17 research outputs found

    Mehanizovana rezidba i berba šljive

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    The paper shows the results of the two-year experiments with hydraulic HT-83 shaker and HR-85 pruner powered by tractor Rakovica 65. The tested plum cultivar was Stenly. The efficiency of the pruner and harvester prowed great increasing in plum production and processing.Rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja mehanizovane rezidbe i berbe šljive sorte Stenley. Rezidba je obavljena hidrauličnim rezačem HR-85, a berba hidrauličnim tresačem HT-83. Obe mašine su agregatirane sa traktorom Rakovica 65. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da se mehanizovana rezidba i berba može koristiti za industrijsku preradu šljive jer znatno ubrzavaju proces proizvodnje

    Tehničko-tehnološki parametri specijalne konstrukcije rotofreze sa vertikalnim rotorom

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    The paper explains the functionig principle of special construction (selfoutflnking) rotofrazer with vertical rotor, joint conection of rotor for self-outflanking machin, its application possibilities and the advantages over the oders working devices of tractor attachments that have been used so far for digging the soil under fruit trees in the rows where the moment of resistance of stalk is greater than the moment of resistance of the surrounding.U radu je prikazan princip funkcionisanja specijalne konstrukcije (samoobilazeće) rotofreze sa vertikalnim rotorom, zglobna veza rotora za otklanjanje oruđa, mogućnosti primene, prednosti u odnosu na druge tipove primenjivanih radnih organa na traktorskim priključnim mašinama za obradu zemljišta u redu zasada i čiji otporni momenat stabla je veći od otpornog momenta stabla korova koji raste u njegovoj okolini

    Efekti mehanizovane rezidbe jabuke

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    The paper shows the results of the three year long experiments with hidraulic pruner HR-85 for pruning apple kinds (Starking Delicious, Jonathan, Golden Delicious) on stock seedling. The increase of height band width of crown during the period of investigation was different and was dependent of kind, wey of pruning and years of investigation. Necessary time for pruning ranged with: mechanized pruning from 14,47 (Jonathan) to 17,59 s/tree(Starking Delicious); mechanized pruning with hand correction from 569,46 (Golden Delicious) to 585,79 s/tree (Starking Delicious); with hand pruning from 832,53 (Jonathan) to 976,60 s/tree (Golden Delicious). Average working spedd was 2,18 (Starking Delicious) to 2,64 km/h (Golden Delicious). The efficiency of the pruner is 52,24 (Starking Delicious) to 64,82 (Golden Delicious) times higher than manual pruning. On the basis of investigation it was established that with: Starking Delicious kind there is the influence of wey of pruning to the yield; Jonathan and Golden Delicious kinds there is no the influence of wey of pruning to the yield.U radu su dati trogodišnji rezultati ispitivanja hidrauličnog rezača HR-85 u rezidbi jabuke (starking, jonatan, zlatni delišes) na podlozi sejanac. Prirast visine i širine krune u ispitivanom periodu bio je različit i zavisio je od sorte, načina rezidbe i godine ispitivanja. Vreme za rezidbu kretalo se kod mehanizovane rezidbe od 14,47 (jonatan) do 17,59 (starking) s/stablo; mehanizovane rezidbe sa ručnom korekcijom od 569,46 (zlatni delišes) do 585,79 (starking) s/stablo; kod ručne rezidbe od 832,53 (jonatan) do 976,60 (zlatni delišes) s/stablo. Kod jabuke starking postoji, a kod jabuka jonatan i zlatni delišes ne postoji uticaj različitih načina rezidbe na prinos

    Mehanizovana rezidba šljive

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    The paper presents the results of the two-year long experiments with mechanized plum pruning of cv Stanley with hydraulic pruner HR-85 powered by tractors Rakovica 65 and Torpedo TD 75A. The results suggest that mechanized pruning is more widely applied in plum production and processing. Index of productivity of mehanized pruning with manual correction and mechanized pruning in comparison with manual pruning ranges from 1,50 to 87,94, depanding on the condition of the orchard, average for two years investigation from 1,90 to 58,5.Rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja mehanizovane rezidbe šljive sorte stenley. Rezidba je obavljena hidrauličnim rezačem HR-85 u agregatu sa traktorima Rakovica 65 i Torpedo TD 75A. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da se mehanizovana rezidba može koristiti u proizvodnji šljive za industrijsku preradu. Indeks proizvodnosti mehanizovane rezidbe sa ručnom korekcijom u odnosu na ručnu rezidbu je 1,50 i mehanizovane rezidbe u odnosu na ručnu je 87,94 što je zavisilo od stanja zasada, odnosno prosečno za dve godine ispitivanja 1,90 odnosno 58,5

    Uslovi mehanizovane berbe maline i kupine

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    Mechanized processes of raspberry and blackberry harvesting evolved to a great part from the fact that the share of manual harvesting acounts for about 70% of the total production costs. The rising trends of raspberry and blackberry production in some European countries (primarily Poland and Hungary), i.e. EU member countries, has greatly increased competitiveness on the domestic market. In our country raspberry and blackberry were produced on smaller farms using manual harvesting. In the EU member countries the enhanced development of raspberry and blackberry production is characterized by large raspberry and blackberry fields with mechanized labor processes including harvesting. This type of production has decreased production costs and exploitation of orchards including the price of raspberry and blackberry on the world market. The aim of the study was to define exploitation and technical parameters effecting the possibility of mechanized harvesting achieving high profitability and ensuring high quality of the fruits harvested. In addition the experience of mechanized harvesting of raspberry under the conditions of our country is described. Tractor aggregates or self propelled machines are considered acceptable from the standpoint of our knowledge and experience in the harvesting of small fruits depending however on the growing system and size of the orchard. Taking into consideration the high price of the machines and the sensitivity of small fruits the improvement of the machine can be achieved by adding the parts required thus contributing to a rational and profitable use.Činjenica da ručna berba maline i kupine učestvuje i do 70 % ukupnih troškova proizvodnje, upućuje na nužnost mehanizovanja procesa berbe. Tendencija povećanja proizvodnje maline i kupine u nekim državama Evrope (pre svih Poljska i Mađarska) kao članica Evropske Unije, pooštrava konkurenciju domaćoj proizvodnji koja se do sada skoro isključivo ostvarivala na manjim posedima sa ručnom berbom. Ubrzan razvoj proizvodnje malina i kupina u navedenim državama karakteriše veliki plantažni zasadi sa primenom mehanizacije za obavljanje svih radnih operacija kao i procesa berbe. Takv način proizvodnje utiče na smanjenje troškova uzgoja i eksploatacije zasada a time i cene maline i kupine na svetskom tržištu. U radu su definisani eksploatacioni i tehnički parametri koji utiču na mogućnosti mehanizovanja berbe uz ostvarivanje visoke produktivnosti i obezbeđenje potrebnog kvaliteta ubranih plodova. Izneta su neka iskustva u mehanizovanoj berbi plantažnih zasada maline u našim uslovima. Iskustva i saznanja u primeni mašina za berbu jagodastog voća pokazuju da tehnička rešenja, zavisno od sistema uzgoja i veličine zasada, mogu biti koncipirana kao traktorski agregat ili samohodne mašine. Osnovna konstrukcije trba da omogući jednostavnu adaptaciju dodavanjem odgovarajućih uređaja i time postigne njena univerzalnost. Univerzalnost mašina treba da omogućuje racionalnost u nabavci i korišćenju obzirom da su veoma skupe i da berba pojedinih vrsta jagodastog voća traje kratko

    Primena automatskih regulacionih sistema u cilju smanjenja gubitaka pesticida u zaštiti voćnjaka

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    Electronic systems in modern plant protection equipment and machinery were introduced with the objective of achieving optimal efficacy of pesticide application but also contributing to cost decrease and environmental protection. In developed countries pesticide application expenses account for 30-40% of the production costs. On the other hand in underdeveloped countries with inappropriate control measures significant losses have been registered in the production of fruits. In conventional plant protection equipment, irrespective of the size of the target area the amount of pesticides discharged by sprayers remains the same. Pesticides are unevenly sprayed on fruit trees with large crowns. Substantial amounts of pesticides are lost between crowns but also on the margins of crowns due to the lack of the vegetative mass. In practice there are pesticide rates which eventually contribute to efficient fruit crown treatment. These are however too high when it concerns its marginal parts. In developed European countries with enhanced agricultural production electronic control systems are used with the objective of adapting the application rate to the amount of leaves, the vegetative mass. The system enables a higher application rate for the crown parts of the fruit tree especially its central part. Crown margins receive lower application rates and eventually the interrow spacing is left untreated. A comparison study of the conventional and adapted sprayer showed that 37% of the pesticide used was saved using the adapted sprayer whereby the efficacy of the treatments was identical. Pesticide residues on the soil between the fruit trees were negligible pointing to efficient environmental protection.Uvođenjem elektronskih sistema u razvoj novih mašina za zaštitu bilja, postiže se optimizacija efikasnosti tretmana pesticidima što za rezultat ima smanjenje operativnih troškova kao i zaštitu životne okoline. Poznata je činjenica da tretmani pesticidima voćarskih zasada u razvijenim zemljama čine od 30 do 40% troškova proizvodnje dok u nerazvijenim zemljama u kojima su mere zaštite nedovoljne, nastaju veliki gubici u proizvodnji plodova voća. Na konvencionalnim mašinama za zaštitu, rasprskivači izbacuju istu količinu pesticida nezavisno od veličine ciljne površine. Kod voćki sa prostornom krošnjom, mašina nailazi na veoma nehomogeni raspored vegetacije, pa prema tome stvara nehomogenu distribuciju pesticida. Zbog toga, znatne količine pesticida se gube u prostoru između krošnji, ali isto tako i na perifernim delovima krošnje, tamo gde je manja vegetativna masa.U praksi se primenjuju određene norme sredstva za tretiranje da bi se postigao neophodni efekat zaštite u središnjem delu krošnje voćke, ali je ta norma prekomerna za njene periferne delove krošnje. U cilju postizanja kvalitetne zaštite i uzimajući u obzir zaštitu okoline, u agrarno razvijenim zemljama Evrope, primenjuju se uređaji koji pomoću elektronske kontrole sistema, prilagođavaju normu tretiranja stvarnoj količini lisne mase. Sistem omogućava aplikaciju veće norme u središnjem delu voćke, gde ima najviše vegetacije (kod prostornih krošnji), a manje norme na perifernim delovima krošnje kao i bez tretiranja nailaskom na međuprostor biljaka. Uporednim ispitivanjima adaptiranog orošivača navedenim uređajem i konvencijalnog rešenja, postignuta je uštedu do 37% sredstva za orošavanje održavajući pri tom isti kvalitet tretmana za oba slučaja. Pored toga ostvareno znatno manje zagađenje životne sredine što se može registrovati neznatnim prisustvom pesticida koja su deponovana na površini zemljišta između biljaka

    Uticaj konstruktivnih rešenja orošivača na kvalitet zaštite i smanjenje drifta

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    In Serbia classical sprayers with axial low-spray ventilators are still used in pest and disease control in fruit growing. These sprayers are characterized by huge amounts of air discharged into uncontrollable directions. However, the amount of energy utilized is enormous, the quality of control very poor which eventually contributes to environmental pollution. Currently there are various technical solutions for solving the issue in practice. These solutions however have not been tested on scientifically proved grounds in order to enable the right choice of machinery for the use in fruit growing. Considering the above said the need arises to conduct a comparative study of a few technical solutions from the standpoint of exploitation and constructive use in fruit growing. The classical sprayer with low axial spraying ventilars was the control. The investigation also included: a sprayer pointing its air current backward at askance and a sprayer with flexible tubes (OFC) pointing upward at an angle of 20 and 40°. Treatments were conducted in two types of orchards differing in leaf density. The conclusion which emerges is a 20% better quality of the control conducted with sprayers having axial ventilators and flexible tubes and a 30% gain of the preparation used in comparison with the classical sprayer. There were no differences in less dense fruit trees planted at a 3 m distance. The effect of the treatments on the uniformity of the distribution was insignificant. Sprayers with flexible tubes at an angle of 40° tended to increase the variation of the deposited preparation in less dense trees in comparison with dense tree crowns. The amount deposited by sprayers with air currents pointed backward at askance and OFC at an anble of 20° were by 1.3-1.7-fold smaller in less dense trees in comparison with more dense tree crowns.Pri zaštiti voćnjaka u Srbiji se još uvek najviše koriste klasični orošivači sa aksijalnim niskovodenim ventilatorima. Karakteristika tih orošivača je velika količina vazdušne mase neadekvatnog usmerenja, što za posledicu ima angažovanje velike količine energije, loš kvalitet zaštite kao i znatno zagađenje životne sredine. Prisutna je i činjenica da se našoj voćarskoj praksi poslednjih godina nudi veoma veliki broj različitih tehničkih rešenja za zaštitu višegodišnjih zasada. Pojavljivanje velikog broja tehničkih rešenja nije propraćen odgovarajućim ispitivanjima naučnih institucija na osnovu kojih bi se izvršio odabir adekvatnih mašina proizvodnim uslovima u voćarstvu. Imajući na umu navedeno, nametnula se potreba da se obavi konstruktivno i eksploataciono upoređivanje više tehničkih rešenja orošivača koji se nude našoj voćarskoj praksi. Kao baza za poređenje uzet je klasični orošivač sa niskovodenim aksijalnim ventilatorom. Proces ispitivanja je još obuhvatio: orošivač sa usmerenjem vazdušne struje koso unazad i orošivač sa fleksibilnim cevima (OFC) usmerenim pod uglom od 20o i 40o na gore. Tretmani su obavljeni u dva tipa zasada koji se razlikuju po bujnosti. Zaključak je da orošivači sa aksijalnim ventilatorom i fleksibilnim cevima za usmerenje vazdušne struje ostvaruju bolji kvalitet zaštite do 20%, dok se ušteda zaštitnog sredstva kreće i do 30% u odnosu na klasični orošivač. Kod manje bujnih voćaka sa razmakom sadnje od 3 m nisu primećene nikakve razlike. Tretmani su imali neznatan uticaj na uniformnost distribucije izraženu koeficijentom varijacije. Kod orošivača sa fleksibilnim cevima promena ugla mlaza sa 20o na 40o za manje bujne voćke uslovila je povećanje varijacije depozita za razliku od bujnijih gde je primećeno određeno smanjenje varijacije. Količina depozita kod primene orošivači sa usmerenjem vazdušne struje koso unazad i OFC sa uglom usmerenja 20o za manje bujni zasad su bile 1,3-1,7 puta veći nego kod bujnijih stabala

    Eksploatacioni parametri tresača koštičavog voća domaće proizvodnje

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    Lasting several years of experiences in process of mechanical plum and sour cherry harvesting, together with technical solutions of foreign production, made us develop domestic technical solution. By technical advancing of machine prototype, satisfactory functionality and working capacity was reached. Based on our past experiences, we considered that three years period is necessary to perfect shaker prototype by improving its functionality and working capacity. This paper contains short technical description of the machine and two-year exploitation results obtained on different localities in plum and sour cherry orchards. Vibration type machine is consists of two main devices: for tree swinging and for collecting knocked fruits. Principles of machine work are based on reciprocal impact of two masses that result occurrence of inertial forces of fruit in tree fruit canopy. During exploitation period, the shaker was part of a jointed mechanism together with tractor IMT-539, and four workers served it. Obtained results were based on following aggregate work in two years period, and are showing that averagely it takes around 1.5 minutes per tree in first six vegetations of plum orchards. In plum orchard where trees are above seven years old, average time spent per tree was around 2 minutes. Shaking process in both groups was 9-12 seconds. Investigation results of the shaker in sour cherry orchards, no matter of the age was between 1.0-1.5 minutes per tree. The amount of the unshaken fruits in both fruit species was up to 3%, and the amount of the fruit that fell out of the collector was around 1% considering gathered fruits.Višegodišnja iskustva u ranijem vremenskom periodu u procesu mehanizovane berbe šljiva i višanja, tehničkim rešenjima inostrane proizvodnje, navela su nas da pristupimo razvoju domaćeg tehničkog rešenja. Tehničkim usavršavanjem prototipa mašine dostignuta je zadovoljavajuća funkcionalnost i radni kapacitet. Period od tri godine smatrali smo neophodnim, da na osnovu prethodnih iskustava, usavršimo prototip tresača, poboljšavajući mu fukcionalnost i kapacitet rada. Rad sadrži kratak tehnički opis mašine i rezultate dvogodišnje eksploatacije koja je realizovana na različitim lokalitetima u zasadima šljive i višnje. Mašina vibracionog tipa sastoji se od dva glavna uređaja: za njihanje voćke i za prihvatanje otrešenih plodova. Princip rada mašine se zasniva na međusobnom dejstvu dveju masa koje prouzrokuju pojavu inercijalnih sila plodova u krošnji voćke. Tokom eksploatacionog ispitivanja tresač je bio agregatiran s traktorom IMT–539 a opsluživalo ga je četiri radnika. Rezultati dobijeni na osnovu dvogodišnjeg praćenja rada navedenog agregata pokazuju da je u proseku potrebno oko 1,5 min vremena po stablu u zasadima šljive starosti do 6 godina. U zasadima šljive starosti iznad 7 godina prosečno utrošeno vreme po stablu je iznosilo oko 2 min. Sam proces trešenja i jednih i drugih stabala je iznosio od 9–12 s. Rezultati ispitivanja tresača u zasadima višnje, bez obzira na starost, se kretala između 1,0–1,5 min/stablu. Količina neotrešenih plodova kod obe vrste voća se kretala do 3% a količina plodova koja je pala van uređaja za prihvatanje je iznosila oko 1% u odnosu na prikupljene plodove

    Tehnološki i tehnički aspekti mehanizovane sadnje višegodišnjih zasada

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    A good spatial distribution and adequate choice of the orchard establishment system will enable the application of mechanisation decreasing thereby the share of manpower in major labour processes and increasing simultaneously productivity in fruit growing. The results of fruit tree planting were analysed showing productivity of technical equipment used. The study focused on single drill tractor, hydroborer and automatic planter output. Based on the results obtained the output achieved was the highest in using planter, followed by hydroborer and drill. Holedrilling output depended mostly on terraine, soil preparation and training of those in charge of aggregates.Dobra organizacija teritorije i adekvatan izbor sistema uzgoja zasada, omogućuje primenu mehanizacije tako da se udeo ljudskog rada u obavljanju radnih operacija znatno smanjuje i time povećava produktivnost pri gajenju višegodišnjih zasada. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize produktivnosti tehničkih sredstava koja se koriste u sadnji višegodišnjih zasada. Istraživanja su obuhvatila određivanje učinka pri radu traktorske bušilice sa jednom burgijom, hidrobura i pluautomatske sadilice. Analiza rezultata pokazuje da se najveći učinci ostvaruje primenom sadilica, zatim hidroburom a najmanji korišćenjem bušilice. Učinak kod svih načina bušenja rupa u znatnoj meri zavisi od vrste terena, tipa i pripremljenosti zemljišta kao i od obučenosti rukovaoca agregatima

    Eksploatacioni pokazatelji rada traktorskomašinskih agregata za osnovnu obradu zemljišta u višegodišnjim zasadima

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    Basic land cultivation in orchards with the aim of loosening the soil is of major importance affecting both growth and development of plants, yield and quality of fruits. The right choice of agricultural machinery presents the precondition in intensive production. Determination of optimal parameters in the employment of agricultural machinery and its appropriate choice are of principal interest for the improvement of fruit growing and cultivation. The aim of the research was to determine both energetic and exploitation parameters of different tractors and machinery aggregates in basic soil cultivation. The analysis of the data obtained was used to choose the optimal system and pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of different types of cultivation. The results obtained from the investigation of basic soil cultivation in inter-rows showed the most rational cultivation using plough pseudo because the depth achieved was 14.27 cm, speed 6.47 km/h, consumption 7.28 l/ha and output 8.23 ha/day. Under arid conditions without irrigation it is necessary to employ soil cultivation on the whole area in order to regulate the water-air properties of the soil, contribute to an appropriate structure by breaking the crust and controlling weeds and in that way achieve high yields and profitability.Osnovna obrada višegodišnjih zasada kojom se održava zemljište u rastresitom stanju, ima veliki uticaj na rast i razviće biljaka, prinos i kvalitet plodova. Intenzivna proizvodnja je uslovljena i pravilnim izborom sredstava mehanizacije. Za unapređenje voćarske proizvodnje značajno je obaviti pravilan izbor i utvrditi optimalne parametre primene pojedinih sredstava mehanizacije. Predmet istraživanja je utvrđivanje energetskih i eksploatacionih parametara rada različitih traktorsko-mašinskih agregata pri osnovnoj obradi. Izbor optimalnog sistema proizilazi iz analize dobijenih podataka, koji ukazuju na prednosti i nedostatke pojedinih načina obrade. Rezultati ispitivanja sredstava mehanizacije u osnovnoj obradi u međuredu pokazali su da se najracionalnija obrada ostvarila sa čizel plugom. Njegovim korišćenjem postignuta je dubina rada 14,27 cm, brzina 6,47 km/h, potrošnja 7,28 l/ha goriva i ostvaren učinak od 8,23 ha/dan. U aridnim uslovima bez navodnjavanja neophodna je obrade zemljišta na čitavoj površini u cilju regulisanja vodno-vazdušnih osobina zemljišta, stvaranja pogodne strukture razbijanja pokorice i uništavanja korovske vegetacije, da bi se ostvarili visoki prinosi i ekonomična proizvodnj