11 research outputs found

    Operationalization, implications and correlates of the cultural deviance criterion for ICD-11 and DSM-5 prolonged grief disorder

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    Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) is included in ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR and includes a requirement of cultural deviance. This study examined endorsement rates and factors associated with endorsement of this criterion among Danish bereaved spouses (n = 425) and their adult children (n = 159) four years post-loss. In total, 7.5% (n = 44) participants endorsed this criterion. Both including and excluding the criterion, the prevalence rates for probable DSM-5-TR PGD were 1.4% (n = 8) and 1.7% (n = 10), respectively and for probable ICD-11 PGD were 1.4% (n = 8) and 2.2% (n = 13), respectively. Age and gender of the deceased, age of the bereaved, greater grief severity, and comorbid psychopathology were positively associated with endorsement of the criterion. Findings demonstrate low endorsement of the cultural deviation criterion, that its inclusion excludes several potential PGD cases, and unanticipated associations with several factors raise questions about the criterion’s validity

    Increased Neural Activity of a Mushroom Body Neuron Subtype in the Brains of Forager Honeybees

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    Honeybees organize a sophisticated society, and the workers transmit information about the location of food sources using a symbolic dance, known as ‘dance communication’. Recent studies indicate that workers integrate sensory information during foraging flight for dance communication. The neural mechanisms that account for this remarkable ability are, however, unknown. In the present study, we established a novel method to visualize neural activity in the honeybee brain using a novel immediate early gene, kakusei, as a marker of neural activity. The kakusei transcript was localized in the nuclei of brain neurons and did not encode an open reading frame, suggesting that it functions as a non-coding nuclear RNA. Using this method, we show that neural activity of a mushroom body neuron subtype, the small-type Kenyon cells, is prominently increased in the brains of dancer and forager honeybees. In contrast, the neural activity of the two mushroom body neuron subtypes, the small-and large-type Kenyon cells, is increased in the brains of re-orienting workers, which memorize their hive location during re-orienting flights. These findings demonstrate that the small-type Kenyon cell-preferential activity is associated with foraging behavior, suggesting its involvement in information integration during foraging flight, which is an essential basis for dance communication

    Olfactory learning without the mushroom bodies: spiking neural network models of the honeybee lateral antennal lobe tract reveal its capacities in odour memory tasks of varied complexities

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    The honeybee olfactory system is a well-established model for understanding functional mechanisms of learning and memory. Olfactory stimuli are first processed in the antennal lobe, and then transferred to the mushroom body and lateral horn through dual pathways termed medial and lateral antennal lobe tracts (m-ALT and l-ALT). Recent studies reported that honeybees can perform elemental learning by associating an odour with a reward signal even after lesions in m-ALT or blocking the mushroom bodies. To test the hypothesis that the lateral pathway (l-ALT) is sufficient for elemental learning, we modelled local computation within glomeruli in antennal lobes with axons of projection neurons connecting to a decision neuron (LHN) in the lateral horn. We show that inhibitory spike-timing dependent plasticity (modelling non-associative plasticity by exposure to different stimuli) in the synapses from local neurons to projection neurons decorrelates the projection neurons’ outputs. The strength of the decorrelations is regulated by global inhibitory feedback within antennal lobes to the projection neurons. By additionally modelling octopaminergic modification of synaptic plasticity among local neurons in the antennal lobes and projection neurons to LHN connections, the model can discriminate and generalize olfactory stimuli. Although positive patterning can be accounted for by the l-ALT model, negative patterning requires further processing and mushroom body circuits. Thus, our model explains several–but not all–types of associative olfactory learning and generalization by a few neural layers of odour processing in the l-ALT. As an outcome of the combination between non-associative and associative learning, the modelling approach allows us to link changes in structural organization of honeybees' antennal lobes with their behavioural performances over the course of their life