10 research outputs found
Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) - nova moguća štetočina u Srbiji
The attention of entomologists and plant protection experts in North America, and more recently in Europe, has been focused on invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a polyphagous pest in cultivated plants and ornamentals. After its discovery in North America (mid-90s), the species quickly invaded a large number of states in the U.S. and became a significant problem in the production of apples, peaches and many other plants, as well as a household nuisance. Since 2004, it has been present in Europe (Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Hungary). Due to its appearance in neighboring Hungary (2013-2014), and its active expansion by flying, transportation and other means, we can soon expect the detection of this pest in our country. Mindful of the broad host range and severe damage the bug could inflict on numerous plants, as well as a household nuisance, this paper presents the literature data on its prevalence, appearance, biology, identification and suppression capabilities.Pažnja entomologa i stručnjaka za zaštitu bilja u Severnoj Americi, a u poslednje vreme i u Evropi, usmerena je na invazivnu stenicu Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), polifagnu štetočinu gajenih i ukrasnih biljaka. Ona je, po otkrivanju u Severnoj Americi (sredinom 90-ih), vrlo brzo naselila veći broj država u SAD i postala smetnja u domaćinstvima tokom zime, a potom značajan problem u proizvodnji jabuke, breskve i mnogih drugih biljaka. Od 2004. godine prisutna je i u Evropi (Lihtenštajn, Švajcarska, Nemačka, Grčka, Francuska, Italija, Mađarska). S obzirom na njenu pojavu u susednoj Mađarskoj (2013-2014), kao i aktivno širenje letenjem, saobraćajnim sredstvima i drugim načinima, može se očekivati skoro otkrivanje navedene stenice i kod nas. Zbog široke polifagnosti i mogućih šteta koje može prouzrokovati mnogim gajenim biljkama, kao i zbog uznemiravanja ljudi u domaćinstvima tokom zime, u ovom radu iznose se literaturni podaci o njenoj rasprostranjenosti, izgledu, biologiji, štetnosti i mogućnostima suzbijanja
Stanje i perspektive suzbijanja žičara i drugih štetočina u zemljištu u proizvodnji krompira
Many pests belonging to different animal species damage the underground parts of potato plants, primarily tubers. Insect groups of major economic importance among them are wireworms and grubs, larvae of click and scarab beetles (families Elateridae and Scarabaeidae), the fi rst group being even more important. In this context, two species of click beetles distinguish themselves, namely Agriotes ustulatus and A. sputator, while Anisoplia genus is the most abundant on arable land amongst scarab beetles. Occasionally, potato tubers are damaged by cutworms, especially turnip moths, Agrotis segetum, whose second generation larvae are of economic importance. The greatest damage on potato is inflicted in late summer and early autumn. The estimated wireworm damage on potato tubers is up to 90%. Integrated pest management and the use of all reliable measures contributed to the reduction of the importance of wireworms and other soil pest species. Timely and accurate application of cultural practices such as crop rotation, crop selection, time and method of tillage, crop remains destruction, fertilization, irrigation, time of potato harvesting and many others, are needed for a productive crop yield. Since the middle of the last century, pesticide use has been and will probably continue to be the basis of soil pests control. There are several insecticides for wireworm control registered in Serbia: chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid, tefluthrin, zeta-cypermethrin, and recently added fipronil (formulation Goldor Bait). To what extent will conventional insecticides be used in future will primarily depend on the development and implementation of alternative methods and worldwide procedures of controlling these pest groups. Such measures should include the introduction of pheromones, the use of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes, botanical insecticides and their effective implementation, together with developing forecast models and similar steps.Krompir, a pre svega krtole u zemljištu, napadaju i oštećuju brojne životinjske vrste. Među njima su najvažniji žičari i grčice (larve fam. Elateridae i Scarabaeidae). Povremeno, pojedinih godina, značajne štete mogu pričiniti i podgrizajuće sovice (fam. Noctuidae), posebno vrsta Agrotis segetum. Larve ovih štetočina buše ili izgrizaju rupe različite veličine i dubine na krtolama krompira, usled čega one imaju manju iskorišćenost u ishrani, loše se čuvaju i podložne su truljenju. Oštećenost krtola od žičara dostiže i preko 90%. Osnovu njihovog suzbijanja u našoj zemlji još uvek čini primena hemijskih sredstava. Umanjenje značaja štetočina krompira u zemljištu je jedino ekološki prihvatljivo i ekonomski opravdano kroz integralne mere suzbijanja, gde agrotehnika u gajenju ove biljne vrste, kao i drugih biljaka u plodoredu, zauzima posebno mesto. Kroz ciljano, pravovremeno i dosledno izvođenje agrotehničkih mera i drugih postupaka, umanjiće se potreba za primenom raspoloživih hemijskih mera suzbijanja. U kojem će se obimu u budućnosti primenjivati sintetički insekticidi, zavisiće, pre svega, od razvoja i uvođenja modela prognoziranja štetočina i drugih alternativnih metoda i postupaka suzbijanja, kao što su feromoni, nove formulacije preparata sa atraktantima, entomopatogenim gljivama i nematodama, botanički insekticidi i dr
Fitopatološki i entomološki problemi na salati i kupusnjačama u organskoj proizvodnji
The health status of crucifers and lettuce crops in organic production, was examined during the 2011 and 2012 growing season in the village of Kisač, the Vojvodina Province. The presence of white rot and downy mildew on lettuce, downy mildew on kohlrabi and club root on cabbage was noticed. These pathogens in favorable conditions and in lack of preventive measures could be a problem in organic production. Harmful insects were detected only on crucifers. Soon after seeding to the field, young plants were attacked by highly abundant populations of Phyllotreta species, especially during July 2012. In the second part of growing season, in 2011, the most numerous on cabbage were larvae of Lacanobia oleracea and Mamestra brassicae, while in 2012 prevalent was Helicoverpa armigera. Other crucifers, like kale, kohlrabi and broccoli were less attacked by noctuid larvae.Tokom 2011. i 2012. godine izvršen je zdravstveni pregled različitih vrsta kupusnjača i salate u organskoj proizvodnji na imanju registrovanog poljoprivrednog proizvođača u Kisaču. Na pregledanim parcelama utvrđeno je pojedinačno prisustvo bele truleži i plamenjače na salati, plamenjače na kelerabi i kile kupusa na kupusu. Štetni insekti su uočeni samo na kupusnjačama. Odmah po rasađivanju, izuzetno brojni su bili buvači, naročito u 2012. godini. U kasnijim fenofazama razvoja kupusnjača registrovana je pojava gusenica lisnih sovica. Najviše napadnut i oštećen od gusenica sovica je bio kupus, a znatno manje ljubičasti kupus, kelj, keleraba i brokoli
Invasive insect species importance and possible pathways of their spreading in Serbia
Invasive insect species are alien species that have significant impact on biodiversity of certain
area or specific country, and also can cause severe damage to cultivated plants. Many insects
spread actively, but very often benefit from human activities and use transport of trades and
passengers to travel all around the globe. Directions and stopover of these stowaways are usually
unpredictable hence the importance of insect monitoring and investigation of their spreading
pathways are of great importance for the country, and even for the whole potentially endangered
region. One of the currently most important Hemipteran species, recorded for the first time in
2015 in Serbia, is Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Pentatomidae). The
species has been monitored for five consecutive years and nowadays it is considered as well
established in the country. On the other side, another cosmopolitan Hemipteran species, in Serbia
known as tobacco white fly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Aleyrodidae) was recorded on the
territory of Serbia in 2016 and 2017, but since then specimens of this species have not been
recorded neither outside nor in green houses during regular monitoring, why it is considered as
not established
A faunistic study of the family Elateridae in Bačka, Serbia
A faunistic study of the family Elateridae was carried out in Bačka, the north-western
district of Vojvodina Province in Serbia, focusing on their preferred habitats and soil types.
The survey included four locations with a total of 1059 ha, in which 35 species, belonging
to 15 genera of Elateridae, were observed. The frequency of larval and adult forms was
58.94% and 67.40%, respectively, proving that wireworms are regular residents of the area.
Regarding habitat preferences, it was shown that a majority of Elateridae species prefer open
biotopes and wheat crop, while marsh soil, chernozem and alluvium were the preferred soil
types of wireworms
Diversity and distribution of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), along the eastern front of its invasive range in Eurasia
The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countries in Asia have been well-documented, with thorough characterisation of the genetic diversity and occurrence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes in Switzerland, France, Hungary, Italy and Greece. However, a number of gaps exist in terms of the characterisation of the haplotype diversity and occurrence of H. halys along the invasion front that covers eastern Europe, western and central Asia. To contribute towards filling this gap, the COI haplotype diversity and distribution were investigated for H. halys collected in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. A total of 646 specimens were analysed and five haplotypes were found (H1, H3, H8, H33 and H80). Haplotype H1 was present in all five countries investigated and was the only haplotype detected amongst > 500 specimens collected from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. H1 (82%) was the dominant haplotype found in Kazakhstan, alongside H3 (18%). In contrast to the low or no diversity observed in these four countries, Serbia had higher haplotype diversity and was represented by five haplotypes. Although H3 was dominant (47%) in Serbia, H1 was also prevalent (40%); the remaining haplotypes (H8, H33 and H80) were minor contributors (1–11%) to the haplotype composition. The results are discussed in context with other known populations in neighbouring countries and patterns of haplotype diversity indicate the movement of successful invasive populations in Europe to generate secondary invasions along the eastern front of the invasion in Eurasia. Possible scenarios regarding the spread of particular haplotypes in these regions are discussed, along with suggestions for future research to fill existing gaps
Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) indifferent ecosystems and molecular analyze of certainspecies
Istraživanja faune stenica na prostoru Vojvodine u poslednjih nekoliko decenija baziraju se pre svega na praćenju brojnosti i štetnosti vrsta u pšenici, lucerki i soji. Malo je podataka o korisnim vrstama, kao i drugim vrstama koji imaju mali ili gotovo beznačajan uticaj na biljnu proizvodnju. Stoga je u ovom radu istražena fauna stenica različitih ekosistema koji obuhvataju useve pšenice i lucerke, ali i biljke ruderalnih staništa i poljozaštitnih pojaseva navedenih kultura. Istovremeno je istražena i fauna stenica sa biljaka spontane flore na lokalitetima viših nadmorskih visina Fruške gore i Divčibara, koje predstavljaju mesta prezimljavanja određenih vrsta. Podaci o prisutnim vrstama navedenih ekosistema predstavljaju dodadatak dosadašnjim istraživanjima faune stenica naše zemlje. Stenice su uzorkovane entomološkim kečerom i ručno na više od 48 lokaliteta na teritoriji Bačke, Fruške gore i Divčibara. Determinacija uzorkovanih jedinki rađena je prema morfološkim karakteristikama uz upotrebu odgovarajućih ključeva, pri čemu je zabeleženo ukupno 59 vrsta iz 14 familija. Najveći broj vrsta zabeležen je na biljkama spontane flore, ukupno 42 vrste, zatim u usevu lucerke, 26 vrsta, a najmanji broj vrsta, ukupno 17, zabeleženo je u usevu pšenice. Među uzorkovanim stenicama najviše je bilo fitofagnih oligofagnih vrsta, ali je zabeleženo i prisustvo ukupno šest predatorskih vrsta. Kao dodatak morfološkoj determinaciji vrsta urađena je molekularna analiza osam vrsta, u prvom redu žitnih stenica iz familija Scutelleridae i Pentatomidae, ali i tri izrazito polifagne vrste čije prisustvo je zabeleženo na velikom broju lokaliteta. Kod pomenutih vrsta analiziran je mitohondrijalni citohrom c oksidaza I standardni barkod fragmet i formirano je filogenetsko stablo. Ova istraživanja predstavljaju preliminarna istraživanja stenica sa našeg podneblja na molekularnom nivou. Spisak registrovanih vrsta stenica, koji je jedan od rezultata ovog rada, predstavlja značajan doprinos poznavanju faune Heteroptera u gajenim kulturama, pšenici i lucerki, ali i na biljkama spontane flore. Molekularna analiza ukazala je na sličnost pojedinih vrsta i rodova na molekularnom nivou i istovremeno potvrdila pozdanost morfoloških karaktera u determinaciji stenica. Najvažnije osobine svih registrovanih stenica koje su iznete u radu predstavljaju prilog izučavanju faune stenica u Vojvodini, pa i Srbiji.Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) in Vojvodina, in several last decades was mainly focused on the most important pest species in wheat, alfalfa and soybean. There are very few data of beneficial species and/or species of low importance to named crops. Therefore the main focus of this work was to investigate the whole fauna of true bugs in different ecosystems, including wheat, alfalfa and ruderal plants in and around the cultivated fields. At the same time true bugs fauna of spontaneous flora in localities of higher altitudes, such as Fruška gora mountain and Divčibare, was also investigated. List of registered species is a great contribution to the fauna of true bugs in Vojvodina and Serbia. During research true bugs were sampled by sweep net and by hand, at more than 48 localities all around the Bačka region (Vojvodina), as well as in Fruška gora mountain and Divčibare. Specimens were identified according to their morphology, using many keys for identification. 59 species belonging to 14 terrestrial families were recorded. The most species were recorded in spontaneous flora, 42 in total. This was followed by 26 species in alfalfa fields and only 17 species registered in wheat. Most of these species were phytophagous and only six were predaceous. Presence of zoophagous specimens is important as indicator of biological balance which exists in described environment despite the human activity. Molecular analysis of eight true bugs species was done as additional method for identification of sampled specimens. Species were chosen by their importance in wheat fields, and by their presence in each sampled ecosystem. Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene was analyzed and phylogenetic tree was constructed. This is a preliminary survey of true bugs in Vojvodina on molecular level. List of recorded true bug species, as one of the results of this work, is a contribution to the list of species in wheat and alfalfa which includes not only pest species, but beneficial and neutral ones as well. Knowledge of true bugs species which inhabit spontaneous plants around the fields is of importance for cultivated crops having in mind bugs vicinity and ability to live and hide inside of different plants. Molecular analysis revealed the similarity of some species and genera at molecular level and at the same time confirmed the reliability of morphological characters in identification of true bugs. The most important characteristics of recorded species were given as contribution of true bugs investigations in Vojvodina and Serbia
The First Records of <i>Trissolcus japonicus</i> (Ashmead) and <i>Trissolcus mitsukurii</i> (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), Alien Egg Parasitoids of <i>Halyomorpha halys</i> (Stål) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in Serbia
Serbia has recently begun facing a serious problem with the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), which was first recorded in October 2015. This species belongs to the Pentomidae family and is notorious for causing extensive damage to plants. During the winter, it tends to gather in urban areas, such as houses and different man-made facilities, which has raised concerns among producers and citizens. The population of this species has rapidly increased, causing significant economic damage to cultivated plants. However, despite the alarming situation no natural enemies have yet been identified in Serbia. Therefore, research in 2022 was focused on collecting stink bug eggs to investigate the presence of egg parasitoids. The study identified two foreign Hymenoptera species for the European region, Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead) and Tr. mitsukurii (Ashmead) (Scelionidae), recorded for the first time in Serbia. Additionally, the list of egg parasitoid species belonging to the Hymenoptera order includes seven local species: Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy), from the Eupelmidae family; Ooencyrtus sp., from the Encyrtidae family; and Telenomus turesis (Walker), Tr. basalis (Wollaston), Tr. belenus (Walker), Tr. colemani (Crawford), and Tr. semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck), from the Scelionidae family. In total, nine egg parasitoid species were, for the first time, reported as parasitizing H. halys and related species in Serbia
The Introduction and Establishment of Four Invasive Insect Species in Serbia
Urban areas are often populated by specific species of insects, some colorful and appealing, such as ladybugs and butterflies, and others irritating as nuisance bitters or as vectors of pathogens of public health importance. Mosquitoes in urban areas often utilize habitats adjacent to human residences, while phytophagous insect species such as stink bugs often colonize ornamental plants and utilize human-made structures including houses as overwintering shelters. This article discusses the early detection and the current distribution of two invasive mosquito species, Aedes albopictus Skuse 1894 and Ae. japonicus (Theobald 1901), in Serbia, introduced in 2009 and 2018, respectively. From the first findings until today, regular monitoring has been carried out and the establishment of both species in the newly invaded areas has been confirmed. Both species can become nuisance species, especially at high population densities, but more importantly, they are capable of transmitting a wide variety of arboviruses of public health importance. This article also discusses two invasive stink bug species Halyomorpha halys Stål 1855 and Nezara viridula Linnaeus 1758, introduced in Serbia in 2015 and 2008, respectively. These two stink bug species have also been monitored, and the establishment of their populations in the country has been confirmed. Both species have caused damage to a wide range of crops and ornamental plants and sometimes become nuisance pests in urban areas
A faunistic study of the family Elateridae in Bačka, Serbia
A faunistic study of the family Elateridae was carried out in Bačka, the north-western district of Vojvodina Province in Serbia, focusing on their preferred habitats and soil types. The survey included four locations with a total of 1059 ha, in which 35 species, belonging to 15 genera of Elateridae, were observed. The frequency of larval and adult forms was 58.94% and 67.40%, respectively, proving that wireworms are regular residents of the area. Regarding habitat preferences, it was shown that a majority of Elateridae species prefer open biotopes and wheat crop, while marsh soil, chernozem and alluvium were the preferred soil types of wireworms