23 research outputs found

    Frequent Itemset Mining from Databases Including One Evidential Attribute

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    Potřeba - základ všeho chování pokus o vyjasnění základních problémů motivace

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    Katedra psychologieFilozofická fakult

    The importance of public relations in building the company's image on the example of NIKE

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    Celem pracy było przedstawienie znaczenia wykorzystania public relations w budowaniu wizerunku firmy. Rolą public relations w każdej organizacji jest zidentyfikowanie kluczowych odbiorców, zarówno wewnętrznych, jak i zewnętrznych, z którymi organizacja musi działać skutecznie, a jednocześnie strategiczne rozwijanie i utrzymywanie relacji z tymi odbiorcami z korzyścią zarówno dla organizacji, jak i zidentyfikowanych odbiorców. Praca ta dotyczyła największej na świecie marki obuwia sportowego, Nike. Firma jest znana ze swojego emocjonalnego stylu marketingowego, który obejmuje postawy polityczne i etyczne.The purpose of the thesis was to present the importance of using public relations in building a company’s image. The role of public relations in any organization is to identify the key publics, both internal and external, with whom the organization must operate effectively, and alongside this, to strategically develop and maintain a relationship with these publics for the benefit of both the organization and the identified publics. The thesis was made about the world’s biggest athletic footwear brand, Nike. The company is known for its emotional marketing style, which includes political and ethical stances

    Soviet prisoners of war in German captivity during the Second World War

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    W pracy przedstawiono warunki bytowania w obozach jenieckich i obozach koncentracyjnych, próby oporu jeńców sowieckich, przypadki kolaboracji, rozkazy władz niemieckich dot. jeńców sowieckich, administrowanie i organizację obozów jenieckich. Praca jest również analizą podejścia nazistów do ludności okupowanych terenów wschodnich w tym żołnierzy Armii Czerwonej w kontekście ideologii narodowego socjalizmu. Zawarto również analizę i ocenę ustosunkowania obecnych władz i środowisk naukowych Niemiec i Rosji do tematu pracy.The thesis paper focuses on describing living conditions in POW and concentration camps, attempts of resistance by Soviet POWs, cases of collaboration, orders of the German authorities regarding Soviet POWs, and administering POW camps. The work is also an analysis of the Nazis' approach to the population of the occupied eastern territories, including Red Army soldiers, in the context of the ideology of National Socialism. An analysis and assessment of the attitude of the current authorities and scientific communities of Germany and Russia towards the topic of the paper is also included

    A rule discovery algorithm appropriate for ECG signals

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    The impact of rural urban migration on smaller settlements surrounding bigger towns : a case of Epworth local board

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    Epworth is one of the suburbs that is very close to Zimbabwe’s capital city Harare. It is located 15km to the South-east of Harare city. Epworth has a total population of 167 000 people according to the census of 2012. Due to many pull and push factors, humans have been moving to Harare from the rural localities like Goromonzi,Domboshava, Chiweshe among others. However, life has not been easy in the capital city for many of them. Housing demand has been high and unemployment has also increased. Cash crisis has been rampant too resulting in many residents failing to pay rents. Most of the people had sought refuge in the neighbouring smaller settlements to cope with the reality of life. Now pressure has been exerted to Epworth Local B oard to provide water and sanitation to a population that is far beyond their reach. Services have been strained as too many people are moving in into Epworth. Epworth is very small in terms of area, but its population is too big. Disease outbreaks and crime are a common feature. The original setters who came first have accused the late comers to be the ones that have created chaos in Epworth. The late comers that are referred to are the migrants from areas such as Mbare, Mufakose, Mabvuku, Kuwadzana, Dzivarasekwa and many other suburbs in Harare. The research was based on Epworth. The researcher used a sample size of 25 which suited the available resources. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews to both council officials and the residents. probability (systematic) sampling was used. Central government has not helped Epworth in terms of housing provisions a situation that has seen a sharp rise if informality in Epworth. The research recommended that Epworth Local Board should regularise its settlement to minimise in-migrants. The research found out that people are moving to Epworth due to cheap cost of living.This research, however, seeks to achieve the following aim or objective that is why there is movement from the capital city to the periphery zones. Resolutions and solutions to the effects of migration in Epworth are suggested in this researc

    Challenges in the regularization of informal settlements in Epworth: a case of Epworth local board

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    Local authorities in Zimbabwe have been facing a plethora of challenges due to the mushrooming of informal settlements. About 90% and above of the Zimbabwean population is moving to towns posing a bigger challenge to the management of towns and cities. The 2005 operation Murambatsvina cleaned all the illegal activities and people residing near Harare found solace and cheap shelter in Epworth. The Operation Garikai which superseded Murambatsvina failed to deliver as it was promised hence it became a failure. The population in Epworth grew at a faster rate after 2005 due to the operation Murambatsvina. Urban councils are not silent about all this. Councils are partaking in legal stand allocations to ease the situation. There has been regularisation process by the Council of Epworth to provide formal stands and deal with the land barons once and for all. People who had got stands illegally think they should be given their bigger stands despite regularisation. There are crooks who still believe they can benefit by creating chaos. The research therefore seeks to achieve the following objectives which are to determine causes of citizen resistance, to find out the importance of development in modern day governance, to come up with better remedy to resistance and determine the total populace that is supporting council programs and those that are against it and lastly to identify causes of the sprawling urban informal settlements in Epworth and to come up with the conclusion and recommendations on how to counter resistance. Ways of countering citizen resistance in this research include engagement and involvement, use of legislation and use of awareness campaigns. Both qualitative and quantitative research design to the targeted individuals who included council officials, residents and civil societies. The research used purposive and systematic sampling. The researcher administered questionnaires to the council and residents. Observation and interviews were also conducted. To deal with land barons once and for all, to rid of all political party leadership that pounce on unsuspecting and vulnerable home seekers, the game of voting extended to squatters create problems for local authority as politics tends to be dirty when the law is applied impartially. E.L.B has to be efficient and effective in the discharge of its duties so as to minimise resistance

    A Novel Approach for Incremental Uncertainty Rule Generation from Databases with Missing Values Handling: Application to Dynamic Medical Databases

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    Abstract: Current approaches for mining association rules usually assume that the mining is performed in a static database, where the problem of missing attribute values does not practically exist. However, these assumptions are not preserved in some medical databases, like in a home care system. In this paper, a novel uncertainty rule algorithm is illustrated, namely URG-2 (Uncertainty Rule Generator), which addresses the problem of mining dynamic databases containing missing values. This algorithm requires only one pass from the initial dataset in order to generate the itemset, while new metrics corresponding to the notion of Support and Confidence are used. URG-2 was evaluated over two medical databases, introducing randomly multiple missing values for each record’s attribute (rate 5-20 % by 5 % increments) in the initial dataset. Compared to the classical approach (records with missing values are ignored), the proposed algorithm was more robust in mining rules from datasets containing missing values. In all cases, the difference in preserving the initial rules ranged between 30% and 60 % in favour of URG-2. Moreover, due to its incremental nature, URG-2 saved over 90 % of the time required for thorough re-mining. Thus, the proposed algorithm can offer a preferable solution for mining in dynamic relational databases

    Incremental Maintenance of Frequent Itemsets in Evidential Databases

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