14 research outputs found

    Chaetocladius Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) in China

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    Chaetocladius Kieffer in China is reviewed and a key to the males is provided. There are five Chinese species, of which three are described and illustrated as adultmales: C. absolutus Wang, Kong & Wang, sp. n., C. tibetensis Wang, Kong & Wang, sp. n. and C. triquetrus Wang, Kong & Wang, sp. n. Chaetocladius oyabevenustus Sasa, Kawai & Ueno is recorded from China for the first time

    Risk Assessment of Upper-Middle Reaches of Luanhe River Basin in Sudden Water Pollution Incidents Based on Control Units of Water Function Areas

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    Upper-middle reaches of Luanhe River Basin belongs to Haihe River Basin and it is a pretty important water source to North China, especially to Tianjin and Tangshan Cities, Hebei. Based on control units of the water function areas and the sub-basins the working units were produced. The index system for environmental risk source hazard was constructed by adopting the pressure state response (PSR) environmental analysis model. The environment risk sources are identified, and their hazard grade assessment is performed. In the environmental risk source hazard an assessment index system, namely “downstream characteristics of environmental risk sources” is added by taking the fact into account that environmental risk sources themselves are affected by different functional areas (working units) downstream of the rivers. Through collecting hazard data, determining their standards and weights for environment risk sources, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to calculate the risk source hazard grades and the vulnerability grades of the working units. Using the one-dimensional exponential decay river model for pollutants in rivers, the hazard grade evaluation method of working units is established. This consists of two parts: (1) The risk source hazard grade of the working unit itself, and (2) the impact of the risk sources upstream on the working unit downstream of the rivers. Combining the hazard grade with the vulnerability grade of the working unit, the risk grade of the working unit is evaluated through the risk matrix. The risk zones of the watershed are realized by merging working units in the same control units of the water function areas with the same risk grades. The risk zoning of sudden water pollution incidents in the upper and middle reaches of Luanhe River Basin is obtained by applying the above risk zoning method. It is found that there are 55 risk zones in total, including three highest risk zones, 15 higher risk zones, 14 lower risk zones, 23 lowest risk zones. These results indicate that the upper and middle reaches of River Luanhe are overall at low risk. The corresponding management methods for the different risk zones are suggested

    Heterotrissocladius reductus Kong & Wang, 2011, sp. n.

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    Heterotrissocladius reductus sp. n. (Figs. 3 A–B) Type material. Holotype male (BDN No. 02187), CHINA: Fujian Province, Wuyishan Mountain Natural Conversation area, 29.iv. 1993, light trap, X. Wang. Diagnostic characters. The new species can be separated from other members of the genus by having a triangular blunt anal point, a low and pointed crista dorsalis and a reduced anal lobe of wing. Etymology. From Latin, reduc – means reduced, referring to the wing with reduced anal lobe. Description. Male imago (n = 1). Total length 2.45 mm. Wing length 1.48 mm. Total length / wing length 1.66. Wing length / length of profemur 2.54. Coloration. Head, thorax and legs brown. Abdomen yellowish brown. Wing nearly transparent. Head. AR 0.95. Temporal setae 10 including 3 inner verticals, 4 outer verticals and 3 postorbitals. Clypeus with 14 setae. Tentorium 125 Μm long, 27 Μm wide. Stipes 60 m long; 45 Μm wide. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 15; 33; 88; 80; 125. Length ratio of palpomeres 5 th/ 3 rd 1.42. Wing (Fig. 3 A). Anal lobe reduced. VR 1.14. R with 21 setae, R 1 with 15, R 4 + 5 with 21 and M 1 + 2 with 65 setae; r 4 + 5 with c. 150 setae, m 1 + 2 with 95, m 3 + 4 with c. 40 and cell an with 12 setae. Squama with 6 setae. Thorax. Dorsocentrals 6; acrostichals 7; prealars 4; scutellars 14. Legs. Spur of front tibia 31 Μm long; of mid tibia 20 Μm and 18 Μm long; of hind tibia 48 Μm and 20 Μm long including 31 Μm long comb. Width at apex of front tibia 38 Μm, of mid tibia 38 Μm, of hind tibia 40 Μm. All the tarsomeres lost. Hypopygium (Fig. 3 B). Anal point nearly triangular with blunt apex, 63 Μm long, 37 Μm wide. Tergite IX with 13 setae on the anal point; laterosternite IX with 4 setae. Phallapodeme 40 Μm long; transverse sternapodeme 97 Μm long. Virga 42 m long. Gonocoxite 163 Μm long. Inferior volsella 55 Μm long, with 12 long setae. Gonostylus widest in apical part and narrowed at base, 75 Μm long, with pointed crista dorsalis, megaseta 10 Μm long. HR 2.17, HV 3.27. Remarks. According to Saether (1975), the new species can be included in the marcidus species group. It is close to H. cooki Saether (1975) in the most structures of its hypopygium, but can be separated by the much higher 5 th/ 3 rd palpomere ratio (c. 1.0 in H. cooki) and the much lower antennal ratio (AR 1.56–1.84 in H. cooki). Distribution. The new species was collected in a subtropical mountain area in Fujian province (Oriental China).Published as part of Kong, Fanqing & Wang, Xinhua, 2011, Heterotrissocladius Spärck from China (Diptera: Chironomidae), pp. 63-68 in Zootaxa 2733 on pages 66-67, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20603

    Heterotrissocladius scutellatus Goetghebuer

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    Heterotrissocladius scutellatus (Goetghebuer) Metriocnemus (Heterotrissocladius) scutellatus Goetghebuer, 1942: 15. Heterotrissocladius grimshawi (Edwards, 1929): Brundin 1949: 704. Heterotrissocladius scutellatus (Goetghebuer): Saether 1975: 43 –47. Material examined. Ningxia Autonomous Region, Liupanshan Natural Conversation Area, sweep net, 1 male, 4.viii. 1988, X. Wang. Remarks. The specimen from China has 14 squamal setae and the relatively high palpomere 5 th/ 3 rd length ratio 1.19, while the specimens from Europe have 25–48 squamal setae and palpomere 5 th/ 3 rd length ratio lower than 1.0 (Saether 1975). As most of other characters are quite uniform, we believe this is intraspecific variation. Distribution. This species has been recorded from Austria (Goetghebuer 1942: 16) and Germany (Wülker 1958: 810). In China, it was found in Ningxia Autonomous Region (Palaearctic region).Published as part of Kong, Fanqing & Wang, Xinhua, 2011, Heterotrissocladius Spärck from China (Diptera: Chironomidae), pp. 63-68 in Zootaxa 2733 on page 67, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20603

    Statistical Linearization of Nonlinear Stiffness in Hydropneumatic Suspension

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    Hydropneumatic springs are the elastic components of a vehicle’s suspension. As the nonlinear characteristic of the spring is difficult to express accurately, the statistical linearization method is introduced to analyze the dynamic response of the hydropneumatic spring. The nonlinear stiffness of a hydropneumatic spring is approximated by a quadratic polynomial at the static equilibrium position. Parameters of the hydropneumatic spring, road roughness and vehicle velocity are provided and analytical functions for equivalent stiffness and the dynamic equilibrium position are worked out in this paper. The analytical functions are validated through numerical simulation and are shown to be more accurate than those validated by existing methods. The method proposed here could be used in the design and analysis of hydropneumatic suspensions in future

    Statistical Linearization of Nonlinear Stiffness in Hydropneumatic Suspension

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    Hydropneumatic springs are the elastic components of a vehicle’s suspension. As the nonlinear characteristic of the spring is difficult to express accurately, the statistical linearization method is introduced to analyze the dynamic response of the hydropneumatic spring. The nonlinear stiffness of a hydropneumatic spring is approximated by a quadratic polynomial at the static equilibrium position. Parameters of the hydropneumatic spring, road roughness and vehicle velocity are provided and analytical functions for equivalent stiffness and the dynamic equilibrium position are worked out in this paper. The analytical functions are validated through numerical simulation and are shown to be more accurate than those validated by existing methods. The method proposed here could be used in the design and analysis of hydropneumatic suspensions in future

    Orthocladius (Eudactylocladius) priomixtus Saether

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    <i>Orthocladius</i> (<i>Eudactylocladius</i>) <i>priomixtus</i> Saether <p>(Fig. 11)</p> <p> <i>Orthocladius</i> (<i>Eudactylocladius</i>) <i>priomixtus</i> Saether, 2004: 2.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Gansu Province, Lanzhou City, Tulugou National Forest Park, 1 male, 16.viii.1993, sweep net, W. Bu.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Specimen from China coincide well with the description in Saether (2004) except or a higher LR, LR1 (0.78), LR2 (0.50) and LR3 0.59, in contrast with Norwegian specimens with LR1 0.68, LR2 0.43–0.44, and LR3 0.54–0.59.</p>Published as part of <i>Kong, Fanqing, Saether, Ole A. & Wang, Xinhua, 2012, A review of the subgenus Eudactylocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China, pp. 46-53 in Zootaxa 3341</i> on page 51, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/281401">10.5281/zenodo.281401</a&gt

    Orthocladius (Eudactylocladius) fengensis Kong, Saether & Wang, 2012, sp. n.

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    <i>Orthocladius</i> (<i>Eudactylocladius</i>) <i>fengensis</i> sp. n. <p>(Figs 4–6)</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype male (BDN No. 04180), CHINA: Shannxi Province (subtropical mountain area), Feng County, Shuangshipu Town, 31.vii.1994, sweep net, W. Bu.</p> <p> <b>Diagnostic characters.</b> The species can be separated from other members of the subgenus by having gonocoxite with week and short microtrichia and inferior volsella completely absent.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> Named after the type locality.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Male (n = 1).</p> <p>Total length 2.63 mm. Wing length 1.60 mm. Total length / wing length 1.64. Wing length / length of profemur 2.42.</p> <p> <i>Coloration.</i> Head, antenna and abdomen brown. Thorax and legs yellowish brown.</p> <p> <i>Head</i>. AR 1.09. Ultimate flagellomere 380 Μm long. Temporal setae 8, including 3 inner verticals, 1 outer vertical and 4 postorbitals. Clypeus with 10 setae. Cibarial pump, tentorium and stipes as in Fig. 4. Tentorium 140 Μm long, 33 Μm wide. Stipes 128 Μm long, 48 Μm wide. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 20, 42, 100, 98, 117. Length ratio of palpomeres 5/3 1.17.</p> <p> <i>Wing</i> (Fig. 5). Anal lobe well developed. VR 1.15. Costal extension 35 Μm long. R with 8 setae, other veins bare. Squama with 14 setae.</p> <p> <i>Thorax.</i> Antepronotum with 8 setae. Dorsocentrals 11, acrostichals 4, prealars 3. Scutellum with 8 setae.</p> <p> <i>Legs.</i> Spur of fore tibia 35 Μm, spurs of mid tibia 19 Μm and 18 Μm long, of hind tibia 51 Μm and 18 Μm long. Comb of 9 setae, shortest seta 22 Μm, longest seta 44 Μm. Width at apex of fore tibia 36 Μm, of mid tibia 31 Μm, of hind tibia 43 Μm. Pseudospurs present on ta1 and ta2 of mid and hind legs, 16–19 Μm long. Sensilla chaetica absent. Lengths (in Μm) and proportions of legs in Table 2.</p> <p> <i>Hypopygium</i> (Fig. 6). Tergite IX including anal point with 15 setae. Laterosternite IX with 8 setae. Anal point tapering to pointed apex, 40 μm long, 13 μm wide at base, covered with microtrichia except apical portion bare. Phallapodeme 68 Μm long, transverse sternapodeme 100 Μm long, oral projections well developed. Gonocoxite with week and short microtrichia, 198 Μm long, and inferior volsella completely absent. Gonostylus 80 Μm long, densely covered with microtrichia; crista dorsalis long and low. Megaseta 12 Μm long. HR 2.47, HV 3.28.</p>Published as part of <i>Kong, Fanqing, Saether, Ole A. & Wang, Xinhua, 2012, A review of the subgenus Eudactylocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China, pp. 46-53 in Zootaxa 3341</i> on page 48, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/281401">10.5281/zenodo.281401</a&gt

    Orthocladius (Eudactylocladius) brevis Kong, Saether & Wang, 2012, sp. n.

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    Orthocladius (Eudactylocladius) brevis sp. n. (Figs 1–3) Type material. Holotype male (BDN No. 11196), CHINA: Yunnan Province (subtropical area), Dali City, Diancang Mountain, Qingbi Stream, 23.v. 1996, light trap, B. Wang. Paratype: 1 male, as holotype. Diagnostic characters. The species can be separated from other members of the subgenus by having low AR (0.43–0.46), and the gonostylus widest medially. Etymology. From Latin, brevis, short, referring to the short ultimate flagellomere of the antenna. Description. Male (n = 2). Total length 2.65–3.23 mm. Wing length 1.68–1.95 mm. Total length / wing length 1.57–1.65. Wing length / length of profemur 2.79–2.91. Coloration. Head and thorax brown. Antenna, legs and abdomen yellowish brown. Head. AR 0.43–0.46. Ultimate flagellomere short, 189–235 Μm. Temporal setae 8–11, including 1–3 inner verticals, 3–5 outer verticals and 3–4 postorbitals. Clypeus with 9–10 setae. Cibarial pump, tentorium and stipes as in Fig. 1. Tentorium 127–132 Μm long, 26 m wide. Stipes 103–110 Μm long, 30–36 Μm wide. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 20 –26, 44–47, 75, 57–70, 110 – 118. Length ratio of palpomeres 5 / 3 1.47–1.57. Wing (Fig. 2). Anal lobe moderately developed. VR 1.11–1.13. Costal extension 30–40 Μm long. R with 6–9 setae, R 1 with 1 seta, R 4 + 5 with 1 seta. Squama with 11–12 setae. Thorax. Antepronotum with 4–5 setae. Dorsocentrals 9–16, acrostichals 4–8, prealars 4–5. Scutellum with 7–10 setae. Legs. Spur of fore tibia 27–30 Μm, spurs of mid tibia 18–23 Μm and 17–20 Μm long, of hind tibia 37–44 Μm and 20–21 Μm long. Comb of 9–10 setae, shortest seta 18–20 Μm, longest seta 33–35 Μm. Width at apex of fore tibia 31–35 Μm, of mid tibia 30–34 Μm, of hind tibia 37–40 Μm. Pseudospurs present on ta 1 and ta 2 of mid and hind legs, 15–18 m long. Sensilla chaetica absent. Lengths (in Μm) and proportions of legs in Table 1. Hypopygium (Fig. 3). Tergite IX including anal point with 4–6 setae. Laterosternite IX with 5–7 setae. Anal point long, slender, nearly parallel-sided, covered with microtrichia except apical portion, without lateral setae, 36–40 Μm long, 13–14 Μm wide. Phallapodeme 58–62 Μm long, transverse sternapodeme 115–125 Μm long, oral projections well developed. Gonocoxite with week and short microtrichia, 163–200 Μm long. Gonostylus 95–98 Μm long, widest medially, with some scattered setae; crista dorsalis long and low. Megaseta 10 Μm long. HR 1.72–2.04, HV 2.78–3.29.Published as part of Kong, Fanqing, Saether, Ole A. & Wang, Xinhua, 2012, A review of the subgenus Eudactylocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China, pp. 46-53 in Zootaxa 3341 on pages 46-48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.28140


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    Key to adult males of <i>Orthocladius</i> subgenus <i>Eudactylocladius</i> in China <p> 1. Gonocoxite with two well defined lobes.................................................. <i>O.</i> (<i>E.</i>) <i>musester</i> Saether</p> <p>- Gonocoxite without such lobes.......................................................................... 2</p> <p> 2. Anal point bare...................................................................... <i>O.</i> (<i>E.</i>) <i>intectus</i> <b>sp. n.</b></p> <p>- Anal point more or less setose........................................................................... 3</p> <p> 3. AR <0.5............................................................................. <i>O.</i> (<i>E.</i>) <i>brevis</i> <b>sp. n.</b></p> <p>- AR> 0.8........................................................................................... 4</p> <p> 4. Gonocoxite with week and short microtrichia............................................. <i>O.</i> (<i>E.</i>) <i>fengensis</i> <b>sp. n.</b></p> <p>- Gonocoxite with strong and long microtrichia.............................................................. 5</p> <p> 5. Gonostylus without inner projection, squama with 9–14 setae............................ <i>O</i>. (<i>E</i>.) <i>subletteorum</i> Cranston</p> <p> - Gonostylus with inner, preapical, triangular projection, squama with 13–20 setae............... <i>O</i>. (<i>E</i>.) <i>priomixtus</i> Saether</p>Published as part of <i>Kong, Fanqing, Saether, Ole A. & Wang, Xinhua, 2012, A review of the subgenus Eudactylocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China, pp. 46-53 in Zootaxa 3341</i> on page 52, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/281401">10.5281/zenodo.281401</a&gt