ox) concentrations were similar in all diets. A group of eight cats received the same diet at the same time. Each feeding period was divided into a 21 d adaptation period and a 7 d sampling period to collect urine. There were increases in urinary volume, urinary Ca concentrations, renal Ca and Ox excretion and urinary relative supersaturation (RSS) with CaOx with increasing dietary protein concentrations. Urinary pH ranged between 6·34 and 6·66 among all groups, with no unidirectional effect of dietary protein. Lower renal Ca excretion was observed when feeding the diet with the lower protein quality, however, the underlying mechanism needs further evaluation. In conclusion, although the observed higher urinary volume is beneficial, the increase in urinary Ca concentrations, renal Ca and Ox excretion and urinary RSS CaOx associated with a high-protein diet may be critical for the development of CaOx uroliths in cats

    Factors influencing the presence of Candida dubliniensis and other non-albicans species in patients with oral lichen planus: a retrospective observational study

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    Objectives: The epidemiologic distribution of non-albicans species in the oral cavity of oral lichen planus (OLP) patients remains uncertain. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify factors associated with the presence of C. dubliniensis and other non-albicans species. Furthermore, independent risk factors for Candida superinfection in OLP should be identified. Material and methods: Epidemiologic data and microbiological findings from 268 symptomatic OLP patients who underwent continuous oral swab culture over a 5-year period (2015-2019) were retrospectively reviewed. Candida species identification and semi-quantification were obtained by culture on CHROMagar Candida, followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Results: C. albicans was the most frequently isolated species (72.3%), followed by C. glabrata (7.3%), C. dubliniensis (5.8%), C. krusei and C. parapsilosis (both 2.6%). The presence of C. dubliniensis was significantly associated with tobacco smoking. Other non-albicans spp. were significantly more often detected in patients using removable dentures. Increasing age and the intake of psychotropic drugs were identified as independent risk factors of Candida superinfection in OLP. Conclusion: In OLP patients, certain local and systemic factors increase the risk of carrying potentially drug-resistant Candida species and the development of Candida superinfection of OLP lesions. Clinical relevance: Due to the frequent detection of non-albicans species in OLP, resistance or at least reduced sensitivity to azole antifungals should be expected, especially in smokers and patients using removable dentures. In the case of oral complaints, a superinfection with Candida should be considered, whereby older patients and patients taking psychotropic drugs have an increased risk for oral infection with Candida

    Enhancing SKIN health and safety in aged CARE (SKINCARE Trial): a study protocol for an exploratory cluster-randomized pragmatic trial

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    Background: Aged long-term care receivers are affected by various adverse skin conditions like pressure ulcers, incontinence-associated dermatitis, dryness, intertrigo, and many more. Prevention of these skin problems and the provision of general hygiene and skin care activities are key areas of nursing practice. Numerous condition-specific guidelines are available and are implemented separately. On the other hand, there is huge overlap in terms of etiology, pathogenesis, and prevention of the skin conditions mentioned above. This leads to fragmented practice neglecting shared etiologies and prevention and treatment principles. Methods: The overall aims of this trial are to test the feasibility and to estimate possible effects of the implementation of a comprehensive skin care and prevention strategy targeting main nursing-relevant skin problems at the same time. A two-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial will be performed in 20 nursing homes randomly selected from the population of nursing homes of the state of Berlin, comparing skin care according to the skin care and prevention strategy with standard skin care. Discussion: It is expected that the implementation of this evidence-based skin care and prevention strategy will reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers, incontinence dermatitis, and other skin problems frequently related to care dependency. This trial will benefit individual patients and aged nursing home residents in general given the high prevalence and incidence of the addressed skin conditions. Findings of this exploratory trial may lay the foundation for a change in the development and evaluation of clinical standards and practices in general as it moves the perspective from individual conditions to a more comprehensive view on overlapping or coexisting health problems, in this case common skin conditions, in old-age long-term care receivers

    Validation and Classification of the 9-Item Voice Handicap Index (VHI-9i)

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    The international nine-item Voice Handicap Index (VHI-9i) is a clinically established short-scale version of the original VHI, quantifying the patients’ self-assessed vocal handicap. However, the current vocal impairment classification is based on percentiles. The main goals of this study were to establish test–retest reliability and a sound statistical basis for VHI-9i severity levels. Between 2009 and 2021, 17,660 consecutive cases were documented. A total of 416 test–retest pairs and 3661 unique cases with complete multidimensional voice diagnostics were statistically analyzed. Classification candidates were the overall self-assessed vocal impairment (VHIs) on a four-point Likert scale, the dysphonia severity index (DSI), the vocal extent measure (VEM), and the auditory–perceptual evaluation (GRB scale). The test–retest correlation of VHI-9i total scores was very high (r = 0.919, p < 0.01). Reliability was excellent regardless of gender or professional voice use, with negligible dependency on age. The VHIs correlated best with the VHI-9i, whereas statistical calculations proved that DSI, VEM, and GRB are unsuitable classification criteria. Based on ROC analysis, we suggest modifying the former VHI-9i severity categories as follows: 0 (healthy): 0 ≤ 7; 1 (mild): 8 ≤ 16; 2 (moderate): 17 ≤ 26; and 3 (severe): 27 ≤ 36

    Root canal pre-treatment and adhesive system affect bond strength durability of fiber posts ex vivo

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of different pre-treatments on the long-term bond strength of fiberglass posts luted either with dual-curing self-etch adhesives and core build-up composites or with a self-adhesive resin (SAR) cement. Materials and methods: In total, 180 human root-filled teeth received post-space preparations and three different dentin pre-treatments (PTs): PT1, ethanol (99%); PT2, ethanol-tertiary-butanol-water-solution (AH Plus Cleaner, Dentsply Sirona; York, USA); and PT3, distilled water (control). Five luting systems were used: FU, Futurabond U (Voco; Cuxhaven, Germany); CL, Clearfil DC Bond (Kuraray Noritake; Okayama, Japan); GR, Gradia Core SE Bond (GC Europe NV; Leuven, Belgium); LU, LuxaBond Universal (DMG; Hamburg, Germany); and RX, RelyX Unicem 2 (3M; Minnesota, USA). Roots were cut into six slices (1 mm thick). From each root canal region, three slices were submitted to immediate and three to post-storage push-out testing. The latter were subjected to thermocycling (5–55°C, 6.000 cycles) and stored for six months in saline solution (0.9%, 37°C). Data were analysed using repeated measures ANOVA and chi-square tests (MV±SD). Results: Bond strength was significantly affected by material (p<0.0005), pre-treatment (p=0.016), and storage (p<0.0005; repeated-measures ANOVA). LU (18.8±8.1MPa) revealed significantly higher bond strength than RX (16.08±6.4MPa), GR (15.1±4.6MPa), CL (13.95±5.2MPa), and FU (13.7±6.3MPa). PT1 (16.5±6.9MPa) revealed significantly higher bond strength than PT3 (14.5±5.7MPa). Conclusions: A universal adhesive in self-etch mode combined with a core build-up material revealed higher bond strength than a SAR cement, both interacted positively with Ethanol pre-treatment. Clinical relevance statement: Ethanol (99%) rinsing can be recommended as part of post and core pre-treatment for the investigated luting systems

    Experimental investigation of the pre–Darcy regime

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    The validity of Darcy’s law at very low Reynolds numbers is discussed controversially in literature, as some authors propose a pre–Darcy flow regime below some critical Reynolds number. The scope of this work is to investigate this problem experimentally. Therefore, a packing of glass spheres is perfused by different glycerin–water solutions. A linear behaviour between the flow velocity and the pressure drop through the packed spheres is found in the complete investigated range of Reynolds number Red′, based on the mean-pore diameter d′ and mean-pore velocity v′ with 10−9≤Red′≤10−1. This contradicts the results of different authors like Fand et al. (1987) or Kececioglu and Jiang (1994), postulating a pre–Darcy regime for Red′≤2.8⋅10−6 or Red′≤0.13, respectively
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