103 research outputs found

    Kelarutan Nitrogen Dan Asam Fitat Biji Kecipir (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus)

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    Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) flour has been studied for nitrogen and phytic acid aolubilities. The nitrogen solubility of defatted winged bean protein has an isoelectric point at about pH 4. The profile of phytic acid solubility is similar to the nitrogen solubility, but has lower solubility at alkaline pH. The nitrogen recovered in protein isolated from the seeds was highest if the solubility was taken at pH 12 and at pH of coagulation (pH 4), however, at this condition, the phytic acid content of the isolate was highest at this condition

    Komposisi Gizi Dan Daya Terima Makanan Terapi: Ready to Use Therapeutic Food Untuk Balita Gizi Buruk (Nutrition Composition and Acceptance Test of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food for Severe Malnourished Children)

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    Severe malnourished children need special diet which is nutritious, easily digested, and safe to improve their nutritional status. The diet could be Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), composed by highly digestible component such as milk, vegetable oil, sugar, vitamines, minerals, and indigenous food such as peanut, mungbean and tempeh powder. This study was aimed to examine the nutrients content and the sensory quality of local RUTF. The method utilised were acceptability test on severe malnourished children, chemical analyses to identify nutrient content and safety analysis towards microbial and heavy metal contaminants. The results showed that RUTF contained energy ranging from 521 kcal /100 g to 530 kcal/100 g, and protein ranging from 14,1 g/100 g to 16,9 g/100g. The RUTF was acceptable by malnourished children under five years old

    Formulas! Selai Pisang Raja Bulu Dengan Tempe Dan Daya Simpannya

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    Background: Jelly or jam is preserved foods, typically made from fruit by adding sugar or concentrated dektrosa with total dissolved solids content of at least 65%. Factors to consider in making butter, among others, temperature and sugar content of pectin and citric acid. Some aspects include the type of pectin, acid type and quality of fruit used and the cooking and filling procedures can also impact on the quality of butter, good physical stability and microorganisms. Methods: The addition of tempe in a jam aims to improve the nutritional value of vegetable protein. The study covers the development of formulations of jam, jelly organoleptic test to determine who was elected and also chemical analysis such as protein content, ash content and total sugar content as well as microbiological testing TPC to save power jam. Results: The results showed that the organoleptic test of banana jam and tempe is jam treatment A with the addition of citric acid: pectin = 0.5%: 1%. Results of chemical analysis of the average protein content of 6.1%, an average ash content of 1.80% and average total sugar content 35.57%. During the storage up to week-3, the jam has an average water content of 25.31%- 26.25%; pH range from 5 to 6.15; aw values ranged from 0.75 to 0.83 and the average TPC 1.6 x 102 to 2.2 x 103. From the microbiological test, jam-elect still worth consumed up to week-1 because his total number of microbes that is 4.7 x 102 is still below the maximum limit TPC jam by SNI (5 x 102 colonies / gram)

    Iodisasi Garam: Kadar Iodium Dan Stabilitas Fisika Berbagai Bentuk Iodisasi Garam

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    Iodisasi garam telah lama dilakukan di Indonesia sejak PELITA II. Salah satu alternatif penambahan iodium ke dalam garam adalah dalam bentuk mikrokapsul. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti kandungan berbagai jenis iodium dalam garam dari berbagai pasar dan mengukur waktu melarut bagi garam bila ditambahkan berbagai bentuk penyampaian iodium yakni mikrokapsul iodium, iodium dalam larutan garam jenuh dan larutan iodium dalam air suling. Ketiga bentuk penyampaian iodium ke dalam garam ini ditambahkan pada garam dan partikel garam tersebut, kemudian digantung dengan kawat wolfram dalam desikator yang berisi uap air jenuh. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis garam yang dijual di pasar di Bogor 6 dari 10 merek dagang mengandung iodium kurang dari 40ppm. Garam dengan kadar iodium 40ppm atau lebih adalah garam dengan merek dagang Miwon, Putri Duyung, Hero dan Doplin. Larutan iodium dalam air suling yang ditambahkan ke partikel garam menyebabkan garam melarut setelah 2 jam 40 menit, larutan garam jenuh setelah 3 jam 5 menit dan mikrokapsul iodium setelah lebih dari 5 jam. Garam yang ditambahkan mikrokapsul garam relatif lebih tahan terhadap stres dari uap air dalam lingkungannya

    Kadar Zat Gizi Makanan Olahan/jajanan Khas Setempat Dari Beberapa Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Dalam upaya melengkapi Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan (DKBM), khususnya bahan makanan olahan dan jajanan khas daerah, dianalisis zat gizi makanan khas Jawa Barat (bakwan, karedok, kue ambon), Jawa Timur (wajik camilan), Bali (celenges, lawar babi, lawar penyu, sate penyu dan serapah penyu), Sulawesi Selatan (kue cecuru, bayao, kue putu cangkir dan kue bagea), Kalimantan Selatan (asam aram cokelat, asam aram merah, asam kandis, asam payak dan peda calo), dan Sumatera Selatan (empek-empek, lempok durian, rusip dan tempoyak). Zat gizi yang dianalisis meliputi nitrogen total, lemak, abu, serat kasar, kalsium, posfor, zat besi, karoten, vitamin A, vitamin B1, dan vitamin C. Nama Indonesia, Latin dan Inggris masing-masing olahan/jajanan tersebut juga disajikan


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    One of the prawn rearing method had been using artificial feed of gelatin-acacia microcapsule. Characteristics of this microcapsule is very small and its size can be predicted and its density is as same as sea water.This study aimed to measure size distribution of fish oil droplet and the gelatin-acacia membrane was calculated in order to get the same density of sea water. Results of this study showed that design of microcapsules were effected by density of fish oil, membrane (coacervation of gelatin – acacia), droplet size, and density of sea water. The size distribution of fish oil droplet was presented and their variation of expected size and its actual size of microcapsule can be predicted for efficiency of the encapsulation process. Keywords: design of microencapsulation, density, droplet size

    Komposisi Zat Gizi Bahan Makanan Khas Beberapa Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Dalam tulisan ini disajikan hasil analisis zat gizi bahan makanan yang digunakan penduduk di Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Barat dan Sumatera Selatan. Bahan makanan yang dihitung kadar zat gizinya meliputi 86 macam yang terdiri dari 9 macam sumber energi, 25 macam sumber protein, dan 52 macam sumber vitamin dan mineral
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