114 research outputs found

    Essai: Is Arctic Palynology a “Blunt Instrument”?

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    For nearly forty years, palynologists and other scientists studying the Quaternary have claimed that palynology, when applied in the Arctic, is a “blunt instrument” for analysing environmental change in this region. In this essay, the author explains why this expression should be laid to rest. Limits to palynological resolution are spatial, temporal and taxonomic. These are discussed and examples are shown where both the temporal and spatial resolution of pollen analyses is far higher than previously thought possible. The supposed “bluntness” of Arctic palynology is due to the way this tool has been applied in Arctic environments rather than inherent limits of palynology in Arctic ecosystems.Depuis une quarantaine d’annĂ©es, de nombreux palynologues et d’autres chercheurs Ă©tudiant le quaternaire affirment que la palynologie, lorsque appliquĂ©e Ă  l’arctique, est un « instrument grossier » pour l’étude des changements environnementaux dans cette rĂ©gion. Dans cet essai, l’auteur explique pourquoi cette expression devrait ĂȘtre mise de cĂŽtĂ©. Les limites de la rĂ©solution palynologique sont spatiales, temporelles et taxonomiques. Celles-ci sont discutĂ©es et des exemples sont montrĂ©s, oĂč la rĂ©solution temporelle et spatiale des analyses polliniques s’avĂšre bien plus Ă©levĂ©e qu’on le croyait. Les limites de la palynologie arctique sont dues Ă  la maniĂšre dont cet outil est utilisĂ© dans les environnements arctiques plutĂŽt qu’aux propriĂ©tĂ©s inhĂ©rentes de la palynologie appliquĂ©e aux Ă©cosystĂšmes arctiques

    Biogeography of Freshwater Ostracodes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

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    Seven species of freshwater ostracodes were identified from the sediments of 43 lakes on eight islands across the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. No ostracodes were encountered in the sediments of almost half of the lakes, and most were found at sites that had higher alkalinity. Several taxa endemic to Arctic regions are found across the Arctic Archipelago, including Candona rectangulata Alm, Limnocythere liporeticulata Delorme, and Tonnacypris glacialis Sars. The distributions of Cytherissa lacustris Sars, Cyclocypris globosa Sars, Limnocythere sappaensis Staplin, and Limnocythere (Limnocytherina) camera Delorme are more limited; this fact is attributed to differences in ion composition and concentrations.Sept espĂšces d’ostracodes d’eau douce ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es Ă  partir des sĂ©diments de 43 lacs rĂ©partis dans huit Ăźles de l’archipel Arctique canadien. Aucun ostracode n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©celĂ© dans les sĂ©diments de prĂšs de la moitiĂ© des lacs, et la plupart ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s dans des lieux ayant un taux d’alcalinitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©. Plusieurs taxons endĂ©miques aux rĂ©gions de l’Arctique se retrouvent Ă  la grandeur de l’archipel Arctique, dont le Candona rectangulata Alm, le Limnocythere liporeticulata Delorme et le Tonnacypris glacialis Sars. Les rĂ©partitions de Cytherissa lacustris Sars, de Cyclocypris globosa Sars, de Limnocythere sappaensis Staplin et de Limnocythere (Limnocytherina) camera Delorme sont plus restreintes, ce qui est attribuable aux diffĂ©rences sur le plan de la composition et des concentrations en ions

    Effects of the White River Ash Event on Aquatic Environments, Southwest Yukon, Canada

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    Chironomid and sedimentary records from four lakes in the southwest Yukon reveal that the effects of the White River Ash event on aquatic environments varied with distance from the source vent, with sites closer to the source experiencing a greater impact. Upper Fly and Jenny Lakes, located ~200 km away from the volcano, had the thinnest ash layers. The Upper Fly site showed no response to the fallout of the ash, but at Jenny Lake the ash event affected the lake environment for almost 20 years. Donjek Kettle and Lake WP02, which were closer to the source (~100 km), had considerably thicker ash layers that substantially affected the aquatic ecosystems. Initial impacts of the tephra on the aquatic environments at these sites lasted about 60 years; however, the chronic effects of the tephra deposition on the chironomid community continued for up to 40 years longer. Chironomid community abundance declined in the lake environments affected by White River Ash fallout following the event. However, species composition remained the same after recovery of the aquatic ecosystem as in the pre-deposition chironomid community.Les enregistrements sĂ©dimentaires et les enregistrements de chironomidĂ©s en provenance de quatre lacs du sud-ouest du Yukon rĂ©vĂšlent que les effets de l’évĂ©nement de dĂ©pĂŽt de cendres de la riviĂšre White sur les milieux aquatiques varient en fonction de la distance qui les sĂ©pare de la source de l’évent, les emplacements les plus prĂšs de la source ayant subi les consĂ©quences les plus importantes. Les lacs Upper Fly et Jenny, situĂ©s Ă  environ 200 km de distance du volcan, prĂ©sentaient les couches de cendres les plus minces. L’emplacement d’Upper Fly n’affichait aucune rĂ©action en rĂ©ponse Ă  la tombĂ©e des cendres, tandis que dans le cas du lac Jenny, la tombĂ©e des cendres a eu des incidences sur l’environnement du lac pendant prĂšs d’une vingtaine d’annĂ©es. Les emplacements de Donjek Kettle et du lac WP02, qui se trouvaient plus prĂšs de la source (environ 100 km), prĂ©sentaient des couches de cendres considĂ©rablement plus Ă©paisses, ce qui a eu des effets considĂ©rables sur les Ă©cosystĂšmes aquatiques. Les incidences initiales du tĂ©phra sur les milieux aquatiques de ces emplacements ont durĂ© une soixantaine d’annĂ©es. Toutefois, les effets chroniques du dĂ©pĂŽt de tĂ©phra sur les chironomidĂ©s se sont poursuivis pendant une quarantaine d’annĂ©es de plus. AprĂšs le dĂ©pĂŽt des cendres, l’abondance des chironomidĂ©s a diminuĂ© dans les milieux lacustres de la riviĂšre White. Cela dit, les espĂšces de chironomidĂ©s sont demeurĂ©es les mĂȘmes aprĂšs le rĂ©tablissement de l’écosystĂšme aquatique qu’avant le dĂ©pĂŽt des cendres

    Analysis of Daily Air Temperatures across a Topographically Complex Alpine Region of Southwestern Yukon, Canada

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    This study provides an analysis of six years of daily air temperature data collected using 16 HOBOÂź UA-002-64 Pendant data loggers placed along a 280 km transect in southwestern Yukon and northern British Columbia. Correlation and time series analyses, including Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess (STL) methods, revealed very high correlations among all data series at daily to annual timescales. The two meteorological stations in the region are found to be generally representative of the greater area, and local temperature variability appears to be predominantly determined by synoptic-scale weather patterns. The annual temperature cycle in this region is complex and has annually repeating components at all study sites across the region. The analysis of daily data using the STL method can provide new insight into climate time series and enhance our ability to observe patterns and extremes in temperatures across varying spatial and temporal scales. Data loggers provide a cost-effective way of obtaining similar (and sometimes higher-quality) information compared to meteorological stations or gridded global datasets.Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente l’analyse de donnĂ©es sur la tempĂ©rature de l’air prĂ©levĂ©es au cours de six annĂ©es Ă  l’aide de 16 enregistreurs de donnĂ©es HOBOMD UA-002-64 Pendant le long d’un transect de 280 km situĂ© dans le sud-ouest du Yukon et le nord de la Colombie-Britannique. L’analyse des corrĂ©lations et des sĂ©ries temporelles, faisant notamment appel aux mĂ©thodes de dĂ©composition saisonniĂšre des sĂ©ries temporelles de Loess (STL), ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de trĂšs fortes corrĂ©lations entre toutes les sĂ©ries de donnĂ©es aux Ă©chelles de temps allant de quotidiennes Ă  annuelles. Les deux stations mĂ©tĂ©orologiques de la rĂ©gion sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement reprĂ©sentatives de la grande rĂ©gion, et la variabilitĂ© des tempĂ©ratures locales semble principalement dĂ©terminĂ©e par le rĂ©gime climatique Ă  l’échelle synoptique. Dans cette rĂ©gion, le cycle des tempĂ©ratures annuelles est complexe. Il comprend des composantes rĂ©currentes annuellement Ă  tous les sites Ă©tudiĂ©s, Ă  la grandeur de la rĂ©gion. L’analyse des donnĂ©es quotidiennes Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode STL peut donner une nouvelle perspective des sĂ©ries temporelles climatiques et rehausser notre capacitĂ© Ă  observer les tendances et les extrĂȘmes de tempĂ©ratures pour des Ă©chelles spatiales et temporelles variĂ©es. Les enregistreurs de donnĂ©es constituent une maniĂšre Ă©conomique d’obtenir des renseignements similaires (et parfois de meilleure qualitĂ©), comparativement aux donnĂ©es des stations mĂ©tĂ©orologiques ou aux ensembles de donnĂ©es globales sous forme de valeurs aux points de grille

    Postglacial Vegetation at the Northern Limit of Lichen Woodland in Northwestern Québec

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    Three pollen diagrams from the northern part of the lichen woodland in northwestern QuĂ©bec show broadly similar Holocene vegetation sequences. Following deglaciation, shortly after 6000 yr BP, shrub and herbaceous tundra plants dominated briefly; Larix Iaricina, Populus and Juniperus were also important elements of the landscape. A maximum of AInus crispa and Betula was followed by a period dominated by Picea. In the northernmost site, the forests opened in response to neoglacial cooling during the past 1000 years. Today only black spruce (Picea mariana) grows in northwestern QuĂ©bec and there is no evidence that white spruce (P. glauca) ever migrated into the region.Trois diagrammes polliniques provenant de la limite septentrionale de la pessiere Ă  lichens du nord-ouest du QuĂ©bec montrent des sĂ©quences en grande partie similaires durant l'HolocĂšne. AprĂšs la dĂ©glaciation, survenue vers 6000 BP, la vĂ©gĂ©tation de la rĂ©gion a Ă©tĂ© dominĂ©e par les plantes herbacĂ©es et arbustives de la toundra. Larix laricina, Populus et Juniperus ont aussi constituĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments importants du paysage. Un maximum d'AInus crispa et de Betula a Ă©tĂ© suivi par une pĂ©riode dominĂ©e par Picea. Dans le site le plus nordique, les forĂȘts se sont ouvertes durant les 1000 derniĂšres annĂ©es en rĂ©ponse au refroidissement nĂ©oglaciaire. Actuellement, seule l'Ă©pinette noire (Picea mariana) croĂźt au nord-ouest du QuĂ©bec, et les rĂ©sultats laissent croire que l'Ă©pinette blanche (P. glauca) ne s'est jamais Ă©tablie dans la rĂ©gion.Drei Pollen-Diagramme vom nĂŽrdlichen Teil des Flechten-Tannenwalds in Nordwest-QuĂ©bec zeigen in groBen ZĂčgen Ă hnliche Vegetations-Sequenzen wĂąhrend des Holozan. Nach der Enteisung, kurz nach 6000 Jahren v.u.Z., dominierten eine kurze Zeit lang Pfianzen der Busch- und Gras-Tundra; Larix laricina, Populus und Juniperus waren auch wichtige Elemente der Landschaft. Auf ein Maximum von AInus crispa und Betula folgte eine von Picea beherrschte PĂ©riode. Im nĂŽrdlichsten Teil Ôffneten sich die WĂąlder wĂ hrend der letzten 1000 Jahre als Reaktion auf eine neoglaziale AbkĂ»hlung. Heute wĂąchst nur die schwarze Fichte (Picea mariana) in Nordwest-QuĂ©bec und es gibt keinen Beleg dafĂčr, daR die WeiRtanne (Picea glauca) jemals in die Region wanderte

    Paleoenvironmental Studies in Southwestern Yukon

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    The St. Elias Mountain region has occupied an important place in the study of the Quaternary because it presents a relatively accessible non-polar icefield and an array of environments from tundra to boreal forest. Paleoenvironmental studies in southwestern Yukon have documented the broad-scale climatic changes of the past 20 000 years, although few studies exist with well-dated sequences at high temporal resolution. Picea glauca arrived across the entire region around 10 000 years ago; however, the details regarding its migration pathways are not well known. Available records indicate few major changes in the composition of the boreal forest vegetation since that time. A slightly more intense fire regime in the early to mid Holocene has been suggested, but this conclusion is based on only a few studies. Variations in the tree line during the Holocene have been examined, but these studies also lack details. There is no evidence for more extensive grasslands in the area during the Holocene. Paleolimnological studies indicate that changes in populations of aquatic organisms have occurred in response to either Holocene climates or watershed variability.La rĂ©gion du mont St. Elias occupe une place importante dans l’étude du Quaternaire parce qu’elle recĂšle un champ de glace non polaire relativement accessible ainsi qu’une panoplie d’environnements, allant de la toundra Ă  la forĂȘt borĂ©ale. Des Ă©tudes palĂ©oĂ©cologiques effectuĂ©es dans le sud-ouest du Yukon ont permis de documenter les changements climatiques Ă  grande Ă©chelle des 20 000 derniĂšres annĂ©es, et ce, mĂȘme s’il existe peu d’études dotĂ©es de sĂ©quences bien datĂ©es de grande rĂ©solution temporelle. Picea glauca est arrivĂ©e dans toute la rĂ©gion il y a environ 10 000 ans. Cependant, les dĂ©tails concernant sa voie de migration ne sont pas bien connus. Les donnĂ©es disponibles indiquent peu de changements majeurs dans la composition de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale depuis cette pĂ©riode. Un rĂ©gime des feux un peu plus intense de l’HolocĂšne infĂ©rieure Ă  l’HolocĂšne moyen a Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ©, mais cette conclusion ne repose que sur un petit nombre d’études. Les variations caractĂ©risant la limite des arbres pendant l’HolocĂšne ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©es, mais ces Ă©tudes ne sont Ă©galement pas suffisamment dĂ©taillĂ©es. Il n’existe pas de preuve qu’il existait des prairies Ă  plus grande Ă©chelle dans la rĂ©gion pendant l’HolocĂšne. Des Ă©tudes palĂ©olimnologiques indiquent que des changements caractĂ©risant les populations d’organismes se sont produits en raison de la variabilitĂ© des climats ou dans des bassins hydrographiques de l’HolocĂšne

    On Testing IPv6 in Small ISP’s Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    Testing process allows to detect potential faults of implementation of IPv6 in the phase preceding migration, thus minimizing the risk of problems in IPv6 deployment. In general the IPv6 tests should be performed by all network providers, however the test range should fit their needs. It causes that test range for small network operators (offering basic set of services) could be limited in comparison to larger ISPs. In this paper, we propose an approach to IPv6 tests with regard to IPv6 deployment by small operators. We present tools and specifications for IPv6 tests and propose a test platform optimized to small ISP’s needs. The test platform is a dedicated LiveCD distribution based on FreeBSD operating system with IPv6 test environment and set of pre-defined tests. An advantage of this solution is the ability to launch the test tool software on any computer equipped with an Ethernet card and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive. LiveCD test tool allows users to execute tests and analyze the results in graphical environment.We believe that this approach will help to simplify and shorten the IPv6 testing process in small ISP’s networks

    Regional environmental change versus local signal preservation in Holocene thermokarst lake sediments: A case study from Herschel Island, Yukon (Canada)

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    Thermokarst lakes cover nearly one fourth of ice-rich permafrost lowlands in the Arctic. Sediments from an athalassic subsaline thermokarst lake on Herschel Island (69°36â€ČN; 139°04â€ČW, Canadian Arctic) were used to understand regional changes in climate and in sediment transport, hydrology, nutrient availability and permafrost disturbance. The sediment record spans the last ~ 11,700 years and the basal date is in good agreement with the Holocene onset of thermokarst initiation in the region. Electrical conductivity in pore water continuously decreases, thus indicating desalinization and continuous increase of lake size and water level. The inc/coh ratio of XRF scans provides a high-resolution organic-carbon proxy which correlates with TOC measurements. XRF-derived Mn/Fe ratios indicate aerobic versus anaerobic conditions which moderate the preservation potential of organic matter in lake sediments. The coexistence of marine, brackish and freshwater ostracods and foraminifera is explained by (1) oligohaline to mesohaline water chemistry of the past lake and (2) redeposition of Pleistocene specimens found within upthrusted marine sediments around the lake. Episodes of catchment disturbance are identified when calcareous fossils and allochthonous material were transported into the lake by thermokarst processes such as active-layer detachments, slumping and erosion of ice-rich shores. The pollen record does not show major variations and the pollen-based climate record does not match well with other summer air temperature reconstructions from this region. Local vegetation patterns in small catchments are strongly linked to morphology and sub-surface permafrost conditions rather than to climate. Multidisciplinary studies can identify the onset and life cycle of thermokarst lakes as they play a crucial role in Arctic freshwater ecosystems and in the global carbon cycle of the past, present and future

    ID Layer for Internet of Things Based on Name-Oriented Networking, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2013, nr 2

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    Object and service identification is considered as one of the main challenges in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), which can be solved by the introduction of the so called ID (IDentifier) layer. The objective of this layer is to expose IoT objects and services offered by them, to users. Common approach for ID layer is to create it in overlay manner, on the top of existing network. This paper presents a novel architecture of the ID layer, which is characterized by embedding ID layer functionality into the network plane. Moreover, this approach takes advantage of the Name-Oriented Networking (NON) paradigm. To gain easy access to the IoT objects and services, as well as native support for multicast service, human readable ID-based unified addressing with hierarchical structure was exploited. Additionally, in-network caching of forwarded IoT data, inherited from the NON, helps to reduce total network load and supports applications during collaboration with energy-constrained sensors. Such sensors may enter sleep mode to save energy and then the network nodes can serve requests for sensing data, arrived from applications, by using data stored in nodes’ cache. The paper shows the concept of NON-based ID layer and describes functional architecture of network node paying attention on modules and mechanisms related with ID layer functionality. Primary ID layer processes, i.e., object/service registration, resolution and data forwarding are explained in detail. Moreover, the ID-aware network node was implemented on Linux-based platform and tested to check its forwarding characteristics. The tests showed the performance of the of ID network node in data plane operations, which are the more sensitive for scalability issues
