54 research outputs found

    Orchestrating Lightpath Adaptation and Flexible Functional Split to Recover Virtualized RAN Connectivity

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    This study shows that a two-step recovery scheme orchestrating lightpath transmission adaptation and evolved NodeB (eNB) functional split reconfiguration preserves the Virtualized RAN fronthaul connectivity even when network capacity is scarce.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 “5G-Transformer” Project (grant no. 761536

    Software Defined 5G Converged Access as a viable Techno-Economic Solution

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    Software Defined Converged Access represents a feasible solution to effectively address 5G traffic demands. This paper proposes an integrated mobile-optical control for wavelength and bandwidth allocation. Evaluations of bandwidth utilization and technoeconomic viability are provided.This work was partially supported by the Italian Government under CIPE resolution no. 135 (December 21, 2012), project INnovating City Planning through Information and Communication Technologies (INCIPICT) and by the EC through the H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Project ID 761536)

    Orchestrating Lightpath Recovery and Flexible Functional Split to Preserve Virtualized RAN Connectivity

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    In the next-generation radio access network (NG RAN), the next-generation evolved NodeBs (gNBs) will be, likely, split into virtualized central units (CUs) and distributed units (DUs) interconnected by a fronthaul network. Because of fronthaul latency and capacity requirements, optical metro-ring networks are among the main candidates for supporting converged 5G and non-5G services. In this scenario, a degradation in the quality of transmission of the lightpaths connecting DU and CU can be revealed (or anticipated) based on monitoring techniques. Thus, the lightpath transmission parameters can be adapted to maintain the required bit error rate (BER). However, in specific cases, the original requested capacity between DU and CU could be not guaranteed, thus impacting the service. In this case, another DU–CU connectivity should be considered, relying on a change of the so-called functional split. This study proposes a two-step recovery scheme orchestrating lightpath transmission adaptation and functional split reconfiguration to guarantee the requested connectivity in a virtualized RAN fronthaul. Results show that, for the connections that cannot be transported by the original lightpath, a graceful degradation followed by a recovery is possible within tens of seconds.This work was partly funded by the project H2020-ICT-2016-2 “5G-TRANSFORMER” (761536

    Augmented In-Band Telemetry to the User Equipment for beyond 5G Converged Packet-Optical Networks

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    Traffic monitoring through in-band telemetry is extended up to the User Equipment (UE), providing accurate e2e latency measurement. The UE becomes aware of its experienced service performance, enabling autonomous operations for faster automatic source-based Edge-Cloud steering

    SDN-enabled Latency-Guaranteed Dual Connectivity in 5G RAN

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    A novel SDN-controlled E-UTRAN interacting with 5G Radio Resource Management (RRM) featuring Dual Connectivity (DC) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Radio bearers are dynamically steered to different evolved NodeBs, to guarantee effective per-flow latency performance.This work was partly funded by the project H2020-ICT-2014-1 “Wishful” (645274), and partly by EU H2020 5GTRANSFORMER project (761536)

    A fully SDN enabled all-optical architecture for data centre virtualisation with time and space multiplexing

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    © 2018 [2018 Optical Society of America.]. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited.Virtual Data Centre (VDC) solutions provide an environment that is able to quickly scale-up and where virtual machines and network resources can be quickly added on-demand through self-service procedures. VDC providers must support multiple simultaneous tenants with isolated networks on the same physical substrate. The provider must make efficient use of their available physical resources whilst providing high bandwidth and low-latency connections to tenants with a variety of VDC configurations. This paper utilises state of the art optical network elements to provide high bandwidth optical interconnections and develop an VDC architecture to slice the network and the compute resources dynamically, to efficiently divide the physical network between tenants. We present a Data Centre Virtualisation architecture with an SDN-controlled all-optical data plane combining Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) and Time Shared Optical Network (TSON). Developed network orchestration dynamically translates and provisions VDCs requests onto the optical physical layer. The experimental results show the provisioned bandwidth can be varied by adjusting the number of time slots allocated in the TDM network. These results lead to recommendations for provisioning TDM connections with different performance characteristics. Moreover, application level optical switch reconfiguration time is also evaluated to fully understand the impact on application performance in VDC provision. The experimental demonstration confirmed the developed VDC approach introduces negligible delay and complexity on the network side.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impact of Virtualization Technologies on Virtualized RAN Midhaul Latency Budget: A Quantitative Experimental Evaluation

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    In the Next Generation Radio Access Network (NGRAN) defined by 3GPP for the fifth generation of mobile communications (5G), the next generation NodeB (gNB) is split into a Radio Unit (RU), a Distributed Unit (DU), and a Central Unit (CU). RU, DU, and CU are connected through the fronthaul (RU-DU) and midhaul (DU-CU) segments. If the RAN is also virtualised RAN (VRAN), DU and CU are deployed in virtual machines or containers. Different latency and jitter requirements are demanded on the midhaul according to the distribution of the protocol functions between DU and CU. This study shows that, in VRAN, the virtualisation technologies, the functional split option, and the number of elements deployed in the same computational resource affect the latency budget available for the midhaul. Moreover, it provides an expression for the midhaul allowable latency as a function of the aforementioned parameters. Finally, it shows that, the virtualised DUs featuring a lower layer split option shall be deployed not in the sameThis work has been partially funded by the EC H2020 “5G-Transformer” Project (grant no. 761536)

    Software Defined 5G Converged Mobile Access Networks: Energy Efficiency Considerations

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    Software Defined Mobile Networks and Software Defined Access Networks bring programmability principle into mobile and optical domains. In this work we propose an integrated control approach and show the benefit in terms of energy efficiency.This work was partially supported by the Italian Government under CIPE resolution no. 135 (December 21, 2012), project INnovating City Planning through Information and Communication Technologies (INCIPICT) and by the EC through the H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Project ID 761536)

    Remote Control of a Robot Rover Combining 5G, AI, and GPU Image Processing at the Edge

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    This paper has been presented at 2020 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC)The demo shows the effectiveness of a low latency remote control based on 5G and image processing at the edge exploiting artificial intelligence and GPUs to make a robot rover slalom between posts.This work has been partially supported by TIM under the Cooperation Agreement with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna for the 5G MISE Trial in Bari and Matera 2018-2022 and the EU Commission through the 5GROWTH project (grant agreement no. 856709)