511 research outputs found

    Анализ Конституционным судом Украины Статута Международного уголовного суда

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    Кононенко В. П. Анализ Конституционным судом Украины Статута Международного уголовного суда / В. П. Кононенко // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П.Є. Казанського : матер. третьої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 2–3 листопада 2012 р.) / відп. за випуск М. І. Пашковський ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 364-368.Автор статьи считает что, в отличие от международных судебных органов, предусмотренных ч. 4 ст. 55 Конституции Украины, которые по своей природе являются вспомогательными средствами защиты прав и свобод человека и гражданина, Международный уголовный суд дополняет национальной юрисдикции. Возможность такого дополнения судебной системы Украины не предусмотрена разделом VIII «Правосудие» Конституции Украины. Это дает основания для вывода, что абз. 10 преамбулы и ст. 1 Статута не согласуются с положениями ч. 1, 3 ст. 124 Конституции Украины, поэтому со- блюдение Украиной Статута соответствии с ч. 2 ст. 9 Конституции Украины возможно только после внесения в нее соответствующих изменений

    Self-consistent calculations of the energy and tunable emission spectra of doping superlattices

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    Based on the developed method of self-consistent calculations the results of description of tunable optical spectra versus temperature and excitation level for the GaSb doping superlattices of different design are presented. Account of the appearing tails of the density of states allows describing the long-wavelength edges and shape transformation in the spectra of absorption, gain, and luminescence and peculiarities in the optical transitions characteristics. Possible laser diode structures with n-i-p-i crystals in the active region are suggested including ordinary and δ-doped superlattices. Effects of tunable lasing are examined and ways for control of the radiation wavelength are discussed

    El estudio pedagógico como tecnología de formación docente

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    The modern development of teacher training system demonstrates the rethinking of teacher professional competences and focuses on general pedagogical, educational, methodological and psychological skills of a comprehensive school teacher. Improving the effectiveness of school education makes high demands on the personal qualities and professional competences of a teacher. In the new socio-economic conditions the approaches to the organization and content of methodological work in terms of in-service teacher training are changing. The successful pedagogical process is largely determined by the activity of emotionally secure, socially and professionally competent teacher, ready to continuing professional development. It implies a broad general cultural background, mastering of reflective skills. The study of these problems is associated with the increasing role of professional components in the development of teacher as a highly qualified specialist. This is due to the multidimensional scope of teacher’s activities, research attitude to the work, readiness to implement innovations. Such specialists make it possible to provide methodological support and i-service training of teachers at a qualitatively new level.El desarrollo moderno del sistema de formación docente demuestra el replanteamiento de las competencias profesionales docentes y se centra en las habilidades pedagógicas, educativas, metodológicas y psicológicas generales de un maestro escolar integral. Mejorar la efectividad de la educación escolar exige mucho sobre las cualidades personales y las competencias profesionales de un maestro. En las nuevas condiciones socioeconómicas, los enfoques para la organización y el contenido del trabajo metodológico en términos de capacitación docente en servicio están cambiando. El exitoso proceso pedagógico está determinado en gran medida por la actividad de un maestro emocionalmente seguro, social y profesionalmente competente, listo para continuar el desarrollo profesional. Implica un amplio trasfondo cultural general, el dominio de las habilidades reflexivas. El estudio de estos problemas está asociado con el creciente papel de los componentes profesionales en el desarrollo del maestro como especialista altamente calificado. Esto se debe al alcance multidimensional de las actividades de los docentes, la actitud investigadora hacia el trabajo, la disposición para implementar innovaciones. Dichos especialistas hacen posible brindar apoyo metodológico y capacitación i-service de docentes a un nivel cualitativamente nuevo

    Tracing the evolution of the two energy gaps in magnesium diboride under pressure

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    We have studied transport characteristics of mesoscopic multiple-mode superconducting contacts formed between two grains in bulk two-gap magnesium diboride. The experimental setup was realized by driving a normal-metal tip into MgB₂ polycrystalline sample and proved to be extremely stable, providing possibility to perform pressure experiments at low temperatures. It is argued that in our procedure a small piece of the superconducting electrode is captured by the tip apex and, as a result, two junctions in series are formed: a junction between a tip and MgB₂ grain and a mesoscopic disordered contact between two superconducting pellets. Although the relative weight of the first junction resistance was considerably less, its contribution is shown to be important for the comparison of measured data with expected gap values. Two hallmarks of multiple Andreev reflections inside the MgB₂–c–MgB₂ contact (c stands for a high-transparent constriction), a zero-bias 1/√|V|-like singularity of the dc differential conductance and peaks connected to the two gap values, have been revealed. Finally, we report results of a hydrostatic compression experiment showing the evolution of the MgB₂ gap values with pressure. In contrast to the theoretical expectations, we have observed an increase of the smaller gap ∆π whereas the larger gap ∆σ decreased with increasing pressure as it should be for the electron–phonon pairing mechanism. We argue that the so-called separable model of anisotropy effects is insufficient to describe such changes and only improved two-band versions are capable to reproduce the pressure effect on the energy gaps in magnesium diboride

    Extreem situations caused by food poisonings

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    Кінець XX та початок XXI століть відзначилися різким зростанням надзвичайних станів спричинених біологічними чинниками. Мова йде про спалахи харчових отруєнь (токсико-інфекцій) в організованих дитячих колективах, на весіллях, під час проводів в армію та інших заходах у нашому суспільстві, пов'язаних з масовим споживанням м'ясної, вуглеводної, овочевої їжі попередньо заготовленої з контамінованої сировини збудниками харчових отруєнь. Страви інфікуються також при їх приготуванні

    Measurement of intracellular concentration of fluorescently-labeled targets in living cells

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    Estimations of intracellular concentrations of fluorescently-labeled molecules within living cells are very important for guidance of biological experiments and interpretation of their results. Here we propose a simple and universal approach for such estimations. The approach is based upon common knowledge that the dye fluorescence is directly proportional to its quantum yield and the number of its molecules and that a coefficient of proportionality is determined by spectral properties of the dye and optical equipment used to record fluorescent signals. If two fluorescent dyes are present in the same volume, then a ratio of their concentrations is equal to a ratio of their fluorescence multiplied by some dye- and equipment-dependent coefficient. Thus, if the coefficient and concentration of one dye is known then the concentration of another dye can be determined. Here we have demonstrated how to calculate this coefficient (called a ratio factor) and how to use it for concentration measurements of fluorescently tagged molecules. As an example of how this approach can be used, we estimated a concentration of exogenously expressed neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein, hippocalcin, tagged by a fluorescent protein in a dendritic tree of rat hippocampal neurons loaded via a patch pipette with Alexa Fluor dye of known concentration. The new approach should allow performing a fast, inexpensive and reliable quantitative analysis of fluorescently-labeled targets in different parts of living cells

    Ethnic differences in risk factors and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the adult population of the Russian Federation

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    BACKGROUND: Russia is one of the most multinational states in the world. Identification of ethnic groups with a higher risk of developing DM2, analysis of risk factors for the development of DM2 will allow developing personalized approaches to the prevention and treatment of DM2.AIMS: To reveal ethnic features of the prevalence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and risk factors for the development of DM2 in the adult population of the Russian Federation.MATERIALS AND METHODS. A retrospective analysis of the database of the national epidemiological cross-sectional study NATION was carried out. Depending on the self-specified nationality, on the basis of anthropological characteristics, the following ethnic groups were identified: “Mongoloid population”, “Peoples of the Volga region”, “Peoples of the North Caucasus”, “Peoples of Transcaucasia”, “Russians”. The analysis consisted of several stages and included: analysis of the anthropometric features of the selected groups, taking into account the presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (MO); study of the prevalence of violations of the MA in the selected ethnic groups; analysis of ethnic characteristics of risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes; analysis of the frequency of violations of the MA in various ethnic groups, taking into account the territory of residence. MR disorders were defined as the presence of DM and/or prediabetes. In accordance with the WHO criteria, HbA1c≥6.5% corresponded to the diagnosis of DM, HbA1c values in the range of 5.7%≤HbA1c<6.5% to the diagnosis of prediabetes.RESULTS: The highest frequency of violations of the MA was observed in the group «Peoples of the Volga region» (31.2%), the lowest in the «Peoples of the North Caucasus» (15.6%). BMI in the group “Peoples of the Volga region” was significantly lower than in the group “Peoples of the North Caucasus. Violations of MR were more often observed in the abdominal nature of obesity, obesity of the 1st stage, age over 45 years in the groups «Mongoloid population» and «Peoples of the Volga region» than in the peoples of the «Northern Caucasus» and «Transcaucasia». The frequency of occurrence of SR violations among representatives of the Volga Peoples group living in their historical territories was higher than among Russians living in the same regions: 32.5% and 24.3% (p<0.001 χ2 criterion), and also higher than in the Russian CFD: 32.5% and 27.4%, respectively, p=0.001 (χ2 test). The prevalence of violations of the MA among the peoples of the North Caucasus was less than among the Russians of the Central Federal District — 13.9% and 27.36%, respectively (p<0.001 χ2 criterion). The prevalence of MR violations among representatives of the “Peoples of the North Caucasus” group living in their historical territories (n=598) was less than among those living in other regions of the Russian Federation (n=164) (13.9% and 21.95%, p= 0.012 criterion χ2).CONCLUSION: In the present work, for the first time, we analyzed the prevalence of MR disorders in various ethnic groups of the population of the Russian Federation, identified certain ethnic characteristics of DM2 risk factors and their contribution to the development of the disease. The obtained results should be used for planning preventive programs in various regions of the Russian Federation

    An experiment with association rules and classification: post-bagging and conviction

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    In this paper we study a new technique we call post-bagging, which consists in resampling parts of a classification model rather then the data. We do this with a particular kind of model: large sets of classification association rules, and in combination with ordinary best rule and weighted voting approaches. We empirically evaluate the effects of the technique in terms of classification accuracy. We also discuss the predictive power of different metrics used for association rule mining, such as confidence, lift, conviction and X². We conclude that, for the described experimental conditions, post-bagging improves classification results and that the best metric is conviction.Programa de Financiamento Plurianual de Unidades de I & D.Comunidade Europeia (CE). Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/SRI/39630/2001/Class Project