3 research outputs found

    Effets de L’extrait Aqueux des Racines d’Hymenocardia acida (Euphorbiaceae) sur la QualitĂ© du Sperme de Rats

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    Les racines d’Hymenocardia acida sont utilisĂ©es dans la mĂ©decine traditionnelle africaine pour traiter principalement la dysfonction Ă©rectile. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des racines d’ Hymencardia acida sur la qualitĂ© du sperme de rats. Les diffĂ©rents composĂ©s chimiques de l’extrait aqueux des racines d’Hymenocardia acida ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s par des rĂ©actions en tube dĂ©crites dans la pharmacopĂ©e africaine. Deux groupes de quinze rats traitĂ©s pendant 30 et 60 jours ont Ă©tĂ© repartis chacun en lot tĂ©moin, lot traitĂ© Ă  500 mg/kg et lot traitĂ© Ă  1000 mg/kg de poids corporel. La densitĂ©, la motilitĂ© et la morphologie des spermatozoĂŻdes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es selon des mĂ©thodes standards. Le taux de testostĂ©rone et le tissu testiculaire ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Le tri phytochimique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de polyphĂ©nols, de flavonoĂŻdes, de tanins catĂ©chiques, de saponosides, d’alcaloĂŻdes et de stĂ©rols et polyterpĂšnes. L’extrait a favorisĂ© une augmentation significative (P < 0.05) du nombre de spermatozoĂŻdes, des taux de spermatozoĂŻdes mobiles et normaux dans l’épididyme caudal. Il a entrainĂ© Ă©galement une augmentation significative (P < 0.05) du taux de la testostĂ©rone sĂ©rique et a favorisĂ© l’accroissement des spermatozoĂŻdes dans les tubes sĂ©minifĂšres. Les racines d’Hymenocardia acida amĂ©liorent la qualitĂ© du sperme des rats. Cela pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» en grande partie Ă  l’augmentation du taux sĂ©rique de la testostĂ©rone.   Hymenocardia acida roots are used in traditional African medicine to treat mainly erectile dysfunction. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Hymencardia acida roots on the quality of rat sperm. The different chemical compounds of the aqueous extract of the roots of Hymenocardia acida were identified by tube reactions described in the African pharmacopoeia. Two groups of fifteen rats treated for 30 and 60 days were divided into control, 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg body weight. Sperm density, motility and morphology were assessed by standard methods. Testosterone levels and testicular tissue were studied. Phytochemical sorting revealed the presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, catechic tannins, saponosides, alkaloids and sterols and polyterpenes. The extract promoted a significant (P < 0.05) increase in sperm count, motile and normal sperm rates in the caudal epididymis. It also caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in serum testosterone levels and promoted the increase of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules. Hymenocardia acida roots improve sperm quality in rats. This could be due in large part to the increase in serum testosterone levels

    Transmission of malaria in relation to distribution and coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets in central CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    The use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) is an effective malaria control strategy. However, there are challenges to achieve high coverage, such as distribution sustainability, and coverage keep-up. This study assessed the effect of LLINs coverage and contextual factors on entomological indicators of malaria in rural Cîte d'Ivoire.; The study was carried out between July 2009 and May 2012 in three villages (Bozi, N'Dakonankro and Yoho) of central Cîte d'Ivoire. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were distributed free of charge by the national malaria control programme in 2008. In Bozi, an additional distribution was carried out in May 2011. No specific interventions were done in N'Dakonankro. Entomological surveys were conducted in July 2009 and July 2010 (baseline), and in August and November 2011 and in February 2012. Frequency of circumsporozoite protein was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Regression models were employed to assess the impact of LLINs and changing patterns of irrigated rice farming on entomological parameters, and to determine associations with LLINs coverage and other contextual factors.; In Bozi, high proportion of LLIN usage was observed (95-100%). After six months, 95% of LLINs were washed at least once and 79% were washed up to three times within one year. Anopheles gambiae was the predominant malaria vector (66.6% of all mosquitoes caught). From 2009 to 2012, in N'Dakonankro, the mean annual entomological inoculation rate (EIR) increased significantly from 116.8 infectious bites/human/year (ib/h/y) to 408.8 ib/h/y, while in the intervention villages, the EIR decreased significantly from 514.6 ib/h/y to 62.0 ib/h/y (Bozi) and from 83.9 ib/h/y to 25.5 ib/h/y (Yoho). The risk of an infectious bite over the three-year period was significantly lower in the intervention villages compared to the control village (p >0.001).; High coverage and sensitization of households to use LLINs through regular visits (particularly in Bozi) and abandoning irrigated rice farming (in Yoho) resulted in highly significant reductions of EIR. The national malaria control programme should consider household sensitization and education campaigns and other contextual factors to maximize the benefit of LLINs