11 research outputs found

    Cooperation between universities and business : Poland in comparison with selected European Union countries

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    Celem raportu jest dokonanie diagnozy stanu i perspektyw współpracy przedsiębiorstw ze szkołami wyższymi w Polsce. Analiza obejmuje osiem obszarów, identyfikowanych jako najważniejsze pola, na których realizuje się współpraca biznesu z uniwersytetami, wskazanych w raporcie pt. The State of University-Business Cooperation in Germany z grudnia 2013 r. Zespół, który przygotował Raport jest jednym z czterech zespołów roboczych utworzonych w ramach seminarium "Co się dzieje z uniwersytetem?". Prace seminarium koordynują prof. dr hab. Jacek Blikle, prof. dr hab. Anna Giza, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Hausner i dr Łukasz Stankiewicz. Działa ono w ramach platformy rozwoju edukacji OEES EduLab www.oees.pl/edu-lab, która jest częścią szerszego ruchu Open Eyes Economy Summit, koordynowanego przez Fundację Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej.The purpose of the report is to diagnose the state and prospects of cooperation between businesses and universities in Poland. The analysis covers eight areas identified as the most important fields in which business-university cooperation is taking place, as indicated in the report The State of University-Business Cooperation in Germany from December 2013. The team that prepared the report is one of the four working teams formed as part of the seminar "What is happening to the university?". The work of the seminar is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Jacek Blikle, Prof. Dr. Anna Giza, Prof. Dr. Jerzy Hausner and Dr. Łukasz Stankiewicz. It operates as part of the OEES EduLab education development platform www.oees.pl/edu-lab, which is part of the wider Open Eyes Economy Summit movement coordinated by the Foundation for Economics and Public Administration

    The influence of investment decisions on changes in employment in production enterprises in Poland

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    The article attempts to find a relationship between investment decisions taken in manufacturing companies and changes in the level of employment, and to determine the correlation between the intensity of changes in analyzed relationships. The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between the value and intensity (rate) of changes in investment decisions taken by small, medium and large production companies, and their impact on the change in employment in the surveyed size classes of enterprises in Poland in 1995-2018. In order to indicate the existing correlation, the value of investment outlays and their impact on the value of investment outlays and their impact on employment change for the current period was compared. Linear regression models were used to assess the degree of interdependence, and the results of the analysis indicated that investment decisions made by manufacturing companies are not a determinant of changes taking place in the level of their employment. In addition, the results of correlations showed in manufacturing enterprises that there was a negative correlation between the measures analyzed excluding medium units. The research showed that not only investment growth and its impact on employment are important, but also its appropriate level (rate)

    Trends and directions of changes in the business of large enterprises in Poland in the years 1998–2011

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    This paper presents the results of the research in the dynamics of changes in the economic activities of large enterprises in Poland. On that base is done the attempt of the assess trends and changes in the number of employees, assets, capital expenditures and revenues for the realization of the overall objectives of structural changes in the economy. Results of the research of dynamics of the analyzed measures do not allow for a clear indication of the direction of change. The results show the need for a detailed study of the structural changes and the level of concentration and deconcentration of large enterprises in Poland.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Intensywność i kierunki zmian struktury działalności gospodarczej największych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w latach 1998-2004

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    Tyt. z nagł.Bibliogr. s. 152.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Redukcja zatrudnionych w dużych przedsiębiorstwach, oraz pojawienie się coraz większej liczby małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw spowodowały zmiany w strukturze aktywności ekonomicznej w Polsce. Przeanalizowano intensywność i kierunki zmian struktury działalności gospodarczej 500 największych polskich przedsiębiorstw w latach 1998-2004

    Zarządzanie środkami pieniężnymi w spółkach energetycznych

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    The paper presents issues surrounding the management of free cash assets in listed energy companies. The reasons for keeping free cash presented in relevant literature, i.e. transactional, prudential and speculative, do not exhaust the list of reasons behind companies’ decisions. !e environment in which they operate encourages companies to use free cash to carry out current purchase transactions and to take advantage of price discounts for purchases settled with cash or for accelerated payment for deliveries in relation to contractual payment terms. Companies can pursue different cash management strategies as part of their financial strategy. Conservative, moderate and aggressive strategies depend on their trade policy. !e development of the financial market creates ample opportunities to engage free cash in various financial instruments. !e company's choice of instruments is mostly determined by the risk of loss of part of the invested funds, without ignoring the income from these instruments and their management. Research carried out in energy companies indicates that Polish energy companies have a large cash surplus in relation to their current assets and revenues. !is surplus is higher than in global listed energy companies.W artykule zaprezentowane zostały problemy zarządzania wolnymi środkami pieniężnymi w spółkach energetycznych notowanych na rynkach giełdowych. Prezentowane w literaturze motywy utrzymywania wolnej gotówki: transakcyjny, ostrożnościowy i spekulacyjny nie wyczerpują przesłanek, którymi kierują się przedsiębiorstwa. Warunki otoczenia skłaniają firmy do wykorzystania wolnej gotówki w bieżących transakcjach handlowych i korzystania z opustów cenowych za zakupy za gotówkę bądź przyspieszenie płatności za dostawy w relacji do umownych terminów płatności. Firmy mogą prowadzić rożne strategie zarządzania gotówką będące częścią ich strategii finansowej. Strategie konserwatywna, umiarkowana i agresywna są zależne od polityki w obszarze kredytu kupieckiego. Rozwoj rynku finansowego stwarza szerokie możliwości zagospodarowania wolnej gotówki w rożnorodne instrumenty finansowe. Dobierając instrumenty firmy kierują się głownie ryzykiem utraty części zainwestowanych środków, nie pomijając dochodu z tych instrumentów oraz czasu ich zagospodarowania. Przeprowadzone w spółkach energetycznych badania wykazały, że polskie spółki energetyczne mają spory nawis gotówki w relacji do poziomu aktywów obrotowych i przychodów ze sprzedaży. Nawis ten jest wyższy niż w światowych spółkach energetycznych notowanych na giełdach

    The influence of financial condition on investment decisions in enterprises in Poland

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    One of the many factors affecting the economic potential and development of an enterprise are investments. The investment outlays for maintaining or increasing the economic potential decide not only about the development of enterprises, but also their current functioning. While accuracy of investment decisions is very important in investment, so also are the internal conditions that are closely related to the economic condition of the company. The main purpose of the article is to identify the impact of the financial situation and the strength of this impact on investment decisions of enterprises. This has been tested on a sample of over 50 thousand Polish enterprises employing over 9 people that was collected by the CSO's public statistics in Warsaw for the period 1996-2017. The study was conducted using regression and correlation analysis for comparable periods, as well as by taking into account the delay effect, i.e. the impact of the result obtained in year t on investment decisions in year t + 1

    Restructuring of the Coal Mining Industry and the Challenges of Energy Transition in Poland (1990–2020)

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    The European Union’s climate policy and the energy transition associated with it force individual countries, their economies and their industrial sectors to carry out thorough changes, often of a deep, high-cost and restructuring nature. The aim of the article is to provide a multidimensional assessment of the forms and effects of the restructuring of coal mining companies in Poland in light of the current energy transition process. The research problem is encapsulated within the following two interdependent questions: Has the restructuring process allowed the coal mining industry to achieve sufficient efficiency to sustainably compete in the open market, and to what extent, if at all, have the objectives of restructuring been achieved from the perspective of changes in the energy mix? The research covers all coal mining companies included in the official statistics. It adopts a long-term perspective (1990–2020), dating from the beginning of the systemic transformation in Poland. The research involved the use of multivariate financial analysis methods, including the logit model for predicting the degree of financial threat, as well as taxonomic methods for assessing the dissimilarity of structures and their concentration. The general conclusion of the research is that there has been a lack of consistency (follow-up) between the forms and effects of restructuring in coal mining companies in Poland on the one hand and changes in the composition of the country’s energy mix as a result of the energy transition on the other. In particular, this means that such restructuring, being neither effective nor efficient, has failed to accelerate change in the energy mix

    Restructuring of the Coal Mining Industry and the Challenges of Energy Transition in Poland (1990–2020)

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    The European Union’s climate policy and the energy transition associated with it force individual countries, their economies and their industrial sectors to carry out thorough changes, often of a deep, high-cost and restructuring nature. The aim of the article is to provide a multidimensional assessment of the forms and effects of the restructuring of coal mining companies in Poland in light of the current energy transition process. The research problem is encapsulated within the following two interdependent questions: Has the restructuring process allowed the coal mining industry to achieve sufficient efficiency to sustainably compete in the open market, and to what extent, if at all, have the objectives of restructuring been achieved from the perspective of changes in the energy mix? The research covers all coal mining companies included in the official statistics. It adopts a long-term perspective (1990–2020), dating from the beginning of the systemic transformation in Poland. The research involved the use of multivariate financial analysis methods, including the logit model for predicting the degree of financial threat, as well as taxonomic methods for assessing the dissimilarity of structures and their concentration. The general conclusion of the research is that there has been a lack of consistency (follow-up) between the forms and effects of restructuring in coal mining companies in Poland on the one hand and changes in the composition of the country’s energy mix as a result of the energy transition on the other. In particular, this means that such restructuring, being neither effective nor efficient, has failed to accelerate change in the energy mix

    Financial Exclusion in Rural and Urban Contexts in Poland: A Threat to Achieving SDG Eight?

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    Financial inclusion, which consists of having a financial system that is easily accessible to citizens, is identified by various international organizations such as the new UN Agenda 2030, as a priority objective. This objective is particularly relevant in rural areas, where access to these services is more difficult, as citizens have to travel several kilometers to access them. In this study, we analyze the current situation of the Polish financial sector in terms of its accessibility, in order to measure the degree of financial inclusion. For this purpose, we use three combined methodologies. Initially, a data extraction from the Central Bank of Poland was carried out. Subsequently, three methodologies are applied to calculate financial inclusion. First, we apply the criteria of the Financial Access Survey (FAS) of the International Monetary Fund. Secondly, the Access to Cash Index (ACI) methodology by calculating a score that describes the access to banking services according to certain items. Finally, we applied the nearest neighbor methodology to detect in each voivodship those points where it is most difficult (measured in km distance) to access banking services. Some areas, especially in rural areas of the different voivodeships, present certain problems when it comes to accessing banking services. Therefore, the fulfillment of SDG 8.10 will be more difficult to achieve in these areas. The public authorities must pay attention to this, in order to reach the commitments acquired with the 2030 agenda, in terms of financial inclusion