263 research outputs found

    Contrabando y defraudación aduanera en Centroamérica = Smuggling and customs fraud in Central America

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    Este estudio trató de establecer una base de cálculo para cuantificar el valor del comercio ilícito en los países centroamericanos. Contar con un análisis del comercio ilícito en la región es valioso porque no hay un estudio similar, y por tanto, constituye un punto de partida para políticas públicas orientadas a la reducción y prevención de las actividades ilícitas del contrabando y la defraudación aduanera

    Guidelines for Rural Development Public Policy for Colombia : the case of Flor del Monte, La Peña and San Rafael in the Municipality of Ovejas (Sucre, Colombia)

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta algunas recomendaciones para la formulación de lineamientos de política pública de desarrollo rural con enfoques territorial, poblacional y de derechos para el municipio de Ovejas (Sucre, Colombia). Para el logro de este propósito, se aborda en un primer momento al contexto político y normativo y las principales problemáticas de Montes de María, en un segundo momento, al contexto político, la normativa y la institucionalidad del municipio de Ovejas. Y, en un tercer momento, se hacen las recomendaciones para la formulación de líneas de acción de política pública de desarrollo rural, a partir del análisis de la fuente documental y el trabajo empírico realizado en la investigación. Se desea aportar elementos para continuar avanzando en la construcción de una política de desarrollo agrario integral para Colombia con enfoques que permitan atender los requerimientos de los territorios en sus distintas dimensiones y los derechos de sus pobladores, teniendo en cuenta las diferencias de género y étnicas, la participación democrática y la necesidad de fortalecer la institucionalidad pública y la gobernanza local (Naranjo Giraldo, Lopera & Granada, 2009).ABSTRACT: This article presents some recommendations for the formulation of guidelines of rural development public policy with a territorial, population approach and rights for the municipality of Ovejas (Sucre, Colombia). To achieve this purpose, initially it addresses the political and regulatory context and the main problems facing Montes de María, in a second instance, the political context, the rules and institutions of Ovejas municipality. And, in a third moment, the recommendations for the formulation of lines of action regarding rural developmnet public policy are given, from the analysis of document sources and empirical research work, as well. It is desired to provide elements to further progress in building a policiy of comprehensive agricultural development for Colombia with approaches to meet the requirements of the territories in their various dimensions and the rights of their people, taking into account gender and ethnic differences, democratic participation and the need to strengthen public institutions and local governance (Naranjo Giraldo, Lopera, & Granada, 2009)

    From 'One Namibia, One Nation' towards 'Unity in Diversity? Shifting representations of culture and nationhood in Namibian Independence Day celebrations, 1990-2010

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    In 2010 Namibia celebrated its twentieth anniversary of independence from South African rule. The main celebrations in the country’s capital Windhoek became the stage for an impressively orchestrated demonstration of maturing nationhood, symbolically embracing postcolonial policy concepts such as ‘national reconciliation’, ‘unity’ and ‘diversity’. At the same time, nation building in post-apartheid Namibia is characterised by a high degree of social and political fragmentation that manifests itself in cultural and/or ethnic discourses of belonging. Taking the highly significant independence jubilee as our vantage point, we map out a shift of cultural representations of the nation in Independence Day celebrations since 1990, embodied by the two prominent slogans of ‘One Namibia, one Nation’ and ‘Unity in Diversity’. As we will argue, the difficult and at times highly fragile postcolonial disposition made it necessary for the SWAPO government, as primary nation builder, to accommodate the demands of regions and local communities in its policy frameworks. This negotiation of local identifications and national belonging in turn shaped, and continues to shape, the performative dimension of Independence Day celebrations in Namibia.Web of Scienc

    Factores de cambio climático en México

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