195 research outputs found

    Fact and factual information in the mass media

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    Application of the factual principle of information presentation is of particular relevance in the present conditions of global use of information environment as a confrontation field of different models of modern civilization development. The main objective of the study is to substantiate the basic status of fact and its  nterpretation in the media system. The factual principle is realized within the factual field, which is a set of information about changes in the social environment, the presentation of which is integrated by lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connections and has respective focus and pragmatic attitude. Factual field is formed by a system of interconnected factors: basic fact, which is a communicative nucleus, the core of the message in the mass-communication process; factual environment, which is created by the facts illustrating the basic fact; journalist skills, which includes the ability to convince with fact-based proofs and arguments. Factual field is the natural component of social interaction. Consistency and comprehensiveness of factual field is realized in the interconnections of the objective (basic fact, factual environment), and subjective (means journalist skills) factors. Factual principle of information presentation in mass media is based on the following functional characteristics: flexibility, consistency, associativity, analyticity, reliability, professionalism of fact presentation. The essence of the fact phenomenon functioning in the media is realized in the following components: in the change of the objective reality and in the interpretation of such change in the mass media

    Prosudba viteštva kroz diskursnu funkciju negacije u Maloryjevu djelu Le Morte DArthur

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    The paper explores medieval knighthood as a complicated matrix of various cultural, historical, and ethical concepts. We hypothesize that we can access the way people conceptualized the chivalric ideal through analyzing the romances by means of linguistic and conceptual analysis. The justly prominent place among numerous romances is taken by Malory’s Le Morte DArthur (1485), for it provided solid ground for a detailed classification of knightly virtues and vices in later decades. The present paper displays the role of negation in portraying the opposition of a good and a bad knight. We take into account that this category is realized linguistically on various levels: lexical, morphological, and syntactical. Contrary to the preliminary hypothesis on negation featuring the bad, it allowed the author not only to explicate the bad qualities of a knight, but also to stress the language means evaluating the positive ones. As the linguistic analysis unfolds, negation turns out to be not a logical counterpart of positive utterances, but a powerful tool for featuring knighthood as a socially and ethically important endeavour. Pragmatics of negation in the romance, as well as its role in direct speech of various characters, including women, are also considered.U radu se istražuje srednjovjekovno viteštvo kao složena matrica različitih kulturoloških, povijesnih i etičkih koncepata. Kreće se od pretpostavke da se jezičnom i konceptualnom raščlambom romanci može steći uvid u način na koji se konceptualizirao viteški ideal. Istaknuto mjesto među brojnim romancama s pravom pripada Maloryjevu djelu Le Morte DArthur (1485), zato što ono pruža dobar temelj za detaljnu klasifikaciju viteških vrlina i mana u kasnijim desetljećima. Ovaj rad opisuje ulogu negacije u portretiranju suparništva između dobrog i lošeg viteza. Ta se kategorija jezično ostvaruje na više razina: leksičkoj, morfološkoj i sintaktičkoj. Suprotno prvotnim tumačenjima da negacija označava nešto loše, autorima je ona omogućila ne samo da objasne loše viteške osobine, već i da naglase jezična sredstva kojima se prosuđuju vrline. Što se dublje ulazi u jezičnu analizu, pokazuje se da negacije nije samo logički parnjak potvrdnih izričaja, već moćno sredstvo za prikaz viteštva kao društveno i etički vrijednog pothvata. Također se razmatra pragmatika negacije u romanci, kao i njezina uloga u izravnom govoru raznih likova, uključujući i žene

    研究発表 死を描く場面における「情動性」と「感情の共同体」:夕顔と紫の上を中心に

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    Frequently cited as the world’s first psychological novel, Genji monogatari (c. 1008) has been widely praised for its uncanny ability to relate its characters’ emotions in so real a manner so as to stir the audience’s feelings as if the experiences were their own―and yet, virtually no studies have hitherto touched upon this subject at length. The presentation in question seeks to explore the manner in which the text produces affective reactions in both its characters and readers and fosters emotional communities between them, focusing on the death scenes of Yûgao and Lady Murasaki in particular. Generally-speaking, “affect” denotes the emotional, psychological or even physical response of a group of individuals such as readers, listeners or participants to a highly emotional situation, stimulus or work; “affect studies” examines the various ways that this emotional response is expressed and communicated within a specific community. A group of individuals that shares a set of similar emotional responses due to their common values or preferences in turn forms an “emotional community.” The death scenes in Genji monogatari provide an especially fertile ground for this type of analysis considering that they rarely center around the deaths themselves, and focus instead on their effect on the surrounding characters and the overall narrative development, often with the use of highly specific language and imagery. The following presentation will examine the way in which the Genji narrative constructs its emotional scenes―namely those dealing with the deaths of Yûgao and Lady Murasaki―through the use of language, poetry, landscape, and narrative in order to create situations in which its characters and its readers respond in highly emotional ways. I believe that Genji’s innovative incorporation of poetic diction (kago) and citations (hikiuta) into prose had the effect of increasing the affective impact of the prose and expanding the associative scope of the poetry (waka). As such, I hope to analyze the relationship between the use of particular types of poetic and seasonal imagery in Genji and their capacity to elicit specific types of affective responses

    Национально-культурная специфика функционирования фитонимических фразеологизмов в мексиканском национальном варианте испанского языка

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    In the article are considered specific features of functioning of the phraseological units with phytonym in the Mexican national variant of Spanish and their role in the formation of the idiomatic picture of the world.В статье рассматриваются специфические особенности функционирования данных языковых единиц и их роль в формировании национальной языковой картины мира мексиканцев на примере фразеологических единиц с компонентами-фитонимами


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    This work was financially supported by Russian Science Foundation (project # 19-44-02020)

    Using digital technologies in the stock market: The criminal law aspect

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    Under sanctions, digital services and products that are not affected by restrictions are of particular interest to unqualified investors of the Russian stock market. The possibility of illegal use of digital technologies in the stock market has not gone unnoticed by people with criminal intent. This article analyzes the already existing illegal practices in the stock market of using digital technologies and services, and also identifies criminal legal risks of their potential development in the future. The authors use general scientific methods of research as synthesis, analysis, induction, deduction, classification, as well as special methods (systematical, structural and dogmatical, as well as content analysis methods) based on a wide range of judicial practice. As a result, the authors formulate the following main areas of using digital technologies in the stock market for criminal purposes: 1) obtaining unauthorized access to users’ personal accounts; 2) organizing the activities of financial pyramids and illegal forex dealers; 3) fraudulent activity through the marketing of financial services by illegal financial market participants; 4) using artificial intelligence for the purposes of false trading. It has been established that the measures currently taken by supervisory and law enforcement agencies are not sufficient to protect unqualified investors from the criminal actions of malefactors. At the same time, the need to strengthen control over the use of digital technologies will require finding a balance between minimizing risks by government agencies and continuing to actively use new technologies on the Russian stock market


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    The temperature dependences of conductivity at alternating current (a frequency of 1 kHz) were studied for thin polychloroprene films formed from a solution on metal electrodes having different polarities: anode, cathode and zero potential. It was found that the nature and form of the temperature dependence of the conductivity of the investigated polymer film depends on the method of sample formation. Temperature regions of maximum conductivity were detected. The realization of the heating cycle followed by the film cooling in a limited region between the electrodes under the action of an alternating electric field leads to an increase in the specific conductivity and a shift of the extreme values to the region of lower temperatures. This effect is manifested to the greatest extent for films formed at the cathode. The process of heating and subsequent cooling is of hysteresis nature both for permittivity and for the dielectric loss tangent. The dependence of dielectric loss tangent on permittivity in a rather wide temperature range is inversely proportional. During the analysis of temperature dependences the mechanism of conductivity was studied for polychloroprene thin films at direct and alternating current. The determined activation energies of the polymeric system conductivity change enable concluding that the mechanisms of electric conductivity at direct and alternating current are of similar nature. The extreme values of permittivity may be due to structural alterations in the process of heating. This is confirmed by the data on the temperature dependence of dielectric loss tangent. In order to explain conductivity at direct current a model of dipole traps is offered.Исследованы температурные зависимости проводимости на постоянном и переменном токе (частота 1 кГц) тонких пленок полихлоропрена, сформированных из раствора четыреххлористого углерода на металлических электродах, имеющих различную полярность: аноде, катоде и при нулевом потенциале. Установлено, что в зависимости от метода формирования пленки исследованного полимера изменяется характер и вид температурной зависимости проводимости, что объясняется изменением механизма переноса заряда. Обнаружены температурные области максимальной проводимости. Показано, что реализация цикла нагрева с последующим охлаждением пленки в ограниченной области между электродами под действием переменного электрического поля приводит к увеличению удельной проводимости и смещению экстремальных значений в область более низких температур. В наибольшей степени этот эффект проявляется для пленок, сформированных на катоде. Процесс нагрева с последующим охлаждением носит гистерезисный характер и для удельной проводимости, и для тангенса угла диэлектрических потерь. Зависимость тангенса угла диэлектрических потерь от удельной проводимости в достаточно широкой температурной области измерений имеет обратно пропорциональный характер. В процессе анализа температурных зависимостей исследован механизм проводимости для тонких пленок полихлоропрена на постоянном и переменном токе. Найденные энергии активации процесса изменения проводимости полимерной системы дают основание заключить, что при постоянном и переменном токе механизмы электрической проводимости имеют близкий характер. Возникновение экстремальных значений величин удельной проводимости можно связать со структурными перестройками в процессе нагревания, что подтверждают данные по температурной зависимости тангенса угла диэлектрических потерь. Для объяснения проводимости на постоянном токе предложена модель дипольных ловушек

    Лингвистическая оценка функционирования юридических терминов процедуры усыновления в сопоставительном аспекте

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    The article deals with the problem of nomination of procedure of adoptation in modern Russian and Spanish.В статье рассматривается проблема номинации процедуры и участников усыновления в современном русском и испанских языках на примерах из юридических и публицистических текстов

    Роль межфазного слоя в температурно-временной зависимости электрического сопротивления системы полиэтилен высокой плотности/технический углерод

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    In order to explain the time-temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of HDPE filled with carbon black, a model is proposed, in which an important role is played by the interfacial layer between the solid-phase filler and the polymer matrix. It is shown that the change in the structure of the macromolecules in the interfacial layer can be characterized using fractal concepts. The fractal dimension increases as the size of the filler particles decreases, and this is accompanied by a decrease in electrical resistance. During isothermal annealing treatment of the samples the fractal dimension of the interfacial layer is changed from 2.3 to 3. Correlations of the observed parameters are presented. The activation energy of increasing resistance in the initial period of the sample treatments is calculated. It is shown that the electrostatic field restrains the increase of the fractal dimension of the interfacial layer and the change in the resistance of the filled systems.Представлена полуколичественная вероятностная модель процессов изменения сопротивления полиэтилена высокой плотности (ПЭВП), наполненного техническим углеродом (ТУ), при изотермическом нагревании, основанная на определяющей роли межфазного слоя. Показано, что изменение структуры макромолекул в межфазном слое можно охарактеризовать в рамках фрактальных представлений. В соответствии с представленной моделью проанализированы полученные экспериментальные данные по изменению сопротивления при выдержке образцов в электростатическом поле. Установлено, что приложение электростатического поля стабилизирует структуру наполненной системы, уменьшая изменение сопротивления системы ПЭВП/ТУ при прогреве

    Сomparison of Au, Au-Pt, and Au-Ag nanoparticles as markers for immunochromatographic determination of nonylphenol

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    Gold spherical nanoparticles, gold-platinum nanoflowers, and gold-silver nanostars were obtained and compared as labels for immunochromatographic analysis. The nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction from various precursors and then conjugated with staphylococcal protein A to be used in indirect immunochromatographic determination of nonylphenol. The results obtained were evaluated in terms of analytical characteristics and R2 value, as well as the color intensity of the test band. According to the comparison results, it was revealed that the R2 value varied from 0.82 for the gold-silver nanostars to 0.96 for the spherical gold nanoparticles. The working range of determined concentrations was from 2 to 100 μg/mL for unspherical and from 2 to 50 μg/mL – for spherical markers used; the analysis time was 20 min