Eksploatacioni parametri tresača koštičavog voća domaće proizvodnje


Lasting several years of experiences in process of mechanical plum and sour cherry harvesting, together with technical solutions of foreign production, made us develop domestic technical solution. By technical advancing of machine prototype, satisfactory functionality and working capacity was reached. Based on our past experiences, we considered that three years period is necessary to perfect shaker prototype by improving its functionality and working capacity. This paper contains short technical description of the machine and two-year exploitation results obtained on different localities in plum and sour cherry orchards. Vibration type machine is consists of two main devices: for tree swinging and for collecting knocked fruits. Principles of machine work are based on reciprocal impact of two masses that result occurrence of inertial forces of fruit in tree fruit canopy. During exploitation period, the shaker was part of a jointed mechanism together with tractor IMT-539, and four workers served it. Obtained results were based on following aggregate work in two years period, and are showing that averagely it takes around 1.5 minutes per tree in first six vegetations of plum orchards. In plum orchard where trees are above seven years old, average time spent per tree was around 2 minutes. Shaking process in both groups was 9-12 seconds. Investigation results of the shaker in sour cherry orchards, no matter of the age was between 1.0-1.5 minutes per tree. The amount of the unshaken fruits in both fruit species was up to 3%, and the amount of the fruit that fell out of the collector was around 1% considering gathered fruits.Višegodišnja iskustva u ranijem vremenskom periodu u procesu mehanizovane berbe šljiva i višanja, tehničkim rešenjima inostrane proizvodnje, navela su nas da pristupimo razvoju domaćeg tehničkog rešenja. Tehničkim usavršavanjem prototipa mašine dostignuta je zadovoljavajuća funkcionalnost i radni kapacitet. Period od tri godine smatrali smo neophodnim, da na osnovu prethodnih iskustava, usavršimo prototip tresača, poboljšavajući mu fukcionalnost i kapacitet rada. Rad sadrži kratak tehnički opis mašine i rezultate dvogodišnje eksploatacije koja je realizovana na različitim lokalitetima u zasadima šljive i višnje. Mašina vibracionog tipa sastoji se od dva glavna uređaja: za njihanje voćke i za prihvatanje otrešenih plodova. Princip rada mašine se zasniva na međusobnom dejstvu dveju masa koje prouzrokuju pojavu inercijalnih sila plodova u krošnji voćke. Tokom eksploatacionog ispitivanja tresač je bio agregatiran s traktorom IMT–539 a opsluživalo ga je četiri radnika. Rezultati dobijeni na osnovu dvogodišnjeg praćenja rada navedenog agregata pokazuju da je u proseku potrebno oko 1,5 min vremena po stablu u zasadima šljive starosti do 6 godina. U zasadima šljive starosti iznad 7 godina prosečno utrošeno vreme po stablu je iznosilo oko 2 min. Sam proces trešenja i jednih i drugih stabala je iznosio od 9–12 s. Rezultati ispitivanja tresača u zasadima višnje, bez obzira na starost, se kretala između 1,0–1,5 min/stablu. Količina neotrešenih plodova kod obe vrste voća se kretala do 3% a količina plodova koja je pala van uređaja za prihvatanje je iznosila oko 1% u odnosu na prikupljene plodove

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