778 research outputs found

    Linking markemes in Russian and British literary texts of the first half of the nineteenth century

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    The paper aims at visualizing and analyzing the markeme links in literary texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of nineteenth century. According to the target goal, the tasks of determining the preferred markeme links between the authors, substantial study of maximum force markeme links and comparing the linking markeme vocabulary in Russian and English literary texts have been solved. The topicality of this study is conditioned by the need to devise the ways of cognitive-graphical representations of analytic data and their semantic interpretation and by the scarcity of comparative quantitative studies of the language of Russian and English literary texts, which could present information for comparative and typological analysis of language and literary processes.The study of markeme links is one of the ways of formalized content analysis of the text. The scientists identified regularities to which the texts in natural languages are subject. This enables the use of the mathematical apparatus in linguistic studies. The use of both digital and traditional linguistic studies methods allows analyzing text corpora with mathematical and statistical methods and composing national text corpora, corpora of translations, interactive maps, creating social networks of writers, poets, philosophers, modeling script texts into picture line, analyzing text sentiment, running network analysis and so on. This article suggests analyzing markeme links of maximum force in pairs of authors when comparing “with each other”. The method of markeme analysis proposed by A.A. Kretov as one of the means to formalize the semantical analysis of the text is used to solve the set tasks. It provides a means of presenting a complete picture of literary works language markeme composition of any chronological interval or historical period. It also gives the possibility to analyze texts practically of any wordage. Besides the method of markeme analysis allows analyzing markeme composition of literary (especially - fiction) works of individual authors or groups of authors, markeme specifications and the influence of social and cultural processes on markeme dynamics, studying the evolution of markeme vocabulary through several chronological intervals and establishing literary and genetic links between authors who belong to the same or different chronological intervals an individual DH prospect developed by A.A. Kretov, his colleagues and scholars. Its potential is not limited with solving the given problems. As a qualitative and quantitative analysis, markemological studies employ markeme analysis as a method. This method allows formalizing semantic analysis of texts. Markeme analysis is a method of computer-based identification of keywords, or markemes, followed by visualization of obtained data in the form of bar graphs, charts, graphs, clusters that undergo semantic interpretation. A.A. Kretov developed sharply defined notions on how to identify markemes using a special formula to calculate author's weight or Index of Textual Markedness. The computational formula expresses functionality between a frequency weight and a length weight of a word. As the length weight of a word is constant because it depends on the length of the word in letters or sounds, it is the value of frequency weight that determines the value of InTeM. When a word distribution in the text exceeds a standard frequency distribution threshold for this word, the value of its InTeM becomes positive thereby expressing the level of significance for the word in the particular text. The texts are processed with word thematic analysis manipulation programs “TemAl” and “ProTemAl-Engl” developed in Voronezh State University. “TemAl” processes Russian texts and “ProTemAl-Engl” does the same with English texts. These programs calculate the value of InTeM for each word as well. To guarantee comparability of markeme weights of different authors the procedure of normalizing InTeM values is carried out. This is due to the fact that too often there is great difference both in number of works and their length in words written by different authors and their availability in digital form. InTeM normalizing eliminates their incorrect correlation. The analysis of linking markemes that establish markeme links between two or more authors allows determining the degree of markeme similarity between the authors of chronological interval. Mutual markemes are selected from each author markeme list. Index of Markeme Similarity (IMaS) is the measurable parameter that gives possibility to determine the degree of generality of markeme lexicon of two authors. The computation of IMaS in each pair of authors belonging to the chronological interval is based on the value of total normalized indices of textual markedness of their mutual markemes. The mutual markemes of those two writers that have the largest value of IMaS are their linking markemes. The value of IMaS determines the power of markeme link. When the value of IMaS is the largest for only one writer in the pair, a directional or oriented link of maximum power is formed. In case the value of IMaS is the largest for both writers in the pair, mutually oriented link is formed between them. The present study results in the analysis of linking markemes in the texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of the nineteenth century in reference to the distinguished centre of attraction. The method of visualizing the links between the authors who belong to the same chronological interval allows to distinguish the centre of attraction and intermediate centres of zero, first and second degree, to compute the power of centripetal links, to stratify and analyze linking markemes, to study markeme specificity of the centre of attraction and to distinguish markemes that provide an indirect link between the centre of attraction and intermediate centres. The use of the algorithm of visualizing markeme relations between the authors provides a means of revealing existing centrifugal and centripetal markeme links between the writers, distinguishing the centre of attraction, identifying its major figures and the authors who have direct or indirect markeme links of maximum force with each of them. Obtained data make it possible to compute the power of the center of attraction and the semantic study of maximum force markeme links leads to the specification of both the intermediate centres that are represented by key figures of the centre of attraction and the centre of attraction itself

    Interdisciplinary study of the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia (1970–2022)*

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    Publisher Copyright: © V. Menshikov, J. Kudins, A. Kokarevica, V. Komarova, E. Cizo, 2023.The article aims at identifying the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia. The main research question is whether it is possible in the near future to increase fertility in Latvia, as planned in the “Strategy for the Reproduction of the Nation FAMILY — LATVIA — 2030 (2050)”. The authors conducted the mathematical analysis of fertility in Latvia for the medium-term period of 1970–2022 (53 years), which includes two decades of the so-called “Soviet era” and the period of independence after the collapse of the USSR. The study is based on the available data of the official Latvian statistics on the total fertility rate. The novelty of this interdisciplinary — demographic, economic and sociological — study is determined by the use of mathematical analysis to identify demographic trends, which is not typical for the publications of Latvian and foreign researchers. The study is also based on the theory of economic cycles to identify demographic fertility cycles and their phases in Latvia and to predict fertility rates in Latvia for the near future. Furthermore, the analysis of the sociological surveys data allowed to understand the main reason for the steady — in the medium-term perspective — linear decline in fertility in Latvia. This reason is value changes in the society, in which children are no longer at the center of the life value system of men and especially women in Latvia, i.e., are no longer considered necessary for the realization of their life goals and ambitions. Based on the results of the mathematical analysis of the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia, the authors believe that the decline in fertility in Latvia will continue for several more years before the bottom of the next demographic fertility cycle will be reached (and this bottom will be lower than the previous one, i.e., below 1.22 –1.25), and there will be an upturn in a linearly declining fertility trend. However, even this expected rise will not reach the previous peak; the next peak is likely to be below 1.74. Thus, the desired and even expected by the creators of the “Strategy for the Reproduction of the Nation” increase in fertility in Latvia to the level of 1.77 by 2027 is considered by the authors unattainable.Peer reviewe


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    Angiotensin II, aldosterone, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) stimulate neoangiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, and elaboration of proinflammatory cytokines, which in turn contributes to increased pannus mass and the development of joint tissue destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Objective: to establish the specific features of changes in the blood levels of angiotensin II, aldosterone, and FGF in patients with RA in relation to the duration and severity of the disease.Subjects and methods. Examinations were made in 194 patients diagnosed with RA without comorbidity; the patients’ mean age was 47.7±10.2 years; the disease duration was 3.82±3.43 years. DAS28 scores for RA were calculated based on C-reactive protein levels. An enzyme immunoassay was used to determine the serum levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACCPA), angiotensin II, aldosterone, and FGF.Results and discussion. All the examinees were ascertained to have increases in the concentration of angiotensin II and aldosterone in blood by twice and in that of FGF by 2.5 times compared to the controls (p < 0.05). In patients with a RA duration of < 2 years, the blood level of angiotensin II was 25% higher than in those with a RA duration of > 5 years and the concentrations of aldosterone and FGF in patients with long-term RA were twice as high as in those with early RA. In patients with high RA activity, the blood level of angiotensin II was 1.5-fold higher than in those with low and moderate disease activity (p < 0.05). In patients with a high blood ACCPA level, the concentrations of angiotensin II, aldosterone, and FGF were 20, 30, and 25%, respectively, higher than in those with low ACCPA levels. The correlation of DAS28 with blood angiotensin II levels increased with enhanced RA activity. The high aldosterone and FGF values in RA patients are associated with the progression of joint radiographic changes

    The Multiband Photometry of GRB Host Galaxies: Comparison with the Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby and Theoretical Modeling Galaxies

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    We present one of the results of BVRIBVRI photometry of the hosts of GRB for the host galaxy of GRB 970508 and the theoretical modeling of its continuum spectral energy distribution (SED) to show that it is important to take into account internal extinction in the host galaxies. We compared the BVRI broad-band flux spectrum of the host to template SEDs of local starburst galaxies and found that there is a significant internal extintion in this host. Moreover, this comparison allows us to derive the absolute magnitude (M_{B_{rest}}) and rouhgly estimate reddening (A_V). Population synthesis modeling of the continuum SED for different reddening laws demostrates that the observational data of the host galaxy of GRB 970508 are best fitted by the spectral properties of a model SED with extinction of A_V\approx 2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, poster presentation on 2nd Rome Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Er

    Resting-state functional connectivity in deaf and hearing individuals and its link to executive processing

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    Sensory experience shapes brain structure and function, and it is likely to influence the organisation of functional networks of the brain, including those involved in cognitive processing. Here we investigated the influence of early deafness on the organisation of resting-state networks of the brain and its relation to executive processing. We compared resting-state connectivity between deaf and hearing individuals across 18 functional networks and 400 ROIs. Our results showed significant group differences in connectivity between seeds of the auditory network and most large-scale networks of the brain, in particular the somatomotor and salience/ventral attention networks. When we investigated group differences in resting-state fMRI and their link to behavioural performance in executive function tasks (working memory, inhibition and switching), differences between groups were found in the connectivity of association networks of the brain, such as the salience/ventral attention and default-mode networks. These findings indicate that sensory experience influences not only the organisation of sensory networks, but that it also has a measurable impact on the organisation of association networks supporting cognitive processing. Overall, our findings suggest that different developmental pathways and functional organisation can support executive processing in the adult brain

    Students’ independent work organization under performance appraisal rating system conditions

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    The leading learning method is the students’ independent work. And the teacher’s main task is to teach the students to think independently, to analyze, to choose the main idea in the information flow. Modular-rating technology of training allows not only to organize the students’ independent work in these areas, but also to predict both students and teachers activity. The educational process to teach how to work independently promotes the personality development and self-assertion, the formation of a competent person and a specialist able to move quickly and adapt to any situation.Рассмотрена самостоятельная работа студентов как ведущий метод обучения. Главная задача преподавателя – научить студентов самостоятельно мыслить, анализировать, выбирать основное в потоке информации. Модульно-рейтинговая технология обучения позволяет не только организовать самостоятельную работу студентов, но и спрогнозировать деятельность как студента, так и преподавателя. Обучение умению самостоятельно работать способствует развитию личности, формированию грамотного человека и специалиста, который может быстро адаптироваться к любой жизненной ситуации

    Student readiness formation for activities oriented to health saving

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    The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need of formation and development among students of educational organizations of the personal qualities directed to updating of their potential concerning preservation and promotion of health, organization of own style of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. formation of readiness for healthoriented activity - HOA. The purpose of the article consists in the development of conceptual aspects of readiness formation of students for HOA. The leading methodological approach to the research of this problem is a personal and activity approaches, allowing us to disclose the features of organization of an educational process directed to readiness formation of students for HOA. Conceptual aspects of students’ readiness formation for HOA conclude in the fact that health is considered as a target resource of a person which can be operated; the basis of this resource is the health saving potential of the person, its components and phases of development are presented; the model of student readiness for HOA is developed. Materials of the article can be useful to pedagogical workers regarding the organization of activities for preservation and promotion of student health in educational organizations, by means of change of intrinsic and substantial components of this activity. © 2016 Tretyakova et al

    Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Gynecological Morbidity and Extragenital Pathology in Rural Women

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    Background. The reproductive health of women is an important aspect of health that affects the reproduction of the population and its quality and is of great importance in maintaining the stable development of society, normal fertility and demographic growth of the population. The unfavorable situation concerning reproductive health of rural women requires more attention and detailed socio-hygienic and medico-demographic study. Aim of the research. To study the structure and dynamics of gynecological morbidity in rural women on the example of women living in Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district of the Irkutsk region over a period of 2015–2019, and of extragenital pathology in pregnant women.Materials and methods. The analysis of the structure and dynamics of gynecological morbidity in women (n = 1044), and of extragenital pathology in pregnant women (n = 1314) was carried out in the Regional Hospital N 2 of the UstOrdynsky settlement in 2015–2019. Statistical data processing was carried out using standard  techniques.Results. Gynecological morbidity in the female population in this rural area over a period from 2015 to 2019 tended to increase. The relationship between this growth and the coverage of the population with preventive medical examination was studied. The correlation between these factors is direct, strong and statistically  significant (r xy = 0.963; p > 99 %). In the structure of extragenital pathology of pregnant women, anemias  and diseases of the endocrine system occupy a special place.Conclusion. The greater the percentage of female population covered by preventive medical examination, the higher the rate of gynecological morbidity. In the structure of gynecological morbidity in rural women, erosion is in the first place, endometriosis is in second, and uterine myoma is in third. In the structure of extragenital pathology among pregnant women, anemia, thyroid diseases, and diabetes mellitus prevail. The results  indicate the need for a differentiated treatment and diagnostic approach to the management of pregnancy, as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs aimed at the formation of reproductive health