361 research outputs found

    Radio recombination lines from the largest bound atoms in space

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    In this paper, we report the detection of a series of radio recombination lines (RRLs) in absorption near 26 MHz arising from the largest bound carbon atoms detected in space. These atoms, which are more than a million times larger than the ground state atoms are undergoing delta transitions (n~1009, Delta n=4) in the cool tenuous medium located in the Perseus arm in front of the supernova remnant, Cassiopeia A. Theoretical estimates had shown that atoms which recombined in tenuous media are stable up to quantum levels n~1500. Our data indicates that we have detected radiation from atoms in states very close to this theoretical limit. We also report high signal-to-noise detections of alpha, beta and gamma transitions in carbon atoms arising in the same clouds. In these data, we find that the increase in line widths with quantum number (proportional to n^5) due to pressure and radiation broadening of lines is much gentler than expected from existing models which assume a power law background radiation field. This discrepancy had also been noted earlier. The model line widths had been overestimated since the turnover in radiation field of Cassiopeia A at low frequencies had been ignored. In this paper, we show that, once the spectral turnover is included in the modeling, the slower increase in line width with quantum number is naturally explained.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The work of the doe health promotion of the preschooler with the families of the pupils

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    The health status of preschool children is alarming and in order to strengthen it is necessary to conduct sports and improving work with pupils, which will provide the basis for further development of the child and will provide the most favorable conditions for the formation of his or her health, harmonious physical, mental and social development. The decisive criterion of the quality of preschool education is nurturing and zdorovaemsya orientation. Positive results in working with children on the preservation and strengthening of health can only be attained by the conscientious efforts of teachers and familiesСостояние здоровья дошкольников вызывает тревогу и в целях его укрепления необходимо вести физкультурно-оздоровительную работу с воспитанниками, которая создаст основу для дальнейшего развития ребенка и обеспечит максимально благоприятные условия для формирования его здоровья, гармоничного физического, психического и социального развития. Решающим критерием качества дошкольного образования является здоровьесберегающая и здоровьеукрепляющая ориентация. Положительные результаты в работе с детьми по сохранению и укреплению здоровья возможно достичь только совестными усилиями педагогов и семь

    Determination of the optimal extractant for the extraction of biologically active substances of Sophora Flower–buds

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    Introduction.  According to the market products based on Sophora japonica L., extraction of biologically active substances, flavonoids in particular, is carried out with ethanol in a concentration 50–70%. However, in recent years, in literature data have appeared the information that the use of water–ethanol solutions is not effective for the extraction of biologically active substances and contributes to the release of a large amount of ballast substances. An alternative is to use surfactant–based extractants. In relation to Sophora Flower–buds, these questions have not been investigated, which determines the relevance of research on the selection of the optimal extractant. Material & methods. The object of the research is Sophora Flower–buds, harvested in 2018 during the budding period. The definition of quality indicators was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Results & discussion. Determination of Sophora Flower–buds technological parameters was conducted: the degree of grinding of herbal materials, specific mass, bulk density, bulk weight, porosity, permeability and free volume of the layer. The obtained data on the technological properties of the herbal material used to develop an optimal method for extracting, predicting and standardization of the quality of extracts. Studied one of quality indicators, that indicates a rationally selected extractant is “Determination of dry residue of extracts”. Also was carried out research a comparative evaluation of the flavonoids content in the extracts obtained. Quantitative determination of the sum of flavonoids was performed by spectrophotometric method according to the SPhU 2.1 method «Sophora Flower–buds». The data obtained indicate that the highest values of dry residue and maximum amount of flavonoids were obtained during the extraction for two to three hours using ethanol 50 % and sodium lauryl sulfate solution 2.5 % as the extractant. Content flavonoid compounds of different chemical composition Sophora Flower–buds can affect biological activity. Therefore, for a more objective evaluation of the extracting ability of the proposed extractants were conducted studies of antiradical activity. Research of the antiradical activity of Sophora Flower–buds showed that the maximum value of TEAC is exhibited by such agents as ethanol 50 % and sodium lauryl sulfate solution 2.5 %. The data obtained confirm that the antiradical activity depends on the quantitative content of flavonoids in the studied samples of Sophora Flower–buds. Conclusion. The research of possibility of using surfactants for the extraction of biologically active substances from Sophora Flower–buds was conducted. It is found that the best extractive ability to Sophora Flower–buds flavonoids have extractants: ethanol 50 % and sodium lauryl sulfate solution 2.5 %, which have virtually the same quality indicators: dry residue 8.81±0.37 and 8.54±0.45; the content of the sum of flavonoids 8.75±0.01 и 8.43±0.03. The study of antiradical activity in Sophora Flower–buds extracts was conducted for the first time. Maximum values are obtained in extracts by extraction over two hours using ethanol 50 % sodium lauryl sulfate solution 2.5 %. The data presented can be used in research on the development of Sophora Flower–buds herbal medicinal products in the various dosage form

    Radio seismology of the outer solar corona

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    Observed oscillations of coronal loops in EUV lines have been successfully used to estimate plasma parameters in the inner corona (< 0.2 R_0, where R_0 is the solar radius). However, coronal seismology in EUV lines fails for higher altitudes because of rapid decrease in line intensity. We aim to use radio observations to estimate the plasma parameters of the outer solar corona (> 0.2 R_0). We use the large Ukrainian radio telescope URAN-2 to observe type IV radio burst at the frequency range of 8-32 MHz during the time interval of 09:50-12:30 UT in April 14, 2011. The burst was connected to C2.3 flare, which occurred in AR 11190 during 09:38-09:49 UT. The dynamic spectrum of radio emission shows clear quasi-periodic variations in the emission intensity at almost all frequencies. Wavelet analysis at four different frequencies (29 MHz, 25 MHz, 22 MHz and 14 MHz) shows the quasi-periodic variation of emission intensity with periods of 34 min and 23 min. The periodic variations can be explained by the first and second harmonics of vertical kink oscillation of transequatorial coronal loops, which were excited by the same flare. The apex of transequatorial loops may reach up to 1.2 R_0 altitude. We derive and solve the dispersion relation of trapped MHD oscillations in a longitudinally inhomogeneous magnetic slab. The analysis shows that a thin (with width to length ratio of 0.1), dense (with the ratio of internal and external densities of > 20) magnetic slab with weak longitudinal inhomogeneity may trap the observed oscillations. Seismologically estimated Alfv\'en speed inside the loop at the height of 1 R_0 is 1000 km/s. Then the magnetic field strength at this height is estimated as 0.9 G. Extrapolation of magnetic field strength to the inner corona gives 10 G at the height of 0.1 R_0.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in A&

    Influence of vibrational treatment on thermomechanical response of material under conditions identical to friction stir welding

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    A molecular dynamics model was constructed to describe material loading on the atomic scale by the mode identical to friction stir welding. It was shown that additional vibration applied to the tool during the loading mode provides specified intensity values and continuous thermomechanical action during welding. An increase in additional vibration intensity causes an increase both in the force acting on the workpiece from the rotating tool and in temperature within the welded area