147 research outputs found

    『絵本通宝志』にみる橘守国の作画法 ―巻五上「太公望」を中心に―

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    本論では、江戸時代中期の絵師、橘守国(延宝七(一六七九)年―寛延元(一七四八)年)画作『絵本通宝志』(享保十四(一七二九)年刊、以下『通宝志』)を、「太公望図」を中心に分析することにより、守国が行った作画方法を明らかにし、守国作品の位置づけを試みる。今回の分析から、守国の作図は画題が持つ複数の定型表現を取り合わせて行われていると推定できた。これは、守国が狩野派に学んだ知識を絵師の需要に即して変容させたものであると考えるものである。近世中期以降、町絵師が増加することで、粉本に対する需要が増していた。狩野探幽の弟子である鶴澤探山に学んだ橘守国は、その需要に応じるように大坂で多くの絵手本を作成した。それらの絵手本は浮世絵師を含む町絵師に大きな影響を及ぼしたことで知られる。本論で扱う守国画作の『通宝志』は、柏原屋より刊行された絵手本である。様々な画題を紹介し、人物図や和漢の故事画題に関しては解説を付す形式をとる。自序に従えば、守国は、作画の際に先例となる図様を粉本として用いるべきだと考えており、粉本として『通宝志』を手掛けたという。この主張は典型的な粉本主義と同種のものだと言える一方で、図様の中には先例から逸脱したものが少なくない。特に、巻五上にはその傾向が強く表れる。巻五上は、狩野永徳以来宝永年間まで狩野派が描き続けてきた賢聖障子(けんじょうのそうじ)という画題を掲載している。賢聖障子とは、三二人の漢人物を描いた紫宸殿を飾る画題であり、守国が狩野派の粉本を目にしていたと推測される。しかし、守国が描く賢聖の図は狩野派画の賢聖障子資料と同一の構図ではない。粉本主義の主張と、描いた作品の独自性という矛盾に対し、本論では「太公望図」を中心として分析を行った。その結果、太公望図には、舶載の漢籍などに由来する肖像画的な系統と、故事を絵画化した系統の二系統が存在することが判明した。また、守国の作画は両者を取り入れていることが判明した。これは賢聖障子の画題紹介をすると同時に、絵師の需要に即した図を守国が作画したものであると推測する。このことから、『通宝志』巻五上から見る守国作品は、絵画領域において狩野派という雅文化の知識を、庶民文化へと普及させる一翼を担ったと考えられ、知識が庶民文化へ伝達される近世中期的特徴と一致するものである。In the 18th century, books classified as e-dehon (絵手本) or gafu (画譜), which are illustration books for painters to use in their works, were published in Osaka (大坂). Although these were low-brow media as printed books, some painters who studied drawing from such highly regarded schools as Kanoh-ha (狩野派), the most popular school in the Edo period, made e-dehon and gafu. This characteristic coincides with the character of the 18th century, a period where high culture and low culture converged.Tachibana Morikuni (橘守国) was a painter who studied the methods of the Kanoh-ha school and made many e-dehon in this period. The e-dehon by Morikuni influenced many painters, and this study focuses particularly on the influence on ukiyoe-shi (浮世絵師). Meanwhile, the influences on Morikuni himself are rarely discussed. What knowledge and drawing theories did Morikuni learn from the Kanoh-ha? How did Morikuni use this knowledge and theory in his work? In an attempt to answer these questions, this paper analyzes an illustration of Taikobo (太公望) found in “E-hon Tsuhoushi (絵本通宝志)” Volume 5 by Morikuni.Volume 5 of “E-hon Tsuhoushi” introduces “Kenjo-no-soji (賢聖障子)”, an illustration of 32 Chinese people set at the shishinden (紫宸殿), the hall where royal ceremonies were held. Taikobo is one of the Chinese people depicted in this illustration. The Kanoh-ha school considered tracing to be the most important aspect of painting, and Morikuni made the same assertion in “E-hon Tsuhoushi”. Thus, one would expect that Morikuni would draw the illustrations to be the same as the original “Kenjo-no-soji” in “E-hon Tsuhoushi”. However, the illustrations in “E-hon Tsuhoushi” are different from the original “Kenjo-no-soji” by Kanoh-ha. Based on an analysis of Taikobo, this paper infers that the illustration was made from two traditional Kanoh-ha illustrations. In other words, Morikuni did not deviate from his claim when he made the new Taikobo illustration.These illustrations were likely drawn in response to requests from purchasers such as machieshi (町絵師), painters who also painted for townspeople. The original illustration of kenjo-no-soji is too prestigious for machieshi to use. By adopting Kanoh-ha theory and drawing new illustrations in response to the demands of machieshi, Morikuni successfully made new illustrations that were more convenient for them

    E Naʻauao Pū, E Noiʻi Pū, E Noelo Pū: Research Support for Hawaiian Studies

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    This report presents findings and recommendations from a local study conducted with Hawaiian Studies and Hawaiian Language faculty from multiple University of Hawaiʻi (UH) campuses. The report highlights scholars' research experiences and practices, as well as the ways in which research methods are taught in the field of Hawaiian Studies. The report provides direction for libraries on how we can better meet the needs of Hawaiian Studies scholars as the UH System reaffirms its commitment and responsibility to the Indigenous people, culture, and language of Hawaiʻi

    I Waiwai No Ka ʻĀina: Sustaining Libraries Through Hawaiian Understandings of Environment

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    Presentation slidesIn this session we will look at understandings of mālama ʻāina, through the framework of the ahupuaʻa system, and apply those guiding principles to the contemporary functionality of a library. We will discuss how traditional ideas of resource management can serve as a parallel to the various aspects of library operations such as creating policy, collection development, partnerships and collaboration, community engagement, and more. We will also look at how Hawaiian understandings of environment can better ground and sustain our libraries for a thriving community

    Fragment Molecular Orbital Molecular Dynamics with the Fully Analytic Energy Gradient

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    Fragment molecular orbital molecular dynamics (FMO-MD) with periodic boundary conditions is performed on liquid water using the analytic energy gradient, the electrostatic potential point charge approximation, and the electrostatic dimer approximation. Compared to previous FMO-MD simulations of water that used an approximate energy gradient, inclusion of the response terms to provide a fully analytic energy gradient results in better energy conservation in the NVE ensemble for liquid water. An FMO-MD simulation that includes the fully analytic energy gradient and two body corrections (FMO2) gives improved energy conservation compared with a previously calculated FMO-MD simulation with an approximate energy gradient and including up to three body corrections (FMO3)

    Application of TensorFlow to recognition of visualized results of fragment molecular orbital (FMO) calculations

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    We have applied Google's TensorFlow deep learning toolkit to recognize the visualized results of the fragment molecular orbital (FMO) calculations. Typical protein structures of alpha-helix and beta-sheet provide some characteristic patterns in the two-dimensional map of inter-fragment interaction energy termed as IFIE-map (Kurisaki et al., Biophys. Chem. 130 (2007) 1). A thousand of IFIE-map images with labels depending on the existences of alpha-helix and beta-sheet were prepared by employing 18 proteins and 3 non-protein systems and were subjected to training by TensorFlow. Finally, TensorFlow was fed with new data to test its ability to recognize the structural patterns. We found that the characteristic structures in test IFIE-map images were judged successfully. Thus the ability of pattern recognition of IFIE-map by TensorFlow was proven.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, 4 table


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    大坂の書肆、柏原屋(渋川清右衛門、稱觥堂)は、渋川版と称される『御伽文庫』や、『女大学宝箱』等を出版したことで知られる。一方で、鈴木春信をはじめとする浮世絵師に影響を与えた橘守国画作『絵本写宝袋』(享保五(一七二〇)年刊)、合羽摺り絵本の嚆矢となった大岡春卜画『明朝紫硯』(延享三(一七四六)年刊)等を刊行し、大坂を中心とした享保期以降の絵本流行を支えた板元の一つにも数えられる。これらの影響を考えれば、絵本研究の視点から柏原屋の活動を明らかにする意義は大きい。この考えに基づき、本稿では柏原屋の初期絵本を取り上げ、その出版活動を論じることで、享保期における絵本流行の一端を明らかにすることを目的とする。享保五(一七二〇)年以前の成立となる柏原屋の絵本広告には、『絵本草源氏』『絵本清書帳』『絵本稽古帳』『絵本たから蔵』『絵本忘草』『絵本ふくらすゝめ』『絵本手帳綱目』『万物絵本大全』の八作品が載る。本稿では、これらを柏原屋が刊行した初期における絵本として取り上げ、その書誌を記すと共に作品の成立過程について考察することで、柏原屋の絵本出版の諸特徴を把握することに努める。この伝本調査により、柏原屋の刊記を有する『絵本清書帳』は『絵本手帳綱目』を求板後に改修した内容を持つこと、板木の改修跡より『絵本稽古帳』や『絵本忘草』等の作品が求板版であること等が判明した。また、これらは伝本の少ない稀覯本であるが、上述の作品に対する考察や、作品の構成に改修によって生じたと推測される不和が認められることから、初期の柏原屋絵本が総じて後修本である可能性が高いと判断する。『絵本手帳綱目』、『絵本ふくらすゝめ』、『万物絵本大全』を除く作品に柏原屋の刊記が確認され、全ての伝本が「享保三年五月」(一七一八)の年記を有する。しかし、刊記の分析を行った結果、これら八作品の印時期にはずれが生じている可能性があると推測できる。則ち、柏原屋は享保五年以前に八種の絵本板木を有していたものの、作品によって印・修の時期が大きく異なる可能性を指摘するKashiwara-ya is an Osaka bookstore well-known for publishing Otogi-bunko, a collection of illustrated short stories called Shibukawa-ban, in the Edo period. The bookstore also published many ehon, or books featuring illustrations, that are significant works for ehon studies including Ehon-Shahoubukuro and Minchoshiken. Although Kashiwara-ya played an important role in publishing ehon after the Kyoho era, preceding studies have not considered Kashiwara-ya as a publisher of ehon. Thus, this study investigates Kashiwara-ya’s early works and considers its publication activity.Eight books—Ehon-kusagenji, Ehon-seishocho, Ehon-keikocho, Ehon-takaragura, Ehon-techokomoku, Ehon-wasuregusa, Ehon-fukurasuzume and Banbutsu-ehon-taizen—are listed in a Kashiwara-ya advertisement published before 1720. This paper considers these books to be Kashiwara-ya’s early works. These books were published to provide patterns of paintings for artists. Since this has rarely been examined in preceding studies, this paper compiles a bibliography and identifies the characteristics of these early works.The paper first organizes a bibliography of each work and makes inferences, e.g. woodblocks of Ehon-techokomoku were bought by Kashiwara-ya and the bookstore repaired them to sell them as Ehon-seishocho. As a result of such inferences and mismatches in the composition of the eight books, it is also possible to ascertain the possibility that almost all the woodblocks used in Kashiwara-ya’s early works were repaired after purchase, i.e. these early works were not made by Kashiwara-ya.Secondly, the paper analyzes diversity in publication dates. Although Kashiwara-ya’s early works have same publication date of 1718, these descriptions are unreliable because the woodblocks of the publication dates were allocated among o-hon, one of the formats of Japanese books. The degrees of frictional wear of the woodblocks are different, and this difference tells us the sequence of printing.A hypothesis concerning Kashiwara-ya’s early works is derived based on the above. Although Kashiwara-ya had woodblocks to publish eight ehon and had rights to publish them before 1718, the eight books were not published at the same time

    The Dynamics of Ca2+ Ions within the Solvation Shell of Calbindin D9k

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    The encounter of a Ca2+ ion with a protein and its subsequent binding to specific binding sites is an intricate process that cannot be fully elucidated from experimental observations. We have applied Molecular Dynamics to study this process with atomistic details, using Calbindin D9k (CaB) as a model protein. The simulations show that in most of the time the Ca2+ ion spends within the Debye radius of CaB, it is being detained at the 1st and 2nd solvation shells. While being detained near the protein, the diffusion coefficient of the ion is significantly reduced. However, due to the relatively long period of detainment, the ion can scan an appreciable surface of the protein. The enhanced propagation of the ion on the surface has a functional role: significantly increasing the ability of the ion to scan the protein's surface before being dispersed to the bulk. The contribution of this mechanism to Ca2+ binding becomes significant at low ion concentrations, where the intervals between successive encounters with the protein are getting longer. The efficiency of the surface diffusion is affected by the distribution of charges on the protein's surface. Comparison of the Ca2+ binding dynamics in CaB and its E60D mutant reveals that in the wild type (WT) protein the carboxylate of E60 function as a preferred landing-site for the Ca2+ arriving from the bulk, followed by delivering it to the final binding site. Replacement of the glutamate by aspartate significantly reduced the ability to transfer Ca2+ ions from D60 to the final binding site, explaining the observed decrement in the affinity of the mutated protein to Ca2+