205 research outputs found

    Diatomees centriques de la lagune de Fresco Cote d’Ivoire

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    Un inventaire taxinomique des Diatomées centriques de la Lagune de Fresco a été réalisé de Mars 2007 à Décembre 2008, dans le but de contribuer à la connaissance de la microflore diatomique de Côte d’Ivoire. Des prélèvements ont été effectués dans 5 stations à l’aide d’un filet à plancton. Au total 40 taxons répartis en 20 genres, 12 familles, 9 ordres et 1 classe ont été identifiés avec une prédominance des taxons du genre Chaetoceros (10 taxons). La majorité des taxons (36) sont d’origine marine. Huit nouveaux taxons sont signalés pour la première fois en Côte d’Ivoire. Il s’agit des espèces Coscinodiscus marginatus, Triceratium pentacrinus, Biddulphia alternans, Terpsinoe intermedia, Chaetoceros diversus, C. pseudocrinutus, C. similis et C. subtilis.Mots clés : Diatomées centriques, Microalgue, Lagune de Fresco, Côte d’Ivoir

    Dynamique du peuplement des Oiseaux d’une riziculture et ses environs dans la zone humide d’importance internationale de Grand-Bassam

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    Objectifs : cette étude vise à actualiser les connaissances sur l’avifaune de la zone humide de Grand- Bassam et à déterminer les variations annuelles du peuplement d’Oiseaux. Méthodologie et résultats : l’avifaune a été inventoriée de janvier 2011 à février 2013 par la méthode des transects itinérants avec des points d’arrêt de 15 minutes aux endroits appropriés. Au total, 218 espèces appartenant à 51 familles et 17 ordres ont été identifiées. La présente étude révèle 49 espèces nouvellement observées dans la zone humide de Grand-Bassam. Le peuplement d’Oiseaux rencontré renferme un grand nombre d’individus dont le pic annuel est atteint en juillet. Ce peuplement est dominé par les populations de tisserin gendarme (Ploceus cucullatus), de travailleur à tête rouge (Quelea erythrops) et de capucin nonnette (Spermestes cucullata). Conclusion et application : cette étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de l’avifaune de la zone humide de Grand-Bassam et fournit des données préliminaires sur l’importance numérique des différentes espèces inventoriées. Face à une anthropisation de plus en plus prononcée de la zone humide, liée au développement de la ville et aux activités agricoles, ces résultats serviront de base scientifique à l’établissement d’un système de gestion durable de l’avifaune dans les rizicultures.Mots clés : Oiseaux, Biodiversité, Dynamique du peuplement, Zone humide Riziculture, Grand- Bassam.Dynamics of birds’ community, of international importance in the rice fields and surrounding areas in the Grand-Bassam wetland.  Objectives: This study aims to update the knowledge on birds’ community of the Grand-Bassam wetland and it annual variation. Methodology and Results: Birds were surveyed from January 2011 to February 2013 by the method of line transects with a 15 minutes points count in the appropriated places. A total 218 species belonging to 51 families of 17 orders were identified. The study found 49 newly observed species in the Grand- Bassam Ramsar site. The birds’ community is rich of an important number of individuals which maximum is in July. This bird’s community is dominated by populations of Village Weaver( Ploceus cucullatus),, Red-headed Quelea (Quelea erythrops) and Bronze Mannikin (Spermestes cucullata).. Conclusion and application: This study has contributed to a better knowledge of the avifauna of Grand- Bassam Ramsar site and provides preliminary data on the size of the different species. Facing a more pronounced anthropisation due to the development of the city and farming, these results can served as a first scientific basis for the establishment of a sustainable management of the avifauna in ricefields.Keywords: Birds, Biodiversity, Community Dynamics, Wetlands, Ricefield, Grand-Bassa

    Entomological investigations carried out from 2002 to 2010 into the involvement of water bugs (Heteroptera - Hemiptera) in transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans to humans in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)

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    Ulcer is a disease caused by a mycobacterium present in the environment: Mycobacterium ulcerans.This communicable disease occurs essentially in wet tropical regions, and in particular in west Africa where it is endemic. It is the third most common mycobacterial disease affecting humans after leprosy and tuberculosis, although it is more prevalent than either leprosy or tuberculosis in some rural areas of several countries (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana). This has led WHO to act, and in 1998 to declare Buruli ulcer an « emerging disease » and to recognize it as a neglected tropical disease. Its development is a source of concern in Côte d’Ivoire, the country most affected in the world, with an aggregate number of 30 000 cases and more than 2000 cases detected each year. It particularly affects children living in isolated rural areas around bodies of stagnant or slowly flowing water.  In order to control the disease, it is essential fully to understand its epidemiology. In this connection, there are several hypotheses on the mode of transmission of M. ulcerans to humans. Since 1999, the involvement of water bugs belonging to the order of the hemiptera has been invoked by Portaels. In 2002, this hypothesis was confirmed by Marsollier et al. for water bugs of the genus Naucoris taken from the region of Daloa in Côte d’Ivoire, where the disease is endemic. In 2008, Portaels also found M. ulcerans in samples taken from the environment (Gerridae) in Ghana. In 2007, studies began in Côte d’Ivoire into the specific diversity, biology, ecology, ethology and role of aquatic heteroptera in the transmission of M. ulcerans to humans. Samples of aquatic heteroptera were collected each month from different aquatic environments in endemic areas of Côte d’Ivoire. The insects were identified by family, genus and occasionally species. Their distribution, population dynamics and ecological distribution in the water points investigated were correlated with human activities. Monospecific batches of water bugs were regularly composed in order to identify the molecular signatures of M. ulcerans using PCR at the bacteriology laboratory of the Institut Pasteur in Côte d’Ivoire and at the bacteriology laboratory of the Groupe d’Etudes des Interactions Hôtes-Pathogènes (Host-Pathogen Study Group) at the University Teaching hospital in Angers, France. Eighteen (18) species belonging to 8 families were identified. After the aquatic insects collected had been identified, 283 monospecific batches were composed and sent to the Institut Pasteur in Côte d’Ivoire (IPCI) for PCR. Twenty four (24) of the 283 batches i.e. 8,5% containing the following, 14 Diplonychus sp, 2 Naucoris sp, 3 Micronecta sp, 2 Ranatra fusca, 2 Anisops sp and 1 Laccotrephes ater, respectively belonging to the families Belostomatidae, Naucoridae, Corixidae, Ranatridae and Nepidae tested positive under PCR. Thirty five (35) samples of saliva were collected from specimens of the genus Diplonychus. Six of the samples (i.e. 17%) tested positive under PCR. Out of 109 other monospecific batches sent to the laboratory in Angers, France, 33 (i.e. 30%) tested positive under PCR. They comprised 11 batches of Diplonychus sp (Belostomatidae), 8 batches of Micronecta sp (Corixidae), 2 batches of Laccocoris sp (Naucoridae), 4 batches of Ranatra fusca (Ranatridae), 3 batches of Anisops sp, 1 lot de Anisops sardea et 1 lot de Enithares sp (Notonectidae), 2 batches of Plea pullula (Pleidae) and 1 batch of de Laccotrephes sp (Nepidae). Clearly, not only is Diplonychus sp the genus most commonly found, it is also that most affected by M. ulcerans. This justifies the decision to breed this genus in the laboratory since 2008, in order to improve our understanding of its biology and ethology and to standardize physical and chemical parameters so as to determine the best conditions for breeding the insect which would provide an animal model for experimental infections. We have now bred six successive generations in the laboratory. To conclude, although some aquatic heteroptera that host M. ulcerans are strictly phytophagous, (e.g. the Corixidae), the great majority of water bugs are carnivorous predators that are hosts and vectors of M. ulcerans. The absence of a reliable key for determining the family, genus and species in central and west Africa has led us to draw up an iconographic catalogue to determine the taxonomy of these insects

    Qualite des eaux du Bandama-Blanc (Cote D’ivoire) et de ses affluents soumis a de fortes activites

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    La qualité écologique des eaux des localités soumises à l’exploitation artisanale et clandestine de l’or au niveau du Bandama-Blanc et de ses affluents a été étudiée entre le 01 et le 15 Avril 2015. Le prélèvement du phytoplancton a été réalisé à l’aide de la bouteille hydrologique et du filet à plancton, tandis que le périphyton a été récolté par les méthodes de grattage et d’expression respectivement sur cailloux, bois et feuilles immergés. Cent soixante (160) taxons composés de 84 taxons de Chlorophyta, 42 taxons d’Euglenophyta, 25 taxons de Cyanobacteria, 5 taxons de Dinophyta, 2 taxons de Chrysophyta, 1 taxon de Rhodophyta et 1 taxon de Xanthophyta ont été identifiés au niveau des sites d’échantillonnage. La densité des Cyanobacteria est élevée dans les sites soumis aux activités d’orpaillage, de pêche et d’élevage au niveau des eaux du barrage et de la carrière avec une contribution élevée de Microcystis aeruginosa. Les valeurs des indices de diversité ont montré que les eaux de la zone d’étude sont diversifiées avec un peuplement dominé par les espèces Microcystis aeruginosa et Peridinium cinctum. Une mésotrophie des sites d’échantillonnage de la zone d’étude a été révélée par les valeurs de l’indice B proposé par Nygaard (1949).Mots clés : Phytoplancton, périphyton, diversité, barrage, Côte d’IvoireEnglish Abstrarct Water quality of the Bandama-Blanc (Cote D'ivoire) and its tributaries subject to strong anthropogenic activities from the algal microfloraEcological waters quality of the localities subjected to artisanal and clandestine gold mining at the level of Bandama-Blanc and its tributaries was studied between 01 and 15 April 2015. Phytoplankton sampling was performed using the hydrologic bottle and plankton net, while periphyton was harvested by scraping and expression methods respectively on rocks, wood and floating leaves. The microalgae comprised 160 taxa, mainly Chlorophyta (84 taxa), Euglenophyta (42 taxa), Cyanobacteria (25 taxa), Dinophyta (5 taxa), Chrysophyta (2 taxa), Rhodophyta (1 taxa) and Xanthophyta (1 taxa). Highest Cyanobacteria densities was observed in the localities subjected to gold mining, fishing and rearing activities at the level of the Kossou dam and the quarry with a high contribution of the species Microcystis aeruginosa. Values of the diversity indices showed that the waters of the study area are diversified with a stand dominated by the species of Microcystis aeruginosa and Peridinium cinctum. Mesotrophy of the sampling sites in the study area was revealed by the Nygaard B index values (1949).Keys words : Phytoplankton, periphyton, diversity, dam, Côte d’Ivoir

    Congenital lobar emphysema: a case report

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    Congenital lobar emphysema is a rare variety of congenital malformation of lung characterized by over distension of a lobe of a lung due to partial obstruction of the bronchus. We are reporting a neonate admitted in the pediatric emergency ward with the respiratory distress since 16th day of life

    Acceptabilite´ du test VIH propose´ aux nourrissons dans les services pe´ diatriques, en Coˆ te d’Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pe´diatrique

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    Proble`me: Le de´pistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement e´te´ au centre des pre´occupations des chercheurs. Quand le de´pistage pe´diatrique a retenu l’attention, cela a e´te´ pour e´clairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant meˆme que le test pe´diatrique comme bien d’autres peut s’accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au coeur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu’on accepte ou qu’on refuse de faire de´pister son enfant.Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les me`res, les facteurs explicatifs de l’acceptabilite´ du test VIH des  nourrissons de moins de six mois.Me´thodes: Entretien semi-directif a` passages re´pe´te´s avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pese´e/vaccination et les consultations pe´diatriques avec proposition syste´matique d’un test VIH pour leur nourrisson.Re´sultats: Nous retenons que la re´alisation effective du test pe´diatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois e´le´ments. Primo, le personnel de sante´ par son discours (qui de´note de ses connaissances et  perceptions meˆme sur l’infection) oriente´ vers les me`res influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la me`re qui par ses connaissances et perceptions meˆme sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l’impression de bien-eˆtre chez elle et son enfant influence toute re´alisation du test pe´diatrique VIH. Tertio, l’environnement conjugal de la me`re, particulie`rement caracte´rise´ par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilite´ de parler du test VIH et sa re´alisation chez les deux parents ou chez la me`re seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la re´alisation effective du de´pistage du VIH chez l’enfant. Le principe pre´ventif du VIH, et le de´sir de faire tester l’enfant ne suffisent pas a` eux seuls pour aboutir a` sa re´alisation effective, selon certaines me`res confronte´es au refus du conjoint. A l’oppose´, les autres me`res refusant la re´alisation du test  pe´diatrique disent s’y opposer ; bien entendu, meˆme dans le cas ou` le conjoint l’accepterait.Discussion: Les me`res sont les principales mises en cause et craignent les re´primandes et la stigmatisation. Le pe`re, le conjoint peut eˆtre un obstacle, quand il s’oppose au test VIH du nourrisson, ou devenir le facilitateur de sa re´alisation s’il est convaincu. Le positionnement du pe`re demeure donc essentiel dans la question de l’acceptabilite´ du VIH pe´diatrique. Les me`res en ont conscience et pre´sagent des difficulte´s a` faire  de´pister ou non les enfants sans avis pre´alable du conjoint a` la fois pe`re, et chef de famille.Conclusion: La question du de´pistage pe´diatrique du VIH, au terme de notre analyse, met en face trois e´le´ments qui exigent une gestion globale pour assurer une couverture effective. Ces trois e´le´ments n’existeraient pas sans s’influencer, donc ils sont constamment en interaction et empeˆchent ou favorisent la re´alisation ou non du test pe´diatrique. Aussi, dans une intention d’aboutir a` une couverture effective du de´pistage VIH des nourrissons, faut-il tenir compte d’une gestion harmonieuse de ces trois e´le´ments: La premie`re, la me`re seule (avec ses connaissances, ses perceptions), son environnement conjugal (de  proposition du test inte´grant 1- l’e´poux et / ou pe`re de l’enfant avec ses perceptions et connaissances sur l’infection 2- la facilite´ de parler du test et sa re´alisation chez les deux ou un des parents, la me`re) et les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques du personnel de l’e´tablissement sanitaire sur l’infection du VIH.Recommandations: Nos recommandations proposent une rede´finition de l’approche du VIH/sida vers des familles expose´es au VIH et une inte´gration plus accentue´e du pe`re facilitant leur propre acceptation du test VIH et celle de leur enfant.Mots cle´s: Acceptabilite´, Test VIH, Enfants, Nourrissons Problem: HIV testing in children had rarely been a central concern for researchers. When pediatric tracking retained the attention, it was more to inform on the diagnosis tools performances rather than the fact the pediatric test can be accepted or refused. This article highlights the parent’s reasons which explain why pediatric HIV test is accepted or refused.Objective: To study among parents, the explanatory factors of the acceptability of pediatric HIV testing among infant less than six months.Methods: Semi-structured interview with repeated passages in the parents of infants less than six months attending in health care facilities for the pediatric weighing/vaccination and consultations.Results: We highlight that the parent’s acceptance of the pediatric HIV screening is based on three elements.Firstly, the health care workers by his speech (which indicates its own knowledge and perceptions on the infection) directed towards mothers’ influences their acceptance or not of the HIV test. Secondly, the mother who by her knowledge and perceptions on HIV, whose particular status, give an impression of her own wellbeing for her and her child influences any acceptance of the pediatric HIV test. Thirdly, the marital environment of the mother, particularly characterized by the ease of communication within the couple, to speak about the HIV test and its realization for the parents or the mother only are many factors which influence the effective realization of the pediatric HIV testing. The preventive principle of HIV transmission and the desire to realize the test in the  newborn are not enough alone to lead to its effective realization, according to certain mothers confronted with the father’s refusal. On the other hand, the other mothers refusing the realization of the pediatric test told to be opposed to it; of course, even if their partner would accept it.Discussion: The mothers are the principal facing the pediatric HIV question and fear the reprimands and stigma. The father, the partner could be an obstacle, when he is opposed to the infant HIV testing, or also the facilitator with his realization if he is convinced. The father position thus remains essential face to the question of pediatric HIV testing acceptability. The mothers are aware of this and predict the difficulties of achieving their infant to be tested without the preliminary opinion of their partner at the same time father, and head of the family.Conclusion: The issue of pediatric HIV testing, at the end of our analysis, highlights three elements which require a comprehensive management to improve the coverage of pediatric HIV test. These three elements would not exist without being influenced; therefore they are constantly in interaction and prevent or support the realization or not pediatric test. Also, with the aim to improve the pediatric HIV test coverage, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious management of these elements. Firstly, the mother alone (with her knowledge, and perceptions), its marital environment (with the proposal of the HIV test integrating (1) the partner and/or father with his perceptions and knowledge on HIV infection and (2) facility of speaking about the test and its realization at both or one about the parents, the mother) and of the knowledge, attitudes and practices about the infection of health care workers of the sanitary institution.Recommendations: Our recommendations proposed taking into account a redefinition of the HIV/AIDS approach towards the families exposed to HIV and a more accentuated integration of the father facilitating their own HIV test acceptation and that of his child.Keywords: acceptability, HIV testing, children, infantsArticle in French

    Interrupting seasonal transmission of Schistosoma haematobium and control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in northern and central Côte d’Ivoire: a SCORE study protocol

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    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Management and prognosis of uterine rupture during labor in an under-medicalized country: about 513 cases collected at the Cocody University Hospital Center (Abidjan-Cote d'Ivoire)

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    Background: Even today, uterine rupture is necessary as an indicator of health status in developing countries, like Cote d’Ivoire. The objective of this study was to describe the factors influencing the management and the prognosis of this pathology in a level III maternity of a third world country.Methods: The study was made in Cocody University Hospital Center (Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire). A retrospective descriptive study of all women with ruptured uterus during labor managed between January 2002 and December 2014 was conducted. It covered 513 cases of uterine ruptures collected in 13 years.Results: The overall incidence of uterine ruptures was 0.95% or 1 in 105 deliveries. Most cases occurred in women with unscarred uterus (76.8%) and 23.2% of women had a scarred uterus. Surgical treatment was radical by hysterectomy in 35.3% of all women. Treatment was more conservative by uterine suture in women from the communes of Abidjan and its suburbs (71%) versus 25% of women who came from inland towns (p=0.000). Maternal mortality rate was 5.8% and was significantly influenced by the type of surgery (p=0.000), by the time of uterine rupture (p=0.000) and by the transportation distance (p=0.000). Fetal mortality was 94.1% for all women.Conclusions: Uterine rupture still poses a major public health problem in under-developed countries. The multiplication of obstetric surgical units but also the availability of blood products and the effectiveness of free care will be a vital contribution to effectively and sustainably improve the prognosis of this serious pathology when just constituted
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