37 research outputs found

    Alternative ways of teaching and motivating students in a cross-cultural environment

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    The beginning of the 21st century is combined with a rapid development of technological applications in education that can help both teachers and learners to approach progressively the issues of knowledge diffusion and understanding and acceptance of diversity by the students of the Erasmus generation

    Brain drain in higher education in Europe: current trends and future perspectives

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    Since the early 1990s, certain European Union (EU) initiatives such as the Erasmus programme provided the opportunity to a great number of academics, researchers and students to move for a relatively short period of time to other EU member states in order to enhance their skills and improve their career potential (a phenomenon known as ‘brain circulation’). The popularity of particular member states such as Italy, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdoom has gradually created an influx of highly skilled staff especially from the less developed EU member states, from Southern Europe and the former Eastern European countries. The proposed changes in the EU Higher Education and Research frameworks during the 1990s and the 2000s encupsulated in the Bologna and Lisbon initiatives respectively, have had controversial results. In addition, the internationalisation and to a great extent the (competitive) commercialisation of Higher Education (HE) has left many EU member states behind since they failed to reform their national HE systems. A masive exodus of academics and researchers was observed from 2008 until 2017, mainly from the countries that suffered more the consequeses of the economic crisis (Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus). The destination (host) countries included primarily locations within the EU, with the most popular being the the UK and Germany. The mass emigration of academic staff within and outside the EU (‘brain drain’) is causing loss of highly skilled human capital with catastrophic consequenses for the sending (home) countries. On the other hand, host member states utilise to the maximum the capabilities of the EU academics and researchers (‘brain gain’) in order to achieve competitive advantage in the so called ‘knowledge economy’

    Artisans in late development: An investigation of Athenian small producers in the machining and garment industries.

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    This thesis examines why in a semi-peripheral and late-developing country such as Greece small artisanal businesses have persisted, despite the orthodox view that industrialisation should have spelled their demise. In the course of the investigation artisans are described and defined, put into context, compared with their counterparts in other contexts, and studied at both the macro and micro level to uncover the reasons for their unexpected survival. The thesis is organized in three parts. Part One (chapters I-III) gives the theoretical, and comparative framework. Marxist teachings concerning simple-commodity production are explored, followed by a survey of the petite bourgeoisie in advanced societies, and of the Italian experience of small firm resurgence. Part Two (chs IV-VI) considers certain macro-level influences of the Greek formation on the structure of the artisanate. Circumstances and the new push towards industrialization after World War II are investigated to see what opportunities they furnished for the artisans' survival. State development plans and their impact on artisans are discussed, and the contextualization is rounded off by a review of the pertinent literature. Part Three (chs VII-XI) directs a micro-level focus on a sample of 100 small producers in machining and garment-making. After an explanation of methodology the "who", "how" and "why" of artisanship is explored, followed by an examination of the situation of aspects of being an artisan, both within the workshop and in relation to the outside world. The artisans' limitations, their collective organization, and their self-appraisal and plans for the future are taken up. The study concludes with an attempt at a synthesis that brings out the specificity of the Greek artisans

    The role of Practice in Facilitating Consumer Value Co-Creation in the Higher Education Sector

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    Service-Dominant logic provides a framework for refinements in the concepts of valuecreation and co-creation between multiple actors. Moreover, S-D logic provides a shiftfrom outcome to process by arguing that value is not created and delivered in terms ofoutput but rather co-created in a process. Recently, the interest has focused on HigherEducation and how value is co-created between actors in Higher Education. However,it is not yet known, whether the practices within value are co-created in the HigherEducation. Drawing on S-D logic framework and practice theory, the aim of this paperis to develop and understand how practices in Higher Education such as interactingmay offer opportunities to facilitate co-creation and contribute to value in-use in thehigher education sector

    Strategic scenario of an open source of sustainable development for the food system

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    Michael Koniordos - PhD (Economics), Professor, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus), 250 Thivon & P. Ralli Str., Egaleo - Athens, 12244, Greece. Galyna Matvienko-Bilyaeva - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, 9-A Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine. Svitlana Strapchuk - PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer, National University of Pharmacy, 53 Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine. Коніордос М. - кандидат економічних наук, професор, кафедра бізнес-адміністрування, Пірейський університет прикладних наук, Афіни, Греція. Матвієнко-Біляєва Г.Л. - кандидат економічних наук, доцент, кафедра підприємницької діяльності, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, Харків, Україна. Страпчук С.І. - кандидат економічних наук, старший викладач, кафедра менеджменту і адміністрування, Національний фармацевтичний університет, Харків, Україна.Introduction. The food system requires some transformational changes which should take into account the problem of population growth, uneven distribution of consumer resources and threatening impact of the intensive agricultural development on the environment. The purpose is to study the characteristics of the developed strategic scenarios of the food system and identify the ways and directions in the rational combination of market relations with efficient resource consumption at the national level in the implementation of the scenario of open source of sustainable development for Ukraine and Greece. Results. The article deals with the present-day food system of Ukraine, its benchmarks and opportunities to solve social, economic and environmental problems and achieve sustainable development. The authors have studied possibilities and principles of agricultural producers, as well as coordination of efforts by the government and society in choosing an open source of sustainable development scenario of the national food system. Directions to promote international cooperation and implementation innovations in the agricultural sector through a combination of close market ties with the efficient and economical resource consumption have been established. Possible directions to intensify close links between the markets for certain agricultural products and prospects of import substitution have been analysed. Practical ways to shift the demand toward economical use of food resources through measures aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, culture of healthy food consumption, reducing the availability of animal protein and foods high in salt, sugar and fat have been grounded. Potential ways to reduce urban migration through new opportunities of agricultural sector in contrast to global trends of rapid urbanisation and the experience of other countries as to the growing prestige of the farmer’s work through cooperation with international organisations and free access to capital have been analysed. Conclusions. It has been found out that certain strategic scenarios of global food systems can be recognised in the early stages and best used at the national level. The considered algorithms of actions must be adapted according to the existing conditions at the tactical level and provide economic, environmental and social efficiency. У статті проаналізовано сучасну продовольчу систему, її орієнтири та можливості вирішувати соціальні, економічні й екологічні проблеми та досягати цілей стійкого розвитку. Досліджено можливості та принципи координації зусиль сільськогосподарських виробників, уряду та суспільства при виборі сценарію «відкритого джерела стійкого розвитку» національної продовольчої системи. Виявлено можливі способи зрушення попиту на продукти харчування у бік ресурсоощадливості через систему заходів, спрямованих на пропагування здорового способу життя, культури споживання здорової їжі, зниження доступності тваринних білків та продуктів з високим вмістом солі, цукру та жиру. Проаналізовано можливі шляхи скорочення міської міграції через нові можливості сектору сільського господарства на противагу світовим тенденціям швидкої урбанізації. Розглянуто міжнародний досвід стимулювання урядом використання джерел відновлюваної енергії за підтримки нових технологій та податкових стимулів, а також напрямки зменшення відсотку відходів та втрат продуктів харчування від загального обсягу національного виробництва

    Sokratis Koniordos - Greece

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