The paper shows the results of the three year long experiments with hidraulic
pruner HR-85 for pruning apple kinds (Starking Delicious, Jonathan, Golden Delicious)
on stock seedling. The increase of height band width of crown during the period of
investigation was different and was dependent of kind, wey of pruning and years of
investigation. Necessary time for pruning ranged with: mechanized pruning from 14,47
(Jonathan) to 17,59 s/tree(Starking Delicious); mechanized pruning with hand correction
from 569,46 (Golden Delicious) to 585,79 s/tree (Starking Delicious); with hand pruning
from 832,53 (Jonathan) to 976,60 s/tree (Golden Delicious). Average working spedd was
2,18 (Starking Delicious) to 2,64 km/h (Golden Delicious). The efficiency of the pruner
is 52,24 (Starking Delicious) to 64,82 (Golden Delicious) times higher than manual
pruning. On the basis of investigation it was established that with: Starking Delicious
kind there is the influence of wey of pruning to the yield; Jonathan and Golden Delicious
kinds there is no the influence of wey of pruning to the yield.U radu su dati trogodišnji rezultati ispitivanja hidrauličnog rezača HR-85 u
rezidbi jabuke (starking, jonatan, zlatni delišes) na podlozi sejanac. Prirast visine i širine
krune u ispitivanom periodu bio je različit i zavisio je od sorte, načina rezidbe i godine
ispitivanja. Vreme za rezidbu kretalo se kod mehanizovane rezidbe od 14,47 (jonatan) do
17,59 (starking) s/stablo; mehanizovane rezidbe sa ručnom korekcijom od 569,46 (zlatni
delišes) do 585,79 (starking) s/stablo; kod ručne rezidbe od 832,53 (jonatan) do 976,60
(zlatni delišes) s/stablo. Kod jabuke starking postoji, a kod jabuka jonatan i zlatni
delišes ne postoji uticaj različitih načina rezidbe na prinos