Uslovi mehanizovane berbe maline i kupine


Mechanized processes of raspberry and blackberry harvesting evolved to a great part from the fact that the share of manual harvesting acounts for about 70% of the total production costs. The rising trends of raspberry and blackberry production in some European countries (primarily Poland and Hungary), i.e. EU member countries, has greatly increased competitiveness on the domestic market. In our country raspberry and blackberry were produced on smaller farms using manual harvesting. In the EU member countries the enhanced development of raspberry and blackberry production is characterized by large raspberry and blackberry fields with mechanized labor processes including harvesting. This type of production has decreased production costs and exploitation of orchards including the price of raspberry and blackberry on the world market. The aim of the study was to define exploitation and technical parameters effecting the possibility of mechanized harvesting achieving high profitability and ensuring high quality of the fruits harvested. In addition the experience of mechanized harvesting of raspberry under the conditions of our country is described. Tractor aggregates or self propelled machines are considered acceptable from the standpoint of our knowledge and experience in the harvesting of small fruits depending however on the growing system and size of the orchard. Taking into consideration the high price of the machines and the sensitivity of small fruits the improvement of the machine can be achieved by adding the parts required thus contributing to a rational and profitable use.Činjenica da ručna berba maline i kupine učestvuje i do 70 % ukupnih troškova proizvodnje, upućuje na nužnost mehanizovanja procesa berbe. Tendencija povećanja proizvodnje maline i kupine u nekim državama Evrope (pre svih Poljska i Mađarska) kao članica Evropske Unije, pooštrava konkurenciju domaćoj proizvodnji koja se do sada skoro isključivo ostvarivala na manjim posedima sa ručnom berbom. Ubrzan razvoj proizvodnje malina i kupina u navedenim državama karakteriše veliki plantažni zasadi sa primenom mehanizacije za obavljanje svih radnih operacija kao i procesa berbe. Takv način proizvodnje utiče na smanjenje troškova uzgoja i eksploatacije zasada a time i cene maline i kupine na svetskom tržištu. U radu su definisani eksploatacioni i tehnički parametri koji utiču na mogućnosti mehanizovanja berbe uz ostvarivanje visoke produktivnosti i obezbeđenje potrebnog kvaliteta ubranih plodova. Izneta su neka iskustva u mehanizovanoj berbi plantažnih zasada maline u našim uslovima. Iskustva i saznanja u primeni mašina za berbu jagodastog voća pokazuju da tehnička rešenja, zavisno od sistema uzgoja i veličine zasada, mogu biti koncipirana kao traktorski agregat ili samohodne mašine. Osnovna konstrukcije trba da omogući jednostavnu adaptaciju dodavanjem odgovarajućih uređaja i time postigne njena univerzalnost. Univerzalnost mašina treba da omogućuje racionalnost u nabavci i korišćenju obzirom da su veoma skupe i da berba pojedinih vrsta jagodastog voća traje kratko

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