21 research outputs found

    Metodologija za određivanje kogeneracionog potrncija toplana

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    Predmet ove disertacije je definisanje optimalnog kogeneracionog potencijala toplana tj. malih i srednjih kogeneracionih postrojenja integrisanih u sistem daljinskog grejanja. Pod optimalnim izborom i dimenzionisanjem se podrazumeva stvaranje uslova za donošenje ispravne odluke u odabiru kogeneracione tehnologije, a potom i pravilno dimenzionisanje kogeneracione jedinice (ili jedinica), tako da se: njen instalirani električni kapacitet, u meri u kojoj je to moguće, iskoristi za proizvodnju električne energije, postojeći potrošači toplotne energije efektno iskoriste za odvođenje toplote sa pomenute jedinice, radom postrojenja ostvaruje profit kojim je moguće otplatiti investiciju u, za rukovodstvo toplane, prihvatljivom periodu. Investiranje u procesne izmene kogeneracionog postrojenja je složen zadatak koji podrazumeva detaljne tehno-ekonomske analize postrojenja. Takve analize se moraju oslanjati na savremene softverske alate vrednovanja svakog mogućeg investicionog koraka i biti zasnovane na proverenim tehničkim, ekonomskim, ekološkim i drugim kriterijuma. Nadalje, analiza treba da omogući brzo donošenje odluka koje zadovoljavaju postavljene projektne uslove i investiciona ograničenja, uz posebno favorizovanje ekonomskih zahteva (period otplate, dozvoljena visina investicija...). Da bi, uopšte, bilo moguće ovakvo sagledavanje, tj. da bi se omogućio dobar uvid u korelacije između različitih tehničkih i ekonomskih parametara bitnih za postrojenje, u ovoj doktorskoj disertacije je razvijen odgovarajući softver, zasnovan na mešovito celobrojno nelinearnom programiranju, tj. na tzv. MINLP programiranju (eng. Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming), koji je podrobno testiran i proveren na primeru iz prakse. Sprovedena testiranja su pokazala da se provera kvaliteta svake varijante procesnog unapređenja postrojenja može relativno lako, brzo i pouzdano izvršiti primenom predloženog MINLP softvera i na kraju doći do optimalnog rešenja koje je, sa investicionog stanovišta, najpovoljnije. Prikazani softver do rešenja dolazi odabirom između velikog broja konfiguracija sistema koje se međusobno razlikuju po snazi, broj i tipu pogonskih mašina kao i po načinu na koji su te mašine uključene u postrojenje. Kreirani matematički model odlikuje razumno lako prilagođavanje različitim sistemima daljinskog grejanja, kako po veličini tako i po konfiguraciji. Takođe, zavisno od kriterijuma koji je aktuelan u datom trenutku (npr. minimizacija perioda otplate ili maksimizacija godišnjeg prihoda), moguće je efektivno uticati na promenu rezultata optimizacije.Topic of this thesis is assessment of the optimal production potential of combined heat and power facilities installed as a part of district heating company capacities. Connotation of „optimal potential” stated above relates to creating conditions for proper sizing of power producing unit(s) so that: Installed capacity of power producing unit is, as much as possible, exploited for electricity production; Existing users of heat (hot water or process steam) are effectively used for cooling of installed unit(s); Profit generated is high enough to return investment in period of time acceptable by the management. Introducing CHP technology to an existing district heating company is complex task and assumes detailed techno-economic analysis. Such analyzes often rely on modern software tools which should be used to evaluate each potential modification and its interaction with system, while taking into account technical, economic, environmental and other criteria. Beside, software should be able to help in decision making procedure while meeting process and investment restrictions and particularly favoring economic requirements (payback period, maximal amount of investments allowable etc.). Optimal solution should be looked for among many possible configurations of the CHP system which differs in number, type and installed capacity of power producing units considered. To make mentioned considerations possible i.e. to make conditions for good insight in relationships among different technical and economical parameters important for the plant, in this doctoral thesis appropriate software based on mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) is introduced. Software is thoroughly tested and verified on the practical example (case study) and results of these tests are also given. Conducted testing of proposed software have shown that the search for optimal solution between many possibilities for process improvement can be done relatively simply and quickly while getting reliable results. Proposed software is characterized by its ability to adapt to different district heating systems, both in size and configuration. Also, depending on the criteria that are present at a given time (e.g., minimization of the payback period or maximization of annual income due to process changes implemented) it is possible to effectively influence on the results of optimization

    Analysis of the electricity production potential in the case of retrofit of steam turbines in a district heating company

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    Today, in Serbia there are several sites with installed combined heat and power facilities. The most of these plants, for various reasons, do not produce electricity. One such plant is Energetika (Kragujevac, Serbia), which is primarily a district heating company. Steam generator in the plant has been installed in the 1970's and has worked in one short period of time. Installed steam turbines are 8 MW and 20 MW rated power. Energetika in accordance with the general trend of increasing energy efficiency of production process initiated revitalization of the plant. This revitalization started with a study which approach and the results are briefly given in the paper. All results show that retrofit of facility should be acceptable for the management. Developed scenarios indicate that in the case of the limited resources optimal retrofit should start with smaller turbine (8 MW rated power) then after providing the funds should continue with the retrofit of 20 MW turbine

    Energy savings in an industrial lighting system

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    Danas industrijska postrojenja predstavljaju značajne potrošače električne energije. Iako se najveći deo električne energije koristi za obavljanje industrijskih procesa, značajan deo troškova električne energije vezan je i za sisteme rasvete industrijskog osvetljenja. Pažljivim izborom odgovarajućih sijalica i prateće opreme koja ide uz njih, i uz dodatne mere predložene u ovom radu, potrošnja električne energije koja se koristi za osvetljenje se može smanjiti za 40% - 65%. U ovom radu su prikazani načini uštede energije, programi za održavanje, kontrolu i inspekciju sistema rasvete u sistemima rasvete industrijskog osvetljenja i analizirana je efikasnost sistema osvetljenja fabrike „Zastava automobili“.Publishe

    Computer Application in Hydrostatic Transmission Technology

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    Hydrostatic transmission technology must achieve some goals in order to ensure its continued progress and growth, to preserve current position in the market and to compete efficiently with other energy transfer technologies (mechanical and electrical). In a specific way, activities for achieving the goals imply computer application. The paper gives a few examples of how computers are today applied in modern hydrostatic transmission technology. They are used in control and data analysis, condition monitoring, design & modelling of components and complete transmission, and even marketing & e-commerce.Publishe

    Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants

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    Significant number of research projects in the area of renewable energy sources (especially for small hydro power plants) has been made within the Department for Energy and Process Engineering and Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Kragujevac, Serbia) since early eighties. The results are various; numerous domestic and international recognition and technical performance tell about the success of the research. Research projects have been following the technical and technological development of research equipment and economy growth. This has led to the development of software for designing turbines of small hydro power plants. In order to notify the public about possibilities of our software, in this paper is briefly described a mathematical model and procedures for calculating and designing of small hydro power for known conditions. As an argument for assessing the validity and potentialof our research results is shown constructedsmall hydro power plant Bosnia 1, 2 x 100 kW power


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    The subject of this paper are measures for improvement of the energy efficiency of fleets that are in the jurisdiction of the one city in Serbia. Improvement of energy efficiency is proposed thorough following five measures: Data collection, internal benchmarking, transparency, the publication of collected information and rewarding of good practice examples; Creation of a joint fleet, joint driving and driving pairing (car sharing in public institutions); Establishment of eco-driving programs in the City Administration; Tire pressure control and The transition of a part of the petrol fleet to liquid petroleum gas. Here proposed methodology is easily understandable, characterized by transparency and easy adaptation while monitoring the results of the implementation of proposed measures is intuitive and simplePublishe

    Implementacija koncepta značajne energetske sanacije zgrada u EU i Srbiji

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    U ovom radu je dat pregled postojećih barijera za implementaciju značajne energetske sanacije zgrada (eng. deep renovation) u Srbiji. Trenutna situacija u EU je takva da je godišnja stopa primene značajne energetske sanacije zgrada 1,2%, pri čemu je preporuka da se taj procenat kreće od 2 do 3% godišnje, sa posebnim akcentom na uštedama u sektoru javnih objekata od 3%. Pri čemu treba naglasiti da značajna energetska sanacija objekta podrazumeva uštede energije od najmanje 60% u odnosu na stanje pre renoviranja objekta ili sa ciljem postizanja zgrada nulte energetske potrošnje. Ovakav koncept renoviranja zgrada je u povoju u zemljama EU, a na prostorima zemalja Zapadnog Balkana je nepoznanica. Izgradnja novih objekta na godišnjem nivou se kreće oko 1% od ukupnog građevinskog fonda, pa se prema tome više od primene novih građevinskih standarda treba skoncentrisati na to da se postojeći građevinski fond usmeri ka niskoj energetskoj potrošnji. Imajući u vidu da je stambeni fond u Srbiji relativno star i da su objekti nedovoljno energetski efikasni, a s obzirom da se renoviranje objekata odvija nakon relativno dugog vremenskog perioda (između 30 i 50 godina) i da su investicije značajne potrebno je od svakog renoviranja objekta ostvariti maksimum. S obzirom da tržišne barijere nisu prevaziđene ni u ekonomski značajno stabilnijim zemljama EU, u ovom radu će biti dat sistematski prikaz moguće energetske politike kojom bi sadašnja situacija u Srbiji bila poboljšana.Publishe

    O mogućnostima korišćenja hidropotencijala reke Bistrice

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    https://canupub.me/4b5pU ovom radu iznet je skraćeni prikaz mogućnosti korišćenja hidropotencijala reke Bistrice u cilju proizvodnje električne energije. Predložena je metodologija gradnje MHE koja neće ugroziti ni ekosistem, ni izgrađenu infrastrukturu oko njenog koritaPublishe

    Energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in Kragujevac (Serbia)

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    This paper presents a methodology development and the results achieved in the process of establishing energy management system in the City of Kragujevac (Serbia) and in its public services. The paper is an overview of influential factors in the field of energy management, analyzing their impact on raising the energy efficiency of individual utility service and the city of Kragujevac, as a whole. The paper also presents the most interesting scientific and research projects realized in the cooperation of several actors which were coordinated by Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center Kragujevac. The municipal companies together with the city administration are the direct beneficiaries of the results realized in the following areas: ‐ Development of energy management in municipalities and the establishment of energy planning at the local level; ‐ Improvement of municipal services by applying energy efficiency measures in public enterprises: ‐ “Energetika” (heating), ‐ “Cistoca” (communal waste management), ‐ “Vodovod i kanalizacija” (water and waste water management); Promotion of ideas and projects realized in the field of energy management, environmental protection and sustainable development at the Festival of energy efficiency (starting from this year) held during the April.Publishe