42 research outputs found

    Przerwa w terapii empagliflozyn膮 u pacjenta z niewydolno艣ci膮 serca z obni偶on膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 i hospitalizacja z powodu zaostrzenia niewydolno艣ci serca

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    A 56 year-old man with severe left ventricular dysfunction was admitted due to exacerbation of chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. During hospitalisation, standard heart failure treatment was used, but with a modification of pharmacotherapy to address concurrent conditions including diabetes. Here we discuss this case and the current state of knowledge regarding the beneficial effects of empagliflozin.M臋偶czyzn臋 w wieku 56 lat z ci臋偶k膮 dysfunkcj膮 lewej komory przyj臋to na oddzia艂 z powodu zaostrzenia objaw贸w przewlek艂ej niewydolno艣ci serca z obni偶on膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 lewej komory. W trakcje hospitalizacji stosowano standardowe leczenie niewydolno艣ci serca, ale tak偶e modyfikowano terapi臋 chor贸b wsp贸艂istniej膮cych, w tym cukrzycy. Na podstawie opisu przypadku klinicznego w artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat korzystnego wp艂ywu empagliflozyny na uk艂ad sercowo-naczyniowy.

    El profesor de ELE en apuros. El modo en las interrogativas subordinadas

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    El modo utilizado habitualmente en las interrogativas subordinadas es el indicativo. No obstante, se dan casos en los que se emplea, e incluso se admite como correcto, el subjuntivo. En el presente art铆culo se analizan desde el punto de vista pragm谩tico algunas de esas excepciones modales

    Migotanie przedsionk贸w i niewydolno艣膰 serca z zachowan膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮

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    Niewydolno艣膰 serca z zachowan膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 (HFpEF) i migotanie przedsionk贸w (AF) to jednostki chorobowe wci膮偶 stanowi膮ce wyzwanie we wsp贸艂czesnej kardiologii. Szacuje si臋, 偶e ponad po艂ow臋 przypadk贸w niewydolno艣ci serca stanowi HFpEF, za艣 AF jest cz臋st膮 chorob膮 wsp贸艂istniej膮c膮 w tej grupie, kt贸ra mo偶e maskowa膰 rozpoznanie i przebieg HFpEF oraz pogarsza膰 rokowanie. W niniejsztm artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy dotycz膮cej HFpEF oraz znaczenia AF w tej grupie chorych

    Atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are the diseases that still challenges modern cardiology. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction caused more than half of heart failure鈥檚 cases and AT is one of the most common co-morbidities, that can worsen prognosis. The following article presents the current knowledge regarding HFpEF and the significance of AF in this group of patients.Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are the diseases that still challenges modern cardiology. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction caused more than half of heart failure鈥檚 cases and AT is one of the most common co-morbidities, that can worsen prognosis. The following article presents the current knowledge regarding HFpEF and the significance of AF in this group of patients

    Przerwa w terapii empagliflozyn膮 u pacjenta z niewydolno艣ci膮 serca z obni偶on膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 i hospitalizacja z powodu zaostrzenia niewydolno艣ci serca

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    A 56 year-old man with severe dysfunction was admitted to the Department due to exacerbation of chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. During hospitalization the standard treatment of heart failure was used, but also there was a modification of pharmacotherapy in diabetes. Based on the clinical case description, the article shows the current state of knowledge on the beneficial effects of empagliflozin on the cardiovascular system.聽M臋偶czyzn臋 w wieku 56 lat z ci臋偶k膮 dysfunkcj膮 lewej komory przyj臋to na oddzia艂 z powodu zaostrzenia objaw贸w przewlek艂ej niewydolno艣ci serca z obni偶on膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 lewej komory. W trakcje hospitalizacji stosowano standardowe leczenie niewydolno艣ci serca, ale tak偶e modyfikowano terapi臋 chor贸b wsp贸艂istniej膮cych, w tym cukrzycy. Na podstawie opisu przypadku klinicznego w artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat korzystnego wp艂ywu empagliflozyny na uk艂ad sercowo-naczyniowy.

    Development Trends in Electronics Printed: Intelligent Textiles Produced with the Use of Printing Techniques on Textile Substrates

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    The authors concentrated their attention on the new area of research, concerning properties of electrically conductive textiles, produced by printing techniques. Such materials can be used for monitoring, for example, the rhythm of breathing. The aim of this study was to develop a sensor of strains for the needs of wearable electronics. A resistance鈥恡ype sensor was made on a knitted fabric with shape memory, dedicated to monitor motor activity of human. The Weftloc knitted fabric shows elastic memory鈥攖hanks to the presence of elastomeric fibers. The dependence of sensoric properties of the Weftloc knitted fabric on the values of load, its increment rate, and its direction of action was tested. Mechanical parameters including total and elastic strain, elasticity degree, and strength were also assessed. The results indicate an anisotropic character of mechanical and sensoric behaviors of the sensor showing a particularly optimal behavior during diagonal loading. Electro鈥恈onductive properties have been imparted to the Weftloc fabric by chemical deposition of polypyrrole dopped with Cl ions. In addition, authors used as a carrier functional water dispersion of carbon nanotubes AquaCyl that was adapted in the Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology for forming electrically conductive pathways by film printing method. It was assumed that the electrically conductive paths are sensitive to chemical stimuli. Studies of the effectiveness of the sensors for chemical stimuli were conducted for selected pairs of liquids. The best sensory properties were obtained for the methanol vapor鈥攖he relative resistance (Rrel.) at the level above 40%. In the case of nonpolar liquid vapor, the sensoric sensitivity of the printed fabric was much lower, with Rrel. level below 29%. Properties of the electrically conductive materials, such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and resistance to chemicals, allow for widely using them nanotechnology

    The secret chambers in the Chephren Pyramid

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    Pyramids are the greatest architectural achievement of ancient civilization, so people all over the world are curious as to the purpose of such huge constructions. No other structure has been studied as thoroughly, nor have so many books and articles been written about it. We created a computer model of the pyramid. To validate the model, we compare our calculations with the experimental data of Luis W. Alvarez. The fact that the Egyptians set up 2.5 million stone blocks without any purpose seems to be unimaginable. Therefore, we attempt to examine the internal structure of the pyramid using muon tomography. With our measurements we performed and verified a calibration of the attenuation of muons for primary beam momenta of 2.5 GeV/c and 3 GeV/c at the T9 experimental area of CERN.Comment: The authors of the paper are winners of the CERN Beamline for Schools 2016 competition. To be submitted to the journal Physics Educatio