23 research outputs found

    The actor-critic algorithm as multi-time-scale stochastic approximation

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    The actor-critic algorithm of Barto and others for simulation-based optimization of Markov decision processes is cast as a two time scale stochastic approximation. Convergence analysis, approximation issues and an example are studied

    Actor-critic--type learning algorithms for markov decision processes

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    Algorithms for learning the optimal policy of a Markov decision process (MDP) based on simulated transitions are formulated and analyzed. These are variants of the well-known "actor-critic" (or "adaptive critic") algorithm in the artificial intelligence literature. Distributed asynchronous implementations are considered. The analysis involves two time scale stochastic approximations

    The actor-critic algorithm as multi-time-scale stochastic approximation

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    The actor-critic algorithm of Barto and others for simulation-based optimization of Markov decision processes is cast as a two time Scale stochastic approximation. Convergence analysis, approximation issues and an example are studied

    On De Finetti Coherence and Kolmogorov Probability

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    This article addresses the problem of existence of a countably additive probability measure in the sense of Kolmogorov that is consistent with a probability assignment to a family of sets which is coherent in the sense of De Finetti. Key words: probability assignment, coherence condition, subjective probability, countably additive probability This work done while visiting the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This research supported by Grant No. III 5(12)/96-ET from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the U.S. Army Research O#ce under the MURI Grant: Data Fusion in Large Arrays of Microsensors DAAD19-00-1-0466

    Integrated Computational Solution for Predicting Skin Sensitization Potential of Molecules

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>Skin sensitization forms a major toxicological endpoint for dermatology and cosmetic products. Recent ban on animal testing for cosmetics demands for alternative methods. We developed an integrated computational solution (SkinSense) that offers a robust solution and addresses the limitations of existing computational tools i.e. high false positive rate and/or limited coverage.</p><p>Results</p><p>The key components of our solution include: QSAR models selected from a combinatorial set, similarity information and literature-derived sub-structure patterns of known skin protein reactive groups. Its prediction performance on a challenge set of molecules showed accuracy = 75.32%, CCR = 74.36%, sensitivity = 70.00% and specificity = 78.72%, which is better than several existing tools including VEGA (accuracy = 45.00% and CCR = 54.17% with ‘High’ reliability scoring), DEREK (accuracy = 72.73% and CCR = 71.44%) and TOPKAT (accuracy = 60.00% and CCR = 61.67%). Although, TIMES-SS showed higher predictive power (accuracy = 90.00% and CCR = 92.86%), the coverage was very low (only 10 out of 77 molecules were predicted reliably).</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Owing to improved prediction performance and coverage, our solution can serve as a useful expert system towards Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment for skin sensitization. It would be invaluable to cosmetic/ dermatology industry for pre-screening their molecules, and reducing time, cost and animal testing.</p></div

    Comparative performance of our prediction workflows with VEGA v1.08.

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    <p>Panel A: Molecules of challenge set-1 processed by our prediction workflows (= 74) and VEGA v1.08 (= 69) used for computation; Panel B: 69 molecules of challenge set-1 processed by our prediction workflows as well as VEGA v1.08 were used for computation; Panel C: Molecules of challenge set-2 processed by our prediction workflows (= 77) and VEGA v1.08 (= 68) used for computation; Panel D: 68 molecules of challenge set-2 processed by our prediction workflows as well as VEGA v1.08 were used for computation. VEGA v1.08: orange bars; PW-1: blue bars; PW-2: green bars. CCR: Correct Classification Rate.</p

    Integration of QSAR models, similarity information and sub-structure pattern into prediction workflows (PWs).

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    <p>Blue and red colors depict components that differ in the two Prediction Workflows, PW-1 and PW-2. Components in black and grey are those that are common in both PW-1 and PW-2. QSAR: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship; MLP: Multi-Layer Perceptron; SMO: Sequential Minimal Optimization; E<sub>o</sub>: Energy-optimized dataset; RTS: Representative test set; Challenge-1: Challenge set-1; Challenge-2: Challenge set-2; m<sub>2</sub>, m<sub>3</sub>, m<sub>4</sub>, s<sub>similarity</sub> and s<sub>substr</sub> are predictions from QSAR. models-2, 3 and 4, similarity information and sub-structure pattern, and w<sub>m2</sub>, w<sub>m3</sub>, w<sub>m4</sub>, w<sub>similarity</sub> and w<sub>substr</sub> are their corresponding weights.</p

    SkinSense–Result Screen.

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    <p>Table on the left shows SMILES of input molecules; ‘Predictions’ section shows prediction result for the selected molecule along with predicted reaction mechanism and domain information; ‘Molecular Visualization’ depicts the structure of selected molecule, along with skin protein reactive sub-structure(s) (if any) highlighted in cyan; ‘Similarity Search Result’ shows parent set molecules found similar to selected input molecule along with details such as Tanimoto coefficient; ‘Export Type’ offers various options to export SkinSense result.</p